Your “Politeness is the flower of humanity” Friday Evening Open Thread

OK.  Not to sound too maudlin, but this will be my father’s fifth dead Christmas.  He went out in the spring of ’15.

Shit happens.

I like flowers.

(I’m not gay, you’re gay)

((not that there’s anything wrong with that))

But every year we go and visit his (and other dead folks’) graves and put flowers on them at Christmas.  We actually do it several times a year.  Christmas, Spring/Easter, Summer, Fall.  You name it.  And I get that it’s good for these old people, of whom I now have become one (I turned 53 two days ago), to have a remembrance of the past.  Well at least the ones who can remember the past, that is.

Wait, what was I talking about?

But seriously, folks….

This year we decided to leave my morbidly obese, horribly disfigured and dementia ridden uncle at home…

tWBS: I’m not picking him up if he falls.

tWBS’ Mom: Screw you, I’m not either.

tWBS: Wooooo, issue decided!!!

(so we left the old fucker at home)

((he won’t remember in two days))

So it was just Mom and myself this year.  But it was still cold.  Damned cold.  After the visitation of the dead, I stopped at the booze store on the way home and could barely wait until getting home to have a nip.


But as flippant and I’m being here so far, we did go to various “markers” and put down Christmas flowers today.  So that’s our thing this week.

Flower Power!!!

Sports To Tickle Your Petals 2Nite


  • Denver @ Boston – 8:00pmEST – TV: ESPN
  • LAL @ Portland – 10:30pmEST – TV: ESPN

Full Schedule


  • Providence @ Rhode Island – In Progress – RI up by 11 at the time of this writing – TV: ESPN2
  • Iowa @ (4)Michigan – In Progress – Michigan in control by 12 – TV:FS1
  • USC @ TCU – 9:00pmEST – TV: ESPN2

Full Schedule


  • (5)Utah @ (13)Oregon – 8:00pmEST – TV: ABC

Full Weekend Schedule

Girls Holding Flowers Are Nice

So what?  I like flowers.  Sue me!!!!

No, please don’t actually sue me.

But this is one of mine…

Have a great weekend everyone.

Love ya’s.

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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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Utah, back?

Mr. Ayo

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Viva La Tabula Raza

More on the flower theme. I was never much into blondes, always a brunette man (because better chance of hairy bush). But i would make an exception for Goldie (but only for a while, because zaftig has a short shelf life).comment image

Viva La Tabula Raza

Didn’t ever watch that series. Now I never will.

Col. Duke LaCross

Hah! My only booze league fantasy championship team was called “Make Flowers on Me.”


Sudden Chagne!




A bunch of video clips of JLo stripping and dancing from Hustlers. Some redditor compiled all the good parts.

Some of her main stripping scene had leaked a couple weeks ago, so you’ve likely already seen parts of this on this sub, but the other parts are (AFAIK) newly online.

This was a quick first pass; I couldn’t get access to the 4k source quite yet, though I imagine others might have higher res clips (as well as possibly brighter / color-adjusted clips) from it up sometime soon-ish.


(1). Stripping at the club (two parts) –

(2). Teaching Constance Wu to pole dance:

(3a). Stripping together with Constance Wu for a guy (first scene):

(3b). Stripping together, second scene:

(4). Grinding on a guy:

(5). Misc. other scenes:

UPDATE: the folk(s) at celebrityplotarchive already have higher res quality gfys up:


All right, I’m off to the grocery store where the Dr. Mrs. Deadly, Esq. and I will argue about whether or not there are enough steaks in the freezer. I mean this in a very literal sense. She thinks that “zero” is an acceptable number, and is very wrong. You know who else thought it was okay to have zero steaks in the freezer?



Brick Meathook

Hitler is right! (vegetarian). Pol Pot was also a vegetarian who kept skulls in his freezer, except he didn’t have a freezer, he had a big building.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Now there’s a fun fact of which I was not previously aware. Thank you!


NAWT FAIR that these dr. Pepper scholarship competitors are both women when over 50% of college students are women already!


So I get to be in Vegas the weekend of the SB. We are there the week after and then head to Phoenix for my wife’s conference. Based on y’all’s visits, where would be the best place to watch the game after eating an edible or two, plus some alcohol?


