Let’s Munch – Tuesday Night Open thread

Good evening! It’s been awhile since I have pulled the night shift here so bear with me.

The 2nd night of the Westminster dog show is tonight but I figured that out far too late to write too much about it. I am a pug man, my best friend Oxipug left me a while back and I still think about him all the time. I have his ashes in an urn in the living room because, irrationally I don’t want him to go far. We plan on getting another dog when we get a house because with a toddler having to go down stairs to let the dog outside is a pain in the ass, especially in the winter months. When the time comes we will rescue a dog and you’re god damned right if there is a pug that needs saving that I will do it.

I have chosen snacks for the topic this evening. I like to shop at international markets and I gravitate for their junk food aisle. It has always been a passion of mine when backpacking (I read this as barebacking and that is way different). Why go for Pringles when you could try something new, and a lot of the time surprising? For Christmas my wife bought me a subscription to global snacks once a month which really excited me. If you have a subpar day at work, come home to a screaming kid you need a small slice of escapism. I smoke a bowl and have a snack. Here are a few that I have tried so far.

Sesame Cracker Sticks – Korea

I bought these at an Asian supermarket an they were not what I was expecting. I guess I thought that figured it would be a savoUry snack and it was not. The twists tasted like if a honey glazed donut was dried and twisted. I absolutely loved them and have bought them again since the initial purchase. They do kind of cut the roof of your mouth like Cap’n Crunch does but like the Cap’n very worth it.

Sibell – Braised Chicken Chips – France

Oh hell yes. These came in the first snack box and I knew they were going to kick ass. In the UK chicken chips are a thing so although I had never seen this brand there before I know they were going to be awesome.  They were phenomenal. Quite thin in comparison to “crisps” in the UK where they like em thiccc. I honestly wish I could find these somewhere in my city. They do have an option to order more from the snack box company but the prices are absurd.

Snackgold- Raspberry Frambuesa Chips – Italy

This also came in the 1st snack box. It was the December box which was from all over but normally you get snacks from one country. Like last month it was Poland and this month it will be France. I really didn’t know what to think of these. Did Italians actually like these? I have never seen a fruit flavoUred potato chip before. The verdict is that they taste weird. You definitely get the raspberry flavoUr but it’s salty and the tastes just do not make sense. I wouldn’t buy them again because there are far better options.

/That’s a lie, if I ever see them again I will give them another try because they just tasted so strange.

Krowka – Poland

The boxes come with candy I guess. This is vanilla fudge from Poland. It was fantastic. I have a good buddy from Poland and he goes home every summer. He’s doing so this year and I have requested these.

Things you can watch tonight.

If I am wrong which is probable look it up yourself.

Westminster Dog Show- It is on Sportsnet up here, and FS1 Down there

There is basketball, both the Professional (6 games) and the.paid under the table variety.

There is a lot of hockey (11 games) on tonight on various channels.

I am curious, what are your favoUrite snacks? Regional?, Run of the mill? Let’s start that debate on a slow Tuesday night.

I did a post with no Futbol talk. Huzzah!

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- A pugs best friend. - Wine drinker. - Loves to use the letter U behind O. - Iggles fan, Fulham FC (Mighty Whitey) supporter, Cavalry FC Ultra. - One of the resident futbol freaks at the clubhouse.
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Game Time Decision

can we get updates on the snacks as you get more?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

So I see that Cheeto Mussolini has changed the near-60-year-old traditional livery on Air Force One, to make it “more American.”
Jesus fucking Christ.
Next up: replace the 50 stars on the US flag with fifty mini-portraits of the orange blob, to make it more American.
I swear, if this fucker doesn’t leave office voluntarily next year when he is voted out, which I really doubt he will, I’m just gonna smoke my Colt 1911 (yeah, democrats own guns too).


No, don’t do that! The proper way to go down swinging would be to attend a MAGA rally and get taken out in a 50-way crossfire that you start.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It’s fine.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

ook ook?

Viva La Tabula Raza

Worked out okay for House Atreides, anyway.comment image

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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At least he washed his hands thoroughly.

BC Dick

That son of a bitch better.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

Prostate exam is gonna be a bit of an ordeal.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

Is that space between the two circular formations called a “taint” or a “grundle”?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It’s the space between Cactus and Lacrosse.

yeah right

Actually it shows the effect of sea water level rise based on climate change in the bikini atoll. Could be Kwajalein but it might be closer to Midway. The good news is the US stored nuclear waste there from the atomic bomb tests from world war II. Nothing to see here folks. Water’s nice and warm though.

No silly, that structure is supposed to deteriorate.


Found a funny:
sorry i’m late, time isn’t real and i’m not convinced i am either

Viva La Tabula Raza

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

Man, I had a whole bookshelf of those How and Why Wonder books in my early youth. I’d forgotten they existed until just now.


So IA and NH are really gonna decide who gets gone? Nah. Two tiny lily-white states don’t mean jack.

