Your Sunday Night NFL Football Open Thread

Did you have a productive day? I didn’t. (aside from a walk, which totally counts, by the way) But that’s neither here nor there, I wonder why I even brought it up.

Narrator: “He brought it up because he’s trying to get to the 250 word minimum.”

To The Game!


-Renowned Shit Disturber* Brian Flores is back in town in Miami, doing the coachspeak thing like saying, “I’ve moved on”, and “I’m focused on winning”. (there is a civil suit still going, right?)

*according to the suits at NFL Headquarters

-A groggy and totally dazed Tua WHO IS COMPLETELY FINE, BY THE WAY will be trotted out this evening. Will he die? Probably not.

-Sticky Pickett: Despite Truth Biscuit coming in and saving the day last week, the young rook qb will get the start.

-Points are hard to come by in Pittsburgh these days-Najee is struggling as undrafted Jaylen Warren gains ground and the O is generating an average of 16.2 points per game.

-That’s not good given that the D is surrendering 20 per tilt.

-The Steelers are finding out the hard way that it’s not a good year to be playing the AFC East. They’ve lost winnable games against the Pats and the Jets and had their doors blown off by the Bills. Will it be a clean sweep?

-That Pitt D does have some pieces coming back but still no T.J. Watt. Still, they were able to generate enough of a pass rush to get Brady flustered.

-If the Fins get the W they will be 9-1 in their last 10 home games. You don’t usually think of their stadium as a tough place to play.

Type away.

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Doktor Zymm

I wonder what it would be like to vote for someone I liked and fully agreed with and won an election

Doktor Zymm

(she said after seeing a Gavin commercial and listening to the gubernatorial debate on the radio earlier, super annoyed Gav is the lesser of 2 evils)

Doktor Zymm

Don’t they celebrate in South Florida most nights, regardless of the sports results?

Doktor Zymm

Pickett deFences


I want to get his nickname to be Wilson Pickett State Teachers College


Welp, that sucked.

Mr. Ayo

More like PICKit


When you are not good at catching, you can at least play defense

Doktor Zymm

Dolphins: Sea mammal or land fish?


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Mr. Ayo

Sea mammal

Mr. Ayo

More like PICKett

Col. Duke LaCross

This second half has been pretty much unwatchable.


At some point, the Stiller are going to have to officially apologize to the country of Canada for Matt Canada besmirching it’s good name.

yeah right

Cris Collingsworth looks like the last guy at the bar that you would want to have a conversation with.


Not sure about looks, definitely sounds.

Doktor Zymm

And he would keep trying to talk to you, even though you’re clearly reading a book or watching the game or looking in the other direction or telling him to stop talking to you


Until he traps you coming back from the bathroom.


The Reverse HARF

yeah right

You look like your reading that book hoored.


He’d get right in your face. Swaying and slurring, he’d slosh his drink on your shoes, and start every one of his hateful and stupid opinions with “of course there’s no question, blahblahblaaaaaah….”

yeah right

Let’s be honest…

/ sloshes drink


Wow, Collinsworth is wasted. More than usual I mean.


So… as someone with a somewhat basic understanding of MLB teams,

Who is more hateable? Astros or Yankees?

Doktor Zymm


Mr. Ayo

The Astericks.

Yanks blow too, but they don’t cheat.


I’m sure they cheat plenty, just not as blatantly.


Yanks= Devil you know

Astros= Cheaters who cheat and still lose, which somehow makes it worse

Horatio Cornblower


yeah right


Doktor Zymm

I wonder what the gal who wrote the cunt punt letter is up to nowadays?

Horatio Cornblower

If I had to guess I’d say 168.


Once every quarter I think about her. She’s probably married to some Hedge funds douche


I had to look it up but I remember that now. She was a boss, that girl! Hilarious!


And by boss, of course I mean insane .

yeah right

Give me a reason to post one of my favorite videos why dontcha?

Last edited 1 year ago by yeah right

Anyone else feel a little uneasy watching Tua play?


Especially on shit like that.

Mr. Ayo

Definitely cringed when he dove head first there.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mr. Ayo
Doktor Zymm

For sure



But it is the reason I’m watching.

Doktor Zymm

Theory: The rest of the NFL owners keep Snyder around because he makes them look less evil by comparison


How does a theory become a law? Because that needs to happen in this case.


Heritage Foundation

yeah right

Holy shit is this an aesthetically pleasing uniform game.

The Dolphins need to switch back to these unis STAT.

Makes me want to slap the individual that made their logo the leaping teal penis.

Last edited 1 year ago by yeah right

Yeah, these are classic.


Dolphins fans keep saying this. But teal dildos are just too overpowering or something

yeah right

Know your audience.

