Even on Independence Day, the Content Must Be Mined! (Though not necessarily mine)

*Cover Photo From Here; I was going to use a picture of a happy miner, but those were all stock photos or Disney, both quite litigious

Happy 4th of July! Or another Monday, depending on your geography and/or perspective.  Given that there is so much figuratively on fire right now in the world, let’s take a beat this morning to look back just a skosh.

As many of you know, this site is an outgrowth of the waning days of the quivering husk of KSK, which was itself the afterbirth of Deadspin. At DFO’s inception (and conception, I suppose), the thesis was football, dick jokes, puzzles, and football. The common thread(s) throughout were straightforward–football, dick jokes, occasionally trenchant wit, and a sense of community.

Leave it to you to decide who’s who in the clubhouse, Photo from here

Contrary to the views of (just guessing here) 1 to 3 sitting Supreme Court justices, evolution is real and inevitable, not just with animals but even dick joke blogs. DFO’s “coverage” of football expanded to futbol and footy. It also now covers a lot of other shit, important societal issues, Canadian history, crazy ass fiction, and the frivolous and personal matters that bond people to one another. At times, and not exclusively the barren wastelands of dead NFL off-season times, we have straight up ignored major NFL happenings, either due to apathy, lack of bandwidth, or straight up disdain for the Ginger Steward of the Shield. And that’s fine because even if FOOTBALL blog became sometimes other stuff and football blog, what has persisted above all else has been the sense of community (and dick jokes).

I guess what I’m saying is at its core, this site is still the place where many people come to write and comment, attempt to be funny and/or entertained, and know they have an outlet and a likely outpouring of support if they’ve lost a pet or a job or found a new love or hobby. Sometimes we lose sight of that (or the apparent power trip of author’s privileges makes them lose more than sight) and I just wanted to take a minute to say “hey, this dick joke blog is a pretty cool place. It only stays that way with genuine, original connections and efforts from strangers, many of whom aren’t strangers anymore. Thanks for being a part of it.”

And if you want to be MORE of a part than you already are, raise a hand. As you can tell, we let almost anyone write here, just have to obey the golden rules of DFO–be funny, be respectful, be supportive of one another, and be free to declare your independence from the tyranny of pants.

On account of the holiday and the pure spirit of leveraging the Monday Mock Drafts to procrastinate work, Horatio’s regularly scheduled feature shall appear tomorrow instead. If you’re still itching for thematic collaborative selection activities, Sharky nominated a mini mock draft of “Songs Idiots Think Are Patriotic.” The over/under there is 2.5 so why don’t we say “Subversive pseudojingoistic items that go right over people’s heads” and go from there?  If you get on a roll, I’ll make up a commissioner, but let’s keep it loose in the spirit of a day off.

Photo Credit: ME, picture taken in Hawaii on the Fourth of July like 4 years ago

Anyway, may you not have to work and be able to enjoy grilled food and chilled drinks all day and all night long.

P.S. Don’t forget to let us know if you’re joining DFOCON east in Baltimore the weekend after Bastille Day. Viva DFO!

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BFC is a Chicago native transplanted to our nation's capital and transplanted again to the mountain West, then to SoCal, then back to the mountain West, and then again back to our nation's capital. He enjoys football, whisky, and the oxford comma.
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Col. Duke LaCross

This is the third time the swimming pool here at work has played John Cougar Mellancamp’s “This is Our Country” since I’ve gotten here this afternoon. And then it rolls into a song the great Neil Diamond wrote in tribute to his massive hatred of immigrants, “Coming To America” and then cues up the aforementioned Lee Greenwood abomination.

Their playlist only has about eight songs. Welcome to my hell.

Last edited 2 years ago by Col. Duke LaCross

It would be fun if Morrissey recorded a cover of “Coming to America” but did it just dripping with sarcasm.

yeah right

Today is littlest right’s 6th birthday. I’m officially going to stop considering the quick passage of time and just welcome the fact that I’ll be retired before you know it.

It feels like last month when I was holding this tiny little new member of the family right after delivery.

I will say that I’m glad it’s my daughter’s and not my responsibility. I’m not completely insane.


That’s cool.

yeah right

It is pretty cool. I’ve mentioned before but the 4th of July was actually the wedding anniversary of me and the recently departed former missus. Some symmetry there.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I miss the days when AR-15 meant Anal Rimming Volumes 1-5

Col. Duke LaCross

Banner this man.


You sure? That comment could leave a bad taste in people mouths.

Horatio Cornblower

Local news: Runs a story about dogs running off because they’re afraid of fireworks

Me: (to my asshole cat who wakes me up at 4:45 to go out) Why can’t you do that?

Asshole Cat: (calling in coordinates for an artillery barrage on the fireworks platform) Shut the fuck up.

Horatio Cornblower

Ned Lamont, CT’s governor, came into the bar I was at and shook hands with people right up until my bar stool, then turned and left the bar.

Just in case you wondered how seriously I take my drinking-at-the-bar time.


