I don’t know what Lampard told his Very Disappointing Everton charges at the half. I just know it WORKED, even though I had succumbed to despair and turned the telly off.
Survival. Somehow, someway…the Blues avoided the drop and have a fighting chance to rebuild. Frank Lampard is the right man to lead that rebuild, which hopefully includes as many changes in central midfield as humanly/FFP possible.
From a macro point again, it was really nice to be able to use my (feeble) brain cells again. Thursday evening and Frday morning, I got a shit-ton of work done. Helped me get unburied, as I had been a physical and emotional wreck all week. Could not even begin to THINK about focusing.
As for the rest – Man City (hosting Villa) have to win (or hope the Shite drop points home to Wolves, which they won’t) on Sunday to claim the Title. Team White Lives Matter (home to the Bonesaws) has a yuuuuuge goal differential on Leeds, so they simply much match Leeds’ result, and they’ll be safe. Burnley are masters of the Draw, so Leeds (away to Beesus) had better plan on winning.
I may or may not watch, all games are 11:00 EST Sunday, on various NBC-related platforms.
Oh yeah, King’s Afrikan Water Pistols will beat the tar shit out of the Everton U-23s, and I won’t be arsed one bit. 39 points, 16th position locked (they could pip Saints for 15th, but won’t) and loaded, and I will gladly take it.
There will be some random goodies today – a Wembley date for Sunderland and Wycombe (10:00, ESPN+), with promotion to the Championship on the line. How will the Black Cats fuck this chance up? STAY TUNED!
We also get the Kraut Kup awarded (2:00, ESPN+), with upstarts Freiburg taking on the Energy Drinks.
France plays out all its final matches at 3:00, but I don’t care enough to scrounge for storylines.
Everton are safe and life is almost tolerable again WOO!!!
Republicans are going to try to overturn the results of the Preakness, claiming that Early Voting is illegitimate.
Damn, if today’s competition was held at Santa Anita Park you could brand it The Preakness Horse Steaks.
Life Isn’t Fair Update: The dirty Nazi gold-hoarding Swiss barely eke out a win against the Canucks 6-3. So lucky.
TEASER! I have some vague thoughts about the coming 2022 NFL FITBAW season, in the night thread.
“DONKS wooooo!
KC bad!
Chargers “
Fuck this where are the pillez”
A certain team has made it a tie game again. Hey, Kids In The Hall, can you, maybe, talk about my feelings?
I’m not sure I’ll ever get enough of Tony Larussa teams losing. it certainly still felt great today.
I’m stunned that his assisted living facility would allow him to manage a team in the first place.
Bubba Watson just teed off at the PGA. One of the gallery shouted ” Go git’em Bubba.”
Definitely not the first time this was shouted in Tulsa Oklahoma.
But only the 2nd or 3rd time when an African-American youth was not involved.
Inspired by Black Wall Street.
In Doha on a 15 hour layover before my flight to Tehran. I did nawt follow my antijetlag plan, so activating nap powers to catch some sleep during what is, apparently, night time right now
“Doha! D-D-D-D-Doha. D-D-D-D-Doha! I got a B- in geography and that’s why I love this song!” [raises a Capri Sun in the air]
-Eli Manning, at his first Kinks concert
/inner geography professor dies a little more
I was going to make it ‘geology’ but I thought that it wouldn’t be realistic.
“They’re not the same thing?!”
— 20% of students the first week
Folks complain that there’s no sports on worth watching and yet Italy is playing Slovakia in hockey and only losing by 1 goal. smgdh…
The goal scorer for Italy was Guido Mascarpone, btw.
Oops! I spelled that wrong-it’s actually Tommaso Pappardelle.
First assist was by Umberto “The Human Amalfi Coast” Vespa.
Wow, a Tony LaRussa team losing again and trying to start fights.
I’m shocked, truly shocked.
Fiorentina fixin to take on Juve. I’m keeping my eye out for her.
This dipshit at the airport has a tee shirt that reads, “Trust God, Not Government” — THEN HAS SOME VERSION OF THE NATIONAL FLAG ON THE SLEEVE.
When I change careers, I’m going to get into the fleecing these dumbshits industry.
It’s a crowded industry.
This is what happens when you make kids say the pledge of allegience every day but don’t teach civics
Allowing proto-fascist billionaire Australians to purchase significant media properties might be a contributing factor as well.
Barcelona ladies are playing like crap. That 3-0 Lyon lead is well-deserved.
Also Giants vs Padres game last night was Rockingggg too!!!
Gooooo Padres ⚾️
Sometimes, your rockin’ hurts my feelings.
If he has to rock you, he should take Andy Kim’s* advice.
*older Canuckians will know him
(suck it, Redshite)
He’s the loveliest of lads.
Good on ya, lads. Good on ya.
Sunderland ’til I die!
Or at least until they get relegated from the C’ship next season.
Perhaps that sweet old cafeteria lady can get a 50 pence/hr raise now!
I will storm the Gates of Hell for that lass.
Maybe the cab driver will renew his season seats too.
Rod Stewart thinks he’s sexy! 2 nil Sunderland!
Sudden Mbappe Change!
This has been a classic rock League one promotion game. Rod Stewart is on Sunderland and Ritchie Blackmore is the head coach for Wycombe.
I can’t wait for Wycombe to toss on that chubby Black 40-year old late (saw him warming up, reminded me of Florida State’s “Big Jelly” of days of yore)
I thought he was a back up ref. He’s a biggun.
He’s on! They brought the tank on the field!
When does Jeff Beck pop his head in?
Found a funny;
It’s so rude that my dog isn’t allowed to go everywhere with me. He might love musicals or renaissance art or the ballet but now we’ll never know!
Sunderland look waaaayyyyyy less cursed today. SO FAR.
Actually dragged my ass out of bed and found Sunderland Wycombe on ESPN+. Sunderland up 1-0.
It’s wild that Elon Musk could have just kinda…been quietly rich AF and enjoyed his life. Instead every new word out of his mouth thoroughly disproves the myth of his brilliance.
It’s been disturbing for me because I’ve often argued that he’s accomplished some really great things. But what you said last night about capitalists aligning with fascists really rings true.
He put his wee-wee inside of Grimes. That’s one great thing, what is the 2nd??
Launching a car into Mars’ orbit was pretty cool, you have to admit.
oh yeah, forgot that.
Still 2nd to the Grimes thing, lucky bastard.
I never knew about Musk until the Simpsons episode. Since then, I’ve been wondering what’s with all the adoration for that rich guy.
It’s been fun on social media

Lost last night. Series C here we come. Your recommended Utras book is on the way so I’ll just bide my time studying up for next season. Have a great weekend you all.
Hang in there, #PizzaMafia4Lyf
All hail Pizzus Maximus