Remember that old SNL sketch “Fecal Matter with your Host, Doug Fecal”? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain’t exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form, maybe say like a mix between Doug Fecal, Jack Handey, Balls’ 25 questions, Rev’s take on Larry King, and I don’t know, my own fucked up mind? With that backdrop I present to you the tenth edition of a potentially recurring irregularly scheduled Random Thoughts with BFC! Now also (occasionally but not today) in open thread form! If you want to make this interactive, drop a note/question/bon mot in the comments ala my old Mouth Flies Open attempt at an advice column.
- That’s right, people, busting out the roman numeral(s) for the TENTH edition of Random Thoughts With BFC. I don’t know why, and I’m probably going to waffle on them like the NFL, especially since if I ever make it up to the Ls and Cs, I’ll get all confused.
- This is likely (read: almost certainly) my last post of 2022, and let me just say–this was a weird fucking year. But at least I wrote 22 posts for DFO this year, which I’m pretty sure is a personal record. I’ve also written 9% of the number of posts VodkaHomeyRoy has written, but it’s nice for me.
- Matt Ryan. Woof. Do we need to start calling him 33-0 instead of 28-3?
- Question: what is the difference between a financial advisor and a financial planner? I’ve read posts on investopedia and elsewhere and still do not understand if there’s a meaningful difference and/or how to actually decide who to give a call. Why can’t there be one person who is all of those things plus a tax attorney and/or consigliere?
- Speaking of attorneys, posting this again because I love it and it’s always relevant advice:
- The coworking space I sometimes go to started playing (or I just started noticing) Christmas Music last week. It was Tran-Siberian Orchestra, so no major problems but if I wasn’t already out of the LDB challenge I’d be a dead man walking.
- Now even though I am long gone from the LDB challenge, I had a thought: Not that it would have impacted my contention this year, but what if it was a two strikes rule–1 for LDB and 1 for All I Want For Christmas is You? The latter is played way more than the former, so if you heard LDB, you’d know you had to hippo it and go full recluse to avoid the latter.
- Actual conversation with my wife after her office holiday party last week–
Her: We were drinking peanut butter whiskey.
Me: Was it Skrewball?
Her: Maybe? Is that the one with a dog on it?
Me: It’s a sheep.
Her: ….well then maybe?
- Separately, I think I want to coin a new phrase/piece of advice: when life/a recipe calls for one lemon, always buy two. Even if that recipe doesn’t need it, the cocktail you should be making with it will.
- One REALLY stupid thought about going on vacation–it likely means the end of my Duolingo streak. ¡Qué lástima!* I’m well over 100 days in a row, and that and a quarter might get me a gumball some place. *Note: I learned that expression in seventh grade Spanish class, so don’t think I’m qwhite bragging or something.
- And yet, for as much time as I’ve spent on Duolingo practicing Spanish, I’ve not bothered to use it for the language of the countries I’m about to visit. So dumb.
- I can think of no better lede from a newspaper column to encapsulate 2022 than this one from Alexandra Petri in the Washington Post:
In “The Madness of King George,” there are several scenes where very learned doctors dedicate considerable time and effort to squinting at the contents of the king’s chamber pot. Watching the movie, you think, “Well, at least we are at a stage of civilization where we don’t have to do that! We do not live in a world that hinges so completely on the condition of one or two powerful men that it is worth our while to spend hours every day examining their stools in minute detail and trying to draw conclusions from them.” But then Elon Musk buys Twitter, and — I can think of no better analogy for what has ensued.
- There is one link in this post that you absolutely have to click. Will I tell you which one? Maybe in the comments, but no one ever tries to bribe ME for link access in posts.
- Maybe I’m an old man who the world has passed by, but I’m REALLY uncomfortable with the proliferation of sports betting and sports betting advertising all the time. I’m not anti-gambling, Lord knows I like the craps table and dropping $20 on dumb prop bets, but we’re so beyond that point that every single kid is going to be blowing hundreds on individual games on the reg, and it’s being normalized. I get this ad virtually every time I watch Hulu:
- We all know why it’s not going to change, but I have a hunch there’s a gambling epidemic brewing below the surface that is going to bite us all in the ass at some point soon.