If that ever happens with Chris Murphy please tell him I said hi.

Horatio Cornblower

Blumenthal was at the parade, but didn’t come into the bar.

Because he sucks.


Blumenthal spoke at my high school graduation (which Chris might have actually attended, having graduated from there two years earlier).

He very much did suck.


I saw Trey Gowdy on an episode of forensic files last night.

yeah right

The caps that the MLB players are wearing today are vomit inducing.


(glares in Lee Greenwood)

Game Time Decision

is that the one with the America flag on it?

Love how they made a Jay’s one, as in Toronto Blue Jays.


yeah right

Yeah, they’ve got some sort of sweeping flag like Leroy Niemann color vomit thing working.
Guys? A whole lot of people aren’t exactly in love with America right now.

Horatio Cornblower

The Red Sox ones are giving me motion sickness, and I’m sitting down.


Vomit-inducing or scromit-inducing?

Col. Duke LaCross

Checking in from work for the next seven hours. Thanks a million for keeping me entertained internet friends.

Horatio Cornblower

“I said a 7-iron will be fine, Sir, unless you’re a total pussy.”

Horatio Cornblower

Back from the parade. Pleased to announce that Willimantic managed to have a whole-ass parade and not shoot anyone, which apparently is something that not every town in America can say.

Also managed to get a seat at the best bar in Willimantic and took full advantage of that. I had a 12% mead!

I suspect a nap is my immediate future.


For a second I thought the Wimbledon outtro music was this song, which would actually be fitting for the next twelve months.


Horatio Cornblower

That song is so great on so many levels.

Brick Meathook

Nice trenchant post, but you left out radial aircraft engines:

comment image


“Subversive pseudojingoistic items that go right over people’s heads” you say???

Submitted for your perusal:


Last edited 2 years ago by BeefReeferLives

It’s great that America managed to surpass the Copenhagen mass shooting in less than 24 hours. Really, really great.




Yup. Just fills me with jingoistic pride.

We’re Number One!!

yeah right

It really is the most American thing ever.


I’mma make a prediction. Proud Boy/ Oathkeeper and the cops will blame Antifa.


Found a funny;

dog owners: their name is buddy

cat owners: their name is cool ranch dorito

King Hippo

I hate parades, but not from fear of speedholes.


My understanding is that it’s basically one of those John Hughes type neighborhoods.

Brick Meathook

For the movie of this let’s get creative with the casting. Molly Ringwold is the shooter and Judd Nelson is . . . the victim.


Build Back Better Questionnaires? That doesn’t sound like a fun thing to fill out on the 4th of July.

King Hippo

Especially when the answer is always (as maths would dictate) – whatever suits Joe Manchin that particular day.

Horatio Cornblower

We’re off to the Willimantic Boom Box Parade. it used to be just that, a bunch of weirdos marching down Main Street carrying boom boxes. Now it’s a huge thing, including floats, a lot of businesses just driving their trucks while blasting the horn, and politicians.

Gonna see if I can persuade Dick Blumenthal to please do something about Finsta.


I swore one of those kids had a boom box.

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We lived in Kingston WA for four years. On the 4th, they had the silliest parade. I’ve ever seen. People dressed in bizarre costumes riding their lawnmowers, and a folding chair drill team that had very precise routines with the chairs. Brides and grooms, but the men were the brides, and the women were the grooms. Dogs in costumes. Kazoo band. It was mad fun!
I’m just not feeling it this year. We have to go visit the fam, and all I want to do is crawl back in bed with the covers over my head.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gumbygirl

Re: house bullshit

Last week was the floor overlay and staining. Next 4-5 days are painting. The Mrs is going hard at picking out furniture….online.

I’m 100% sure I’ll be holding back plenty of I told you so over the next 7-18 days. And then in 91 days when she’s done nothing but let the return window close.


There’s an American (Nakashima) playing at Wimbledon today. It’s a shame he’s not playing against a British player.


I’m going to subvert this Request Line topic with a TRIPLE SHOT.



I hope they also brought ABORTIONS FOR SOME.

[crosses arms]

End communication.



Horatio Cornblower

Pfft! Call me when they make Steve Gutenberg a star.
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Half the country is talking about secession, and THIS is what Wordle picked for the 4th of July?


We’re in the middle of house bullshit. Plus the Mrs picked up shifts as covid swept through her unit’s nurse corps last week.

I’ll be happy to get high and loaded in the pool if I can get her and blaxito to go to minions 2 alone.

Horatio Cornblower

If you get high and loaded now they’ll have to go to Minions 2 alone.


Grillin (ribeyes) and chillin. Veggie garden at 7 weeks is producing nicely this year. Happy 4th in the US and buona giornata to those in other corners of paradise. Be well friends.


Born in the USA is the obvious one.

King Hippo

“Okie From Muskogee” was meant to be sarcastic/ironic, not a declaration of the superiority of rural Southern “values”


Rednecks don’t get subtlety. You have to beat them over the head with it.
Let’s beat some rednecks over the head.