Sexy Friday – 20221125

TGIF! So long Turkey week! (‘Merikan version) Let’s get to it so we can grab our beauty sleep before another early morning of lesser footy, world edition.

Survival – Personal Edition

Now that you’ve made left a disaster in your kitchen and forgot to clean up, you’ve been blessed with a cockroach infestation. Not to worry, I’ve got you covered here!

  • First things first, accept that cockroaches will outlive us a species. Those assholes will probably survive the death heat of our planet. So, we’re not here to try annihilate them, because we’d have already done that if possible. Instead, we’re convincing them to re-home themselves from your filthy abode.
  • Clean out the kitchen. Start by getting rid of all food scraps. This means scouring countertops, stove tops, table tops, and any other surface used for prepping or eating food.
  • Now empty the kitchen. You don’t have to toss the food, of course, just need it out of the way. Empty the fridge, freezer, pantry, cupboards, drawers, dishwasher, microwave, toaster, and trash cans. Now scrub each one of those thoroughly. Pull out any specialized cooking devices and scrub those too and don’t forget the bottoms of these cooking devices.
  • On to the living room(s) and den. Remove all cushions from chairs and sofas and vacuum them out. Move those items and thoroughly vacuum underneath them. Roll up and carpets and mop under them. Going forward, stop eating in the living room. You have a dining room for that purpose.
  • Now take a lap around the living quarters and find all sources of water. Toilets, faucets, showers, bidets, etc. Make sure everything is dry around them and under them. Check for any leaks or seeping water under sink counters or around the base of the toilet. Dry thoroughly and get any water leaks fixed as soon as possible.
  • Now for the part where you come face to face with our mutual enemy, if you haven’t already while cleaning. Time to go around and find their hiding spot. This will be in a dark place, cardboard boxes, magazine piles, or newspaper piles. Look, just take out your recycling on a regular schedule. Again, we don’t need to kill them yet, we’re getting to that part. But removing or exposing their hiding spot will get some of them to go elsewhere.
  • Next throw a bunch of sticky traps around, especially in those hiding spots from the last step. Also put them under every sink. If they haven’t left, this will help you find out where they are mostly hanging out. Which will also tell you where they’re getting in. If you find an ingress, seal it up.
  • For the remaining roaches, they’ve just signed their death warrant. Mix up some Borax, flour, and cocoa powder in 4:2:1 ratio respectively. Take that lovely concoction and sprinkle liberally where the cockroaches were most prevalent.

That should be that for cleaning up that infestation. Going forward, keep your place clean and dry and they won’t come back.

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Survival – Species Edition

Time to put the sexy in Friday!

Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to what’s most important: Commenting and drinking!

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Brick Meathook

Hawthorne, CA

I don’t know if this guy is a homeless ventriloquist, a religious nutcase, or a very committed performance artist.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Brick Meathook
Brick Meathook

Hesperia, CA

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That’s a beautifully composed shot because you have the bum in the foreground and the fire in the background plus the fence and warning signs in the middle.

A metaphor for the times we live in?

Last edited 2 years ago by ballsofsteelandfury
Brick Meathook

Until I cropped the photo at home I never noticed the bum.

Brick Meathook

but I’m going to go with your explanation

yeah right

Motherfucker is lucky it’s November.

Try that sleep in the desert shit in August in Hesperia and you’re bones are already picked clean.


Arizona won back the territorial cup.

Ready to burn this place to the ground (with Kari Lake).

Horatio Cornblower

ESPN is putting Go-Pros on fans so we can see what they’re looking at during the game.

If they put one on me it’ll document a 15 minute argument about why can’t I use cash to buy two goddamn beers; I do not see the need to pull out a credit card for this transaction!


And the subsequent TikTok follow-up, “Boomer drunk sports dad wants the manager.”

Horatio Cornblower

I’m Gen X, sir.


If you’re over 35, you’re Old to the youngins, and all Olds look and sound the same.

Brick Meathook

the youngins are all millennial dipshits


This is the correct answer.


All they would see on mine would be the banner pic.

Horatio Cornblower

UConn just whupped Alabama by 15 in the prestigious PK85 (or something) tournament.

