Saturday Night’s Alright…FOAR #NuAIDS Time-Delayed Raging Semis!

And then there wuz FOUR. Rage on, y’all!

2MW Houston (+5) v. 1S Baylor (5:14, CBS)

All Texas early on, but not with the squadrons one is used to seeing. It’s been easy to overlook, overshadowed by Gonzaga’s dominance, but the JV 500s and Bay-Bay have looked mighty strong, too. Expect this one to go down to maybe the last possession. I certainly expect/hope for some dramatics.

11E UCLA (+14) v. 1W Gonzaga (8:34, CBS)

CBS did us all a solid, putting this one on late. If it’s an ass-beating, we can just pass out, without any worry that we will snooze through the other fixture. But like I said last round – Mick Cronin’s bunch are REALLY good at forcing their tempo on you. They did it to Michigan, and were able to pip them late. Zags haven’t been in a legitimately close game since…maybe December 2019? I ain’t looking it up.

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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Mr. Ayo

Footy fight! lol


Can I stay up long enough to watch GWS live? I don’t know, third glass of scotch, can i?

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

The ACLU Bruins are two gay married bears talking about the horrors of the Patriot Act


The LUCA Bruins are the two tearstained teddy bears that the poor abused boy who lives upstairs from you clutches every night. Yes, I think you’ve seen him before.


I’m honoring Jesus this Easter weekend by drinking Old Rasputin Ale — that fucker wouldn’t stay dead, either.


Music to go roller skating to:

yeah right

I grew up as a civil service rat and moved around but I settled In Southern California. And I like it.
I’ve been a fan of UCLA basketball since fucking Lew Alcindor and Bill Walton.

Watching them for years.

Never been more proud of this team than the effort they showed tonight.

Bruin strong.

Hold your heads high.


With that kind of game, there are no losers. Just a team that didn’t win.


They’re all going to be back next year. Bigger, stronger, a little more mature. Should be good!


I’ll be back next year, too! Bigger and … no, that’s about it.


It’s important just to come back next year, I will settle for that. And now that I’m half vaxed, it’s a pretty good bet!

yeah right

April 21st and I’m fully fucking vaxxed.


My second dose is April 30. Then 2 weeks for full effect. Gumby is done already. I am keeping the mask, but it is a huge weight off my shoulders. Every time I went to the fucking store I’ve been afraid I was bringing death home with me. I’m sick of worrying all the time.

yeah right

It opens the pipeline to LA recruiting for sure. It’s been almost 15 years of watching these best ball players in LA go to B1G schools or elsewhere.

Some of the best talent on the planet comes from here.

It should be recruited here.

It should stay here.


Saturday Night Live is like a High School Play: Only the cool, popular kids get the parts and everyone else is forced to sign in the chorus.


Watching curling and secsiMexi futbol with the inlaws. I am cultured.


Is it a party foul if I bust into the Easter candy tonight?


What’s Jesus going to do? He’s still “sleeping”

Doktor Zymm

I heard he went to a farm in the country, with plenty of room for him to run and play


Zymm, I dont know what your old/new avatar is but I think its a cat with a flamethrower and I am good with that


Likewise. I am all for cats of mass destruction


“Well, I’ve destroyed a few franchises” — Jay Cutler

Doktor Zymm

I aspire to be more like the mayhem cats in my various avatars


Oh hell yes, keep that one.


His dad is the troublemaker.


Negative. The House Sharkbait has already done so.


Thank you all for enabling me!


Ha! Its Easter here in the DFO+1 Time Zone!


Happy Zombie Jesus Day!
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“Sheesh, dude has a three day refractory period.” — Mary Magdalene


I totally did nae have the sex ’twas immaculate! – M.M


Jesus fuck, Revanchrist could win 2 fleshlights! Is he like the helicopter dude i saw in the nineties???


Please. I’m just plain yogurt.


I just love the ending to the Ten Commandments. Its the perfect allegory to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Moses: “I’m going up the mountain to get the important laws from God.”
(Moses leaves)
Dathan: “Moses’ God has abandoned us. Lets take all the valuable gold we have and turn it into a Golden Calf that we can worship and then go back to slavery!.”
Aaron: “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in entire history of our very young religion.”
Dathan: “DO IT!”
Moses: “What the f***, I’ve only been gone ten minutes!”
Dathan: “You took too long. We got impatient.”


Wonder what the other 5 said
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11) Thou shalt leave the gays and lesbians alone and mind thine own business.
12) Thou shalt follow evidence and science, and if they appear to contradict Scripture, just assume that Scripture is wrong or metaphorical.
13) Thou shalt not diddle the little children
14) Thou shalt not give thine money to cheesy preachers just because they have good hair and teeth
15) Thou shalt not vote for a grifting douchebag clown.

Oh well, I’m sure those will never come up.


11) Thou shalt not use the word of the Lord to judge those who have fallen short as you also have fallen short.
12) Thou shalt not follow the literal definitions of the word of the Lord, but the intent and meaning behind the word of the Lord.
13) Thou shalt not harm the children of the Lord as they were made in his image and are still innocent and will remain innocent.
14) Thou shalt be cautious when giving money to prophets to ensure they are not false prophets.
15) Thou shalt use free will and common sense when choosing to follow those who use the word of the Lord but do not live the word of the Lord.

Moses, come back when you give these first fifteen Commandments and I will give you the remaining commandments about how science isn’t a sin unto the Lord, that just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t make them evil, and which sporting teams the Lord favors and opposes.

Last edited 3 years ago by Redshirt

This bit always pissed me off, because did this happen with the *first* set of commandments, or the second set after Moses threw a hissy and smashed the first set?


Oh well. The good news is that UCLA only has one senior, so they should be good next year too.


Say what you want about basketball, its the only sport where that can happen that quickly.


“Even *we* couldn’t lose a game that quickly!” – my Raiders


My Bengals:
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What a friggin’ game.




Well shit.

Night all.

Mr. Ayo



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Mr. Ayo





Nice acting job by Gonzaga #1 trying to get the foul.

Mr. Ayo

I never realized I hated UCLA so much until tonight.


I’m only rooting for UCLA because of their coach and the “experts” all-but-crowning Gonzaga.

Mr. Ayo



as an IU fan, preserving my heritage is all I have left