I mean, other than Yang. Don’t let the math door hit ya etc.

Viva La Tabula Raza

If the Dems want to nominate an Asian-American as their candidate, they could do worse than George Takei.


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“A woman, a black, and an asian walk into the democratic national convention, stop me if you’ve heard this one”

Viva La Tabula Raza

“Get those fuckers out of here right fucking now!”
—DNC, 1912

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Yeah, New Hampshire’s only a state because someone tricked Charlie I into making it a crown colony and Iowa has proven it literally doesn’t know how to count.

They don’t deserve this kind of power!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

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Viva La Tabula Raza

Wyoming has less population than many congressional districts in California, but they still have two whole senators. Your conclusion translates here as well.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

This comment does not add up.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Senor Weaselo

As ridiculous as Double Pits to Shesty has played the Ice Giants might want to stop allowing 40+ SOG per game.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I don’t understand a single word of your post. I’m guessing since the word “Ice” is in there it has something to do with hockey, but that’s just a guess on my part. And, please don’t expend any effort on a translation, because I probably won’t understand that either.


I hope to hell he starts Sunday

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

Ken Baker? Glad that wasn’t a trend that took. Fuck working on a Bilgat or a Stevjob.


Warren and Biden are a distant 4th and 5th?!

King Hippo

yeah, game over for both. Warren will admit it first. Maybe Pete and Amy combine forces?


Sanders is “Left”. Buttigieg is “Normal Democrat”. What is Klobuchar?

Warren will admit it but it won’t be this one. She’ll go all in on Nevada and S. Carolina and if she wins, try to spin New Hamsphire as weird and Iowa as tainted.

King Hippo

Nice lady, mean boss.

King Hippo

(and probably about dead in the middle, ideologically, of the Demmycrats’ Senate caucus)


So what you’re saying is if they’re still standing once its Ohio’s turn at this mess, I have to choose between the Democratic version of Diet Coke or Coke Zero.

King Hippo

pretty much. Or Bloomberg. He’s like Mitt Romney, but who really hates guns


I will vote for Trump before I vote for Bloomberg. At least he earned his nomination. He did it by hate and fear, but its more than anything Bloomberg’s done.

King Hippo

Dude. I told ya my cat’s name if you gets desperate for a write-in…


I’ll accept those negatives, but that just means gun to my head I gotta pick one. If November comes and those are my two choices, I’m heading north on I-75 et activer mon identité de sauvegarde au Canada.

Viva La Tabula Raza

It doesn’t really matter, because the TRUMP CRIME SYNDICATE is going to gin up some bullshit reason, like coronavirus, to declare a national emergency and postpone (i.e. cancel) the November elections. We already have the nation’s leader in office that will still be in charge when I die, 20 years hence, at age 80. If I’m lucky enough to even make it that long.

The last two months since my podiatric surgery, in which I have left the main level of my house exactly three times, makes me feel like Martin Sheen in the Saigon hotel room in the first scene of Apocalypse Now. Having to watch the collapse of our democracy has not helped my mindset.

Thank goodness I have a lot of friends that I can touch up to make liquor store runs infrequently enough that they don’t realize how much I am plowing through. Hope they all don’t put their heads together and figure out how much I’m going through, fuck an intervention. This timeline is so fucking depressing.

Viva La Tabula Raza

this shit is coming.comment image


Elections are handled at the state level, though, so that would only work with MAGA states, which he’d WANT to have vote anyways.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Fuck it, I’m just going to write-in Vladimir Putin. Or vote Trump. Same fucking difference.


I’m going to write in “Destruct sequence 1, code 1-1 A”. I’ll need three other votes to complete the sequence but at least America’s Self Destruct Sequence will be partly started.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Dude, the fuse for America’s Self Destruct Sequence was lit in 1980 when Reagan was elected and the dismantling of the New Deal commenced. It’s just taken this long for it all to come to a head.


Thank you for identifying patient zero.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I was there.comment image

King Hippo

No delegates FOAR either one.


Well the Ice Giants – Bombers game changed rather quickly

Viva La Tabula Raza

For weird snacks, the Japanese win walking away. I don’t think there’s anything on this list that I would even want to touch with my bare hands, let alone put in my mouth, except maybe the Diet Water. Couple of L_C’s listings I would at least try. Not these:

BC Dick

Tuna Doritos? Hot damn.

King Hippo

you know, I want to eat pussy, but I also want cheese

Viva La Tabula Raza

Smells like tuna, tastes like chicken.

BC Dick

Like after a long nap. Which came after a long run.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I’m originally from SE Massachusetts, where they like their steaks cooked same as the current president does, and where putting cinnamon on oatmeal makes it too spicy.
I got into some of the wilder spicier foods during my 20’s through mid-50’s, and eating Tex-Mex here in South Central Texas (to the waiter: “bring me the caliente salsa, not that shit you serve to the gringos”) for the last almost 45 years, but now have to take it a lot easier on my GI tract, given the bariatric surgery last year. I miss the younger me that I could gastronomically abuse almost without penalty.