The men and the women will both go for the titles, both playing Iowa State. All this synergy must mean something, but damned if I know what. Anyway, I’m drunk.


There’s gonna be A LOT of Florida Men-ing tonight in Gainesville and Tallahassee.

Game Time Decision

My wife is trying to find another movie. Think that’s my que to go to bed. Night all

Game Time Decision

It’s over. Yay

We’ve been making fun of it the whole time.

This movie was recommended by my wife’s coworker, so if this is a good one, what’s a bad one like?


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Game Time Decision

This clip is funnier than the whole movie we just watched

Game Time Decision

Snow storm isn’t for the couple but more people for dinner

Game Time Decision

They haven’t been on a date but single dad is now proposing.

She said yes

Horatio Cornblower

That’ll end well.

Game Time Decision

City girl won’t move in with the single dad as its too soon a d she’s bad with picking guys. Like they’re not shagging after this time. I’m guessing freak snow storm to make her move in

Brick Meathook

Hesperia, CA

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You weren’t kidding about going for a drive…

Brick Meathook


Game Time Decision

City girl’s sister, who looks nothing like her, is a doctor and has only appeared in scrubs with a stethoscope so far has finally appeared in non scrubs. Still blue tho


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Have to be careful with that.

Game Time Decision

Uh oh. Grandpa had a stroke, no not a a squeezer, and is the hospital. The tears flowing on screen is gonna make sea levels rise by a few inches

Game Time Decision

City girl is getting a transfer to the same city as the lodge. Totally shocking development. Nawt

Office coworker just made the joke about the new boyfriend and that’s why she was happy

Last edited 2 years ago by Game Time Decision
Game Time Decision

Single dad asking out city girl now. Think of your most awkward date and multiple it by 4 or 5 tell you how bad this scene is

Single dad daughter is of course listening in the hall. She’s wearing Angel wings

Game Time Decision

Sick grandpa going to cover the missing million dollars to fix up the lodge that the grants won’t

Grandpa talk about it has had a zillion biblical references.

Talk convinces his son, the contractor, to take the jorb

Game Time Decision

Single dad’s kid telling dad that over worked girl likes him too. Duh like he didn’t know


Has the “Master of Light” shown up yet?

Game Time Decision

Soon. No spoilers please


Oops, sorry!


Dad is insisting we leave the hotel early so we don’t miss any of Ohio State-UM.

Father of the Year Candidate.

Game Time Decision

Estimate in, 1.8 to 2 million dollars

Now single dad wants it open by Xmas. Most sure time of year but it’s fall, so more montages on deck

Last edited 2 years ago by Game Time Decision
Horatio Cornblower

He just has that kind of money laying around?

He’s in a cartel.

Game Time Decision

Front for laundering money for sure


This is actually Marty Byrd’s prequel movie to Ozark.

Last edited 2 years ago by WCS
Horatio Cornblower

I watched all 4 seasons and therefore am pretty set in my opinion that it’s the most overrated show ever. Always managed to have one or two moments that kept you hanging on, but otherwise wasn’t much.

Certainly never approached the level of Better Call Saul, just to name one.

Game Time Decision

Over worked city girl and single dad are going for the getting to know you walk but with a wheelbarrow. No it does not work well

Horatio Cornblower

The yardwork implement or the sex position?

Game Time Decision

Sex position would make this a totally different movie and not one I want to watch with my daughter in the room

Game Time Decision

Lodge is almost derelict but single dad can cook a Michelin meal on a camp stove with questionable water and power in its kitchen

Game Time Decision

Musical montage on how much its going to cost to fix up the lodge

My vote is for one million dollars

Horatio Cornblower

Just enough to be covered by the Xmas bake sale!

Game Time Decision

Thin mints only

Game Time Decision

Douche canoe boyfriend is doing the worst but most clichéd breakup evar

Only because she liked the country and he liked the city. Fuckers its called the burbs. Just settle and this can be over

Last edited 2 years ago by Game Time Decision
Game Time Decision

This movie is wayyyy more religious than I would have guessed.


Really cranking up the hardline Buddhist dogma, huh?

