NFL Noise:
- The USFL is back, baby!
The old colors too! - They will return to play in the spring of 2022, and are hoping to bring back some of the old franchise names in cities where they played before.
- It will return as an eight-tm league (to start).
- A big difference this time is that FOX is not just a broadcast partner, they’re also an owner!
- No word on whether former franchise owners will be invited back to participate.
- They will return to play in the spring of 2022, and are hoping to bring back some of the old franchise names in cities where they played before.
- Since we’re talking about other leagues – remember the Rhein Fire?
- I only ask because the NFL is looking into hosting a game in Germany.
- The three likeliest sites are Allianz Arena in Munich, Signal Iduna Park in Dortmund or Olympiastadion in Berlin.
- As a reminder, there are two scheduled games in London (Tottenham) this year – Jets-Falcons in Week 4 and Dolphins-Jaguars in Week 5.
- I only ask because the NFL is looking into hosting a game in Germany.
- A good thing – the Jags are going to buy new sports uniforms for the four schools in DUVAL that changed their name from Confederate leaders to Generic Term Age-range School.
- In a statement, they said they are doing this because they support “after-school athletics and are honored to provide new uniforms for students to wear proudly this fall and beyond.”
- If you live there & want to know who’s a bigot, feel free to read the engaging comments at the end of this article.
- Speaking of race, the League agreed to stop using “race-norming” – which assumed Black players started out with lower cognitive function – when making an assessment of claims vis-a-vis the concussion settlement.
- “This is classic systemic racism,” former player Ken Jenkins said. “Just because I’m Black, I wasn’t born with fewer brain cells.”
- This means they will go back & reassess the claims made previously, and will take out the differential they used when determining financial settlements.
- Which wasn’t a problem with the retired players’ lawyer, until a suit was brought to remove him from the case due to his perception there wasn’t any racial bias in the settlements.
- Now he’s discovered it was a bigger problem than he realized.
- Which wasn’t a problem with the retired players’ lawyer, until a suit was brought to remove him from the case due to his perception there wasn’t any racial bias in the settlements.
Finally, I’m just going to leave this here, because – wow.
Tonight’s sports:
- NHL:
- Bruins at Islanders – 7:30pm | NBCSN / CBC / Sportsnet360
- Game 3 – series tied 1-1
- Hurricanes at Lightning – 8:00pm | CNBC / Sportsnet
- Game 3 – Bolts up 2-0
- Bruins at Islanders – 7:30pm | NBCSN / CBC / Sportsnet360
- NBA:
- Nuggets at Trail Blazers – 8:00pm | TNT / TSN4
- Game 6 – Nuggets up 3-2
- Suns at Lakers – 10:30pm | TNT / Sportsnet1
- Game 6 – Suns up 3-2
- Nuggets at Trail Blazers – 8:00pm | TNT / TSN4
- MLB:
- no national broadcasts
- LV Aces vs NY Liberty – 7:00pm | TSN
- Wrestling for Jake:
- Impact Wrestling – 7:00pm | AXS / Fite Network Canada
Tomorrow is Sexy, so I’ll see you on the weekend.
I know that not everyone celebrates, but HAPPY LAKERS SCHADENFREUDE DAY to those who do.
Once again, proving that MJ was better.
Breaking News: The Great Lord Niklas Bendtner has announced retirement. He had:
• More PL goals than Messi
• More FA Cup goals than Maradona
• More Euros goals than Pele
• More Bundesliga goals than Ronaldo
• More PL assists than Zidane
• More Serie A goals than Neymar
Sad day in Lesser Footy
Same number of touchdowns as Barry Bonds, too.
Its summer
I like Summer.
Great googily moogily
You look great, but you really don’t need to be photoshopping your thigh gap
Don’t edit her editing herself. She can be as hot as she wants to be.
“Gentlemen. We’re not doctors.” – the Lakers medical staff, apparently

Sure nice of Lebron to encourage his teammates to turn a 35 point deficit into a 24 point deficit. At this rate they might pull this even in the sixth quarter.
