tWBS died two years ago. The Covid lockdown took tWBS away, never to be seen or heard from again. More corona mutations and science deniers: THAT we get back from the freakin’ lockdown. Makes no sense! Sorry Christians, but “God” sucks.
Everyone says that honesty and generosity are two of the best qualities for a person. tWBS certainly was both, immensely. “Lead by example” is preached at churches, schools and prison gangs everywhere. In life, tWBS certainly inspired folks, with actions first and foremost. And had a big heart, fo sho. But tWBS was a troublemaker. This is a text from him:
The guy was trouble. How can you NOT love him?
[sees emails of aggrieved folks]
He’s dead, Ok? Get over it.
[sees emails from waitresses, baristas, hotel staff…]
Sorry for your loss. Or gain.
Anyway, here’s a bone for morbid folks,
: a link to tWBS’s last post, a “25 Questions” about illness. It starts from a childhood memory (1-3) and dives into STDs and punching people (4- ∞ ). Did tWBS get into a beef about mental illness in the comments? Click and find out!
I never did meet tWBS in person, but he seemed to be authentic in his posts, texts and by phone. No “on-screen persona” thing with tWBS. Same person, everywhere. My heart goes out to tWBS’s relatives and neighborhood because 10% of DFO server space consists of Avett Brothers vids and posts tagged “tWBS needs an intervention”.
The only things that are new about tWBS are digs at his expense–which, tragically, he cannot enjoy or develop a deep grudge about. His good qualities have been duly covered in dynamite testimonials the week tWBS died, culminating with a COTW, Request Line and a Sexy Friday for the ages. tWBS did not deserve less. I mean, psht. Good on Balls and Weaselo for giving tWBS the Dante treatment.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: tWBS was the sweetest hothead I’ve ever known and I miss him terribly. He was uncommonly warm, always honest, and hated U*NC with Taliban zeal. Let’s toast to a truly unique and righteous guy. Hit it:
[presses “Play”]
[breaks touchscreen hitting “Mute”]
tWBS posted his last “Wednesday Motivational” three weeks before he died. It was about him and his Mom helping someone in a very bad situation. It’ s a great and brief read, but I’ll just attach the end here because it’s a wonderful exhortation:
Take care of yourselves. And help those whom you care about if you can. Even just a phone call or a text message to let them know you care and are thinking of them can sometimes do wonders.
Be well my friends.
But since ending on a high note would make tWBS’s ghost pull at my feet at night, lemme end with his sideboob TGSIF. Luv ya, man.
tWBS was involved with the Durham Rescue Mission.
[…] he’s paralyzed?). So sometimes you get tehHippo, sometimes you get DonT, sometimes you get a Karen Carpenter job, and sometimes you get the ramblings of someone who is so very tired, so very frustrated, so very […]
Looks like first to te(u)n wins the first ice match in Bloody Alberta 2022.
Goddamn I miss that cranky bastard.
Hi to all from the hell that is Union Contract negotiations. I regret everything.
Does anyone out there know how the reincarnation thing is supposed to work? Like, is it instantaneous like someone dies and then gets put back into the next baby born?
Or do you have to wait a certain amount of time?
Like 2 years?
Asking for a soon-to-be prince.
Uh oh…
Ok, one more tWBS thing. His choice of screen name and avatar was dead perfect. Whenever I see that picture, I don’t think of Archer or the actual character, I think of Mark.
Look at the banner image. Look at the expression on his face.
That was Mark.
Also, like all babies, he was a fan of breasts.
Gonna watch that episode tonight.
Not Gonna Lie-tWBS was
One more tWBS thing:
That fucker loved and I mean LOVED fucking with telemarketers. Where you and I would normally just hang up on them, he would keep them on the line and shit on them continuously until they hung up on him.
I can personally vouche for this happening.
I’m not sure what tWBS would consider to be his finest moment:
1) Getting the Australian government to shut down a Nazi he may or may not have banged.
B) Banging a pot shop clerk named Asia that was black and half his age.
%) Getting King Hippo out of his house and into a strip club after he lost a bet with me.
♡) Getting into an altercation with a cowboy in a Vegas restroom.
Where are the polls when we need them?
It’s B. The answer is B.
Yep, B. I did like that he had to tell us all not to harass the nazi when he gave us her name.
Always the gentleman that tWBS.
I still say the Baltimore motel room
/edit: maybe not finest moment but strangest moment
I never heard that story.
Where he drives up there to meet his “girlfriend” and there’s some old guy in the motel room?
Oh shit yeah!! Fuck, I remember that now!
