Arkansas (+2.5) v. Texas A&M at JerralWorld (7:00, ESPN)
A specially scheduled game to serve one man’s ego, in the temple to said ego. Hope that it’s compelling viewing, otherwise this be the nap window.
Kansas State (+13) at Oklahoma (8:00, Fox)
Remember, LOVE Unded Bill Snyders as a big underdog. No matter that they lost to Tulane last week (because HATE as a favourite).
UConn (+38.5) at NC State (7:30, ESPN3/FS-Car)
Hippo/Horatio Derby! I could…not manage to wrangle a #ShameBet here. Sad Hippo.
Southern Cal (-6.5) at Oregon State (9:30, PAC-12)
This is a game well worth watching, and it sucks that I have to find PAC-12 Network for some Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice Beaver.
Utah (-14) at Arizona State (10:30, ESPN)
Tweaker slate is a little light, but maybe Sparky gets a mini bounce from firing Herm Edwards?
Stanford (+12.5) at Washington (10:30, FS1)
I suppose the Huskies could hangover after thrashing Sparty last week – but the Trees are really, really bad. Anyway, if awake, gotta watch sommet.
1st time in with my new htpc rig. (asus tuf board, silverstone case, fanless video card). Beef like. Nice and quiet. M.2 drives are noice. Was able to slap in my files by hooking up my old drives directly to the mobo & transferring in. Great native sound as well. Woot.
This GF is needs to be dumped immediately. I’ve seen her in the highlights 3 times today. She is more concerned about herself than the outcome of the game.
This is Long Beach CA. Except for cropping and some minor dodging & burning this photo is pretty much “as is.” There’s no color shifts or filters applied, but then I rarely do that because those things are for amateurs. I won a prestigious Dorkus Award for “Best Photograph of Railroad Tracks, Railroad Signage, and Railroad Signaling Equipment” from Railroad Photography Today magazine.
Sleepy time for me, gotta ride a horse and fly to Vegas tomorrow. Nighty night all!
Good night! Win big in Vegas, we need to buy our DFO lair!
Interception San Jose state! Who the fuck is western Michigan?
Well, they’re a little west of Central Michigan and more west of Eastern Michigan.
I will call them The North Dakota State That Couldn’t.
Demotivational childrens’ books is a yet to be explored field, I say write it
Finally, someone who gets my shitty references.
My son called them Directional Michigan.
Oh man. Those drinks were stronger than expected. I am fucked up. I had better eat something.
I am three quarters of the way through a bottle of wine, and I hardly ever drink anymore. Gumbygirl is hammered, like a fucking lady!
Fuck yeah! Let’s get fucked up and eat and pass out while doing nothing productive!
I have some pralines that SIL brought back from New Orleans. I’m trying to keep myself from scarfing them up, because they were for both Gumby and me. But he’s not here…
Less for him, more for you. Gotta love that!
I’m babysitting his dad and his sister’s four cats and a dog, while he has peace and quiet at home. I deserve those pralines.
Savor them! You’ve earned them!
Pralines and cream. You deserve it all.
Where is Rikki when I need some love. He really is a good person.
Rikki is the sweet heart of the corn cob, in the immortal words of my 4th grade teacher, Sister Esther. As are all of you. You guys rock, and I mean that most sincerely. And yes, I am drunk.
Here I am! Hope it’s not too late!
Doin nothing means a lot to me
Careful Icarus
I love the Poirot’s where Christie wrote herself in as Ariadne Oliver. This one, Hallowe’en Party, is probably my favorite one.
That was the first Agatha Christie book I ever read! I lost the book somewhere at school and had to save up my allowance to buy another copy and find out who did it! (I still remember today)
You are awesome zymm and live the best life. No one gets to see the world like you do. Keep being fucking great and kicking ass along the way.
We all want to be like Zymm!
The know it all brother just bit the dust.
It’s Saturday night and I am wrecked on fistfuls of Oxycodone. I think I’m going to take my SUV out for a high-speed joyride through the streets and freeways of Los Angeles and see if anybody notices.
Come out to Riverside and pick me up. I am up for some shenanigans!
So, just an ordinary day in West Hollywood?
dash cam!
Now that this is over, I am not watching any Utah based team. So time to get bored watching Stanford/Washington.
Double selfie
Stupid Troi Boiz
Both of these teams beat Fresno State, so I am very torn.
either way help your RPI?
Probably not. Our QB may be out for the season. We may not see him again until he is playing in the pros.
oof, that ain’t no good.
i hate them SO MUCH. Cmon Beavers do me right,
Clarendon Metro Station, Arlington VA
They built the Orange Line and this station right next to my grade school when I was 11 years old.
Best. Playground. Ever.
I love how you can tell how deep a metro station is by how ellipsoid the ceiling is
Just learned USC’s punter is named Aadyn Sleep-Dalton because God apparently wants me to hate USC even more.
There are so many better names for someone with the surname ‘sleep’ to hyphenate with
I tried to tell Andy Dalton that he was spending too much time hanging around with Darren Sharper.
They’ve been playing “It wasn’t me” a lot on the throwback station here, so listening to the response. Both great songs, we need more popular reggae nowadays
TIL that Shaggy got an honorary doctorate of Fine Arts from Brown this year
I guess it was Shaggy. It wasn’t me.
I picked up 2 flavors to get me started tonight. This one and a mango flavor. These will be my appetizers, since I might eat some food tonight. Undecided about that.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs is perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Loved it very very much
Beavs at timeout, so I guess we check in on Penix.
I love that Beaver football is sponsored by Old Trapper.
We would have also enjoyed Snapper mowers
It’s late-see ya tomorrow.
Good night you glorious bastard. Be safe.
Beavers really got gashed there
I don’t remember ordering a Beaver turnover.
Return to normal. Beaver gives it up to the boys.
Based on the ad I just saw, I don’t think Gubernatorial candidate Tina Kotek likes this.
Okie Fan #1: “Yeah, sure we lost but we’ve still got…uh, we’ve still got…Hey man, help me out here.”
Okie Fan #2: “We’ve Got Nothing! Nothing at all.”
Nearby steer bats eyelashes suggestively
They’ve got a state where the topography points rudely at the west coast!

Longingly, not rudely.
These beavers are really swallowing these Trojans. The protection needs to be better.
Confusing sentence fragment – Niiiiiiiiiccccce Beaver…sack
Thanks. They had it stuffed.
Imagine how much this is killing the soul of the state of Nebraska. Adrian Martinez walking out of Norman a winner.
Not only is Oklahoma in grave danger of losing, past-Oklahoma (USC) is as well!
That would likely get my Wolven Sort into the Top 10 for their Skullfucking in Death Valley next week (which is rumoUred to get Gameday coverage).
Kansas St is kicking some ass.
Enough jayveeing, time to find my vape and watch British mysteries on PBS. And I will enjoy this yummy wine my SIL’s gave me for my birthday.
Good call. I am also watching British mysteries on public broadcasting. Great stuff.
Are they still trying to figure out who killed the queen?
Where’s Reggie Jackson anyway?
Gotta give it to the bird, being very blasé featherin’ that kangaroo
Look at you Martinez!
We can tell it isn’t you because that would be a Burger Joint.
Norman, OK wants to give me a seizure
At least Purdue is gonna squeee out a win, I know Brocky pulls for them when they ain’t playing Indiana smgdh