Doktor Zymm

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Game Time Decision


Last edited 1 year ago by Gumbygirl
Doktor Zymm

I’ll be in LA during wild card weekend, and it would be super fun to have a DFO playoff game outing, but I’m kinda thinking there will be no playoff games hosted in payday loan stadium this year

yeah right

Let’s make it so. I know somebody who cooks!

Game Time Decision

Dungy and Garrett have to be the worstest half time show evar

Doktor Zymm

Rodgers is basically a meth vampire that lives under bridges with the trolls because the other vampires like Tony Dungy won’t let him sleep in the castle because he ruins the coffin linings with his hair grease

Game Time Decision

Wtf is with his eye in the post game interview

Doktor Zymm


yeah right

There are basically no humans alive, apart from him that I wouldn’t do hallucinogens with.

Doktor Zymm

That seems like eminently sensible policy

Doktor Zymm

Ok, so that’s a no on prop 31


“My mom says you should vote yes.” – Eli Manning

Doktor Zymm

“I would be willing to discuss it with your mom, in private”
– B. Belichick

Doktor Zymm

Half of the time has expired along with roughly half my bottle of wine! Pacing!


and Tua’s spinal fluid!


And Coach Reid’s favorite restaurant’s supply of barbecue sauce!

Doktor Zymm

There is a Steelers bar on Sheffield st in Chicago. That probaby does not make the people in the bar appreciate that catch


I think The Good Mrs. Reefer is already pretty sick and tired of me saying “Aww c’mon Kenny” in a Cartmanesque voice.

Sorry m’love. It’s going to be a long season….

King Hippo

Wait, THERE is the cock for Cris’ lips. THE BEN, harf!!

Doktor Zymm

So grey!


I am not nearly high enough for this nonsense.


Seems like you aren’t trying hard enough.


I am working on it. I think I have some gummies. They gross me out if they’re weedy, but I’ll put on my( way too) big girl underoos!


Try looking for solventless hash gummies, those shouldn’t taste too weedy and seem to not give headaches to people.


Are those the live resin ones?

yeah right

You are truly dedicated to your craft.

King Hippo

#MeToo, but #FifthPill is rarely a good idea.


How about #firstbeer after #threeglassesofwine?

King Hippo

might taste a little weird, so just drink it fast-like

Doktor Zymm

Beer is just low alcohol malt wine


ppl forget that

King Hippo

How many pairs of gloves y’all reckon Uncle Jack is wearing? Gotta be 3-4, minimum, yeah?

Doktor Zymm

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Brick Meathook

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Doktor Zymm

Aw, so adorabley terrifying!


Just tuning into this game. Is Tua hurt yet?

Doktor Zymm

Maybe emotionally

Doktor Zymm

I think that roomful of monkeys with typewriters has given up on Shakespeare and turned to the much more lucrative career of naming prescription drugs

Recovery Whiskey

Guys it was a soccer dive. Not called.


There’s some kind of event going on nearby and we seem to be positioned perfectly for their shitty DJ to come through loud and clear.

Doktor Zymm

Annoying. I’ve been drowning out my noisy neighbors with rain sounds, but you would probably need a hurricane recording to block out a DJ


They’re like half a block away. It’s some acoustical quirk that is making them so loud here.

One thing a friend of mine used to do that was very effective with noisy (music-playing) neighbors was to find the same music, they play it loudly half a beat off from the original.


Are there really people watching La Brea? Like real life people?

Doktor Zymm

Like standing around staring at the tar pits?


I’ve spent more time standing around staring at the tar pits than I have spent watching La Brea. They’re actually kind of neat – they bubble!

Mr. Ayo

Seriously, especially since they could be watching Quantum Leap!






Doktor Zymm

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Tua goes in headfirst. Dumbass.

Doktor Zymm

The brain doctors the NFL hired from Hollywood Upstairs Medical School told him that if he hits the front of his head instead of the back it’ll knock his brain back into the best spot


“I actually encourage that approach.” – Tua’s girlfriend

King Hippo

I refuse to do any work, but I might need to break out a book for this’un. Yeesh.


Cris right now:
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Brick Meathook

My sister died Thursday night after a gruesome three year battle with the most horrible cancer anyone could get. It was in her colon and rectum and she could barely eat. Yet if you spoke with her on the phone you’d never know anything was wrong.

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The treatment just devastated her but she was so tough. I drove to the hospice in Phoenix and we were all with her. She looked like a corpse, and each day she looked worse. But I held her hand and let her know I was there. When she finally died it was merciful.

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So for all you out there who think cancer jokes are funny this should be a gold mine.

I drove out there and back without any pain meds because I didn’t feel like dying at 100mph in the Sonoran Desert, and wow my leg still hurts. But that’s okay, I can take it. But I was on crutches now with a boot on and I can move around pretty nimbly, a mere nine weeks after surgery. Eventually I won’t even need crutches.

