Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Burning Up

Happy belated Canada day, and Fourth of July weekend everyone. Hopefully everyone was able to stay relatively cool, considering both sides of North America were borderline cooked.

Taking inspiration from that, I went looking for something that would be hydrating, as well as boozy. Luckily, I had some mint that needed using, along with a can of pineapple juice, so I figured why not combine and add gin. How could this possibly be bad?

2 oz. Gin

1 oz. Pineapple juice

3 mint

3(ish) cubes of sliced watermelon

Add the mint and watermelon to a cocktail shaker and muddle. Add the gin, pineapple juice, and ice. Shake and fine strain into a chilled rocks glass filled with ice. Garnish with another mint leaf.

The nose has a very pleasant watermelon aroma, with a hint of mint from the garnish. No strong alcohol notes either.

Despite the lack of gin smell, the gin is the first flavor that really comes through here. It’s strong, but not oppressively so. After a few seconds, the watermelon starts to come through. The watermelon plays really well here. It adds lightness (thanks to the fact that watermelon is 92% water) as well as a lot of flavor. The pineapple juice comes in about midway through the sip. The two fruit juices mix very well with the overall flavor profile. The mint however does get lost. I used about 3 leaves of fresh mint plus the garnish, so I would most definitely add more  the next time I make this.

Another post mixing modification I did was add an unmeasured splash of soda water topper to the glass. While it was quite delicious without, I think the carbonation really brightens it up. It also has the added benefit of softening the alcohol feel, which means you can drink way more of these than you probably should, which makes it dangerously delicious, and perfect for these record setting heat days

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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This looks dangerously quaffable


And Perú moves on to face Brasil.

Yes, Brasil faces Chile in an hour. I stand by my statement.

Last edited 3 years ago by ballsofsteelandfury

Two Paraguayan PKs in a row had way too much Asuncion.


That was a crazy shootout!


Bananacakes continue in the Copa. Both Perú and Paraguay are down to 10 men and Paraguay just scored in the 90th minute to make it 3-3.


No extra time!! They’re going straight into penalties!


Belgium’s last few minutes of the game are sponsored by the good folks at Foreigner-


“Oh, that reminds me…”

[pulls string]

[waiter appears bearing a ham]

– Andy Reid


I see that Verate is on the field, but what about Klaatu and Nicto?

Doktor Zymm

You are a nerd for making that joke and I am a nerd for finding it hilarious


Is it less nerdy if I was actually referring to Army of Darkness?

Doktor Zymm

I don’t think so


How about now?
comment image?w=535


Credit to the defender there, nice work.

King Hippo

yeah, I’m pulling for Waffles, but the Spicy Meatballs have defended heroically.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I prefer to refer to them as the Phlegms, in honor of the pythons.

Last edited 3 years ago by Viva La Tabula Raza
Horatio Cornblower

“Let’s not call them anything, let’s ignore them.”


Romeo with the boner. Figures.


“Can Belgium do it doggy-style? Get it? Come from behind?”

-Balls, footy announcer

Viva La Tabula Raza

comment image


I love that the original still is from Justified.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Just a brilliant show. I wonder what you get if you dial that phone number on the side of the van?


Herpes. Or rabies. Possibly both.

Viva La Tabula Raza

So, Canada announces it will phase out the sale of gas powered vehicles by 2035. Very Captain Planet of them. Now if only they’d stop trying to pipe their oil and tar sands to ship from New Orleans over Native American lands through shoddily constructed and shittily maintained pipelines.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Yeah. For now. I’m sure Trump will re-authorize it as soon as he magically re-ascends the throne later this year (I understand it’s NOT August, now…).


Damnit, why did I step away from this game to eat delicious Vietnamese noodles?

Horatio Cornblower

To eat delicious Vietnamese noodles.

The answer’s right there.


Vietnamese noodles with peaches?


Peach smoothies with peach flavored broth for his peach noodles.

Doktor Zymm

I assume the noodles were in a different location than the game, if they were in the same location then it was just silly to step away


I could have put the game on, but that would have been disrespectful to the person who prepared the noodles (the Dr. Mrs.).


Italy is a fine-looking squadoo though-if they mayhap run into The Anglaise in the final it should be a cakewalk.

clint greasewood

Just heard a very loud MA VAFFANCULO!


Soooo, one of the voices in your head is Italian?

Viva La Tabula Raza

I went to a match at San Siro years ago to watch Milan AC host Roma. All the Roma fans were segregated in a separate seating area. Cops in riot gear were present. No alcohol was served in the stadium. The Milan AC fans were very coordinated in their cheers, and I heard the phrase “Va Fanculo Roma” sung quite frequently throughout the match. Or maybe they were hollering “Roma Va Fanculo,” my knowledge of Italian grammar and sentence structure is nonexistent.

Doktor Zymm

shume emocionuese!


Romeo with the breath of fresh air.


A pushy Italian guy? Well I never.

King Hippo



As a bartender I preferred counterbills over counterchange when a patron left.

Doktor Zymm

Game over, in Albanian


So everyone there is totally white with pink eyes?

Viva La Tabula Raza

Except some of the players on the field.

Game Time Decision

-Ggregg’s lessor footy equivalent

Viva La Tabula Raza

In Albanian slang, “Enver Hoxha is at your front door.”