- As we go careening into the new year of 2023, eager to leave the past 3+ years of pandemic and threats against democracy in the past and yet with the stomach churning discomfort of there being no such thing as a “new normal” anymore as we hasten the heat death of the universe, it’s important to once again strongly aver: Roger Goodell Is a National Disgrace. There remains no more strongly held or apt holiday message than that.
- Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Festive Kwanzaa, Happy Festivus, and soon, a very Happy New Year to all of you miscreants.
- Alright, let’s finish the year strong with this fill in the blank (which is basically now one line DFO mad libs, I guess): “As the winter draws colder, my _________ will always keep me warm at night.”
[…] may know me as one of the resident Bears’ fans, author of the (medium lived?) DFO mailbag, spewer of random thoughts, and font of countless links. You may know LitreCola as the man generous with booze and big Turks, […]
At a jazz xmas concert. If I wasn’t out of the LDB thing I doubt I make it through this performance without hearing it.
As the winter draws colder, my _________ will always keep me warm at night.
‘Just soak it in hot water before using, and it will warm you right up!’
-Buddy C., PhD.
“That is a butt plug, right?”
Everything is, if you have enough lube.
The weatherlady here in Columbus is expecting two inches tomorrow night!
You married a weatherlady?
“She’s a lucky lady!”
D. Favre
Has anyone notified Key and/or Peele?
My mom was engaged to a guy who was killed in one of the naval battles in the Pacific during WWII. His last name was Beery. I dodged a bullet there!
For those that are curious, the waffle link is the must click, and I promise this isn’t a trick to get you to learn what blue waffle means.
(the whole thread)
I would’ve sworn that this was done a few years ago. I mean that particular instance, word for word.
Good God, man…. (Love his hat, though)
I followed that epic saga last year. That guy is the hero we deserve.
Thank you for that. I was wondering which one was the link…
“As the winter draws colder, my _________ will always keep me warm at night.”
Hooker-skin quilt stuffed with gently-used Fleshlights and eagle feathers*
*I actually own two and rotate them depending on sky charts
The obvious answer: “As the winter draws colder, my piss will always keep me warm at night.”
“Huh. I never thought of sleeping in my wetsuit before, but it *has* been getting pretty cold.” – Todd Marinovich
So I am bummed by the loss of Franco just days before getting his number retired — at least he knew it was coming. He was a class act always. Last Steelers game I attended in 2018 (a fucking loss on a King Lazerface comeback, sigh), Franco showed up to support Rocky Bleier’s induction in the Steeler Hall of Honor — I have some fuzzy iPhone shots from the cheap seats somewhere. Anyway, Franco did not become a clown like Terry or a Republican token like Swann or even a recluse like Lambert. Franco just kept on doing good things because again, he was a fucking class act. One of the best tributes I saw was this from JoePa’s widow:
“But his life was about so much more than the game, what he did with that moment was even more inspiring. He poured himself forth to a life of service to others. He was an example of integrity, selflessness, and loyalty. Perhaps most fitting is that the indelible image of him reaching down to make that catch, to save the day, is symbolic of a big man reaching down to lift others he could help. It is that life of care, loyalty and service that will forever shine in our hearts.”
Franco was fucking glorious — and yes, that was a catch!
“just days before getting his number retired”
This is horrible, too:
Fuck cancer.
“Shit, that’s a thing? I’d better get tested!” – Rex Grossman
Damn, he was a personal favourite
Duolingo should let you pre-load things for when you know you’re going to be off the grid for a while.
Like pre bowling!
To pay tribute to Franco Harris, I went out and devoured a Yinzer breakfast.
I won’t be shocked if something like this happens this Christmas weekend here.
Wow, what shitty timing for Franco. They were going to do a big thing for him on Saturday. Well, they still are, but he won’t be there. Gumby ran in to him the last time he was in Pittsburgh, they talked for awhile. He was a nice guy.
KDKA is quite literally in the middle of a week-long series on the 50th anniversary of the Immaculate Reception.
Jack Bogut coming in for a segment?
He can’t still be there! He was a crusty old fart when I was a kid. Now I have 🎵TenTwenty, KDKA Pittssssssburgh🎶
stuck in my head!