He was one crazy fuck.
I just wish that it had been Madison Cawthorn who died two years ago, and today we were having a blast roasting tWBS for having lost his election.
This comment deserves a standing ovation
I see what you did there.
I’ll mostly remember him for that time he tricked me into white washing his fence so he could go have a threesome with Jenny and Aunt Polly, consarn it!
Thanks for the tribute Don T – really captured what a good person he was and how shitty his musical taste was.
tWBS’s extraordinarily poor taste in music is an EverGreenDay comment.
Rangers doing my fave fútbol tradition: receive, take off 2nd place medals.
They should make them chocolate, so they could at least eat their feelings afterward.
Great work, Don T!
You guys are mostly remembering him as a “human”. (weird!) I recall him as being a hardcore guardian of this site. I may be mistaken, but I think he came up with the “Karen Carpenter-ing something up” because he always jumped in when someone wasn’t able to do their regular post. He never asked questions, he just dove right in. I liked that about him.
I read the comments on these old posts. In one of them, Herodotus came up with the DFO no dying rule. Along with no pants and no judgment, that’s the Prime Directive. In case anyone has ideas about sneaking off!
I can’t wait to rub it in his face when Herodotus dies!
I can’t even count how many times he stepped in to take care of Request Line for me.
Miss ya, you crazy Carolinan redneck nut. You were supposed to be at DFOCon East, whenever that may be.
Incidentally, the head bartender from Angel’s Share opened up a new place in Gramercy Park called Martiny’s. No news on whether the mural will be there.
He was indeed a colossal pain in the ass but not an asshole if that makes sense.
Every. Single. One of us had at least one offline exchange with him that inevitably started with “Jesus Christ, dude!”
Spent many a day with that person and I’m proud to be able to call him my friend and I love and miss him dearly.
No remembrance would be complete unless we mentioned:
I never meet tWBS but from what I could tell from him online, it was clearly a missed opportunity to meet a nice guy.
He was really welcoming to me when I washed up on these shores, a bedraggled refugee from Deadspin.
He was your favorite, but don’t tell anyone else! (Don’t worry, he was mine too.)
(looks at tWBS’s Favorite Participant Ribbon with a wistful smile)
You will get yours in November when you Do The Right Thing!
(And what I mean by that is do the left thing.)
HOF. With Balls, RTD, and the apparently late Viva.
As noted, I met tWBS on a few occasions and while he was often….a lot, he also would have run through a brick wall for any of his friends, virtual or IRL. Friend was a very meaningful word to that man, and he is missed.
Is also cray-cray that the Sevilla ground is not called The Barber Shop
Twas a WASP-ass cracker like Hippo, so we shall see if he ghostily favoUrs Rangers today.
He always provided advice for Oxipug. The Europa lge final will end 0-0 in the 1st 90 mins as that is the TWBS.
I first met BFC and Seamus at the Harbor Room, a fantastic little saloon here in Playa del Rey. They were both visiting L.A. on unrelated trips. Seamus was late coming from Venice Beach, where he had just met the latest love of his life working behind the counter at a pot store, and they lived happily ever after as always happened with Mark. The Baltimore motel room has to be the greatest tWBS story, particularly the way he wondered if it was weird or not.
Thanks for putting this together Don T
Say not in grief “he is no more”, but live in thankfulness that he was
Always missed, always a true friend. Miss ya, Mark (tWBS wouldn’t mind me using his actual name). I know you’ll be messing with the players at this week’s PGA Championship. If there’s a sudden gust of wind or flock of birds screeching for no reason when Tiger’s trying to putt, that’s Seamus saying hello to us.
Terrific write up for a legend, Don. Gracias, amigo.
Miss you, big guy.
I was thinking about the time when tWBS was kind enough to harvest some seeds from his Carolina Reaper peppers, dry them out, and send them north to me to try and plant. Didn’t get them for months – I’m sure both USPS and Canada Post frown on that sort of thing being shipped so nonchalantly in a small envelope – but nonetheless, they arrived. I was excited to plant them. Then the world blew up. And we lost our dear friend.
Now that I have a house of my own, with a backyard I own outright, I think I’ll finally be able to give those seeds a planting. Hard to say if they’ll grow as well so much farther north, but I think it’s worth the experiment all the same. A perfect symbol of his generosity and kindness.
Canadian Reapers! Canadian Reapers!
“Sourry aboot being so spicy, eh?”
I wish I had met him. Now that things are (hopefully) calming down, and the 2-5 year old vaccine should be approved relatively soon, the wheels should be put in motion for another DFOCon.