Horatio Cornblower

“Weird, I did not see Hallmark coming out with a positive take on the Rohingya massacres, but here we are.”

Game Time Decision

How are all these actors so stiff and not in a good way? It’s like they have worked on it. And there’s no charisma in any of these people


Doesn’t Melissa Joan Hart play most of the roles a la Eddie Murphy in The Klumps?

Game Time Decision

She would be a massive step up from these actors


G’d evenin. Did they check Tim Ream when he left the stadium? He probably still has Harry Kane in his pocket.

Horatio Cornblower

I watched the first half of the game in a laundromat, (because my mother has Covid and never told us that her washing machine broke; well done, Mom), and the owner was an older Italian woman who had the game on, and had strong opinions about football.

Not gonna lie, it was pretty cool.

Game Time Decision

The old ladies colour commentary must have been awesome

Horatio Cornblower

It was. I understood half of it, at best.

Game Time Decision

We’re now watching Hallmark Christmas movies. There’s a list. A fucking list of movies that they want to watch.
It’s all C list actors. Like they look kinda sorta familiar but aren’t.

Christmas Lodge is currently playing. The plot has already been telegraphed to us within the first 5 minutes.

God I hope these things are funny or it’s gonna be a long 90 minutes

Last edited 2 years ago by Game Time Decision

“They didn’t.”

— Narrator


Try to sneak the Will Ferrel one onto the list.

Game Time Decision

Yep. Already suggested.

This movie is just a bunch of clichés one after the other

Over worked city girl falls in love with single dad in some run down lodge

Yes single dad drives the 1979 Suburban and works with his hands


May I humbly suggest a Boots on the Ground post?

Game Time Decision

Over worked city girls boy friends is a knock off Ed Helms. But somehow he’s a bigger douche canoe and asshole and less funny than the original.


I’m waiting for the terrorists to show up.

Game Time Decision

Oh god, I would play good money for that plot twist


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Game Time Decision

This what they need to do with the run down lodge. Just start over


Or the sharks.

Horatio Cornblower

“works with his hands”

mostly trying to keep his piece of shit 1979 Suburban running


King ‘o Tracksuits is going to have some of these guys running back to Morganhole from the Pacific Northwest.

King Hippo

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The schadenfreude has a distinct opioid tinge to it tonight.


[also doesn’t feel bad] – Lea Michele

Horatio Cornblower

I knew I was too late.


FSU’s QB typed in “IDDQD” right before that snap. Prove me wrong.


That was utterly goofy.

Horatio Cornblower

The woman balancing on the stairway is not actually human, and you will not convince me otherwise.


The guy that helped her get up there has the best job in the world.

Horatio Cornblower

Way better than poor little Nguyen, who’s stuck making Converse low-tops for a-holes like me.


The process of hiring extremely poor women in Indonesia to make basketball shoes was also called “The Phil Knight Invitational”, just so you know.

Horatio Cornblower

I’ll have you know my sneakers were made in Vietnam, sir.


By children, not women!

Horatio Cornblower



“Children, women, what’s the difference?” – Matt Gaetz


Alternately, “Rush Limbaugh planning his vacation to Haiti”

Horatio Cornblower

Haiti would be a 1000% improvement over where his fat dead ass is burning these days.

Because he’s dead and in Hell, you see.


Picture #6 makes me want to do good works so I can end up in whatever place that is when I shuffle off this mortal coil.


Those are yummy croissants.


Florida Men are looking to out-crazy each other. Bath salts at halftime!


The Ohio State-Michigan rivalry is so important, Dayton, OH’s FOX channel is preempting WWE Smackdown to air the OSU/UM Rivals special that’s already been shown on Bally Sports and Big Ten Network.

If World War III starts or if someone important dies, Ohio and Michigan won’t find out until about 4:00 tomorrow afternoon.


When is the last time both teams came into the game undefeated?


Also to the third power, you come up with pictures that have the greatest angles and that’s what I appreciates about you!


Also also, those are awesome shoes on pic 9!


Also, GOOD GOD!!


That seems like a lot of work when Raid is right there.

However, I will defer to your expertise on this.


I figure you put effort into it. It’s the least I can do.