I’m a very good natured guy, and I can tolerate a lot of stuff. And I prefer to be happy, and to make other people happy, I truly do. Last night somebody called me “one foot” and not in a nice way – I’m assuming they were drunk so I’ll let it slide, this time. Next time, in honor of my sister, I’m going to find you and stick my left leg into your rectum and push it through your colon and keep going until your eyeballs fucking pop.

That is all. You may proceed in life now. Thank you.


That sucks, man. I’m glad you were able to be with her as she passed. I’m sorry about your loss.

Doktor Zymm

That’s rough, I’m glad you were able to spend quality time with her and sending virtual hugs


I’m so sorry. Cancer is an evil motherfucker.

Mr. Ayo

Sorry to hear this Brick.

Game Time Decision

Fuck cancer

King Hippo

Cris is much quieter, since there’s no “pre-determined cock to suck” on either side.

Last edited 1 year ago by King Hippo

tough day for his gag reflex seeing Brady and Rodgers having a bad day


He will be thrilled to see the Steelers lose.

Recovery Whiskey

Every 19-1 team could have wiped the floor with the 72 Dolphins.

King Hippo

OY, the 1972 shit. FINE, I am cheering for the goddamned YINZERS

Mr. Ayo

The Trent Green Bowl is about to kickoff!

King Hippo

I say we dress them in the opposing uniform, see if either notices.

Doktor Zymm

So turns out NFL+ doesn’t actually work on my phone, only on the Android emulator on my computer. I’ve been trying to get a fix or a refund from support, but that’s been a no go, so now I’m just going to file repeated tickets to drive up their operating expenses until I feel I have cost them more than the subscription fee

Game Time Decision

Channelling my inner Brocky

I’m losing in FF by 0.3 of a point in one league and winning by .8 in my money league. I’m so gonna get fucked by mid week stat adjustments as all players have played

Last edited 1 year ago by Game Time Decision
King Hippo

I could theoretically win one or both of my matchups, despite scoring less than 80 points. Depends mostly on what happens tonight, though I’ve already forgotten the details.


I’m winning by 12 or so but he’s got three players left to my one. All children, I’m hoping, since my one remaining player is Tyreek Hill.

King Hippo

A whole lot of morbid curiosity for Tua’s fencing practice!

Doktor Zymm


King Hippo

THIS DOKTOR gets it!


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Horatio Cornblower

TV Announcer: “Andy Reid, boy, who’s done it better than him?”

Garret Reid:



2 New Quarter.jpg
Game Time Decision

I want my two dollars


In reference to RTD’s comment in the earlier thread, I need all the juicy gossip everyone had on the Michelle Beadle – Erin Andrews feud.

Specially considering that for years Beadle’s husband (Joe Buck) worked with Andrews on the Fox broadcasts…

Horatio Cornblower

Wait, Beadle married Joe Buck!? I had no idea.

You can read the oral (giggle) history of ESPN, which touches on it. Beadle made some comments that implied that Andrews really wasn’t all that upset about the key hole incident and that she used it to further her career. At a minimum it’s pretty clear that Beadle didn’t like Andrews, like at all.


Apparently, I’m getting my blonde Michelles mixed up…

King Hippo

well, well, well
you NEVAR can tell…


Turns out it was BEISNER that married Buck, not Beadle.

I read into it. Apparently, Erin spread gossip that Beadle had banged Clay Matthews….


Michelle Beadle:

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Michelle Beisner-Buck:

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Recovery Whiskey

These people are so unlikeable. Look at our fuck trophies, LOOK AT THEM

King Hippo

I vastly prefer Ms. Stark, and am glad her career got back on track.


Pffft. Losers. Check out MY fuck trophy!


That’s a cool ass lamp!


It is! My mother in law got it at a yard sale years ago. It has a broken support for the top shade that I really need to get fixed someday, it sits at a slightly wonky angle. The trophy is one of my son’s tae kwando trophies.


For a bachelor party many years ago I had a trophy printed up for the groom that read “WORLD’S GREATEST LOVER 2005”. Then we took him to a strip club and gave the girls Sharpies to write on him with.


I feel like Michelle Beadle would not have been insulted to have that “rumor” spread about her.


The thing I respect about Beadle is that she hasn’t backed off or tried to be PC about it. She flat out doesn’t like Erin Andrews and doesn’t care who knows it.


“You can’t spell ‘Erin Andrews’ without C-*-*-T.” – Michelle Beadle


“I’ll have to take your word for that.” – Lea Michele


For some reason, the Steelers are shit on Sunday nights. Adjust your bets accordingly.


As a lifelong Bengals fan, I must stress the Steelers exist partially to kill your dreams and make you cry. Factor that into all decisions.