Italians playing with a ton of tetrazzini today.


Oh fuck off!

Viva La Tabula Raza

Fun fact: Mussolini’s air force operated out of airfields in axis-occupied Belgium during the Battle of Britain.

“Mussolini brought Italy into the war in June 1940. Convinced of an Axis victory and not wishing to miss out on the spoils of war he ordered the Italian Air Force – Regia Aeronautica – to form an air expeditionary force, the Corpo Aereo Italiano/Italian Air Corps (CAI) – composed of three Stormi- Wings- some 200 aircraft – to operate against the United Kingdom in support of an unenthusiastic Luftwaffe from bases at Melsbroek, Chievres, Maldeghem and Ursel in Belgium.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Viva La Tabula Raza

I feel like Andy Murray’s strategy of falling behind 5-1 in every set is going to come back to bite him.

Doktor Zymm

I have the choice of commentary in Macedonian or Albanian. Going with Albanian since the guy seems way more enthusiastic


If only this was the Switzerland-Spain game…

  • Luna Schlosser Sex is different today. You see, we don’t have any problems. Everybody’s frigid.
  • Miles Monroe Oh, that’s incredible. So are the men are impotent?
  • Luna Schlosser Yeah, most of them, except for the ones whose ancestors are Italian.
  • Miles Monroe Alright, I knew there was something in that pasta.


Horatio Cornblower

That goal was miraculous, in that the dead Italian in the box, (make your own jokes), was instantly revived.


He got up pretty quickly to celebrate, didn’t he?


“Ok, let’s-a try that-a Sleeping With The A-Fishes play”


“It’s a miracle!”
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Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Trevor Bauer’s version of rough sex is flying a drone into a hooker’s ass with his eyes closed.


“You see, if you drug them first….” — B. Cosby

King Hippo

fuck, Ukraine is the last not-that-big-an-asshole left. And they’re mostly ded already.



Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Trevor Bauer’s spin rate has gone down but strangely another RPM has gone through the roof in the last couple of days.

King Hippo

First time in a while we’ve seen both sides on the front foot from the jump.

Doktor Zymm

Just checked into the Skopje Marriott, which is incredibly nice. The city itself looks excellent from the short walk I had from the bus stop to here. Goddamn it feels good to be somewhere random again! Lots of open air bar/cafes showing the games, and it is nighttime here, Friday night even, a traditional time for communal sports viewing. First impressions are that the city monuments have Soviet scale, but a more neoclassical style. I’m totally into giant horse statues with fountains on a tiled square next to a porticoed casino.


Very cool!

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I never thought they would publish Werner Herzog’s memoirs.

Viva La Tabula Raza

*drags horsehead full of eels out of the canal, vomits profusely*
Edit: Wrong crazy director.

Last edited 3 years ago by Viva La Tabula Raza

I’m totally into giant horse statues

Enjoy your trip, Catherine the Great!

King Hippo

We leave our recluse hovels vicariously through thee, Good Doktor.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Sounds awesome. Hope you have a blast; keep updating us so I can live a little vicariously (not in a creepy way) through your adventures. Damn, I miss having a regular life.

King Hippo

Donnaruma seems like he’s taking the Sommer challenge.


The Belgians counter attack looking spicy.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Trevor Bauer uses Spider Tack for not only better grip on the baseball but in the bedroom as well.

King Hippo

I look forward to angry, drunken Fozz swinging by the Clubhouse at the half, demanding we nerds explain the offside rule.

Horatio Cornblower

Ooh, I think this could be VAR’d


Ask and ye shall receive.


Wholly crap, my feed is way ahead of yours.


That’s the Canadian advantage!


Dirty Italians.

King Hippo

Spicy Meatballs! Waffles!! WHO YA GOT??

Game Time Decision

Mmmmm takeout

King Hippo

I put me moneys there, because the odds so dictated


The Broom isn’t dragging his leg behind him, so that’s a good sign.

King Hippo

took off his “cone” collar too.


Is Chiellini 45? ‘Cause he looks older than that.

Don T

He’s a Mussolini bust with legs and elbows.


If you yell your national anthem it makes it better.


Except ours, because it sucks.

/looks up symptoms for Anthem Envy


Italy’s anthem is so jaunty.

Like it’s gonna offer you wine then fuck your lady.


Should be.

Horatio Cornblower

After 4 days of heat well into the 90’s, (100 if you believe my backyard thermometer that you all hated) (makes list), it is mid-60’s and pouring here.

Hopefully that same weather break goes to the Pacific NW soon.


Right. So I’ve got 10 minutes to grab food before the next game starts.


There’s your cardio right there.

Horatio Cornblower

Debating going to the gym and watching the game on an elliptical, but I’d probably continue binging Bojack Horseman on it instead. Best to stay put for a while.

/Inertia sits smugly in the corner, having won again.

Senor Weaselo

The Fightin’ Francos live on! As opposed to their Generalissimo, who is still dead.


In the end, the Swiss couldn’t bank on their shooting ability.


This Spanish team just had an armada of goal scorers.

Horatio Cornblower

Still saving a boatload of armada jokes for Spain’s inevitable defeat.


Sommer was no goldbricker!