And UCLA scores! Fuck you, Flordi-duh!
Is it 1984? Because the Book is on fire!
Farenheit 451?
Is it after 5? Because I am drunk!
I imagine the Florida State pitcher took too many balls to the face.
More like BADston Bruins amirite?
As long as you never root for anything from Florida, you know you still have a soul.
NO cartoon has spoken to me more in years.

The Lady or The Tiger?
It’s looking at me like it’s judging me. At least I have been productive for the last 17 years.
He’s looking at Brick, and he’s thinking “hey baby!”
Or she. Who knows? It’s a mating frenzy, I’m sure they’re not too particular.
They keep reeling in more and more of those “Antifa/BLM commies” that attempted that coup back on 1/6.
Closing in on 500 now!
They were tourists. No one denies this.
The asshole who put his feet up on Pelosi’s desk is selling autographed pictures of him on the desk to help pay his legal fees.
Now, I’m not a lawyer. Nor do I play one on TV. But that has to be devastating to any kind of defense right?
Yeah, and at sentencing it’s not going to look good either. Not much of a demonstration of remorse.
I hope he puts his feet up in court.
I hope the judge puts their boot right up his ass.
Welp, the 1st article starts in a completely unpredictable and unforeseen way…
“Three Florida men and one Alabama man…”
Yeah. Couldn’t see that coming. Whatta shocker.
One-nil. On an 89th minute goal.
We Marines would have administered a much more convincing beatdown back in the day.
—General Smedley Butler, USMC
(very interesting guy, by the way)
His first name is certainly something.
Did you do Pendleton or Parris Island? I feel like one might be less hellish than the other.
Hell, there’s even a camp named after him on Okinawa. He was an outspoken pacifist/liberal kind of guy, especially after the corporatists tried to get him to pull a “General Flynn” against the FDR administration, but he said no and narked them all out. (quick googly lays this all out pretty quickly, including his books). Anyway, I guess the Marines had to grit their teeth and name something for him seeing as he was a Congressional Medal of Honor winner not once but twice.
There was some kind of Marine basic training activity going on at Recruit Training Center San Diego when I went to Navy boot, but I don’t know if it was their boot camp.
Smedley Butler was almost made Commandant of the Marines, but he was too “Old Corps” and that was probably good because the guy who got the job prepared them for WWII.
Yeah, I guess that because of the specifics of his service, he saw the Corps more as an international police force in the thrall of US corporations, when an amphibious assault force was what ended up being needed.
Old Gimlet Eye
The Fighting Quaker
“War is a Racket”
“I was hired muscle for United Fruit.”
“Do You Believe In Miracle Whip?”
-Al Michaels, probably
Yes, I am rooting for Mexico to advance and beat the US.
And make us pay for it!
Self Portrait
Dulles Airport
yeah that;s bout the dulles airport i ever seen
Why the fuck can’t i focus anymore? Technology and life have ruined my attention span.
Answer the door with pants down and lotion on your wang again?
Why would I answer the door?
Someone could have been there for the gang bang?
Wait till you get old. It gets worse.
This would have been funnier if you left out the last word or two.
Per Hippo endorsement, I’m having Robitussinbrau. ¡Buena!

Tis a fine brew. Or twas the last time I had it.
Yeah i loved that beer in college
Twas a fine LSD and Jimi Hendrix tune in my youth. No fancy label craft brews were available back then.
Michelob and Lowenbrau, the beers for fancy folk.
Here’s a Brood-X cicada whose life I saved (it was trapped on its back – they are so dumb) and then it got eaten by a bird.
I hope AB didn’t get paid in DeezNutz
I can only imagine that if cryptocurrencies had existed when Idiocracy was written, DeezNutz would have been the dominant medium of exchange.
He gets paid in Truck nuts. Lol
Will accept Corn Nuts if Truck Nuts are out of stock.
Or precious, precious lug nuts.

I can’t believe Scheifele only got four games.
It’s because he’s white.