Ask ; he’s our Vegas correspondent.


is there too.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Can’t leave without sharing this. The president has turned into my great uncle when he came down with the dementia and had to be put in a home. We’re all gonna die sooner than we should. Speaking at a White House meeting earlier today about small business and regulation

The light bulb — they got rid of the light bulb that people got used to. The new bulb is many times more expensive and — I hate to say it — it doesn’t make you look as good. Of course, being a vain person, that’s very important to me. It’s like — it gives you an orange look. I don’t want an orange look. Has anyone noticed that? So we’ll have to change those bulbs in at least a couple rooms where I am in the White House. … We have a situation where we’re looking very strongly at sinks and showers. And other elements of bathrooms — where you turn the faucet on, in areas where there’s tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it — and you don’t get any water. You turn on the faucet and you don’t get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out, just dripping out, very quietly, dripping out. People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once. They end up using more water. So EPA is looking at that very strongly, at my suggestion. You go into a new building, or a new house or a new home, and they have standards where you don’t get water. You can’t wash your hands practically, so little water comes out of the faucet. And the end result is you leave the faucet on and it takes you much longer to wash your hands. .. For the most part. you have many states where they have so much water, it comes down — it’s called rain. They don’t know what to do with it. … A lot of things we do are based on common sense. If I didn’t get elected you wouldn’t have a steel industry. … We weren’t going to have a steel industry.

The “I’m vain” remark is the closest thing to self-awareness I have ever heard out of him or any of his spawn.


I can’t believe he thinks it is the light bulb that makes him look orange.

Viva La Tabula Raza

If dude would stop with the cucumber slices over his eyes when he’s in the tanning bed, he’d look a little more like a normal human being. I hope that the melanoma is getting ready to ravage him.comment image


If this is just a preamble to invading Canada to reclaim complete control over the Great Lakes…. I’m for it. We’ll send our Hobo Corps in first.

Col. Duke LaCross

Most of the Hobo Corps have… disappeared. Not that another DFOer had anything to do with that.

Brick Meathook

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and Our President is absolutely correct here. The new lightbulbs are very energy efficient but they render awful skin tones. On everybody. Same goes for LED lights that are used in professional production everywhere. Tungsten bulbs only should be used on faces. For electronic flash, use a ½ CTO gel on the unit to warm it up.


Think I can get the DJs to change the Christmas music to Pantera or Slayer?

Mr. Ayo

Settle down Beavis.


How about my fav, Spinal Tap’s Christmas with the Devil?

Viva La Tabula Raza

This game blows dead dogs. Off to Prime, or maybe Motor Trend app.


They announced the Avett Brothers for May 2020 in Vancouver. From the clips Seamus occasionally puts up they seem like a good time.

Viva La Tabula Raza

More flowers, only us “OK, Boomers” will probably remember this one.


If they throw out two different teams after halftime I think everyone would be happy


I’m not keeping track but I thing this game is gonna set the record for most false start penalties of all tim


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Mr. Ayo

Yes please.
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90% of body heat is lost through the butt crack ppl forget that


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Mr. Ayo

Team Secular Big Love is taking it up the ass tonight.

Senor Weaselo

Knicks fire David Fizdale. “This is the point where the season turns around and they lose games by 25 instead of 40,” say hopeful Knicks fans. All four of them left.


Tyler Huntley: (tries to run for it on 4th down.)
Oregon D: “Tyler, you ignorant slut.”

Col. Duke LaCross

Holy fucking shit. We SUUUUUUUUUCK!


You haven’t earned the right to use the Bengals Battle Cry!


I thought that was your “safe” phrase.

Viva La Tabula Raza

why not both?


Its Pre-Bowl Football Weekend, so my complete focus is on football games and nothing is going to distract me from hey Thor: Ragnarok is on TBS? Bye, football game!


Football talkin guys trying to hype up non-Playoff Bowl games like they still matter. That’s like hearing “well we can still be friends” from a woman.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Love that album. Saw Byrne 3 times last year, and they played “Blind” from Naked each time. Bad ass.


I am fixing to sing along to this at FULL VOLUME!!


Ha, no! I lived in Birmingham for 13 years, but I’m a yinzer by birth. I live in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia now. What a long strange trip it’s been!


I have moved 21 times. Husband is retired Navy, and then worked in wireless telecom for another 20 years. Been there, done that, bought the fucking t shirt!


The Oregon Duck has a fanny pack, what it contains I do not know.


Quack rocks


Why does the Oregon Duck mascot has a fanny pack?

King Hippo

theeeeee minds think alike (see above?)

methinks it’s his heroine “shooter” kit

/Jane’s was teh BEST

King Hippo

this is an INCREDIBLE cheerleader fixture, though

King Hippo

Jeebus, what is wrong with Herbert? You’re gonna punt anyway, and you lead 10-nil!

King Hippo

Well fuck a duck (pun intended), I need to be up early tomorrow am to wake up my kid (and also watch Chelski beat the tar shit out my Toffees).

King Hippo

fucking Quack Attack trying to take shots at Huntley


Congratulations tWBS, for giving me a very solid topic for the upcoming season of Request Line. Consider this a shakedown run.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Puts me in mind of one of my favorite movies. See also: my avatar.comment imagecomment image

Also, a book by another of my favorite authors.comment image

King Hippo

if teevee had its way, we’d have the same 4 or 5 goddamned teams in the playoffs every year

DUE BETTER Team Secular Big Love


With the current expectations of the referees, 15 years from now football should be amazing with youngers being trained in Pee Wee Football to stop and change direction while in midair.


“American football changed into Super Mario Bros. so gradually I barely even noticed…” – RTD, circa 2035

Viva La Tabula Raza

So, I went and had my pre-op appointment for the foot surgery I’m having Tuesday AM. This surgery is a bit more involved than I imagined. The doc said it’s just about the most radical foot surgery you can get aside from amputation. There will be a large incision starting about 4 inches above my ankle that will go down to below my inner ankle bone and then curve around and continue towards my big toe along the side of my foot for another 4 or 5 inches. Then some more small cuts on the back of my calf to facilitate access for stretching out the Achilles tendon. So they’re re-attaching the posterior tendon, fusing two bones together above my ankle and two below my ankle, and stretching the Achilles. I’ll be under the knife for around two hours. For two months after the surgery, I will need to be prone with leg elevated and ice-packed, getting around the house on the rolling knee scooter, which I have to rent for a hundo a month with no insurance help, crutches for maneuvering the stairs into the sunken living room (thank goodness it’s only three steps), no walking, no driving, and he’ll evaluate my progress after the two months is up. He said there is a possibility that the convalescence might take a little extra time past the two months, and that it varies from patient to patient. I will be relying on the kindness of all my friends from the wine bar for grocery and liquor runs, as well as any other various and sundry favors or rides that I might need. Fortunately the list of people who have volunteered to help far exceeds the number of times I anticipate needing such help, so that should be no problem.

Upside is I’ll go at least two months teleworking instead of driving the 70 mile RT to the base and back. Plus, drugs (don’t be jelly, Hippo). The Man brought me a bunch of edibles, so that’s going to be good too.

This is not quite what I thought I was getting into, and it’s a bit scary, but I’d rather go through it now than spend the rest of my life limping around in constant pain as is currently the case.

King Hippo

oh you’ll get the good shit. I have also had 2 surgeries on each foot, though not as intense as your’n. Good Karma to your recovery, even as a P*ts fan!

/I also bought a few Alan Furst books on your recommend, gracias

Viva La Tabula Raza

I hope you dig them. Dude is my favorite author. Night Soldiers is his first and still remains my favorite. I’ve probably read it 15 times over the last 30 years. Everyone I have ever turned on to the guy just loves his work.

King Hippo

if you run out of convalescing reading material, am glad to send ye a parcel of my past readings

Viva La Tabula Raza

Appreciate the offer, but you probably won’t be pressed into service/have to make a trip to the post office. I’ve got plenty of stuff already; I’ve probably read 80% of what you see in these photos, but tend to keep books that I think I might read again. Plus the 4 or 5 hundred books on my kindle, and an Amazon Prime watchlist as long as your arm. And, it’s Bowl Season! Being bored is not one of my worries…
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King Hippo

I bow to your literariness!

Viva La Tabula Raza

I asked my dad once why I didn’t have any siblings. After the obligatory “I figured out what was causing it” remark, he said that he figured that I’d be getting my first Nobel by the time I was 30 since I taught myself how to read before I turned 2 years old, in essence putting all his money on the one number and letting it ride. I told him it was too bad that all the smarts in the world don’t really add up to much if the person so equipped had no drive or ambition, and he sadly agreed.


Lady Chatterly’s Lover! I knew it!


I’m hoping for the best for you.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Thanks. Fortunately, my convalescence will end just about the time of the SB, so I will also have this outlet to keep me occupied as well.


Premature BIG LOL of the Week goes to the people, some of our very own, who thought Utah was actually good.


Honest to God, I never realized Utah was #5 until yesterday. I thought the system was setup to prevent stuff like this from happening.

King Hippo

they ARE, just not playing well yet. They had some issue Q1 of season finale.


I never knew I needed a scene of the Joker arguing with the foreman building his lair but I guess I did.


Joker: “What do you mean I need a permit for a trap door?! The whole point is for people to not know its there. Especially the city!”


I mean, why else would the mob be interested in the construction trade if not to avoid all that permit shit. Especially when disposing of bodies.


The voice in my head saying that line belonged to The Monarch, but it was no less funny as a result. That’s good writin’.


Some pretty shifty camera work there to avoid showing the 30% filled stadium.


That’s how you get promoted to the big time (i.e. working Chargers’ games).


smh this would never happen if we would just #armthetroops


Sitting alone at wifey’s company Christmas party. At least there’s an open bar, which is the best kind of bar.


“I’m only here because I slept with the right people”

King Hippo

Little known divorce benefit – I haven’t been to a wedding or Xmas party in 10 years!

Col. Duke LaCross

They may want to spy that asshole.


Sorry, I’ll get back on track with the theme.

Col. Duke LaCross

Not a good start for the Utes.