King Hippo

U*NC losing heavily to Wake Forest. Would drop them to 10-14, and Ol’ Roy has NEVAR had a losing season


Flyers should play in the West, if we’re being honest about things.


Whooooooooooo fuck the Isles. Tied up after being down 3-0


Welp, that was bound to happen

Mr. Ayo

How you feel about them now?


Still fuck the Isles imo




What up y’all.

Good news: There are now openings for prosecutors at the DoJ! Only qualification seems to be doing well on the Barr.

And I too miss Oxipug. He was a good and mellow boy.

King Hippo

You know who I always found underratedly hot? Kyra Sedgwick.


Too bad she’s makin Bacon.

King Hippo

otherwise, she’d TOTES be into me

King Hippo

Fucking Goias, man.


Wolfers up by 7 with 2 and a half left.

King Hippo

I won’t flip back. You can’t make me.

King Hippo

As a (mostly imaginary) buddy likes to say – NC State could screw up free ice cream.


Blockbuster: The Musical


It’s gonna suck so hard when the Ice Giants trade Chris Kreider

King Hippo

Goias’ manager is wearing track pants. I can dig it!

Brick Meathook

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Game Time Decision

Pictured here is the DFO club house treadmill getting use


Lazy Dog


@Hippo, it just occurred to me that Bates looks like Cozell McQueen’s lovechild.

King Hippo

indeed, good point! I am no longer watching. But I remember how he looks. Not that dementia-ridden. YET.


Number of NHL goalies named Carter: 2
Number of teen bop idols named Carter: 0
I don’t think I need to tell you all what this means…

King Hippo

Malaise Forever?

King Hippo

I put a quarter on Goias to comeback. Copa Sudamerica it esta!

King Hippo

Leeds/Bees draw was pretty much best case, yeah?


The weirdest snack food that immediately comes to mind is the Japanese watermelon KitKats that were brought to my last job by Nexion broadcasting. They were…interesting


I didn’t think the Used Schoolgirl Panties varietal would make it through Customs.


The golden retriever that just won the sporting group is from my tiny hometown. Go Daniel!

King Hippo

If Boeheim ever gets bored of coaching, he’d be a GREAT Bernie impersonator. He and Larry David could get a lounge act going.

King Hippo

I’mma have to switch to Mayor Pete, it looks like. Candidate #3, don’t let Hippo down!


Yang’s out of the race. Time to bring that sweet UBI following to the good guys. Bangernie 2020!


Ice Giants vs. Ice Bombers!


Those Jets 3rds are sexy as hell though.


Who woulda thunk Litre would know about munchies?


Brad Marchand has kid(s)? Well, it was about time we had another Children’s Crusade.

King Hippo

oooooh, I want Zaxby’s caribbean jerk boneless wings. noooooo, I don’t want to leave the house.

King Hippo

FINALLY a goddamned mid-range jumper. We did get the memo that they play a zone?

King Hippo

Have I ever mentioned that NC State is terrible? Because NC State is terrible.

King Hippo

Had there been a tv timeout while State was still up 7-9 points, I woulda


I bet the under (149).
Gon’ be close.

King Hippo

This title struck Hippo MOAR as an invite to a lesbian orgy. Hey, I could use the pointers.


Hey Hippo, our leading scorer is out. A W is staring you in the face.

King Hippo

Now I will be even madder when we loses. 🙁

/it’s a Derby, y’all!!

King Hippo

UPDATE – all ur turnovers are belong to us


If we could hit layups you guys would be in big, big trouble, Buster.

King Hippo

Only SillyCuse could have a 10-footer off-backboard airball, but still be ahead.

BC Dick

I read it like that, too. And would also like a mozza.


I want a root beer and onion rings. I rarely do fast food chains but that shit is great.

BC Dick

I wish there were more chicken chips around. I’ve seen roast chicken lays but not a common variety. It seems like the French and Brits would have that kind of flavour down pat. I thought those sesame things looked savoury as well. I usually like that kind of thing.
My favourite – Hawkin’s cheezies. Right now I’m also into the Miss Vickie’s BBQ which I don’t usually go for and Old Dutch crunch jalapeno/cheddar.
Oh, and also absolutely any other snack I can drive down my gullet.
Recently confirmed that eating more than a few five-cent type candies give me horrendous stomach pain and an unquenchable desire to defecate what appears to be black driveway tar. So that’s now off the favourites menu and it hurts me so very much.

BC Dick


Viva La Tabula Raza

This happened to me. Horrendous stomach pain followed by black feces, indicative of digested blood. Stomach ulcer. Get an endoscopy. I had the same symptoms, it can be treated easily and painlessly, most stomach ulcers are viruses and treatable with antibiotics.



King Hippo

preferred doggie wins – Bitch got what she deserved!
dislike the current doggie on parade – Bitch, PLEASE!
need doggie to win to pay mortgage – Bitch better have my money.