Not a hockey guy here. I thought the hockey players were all white, with very rare exception.
Isnt that the max he could’ve gotten based on the penalty and his history?
The penalty called on the play doesn’t really matter. The league can look at the replays a thousand times; they’ll get a report from the referee but that’s just an input. Plays that got no penalty at the time can be suspension-worthy.
Once they decided to not offer him an in-person hearing (technically they’re doing those by Zoom now anyway), then under the CBA it wasn’t going to be more than 5 games.
But yeah, the lack of a history, and the fact that he’s considered a “skill” player no doubt factored in. (The first part of which is fine — you obviously want to punish repeat offenders more harshly.)
I just figured they would have used the bright lights of the playoffs to justify a harsher sentence.
I guess James Dolan is going to have to fire John Davidson all over again.
I think the NHL has more-or-less explicitly acknowledged that they give lower suspensions in the playoffs, on the theory that playoff games are more important and thus the suspension hurts more. I think the unofficial rule of thumb is 2x, meaning that this would have been 8 games had it happened in the regular season.
My guess was 2. I’m shocked it was 4 games
Same. I hoped 3 max.
I wanted 100.
USA is playing Honduras on CBS Sports Network, now with more Pulisic.
We ought win this, but we also are terrible for whatever reason.
Am watching. Yous almost got scored on there. This seems feisty for a tournament I have never heard of. Is this the North Central American Euros?
It’s the continuation of a competition that started in 2019. Supposed to wrap up last year but…something happened.
Anyway, this is the semifinals, with Mexico and Costa Rica playing afterwards, and the final maybe on Sunday?
It’s a big deal (maybe for the players but probably not).
Canada plays …. Aruba this week.
Yes we are starting Alfonso Davies, and Johnathan David, it will be a slaughter. This is the best Canadia team ever right now.
When they play Kokomo, they should get there fast and then take it slow.
Well that is where they want to go.
I was in Kokomo several times to do some work at Gus Grissom Air National Guard base (formerly Grissom AFB, formerly Bunker Hill AFB before ole Gus died atop Apollo 1).
I did not want to go.
Happening in US too. Probably actively encouraged by the American Dairy Association as well as it’s north-of-the-border analog.
[parks car on the North Side of Edmonton, settles in for the night] – Andy Reid
Is the poster mad that the cheese hardened and then they couldn’t eat it?
Yeah, they would probably scratch the paintjob with their front incisors.
Lies! It’s cheeseFOOD
-Dairy Farmers of Ontario
So is “eye-rollingly insane” just AB’s brand now?
That guy’s nuts! Grab ’em!
Ugh. Poor kid. Wish the “Mom” would have shot her own fool self instead…
The important thing is that the pup is okay…
It is very foreign to me that she was packing a gun for a walk.
Forget it, LC. It’s Texastown. No one could have ever expected anything like this to happen after Texas passed a law allowing for the open carry of firearms without a permit or requiring any training.
Anticipate a lot more stories like this coming out of the Lone IQ-Point State.
Oof that is coo-coo bananas to me. So like anyone can just go and buy a gun with just a drivers license? No questions asked?
At this point, I think all you need is for your breath to be able to fog the blade of a butter knife. Unless you are Black or Hispanic. If you are Hispanic that can “pass” you’re ok too.
What would you say the odds are that this same woman who packs a gun to take her kid for a walk also scoffed at people wearing masks for “living in fear”?
Chances of that are approximately 104%.
You Canadians and your gun-free walks.
Taking Decilitre for a bike ride. Better strap up in case anyone fucks with us, or for motivation for the lad.
KEEP PEDALLING!!! Bang! It’s going to be a Lebanese Wedding out there. I mean there are fewer planes in the sky so what’s the harm right?
I’d attend a lebanese wedding as long as both chicks are hot.
Remember to take your Canadian Tire Poking Stick to ward off the bears.
The NFL could attract a lot of travelers from the US to a game in Germany, like the tourist group that visited the US Capitol on 6 January, if they held it in Nuremberg.