Something about me which will probably surprise most of you probably….
I very much enjoy dancing. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I’m good at it. Far from it if we’re being honest.
I’m not built for grace. VERY far from it, actually.
But there’s nothing like holding the person you love, holding her closely and moving together to the music in the candlelight.
Sadly, over the past few years I’ve found that many ladies are too self-conscious to dance. This honestly surprised me. I thought it would be the other way around. I thought it was the guys who would be the wallflowers. I guess sometimes you just never know.
Sportzballs Which Will Move You 2Nite
- Boston @ NYY – 7:00pmEDT – TV: MLBN (Regional Split)
- LA Angels @ Cleveland – 7:00pmEDT – TV: MLBN (Regional Split)
And honestly, that’s about all I know. I’m not in the mood to do too much research today.
Who Is My Favorite Dancer?
Easy answer. Not even a contest.
Julianne Hough. No question.
I’m not in a Hough. But I’d like to be.
Get it?
Oooooof. Dear lord I need to get a towel.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
Love ya’s.
“Keep ’em at 24,000. No, feet.”
Greatest lines ever.
Every Airplane! scene with Robert Stack is pure gold.
Speaking of Airplane! I’m watching The Fountainhead (1949), screenplay by Ayn Rand based on the novel by Ayn Rand. In fact, Rand contractually insisted that every single word of dialogue that she wrote in the screenplay had to be in the finished film. And it’s a hoot. It’s one turgid scene after another with a blatant phallic symbol in every ten minutes. It was directed by King Vidor as a big-budget “A-picture” at Warners, so it’s very polished, but oh my goodness the dialogue is incredibly inane. It’s like a cartoon. I could remake this into a parody, just like Airplane! did with Zero Hour. The cinematography and art direction are pretty good though.
I highly recommend it because it’s such high quality stupidity.
That’s Sean Hannity’s porn right there.
Wait. The Fountainhead isn’t supposed to be a comedy?

I move to overturn the corrupt two picture limit on DFO comments.
Those aren’t the bears I invited!
Just got to the “I take it black, like my men” line.
My daughter is crying.
Is that good or bad?
Which ever; she’s not going back.
But does she speak jive yet?
June Cleaver hasn’t showed up yet, so no.
I went to boot camp at Great Lakes; I’ll teach her how to move that big ass properly.
Karate Kid 2 really does feel like a summer break from life
The Karate Kid 2 “villain” is a total neck beard
Just had 5-6 beers, took the dog for a 2.6 mile walk, and about to show my daughter ‘Airplane!’ for the first time.
Parenting. I has it.
I cannot wait for that scene.
God I’m so bad at this.
My parents started with “Blues Brothers”.
I’ll take the one on the right, +/-69
[Hippo check for………………… BOX score.]
I am still unclear as to how autoerotic asphyxiation feels, man
Not Worth it.
–David Carradine
I will never NOT rec this. I mean, THE FACE on THAT CAT
I wonder if there is a specific category yet in the DSM for coming home to discover that your husband father, and/or sex slave is ded from choking himself whilst jerking off.
At least they died happy because it feels good man!
It’s under “loser”
See Superowl LI; they choked and liked it up to the end.
So you blank out too?!?
I really love the “Good Character turns Evil” tropes. And not the brainwashed or blackmailed types. When they genuinely turn evil and enjoy every minute of it.
The last bit is one of my favorite moments from a series full of favorite moments.
(Insert whomever is latest teen heartthrob name here) has NOTHING on Carl.
Whenever have you heard a xylophone used so well?
You haven’t….just admit it.
Big Daddy Drew?
after the “incident” I guess?
I can’t tell if he’s dancing, threating someone, or experiencing a seizure.
I watched Descendants 3 (because one of us here had to bite the bullet), and beneath all the dancing that’s only there to pad for time, there is actually a pretty good story here that is completely wasted because its a Disney Channel movie. Its like if Rocky was done with the same budget that Kevin Smith had for Clerks. It would’ve been the same story, but it wouldn’t exactly be the same thing.
Just got back from tax-free weekend school supply shopping. Lil Petunia starts kindergarten along with the Piglet moving to 1st, so it was a mandated list of supplies, or $30 for each kid.
I should have just paid the $60.00. Weeping Jebus on the Cross.
This just showed up when I logged onto gfycat. It’s a sign.

ooooh, can you ask if she has low standards and a Daddy Complex?
The team on bet365 with the highest odds to win the Superb Owl is…… the Miami Dolphins at 126 to 1.
I’ll take that bet.
That means you owe me $126, right?
I miss Rerun.
Dude could kick it.
It took a good 30 episodes, but Love Island is finally starting to get a little dull. I think they need to introduce hard drugs.
It’s like they heard me, but instead of hard drugs they introduced handjobs.
Maybe from now on I should call them Kraftjobs.
Or Bobjobs.
Can we add the hard drugs during the hand jobs? Or is an either/or?
Kraft Singles
You have my attention.

This fucking concert aired on MTV during prime time at the height of the TRL era. It has huge chunks of footage from pro-Zapatista protests and features in-depth explanations of the whole thing. You had US bank executives calling for the Mexican government to basically execute the revolutionaries, and it’s like nobody remembers it even happened.
We need RATM to come back.
About the best you get these days is the occasional De La Rocha guest spot on a RTJ song.
Also, think Shea Wigham is physically incapable of playing anything that isn’t a cop. He was Light’s cop dad in the Netflix adaptation of Death Note too.
Will always be Atlantic County Sheriff to me
She was willing to go topless in that movie (having that shirt taped just enough is so cheesy) but I wonder if she did, would she have done the scene in True Detective and given the world two GOAT nude gifs. I wonder the same thing about this big-titted girl in Euphoria, Sydney Sweeney. DD hasn’t actually showed her boobs since True Detective.
Full set. I just downloaded it so it’s clean as far as I can tell.
These seem to appeal to Balls’ interests:
I intentionally stayed away from those photos. But I’m happy to see them.
They’ll be fine, they are made of cartilage anyway. Gives them a good respect for concrete.
My parenting philosophy is going to amount to watching them do something stupid, then ask if it hurt, then ask if they will do it again.
Sonny Bono at six years old.
(too soon?)
Oh, I went surfing this morning. Surfing is good for my soul.
I haven’t been on a board in nearly a year.
I am now sad.
Celebrating 20 years since the most important album of my generation by watching the Battle of Mexico City concert. Written like these motherfuckers had a crystal ball, nobody listened, we stayed on script for 20 years, and here we are.
Listened to them the other day and thought that like the Simpsons they could see the future.
Wife put me in charge of finding a baby monitor for us. Holy fuck those things are expensive, and come with unnecessary bells and whistles.
You know when you hit that one spot? Well, it can be misinterpreted when it happens on the bus.
The butt defense works in hockey too.
Jack Chick’s horny years
Perverted? Tomato/ tomato.
A rather sedate gif of Bella Thorne.
From the last 24 hours
Counterpoint: I want in in that perverted situation,
Julianne Hough is tiny and apparently into girls.
You are clearly meeting the wrong girls.
Neither of those things repel me.
Gimme an hour in a room with her. And another girl if need be.
It was just informational. She is definitely not repellent.
Also, the second sentence stands alone. It really should have been a separate comment.
Lesbians are great at cards.
Yeah, she really doesn’t do much for me, but her being into girls is definitely in the plus column.
Lesbian or not, with women like that you’d be doing it for yourself anyway.
Which is safe if you have pocket sand.