Yinzer breakfast? With “dippy eggs” n ‘at?
I love me a good dippy egg.
As to GAMBLOR, I feel the same as I do with drugs – forcing it underground only opens up addicts (yeah, like me) subject to unscrupulous actors and feeling like a criminal (the associated shame doesn’t help with the addiction aspect, neither).
Tax the transactions, regulate the providers, and help people who need it. You’ll never STOP it.
Put a sin tax on it. And make it heavy.
Doesn’t that just push it underground as well? There’s a thriving market in black market cigarettes around here where government morality taxes add 80% or so to the price of legal ones.
yeah, it’s a balance. That’s why I like “per transaction” instead of trying to tax “winnings” – get more money, but only in little bites so we don’t go right back into black market gutter.
I’m fine with underground. I’m not fine with a handful of industry giants monopolizing a market from inception and being rewarded for the lack of competition.
You want to bet with your private bookie — shit, I don’t care. He’s can pay his normal income tax on the earnings (if he chooses to declare it). But these casinos and sportsbooks are effectively utilities. So either permit their monopolies and put on restrictions, as is done with utilities, OR go trust busting.
I’m also still in the (song name redacted) challenge by following the Hippo method:
Don’t leave home, and if you have to, have absolute authority over the radio, and it only plays Pearl Jam and Metallica.
Your pill usage may vary.
/wipes tear of pride from cheek
[wipes something else from cheek]
– a “masseuse” employed by Robert Kraft
“Yeah, we know how that goes.”
-dozens of young Houston-area massage therapists
my male menopause, of course!
/also LOVED the recluse list
and, much like April Ludgate, I dig Neutral Milk Hotel:
I think that’s my favoUrite song of theirs.
You mean “album” because their music really shouldn’t be consumed any other way.
“There are so many other professions/The won’t turn you into Jeff Sessions” is a great line, but I’m pretty sure that cheap Keebler elf knock-off would have been a racist prick with or without a law degree.
I am 100% with you on sports gambling (and also being old…at….39….and loving it). I know it won’t change and, frankly, if people are excited to be welcoming this into their communities — I’m no longer holding back on trying to swindle every penny from every person I ever encounters. If we’re going to legalize gambling, I’m adjusting my behavior to what the market apparently is happy to allow.
Same. I’m keeping my head low, avoiding any and all get-rich quick schemes and doing well for myself.
I will also be buying several guns in order to protect myself and my beloved material possessions, (you will pry my pool table from my cold dead hands, and you will destroy your back doing it), from the unwashed hordes who lost it all on crypto and parlays involving the Patriots.
I hear you and am 100% on board. What’s the best way to collect money from these marks? Is there some stock I can invest in or something?
We should put together a sector ETF that consists solely of companies that take advantage of the poor and gullible. Check cashing centers, dollar stores, payday loans, online gambling…
Call it “The Rich Bastard 1000 Fund”
No Redeeming Social Value Whatsoever Fund.
Do we have anyone in finance around here? Or is that more of an UPROXXLIMEFORWHATEVER crowd?
Aw man… Franco’s gone. He was one of the best.
Still in the LDB game. Helps being on another continent, but the Bing-Bowie version is a real possibility.
Also still in. And I went shopping at a mall with my wife and didn’t stop her from playing a Xmas carol channel in the car.
I’m basically yelling “didi mao! DIDI MAO!” at this point.
This is the latest I’ve still been going
I made it through my dentist appt (even with x-rays FFS) so I now feel indestructable
That’s the one that got me.
An “All I want for Christmas is you” challenge would be like Jonestown. No survivors
That song is omnipresent.
Mariah Carey will be eating steak and lobster for the rest of her life thanks to that song.
I’ve got that whiskey. Thanks for the reminder about it. Tis good stuffs
And I think that I’ve heard “Last Christmas ” the most of any song this year and IMHO it’s just as bad as LDB.
I also love that my predicted text after typing in capital “L” now shows LDB as an option
I unapologetically love Last Christmas.
As do I.
That song is hot garbage.
I like the video where George pulls the robbery on Ridgeley’s chick, even though he ain’t even into the gals, but he does it just because he can.
Future Islands has a cover of it out, and it’s really good: