Oh Boy! Rotational Thursdays with Litre

Good evening to you!

I do realize that the BFC/Litre rotation is way out of whack. It’s all on me.

I was just away for 6 blissful evenings with my own hotel room. It was lovely.

I was in Ottawa for 4 evenings due to work meetings which I must say didn’t completely want me to play in traffic. Finally our company isn’t just talking about the environment, they are legit doing something about it. If you are on the East coast you may notice a slight haze, or bonfire like existence now. I gave a fair warning 3 weeks ago that shit wasn’t normal, it was too hot and not the good wet. Well, here we are. NYC air quality was worse than India.

Back to the travels. I was in Ottawa eagerly looking forward to a meetup with The Maestro, but alas I had a wicked head cold, and had to network in the evenings. Plus he was getting over Covid. That being said, Ottawa is way nicer in the summer even if it was unseasonable hot with way more humidity that my brittle skin is used to.

During the week it was RIBFEST!!!! They line Lisa Sparxx street with yuge bbq rigs. The day prior to the assembly we were walking down Lisa Sparxx street and I saw two big rigs. Immediately I thought, “Not the fuck again.” So we have learned that I have convoy PTSD.

I was out with some colleagues where we got stupid amounts of BBQ and one of the crew said let’s go eat this on the Parliament grounds. I was totally in as it’s a beautiful spot, the truckers were gone and they had opened up the street in front of it.

Little did I know there would be a Disney style light show with narration in both languages presented on the building!


For something I didn’t know was going to happen, it was awesome. They didn’t gloss over the bad stuff (land theft, Chinese head tax), and acknowledged it. The show very much shared the indigenoUs story as well as the immigration that made our country what it is.

After my meetings I did nae come home I flew straight to Vancouver. The flight was 5.5 hours, and usually when you are on one that long you end up in Don T’s neighboUrhood. Landed in Vancouver, went to hotel at 10 am to drop my bag off and the gentleman behind the desk said I could have a room! I wanted to kiss him, and as I was in the West End of Van it would have been accepted.

I had a date at 3pm across from a safe injection site! This would be our second date. The first date, he and I with my buddy Chuckles fucking dominated music trivia as we were all born in different decades. In fact where we were to meet was a mere few blocks from our triumph.

I arrive at 3:02 as I stopped at a metal bar for a pint and some Iron Maiden.

There he is! I am not joking when I say that he parked directly in front of the safe use site so there were folks in various states around him. Beerguyrob. Fuckin beauty.


“Ok. Where we going?”


As someone who has travelled much and hosted a bunch I always think that knowing your audience can make any time a great time. BGR brought me to a brewery/urban winery. Brilliant move. I like beer but prefer wine so this clearly also was a perfect stop for he and WineWife.

For those who don’t know, BGR is a beer vendor by hobby, and a teacher by trade. HIS VOICE SHOWS IT.


We tour around the industrial park stopping at varioUs breweries on a delightful Friday afternoon. He stated we would hang for a few hours and then he would drop me off out front of the arena for The Cure. As we were leaving the neighboUrhood which I want to say was Strathcona he hung a hard right like he was on a mission.


It indeed had the most varieties in the world. Impressive.

We were on an overpass with the arena in sight and traffic was dead. I wanted to smoke a J before entry so I jumped out. I walked at a normal pace and we raced across to see who would get there first. Picture from the winner below;

I won.

The concert itself was absolutely amazing. Incredible what guys who have been playing together for decades can do and how tight they sound. I was very drunk by the end of it and had 2 futbol matches to attend the next day. I did manage to go to both with a hangover I would give an 8 out of 10.


Sports tonight:

Futbol is basically over.

It is 30 degrees here and I could give 2 fux about ice football.

Hoops was last night.

Lots of beisbol I presume. Do we all still hate BFIB?

We are in the doldrums. I found out about the Raiders doing something smart and being able to opt out of the Jimmy G contract due to foot. I predict that they cut him and Brady plays. Book it.

I thought that the Cowboys fired McCarthy. I really did.

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- A pugs best friend. - Wine drinker. - Loves to use the letter U behind O. - Iggles fan, Fulham FC (Mighty Whitey) supporter, Cavalry FC Ultra. - One of the resident futbol freaks at the clubhouse.
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Poor umpire in the French Open semifinal is administering the rules properly (Alcaraz needed an injury time-out so he had to forfeit a service game) and the crowd is booing the shit out of her.

Horatio Cornblower

Being reported that Judge Aileen Cannon, the dipshit Trump appointee whose efforts to stall the Mar-A-Lago probe were overturned twice, has been assigned the Florida case.

If this is true the Justice Department’s Motion to Recuse is going to be the length of a Stephen King novel. One that he wrote after he stopped listening to editors and before he stopped doing cocaine.


Would be successful too, one would think?


I don’t get the impression that the DOJ is particularly stressed about it.

Horatio Cornblower

No, the more that’s coming out about the indictments the less reason they seem to have to be concerned about much of anything. I think the only real concern I’d have would how long Cannon could delay the overall case with bad decisions that have to be appealed before the case can continue.

Horatio Cornblower

Given the absolutely scathing decisions the (conservative) appellate court gave in overturning her decisions I’m not sure anything she decides would stand up to even a modicum of review, and I’m not sure she’d want to out herself in the position to take that kind of (deserved) abuse again.

But never underestimate the stupidity of a Trump-appointee.


Can I say I was a little disappointed that MaltMateMatt didn’t greet Litre with:



Let’s talk about something more serious than this trivial nonsense all over media, like indictments and such. Diablo IV came out this week! So far it’s okay? It’s Diablo; kill shit and grab loot, rinse, repeat.


Coachella Valley Firebirds 5, Hershey Bears nil.

Mr. Ayo


Don T


/tries to grab bottle of melatonin gummies

//falls off bed, hits face on nightstand




69ing Rush Limbaugh in hell.


Bye, bitch.

Doktor Zymm

I see what you did there!


Nights like tonight get the fancy bourbon (of which there is very little left).


“Why should Donald Trump go to jail for a crime that someone else noticed?”

comment image/revision/latest?cb=20121117203508


Trump is just smrt enough to think he could hire Andy Griffith in a white suit as legal representation.


Ok, we’ve got a series.

Mr. Ayo

We were robbed. That goal shouldn’t be allowed before the 4th OT.


– a Canadian detective (I think they’re called “Forensies”) after finding the bodies of three violently murdered derelicts in just one week


Hello everyone

Doktor Zymm

In other ice cream news, I really like this brand of ice cream and I’m kinda sad I didn’t get to try this special edition
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I just tried the Hot Mustard Doritos and they’re… not bad?


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Hmmm, I want to pull a Horatio and grab a pint of ice cream but it’s all the way downstairs and my whiskey and I are upstairs. Impasse.

Doktor Zymm

No upstairs freezer? Sad


The whiskey will give you the sustenance you need to make the journey downstairs. Feel free to sit down on the stairs and refresh yourself.


Decent into decadence


Trump’s lawyer just indicated that the indictment includes a charge for witness tampering.


And also witless pampering.

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Last edited 1 year ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

Just to be safe we should probably suspend all Tkakckhuts, past present and future, from the NHL. Probably throw them in jail. Possibly set them adrift on a raft of logs in the south pacific with no supplies.


Too late.

Horatio Cornblower

(fingers crossed for a late-night Kissinger announcement)

Yeah, what a day.

King Hippo

Reagan also remains ded ,, ppl forget that


I’m so happy Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh are together again.


Woke up, Pat Robertson was in gay heaven,
Some indictments came down, I heard that there were seven.


Is BTO one of the top ten best bands with 3 letter names? PERHAPS.



So yeah, probably


(sends ricin to herod’s house)
-BTS fans


My first concert was BTO. Love them.


These Florida Panthers I call them Hyman Roth because they pissed off the wrong crew from Las Vegas and aren’t gonna make it out of Miami alive.


I don’t understand, I was assured in 2016 that Donald Trump was the candidate who took the security of classified materials seriously!


Surely Hillary will be locked up any day now.

King Hippo

Existential question for Horatio and the other Gooners – the GREAT Bernard Gilkey is squaring off against Pretend Arsenal in BOTH the 2196 Salford Hoodrats’ Shield (fka English Community Shield) and the European Super Cup, 10 days later.


Horatio Cornblower

Is Arteta still handsome? I can’t answer this question without knowing this.

King Hippo

Seems like a guy who’d still be working out, despite being in his 200s


Some comment below is the first i read of this indictment. Honest to goodness, the tweets by old men, fat men, and fat old men (many with images in suits) about Standing and/or Fighting with their Cult Leader is EXACTLY on par with the energy the fan base brings to local NFL post-game shows.

So, if you enjoy absurdity as humor similar to the announcements of bravour by cowards and cannon fodder, set your dials….

Last edited 1 year ago by blaxabbath

Oh you ain’t lying. These people claim Trump is the only one who cares about America, when the literal opposite is reality. Great comparison to deluded fanbois.

That said, Stafford is leading RAMMMMMIT to another Super Bowl!

Horatio Cornblower

Speaking of fat men past their prime…

Horatio Cornblower

(full disclosure: I am typing this while face-deep in a pint of Ben & Jerry’s)


Wait…me or Stafford?

(it’s definitely both)

King Hippo

Speaking of, Fatty Payton apparently wants to sign Dalvin Cook for the Donks.

Horatio Cornblower

I was referring to Stafford.

King Hippo

I am old and my body hurts. May have mentioned this once or twice before.

Doktor Zymm





Cone or bowl?


My brother is getting married Saturday. I am expected to give a speech. I’m afraid everyone is going to have to be good with short and….not long.

King Hippo

But enough about your future sister-in-law, HEY-OH!!!!


Send me a few bullet points and I’ll jot something down. I presume Bill Bidwill’s sexuality remains off limits?

King Hippo

but in all serious, tell a sportsball-related anecdote (that’s what I did), tie it to sommet about brother’s character yada yada GET CRUNK


Just spend ten minutes reading off your list of Sill’s greatest hits.

Horatio Cornblower

I will fly out and crash the wedding if you do this.

Horatio Cornblower

I mean, probably not, but if anyone was going to it would be Sill.


He still follows me.

Horatio Cornblower

Possibly literally.


Hey remember that story about a guy jumping in the back of blax’s truck?


So funny WordPress apparently let me like it twice.

Horatio Cornblower

Those are the best kind of wedding speeches. Touching story with 1, maybe 2 examples of your bond with your brother, a joke in good taste, a quick acknowledgment of the bride and what a wonderful addition she’ll be the family, and then it’s open bar time.

Doktor Zymm

That’s perfect, no one wants to hear a long speech

King Hippo

Everyone really just wants to get blackout drunk.


“My fee was $500” and then sit down.


I gave a speech at my brother’s wedding. Kept it short and sweet. The world didn’t end.


Honestly I have never heard anyone complain that the best man’s speech was too short. My brother gave one my dad’s second wedding that was like nine words in total and it was perfectly well-received.


GOP: “oh no, trump’s gone. Anywhere, here’s Mitch McConnell as your 2024 presidential nominee”

Doktor Zymm

Campaign materials are already out


The PGA has no idea.


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— Jay Monahan


The I forgot was perfect.

Horatio Cornblower

It really was.

Doktor Zymm

I had to walk up past 35th st before the smell died down enough for me to buy lunch somewhere next to a flier of missing person who you knew was probably dead. Good times.


“Walking sounds like the most disgusting part of the story.”

– Meghan McCain

Horatio Cornblower

‘Waddling’. fixed that for you, Meghan.

Horatio Cornblower

I have no idea what will happen with the indictment(s). The New York case is frankly weak. The Georgia case seems very strong, but also more than likely to get submarined by the Governor and his cronies. The federal one is whatever, but the first thing any Republican does once elected President, (and that’s likely to be literally anyone other than Trump running against Biden’s husk), is pardon Trump, even assuming they just don’t cut off the investigation by cutting off funding/resources, so I don’t see that going anywhere.

I think the best possible outcome is that Trump spins himself into a frenzy of rage and stress eating, right into a massive coronary event, and winds up shitting himself to death. Preferably publicly.


Yes, Trump dying is possible. Even likely.

But the GOP ain’t taking the White House in 2024.


Lot of cash created out of thin air by Trump with pretty minimal inflationary damage to the beneficiaries (the wealthy, for those of you who have noticed inflation).

Technically, it may be the greatest investment in history to reinstall him for another bigger heist.

Horatio Cornblower

Look, economically the GOP is great for me. It’s literally everything else they stand for that makes me want to set fire to every Rotary Club-looking motherfucker I see.


He lost by 8 million votes last time, and now he’s gonna be criminally indicted in 4 different places. Where is he getting MOAR votes?

Plus, despite LIFE-RUINING inflation (which is pretty much gone), the market is back up, unemployment is at historic lows, and there’s no recession in sight.

Prepare your anus for more Dark Brandon.

Horatio Cornblower

Trump will lose if he runs again. I think pretty much anyone else from the GOP field beats Biden.

Keep in mind I would very much like to be wrong on this.


Trump is the only one with any (shudders) charisma at all.

None of those other clowns would beat Biden, and plenty of Trump diehards would skip voting if someone else runs. They’re fucked for several cycles because they hitched their wagon to this guy.

Horatio Cornblower

From your lips to the many ears of Cthulu.

Doktor Zymm

I don’t think those are ears


If Trump drops dead, maybe another GOP candidate can win. But if Trump is somehow defeated in the primary, he will gladly sabotage whoever beats him. Third party run, endorsing a third party candidate, telling his supporters to stay home, whatever.

Even if most of his fans ignore him and vote for the GOP nominee, it only takes ~5% to make it near-impossible for a GOP candidate to win. Basically the same shit that No Labels is trying to pull on Biden — get Joe Manchin or whoever to bleed off ~5% of Biden voters and hand the election to Trump.

Horatio Cornblower

I would very much enjoy that.


It’s more, i think the violence may be coming. Not widespread but well-orchestrated.

It’s an election college slash partisanship issue.


I don’t think it’s likely, quite frankly. Trump tried to stir up some shit for his NY indictment and about six people actually showed up. If he’d pardoned all the 1/6 insurrectionists, maybe he’d have some kind of a crew. But he didn’t, and anyone who stuck their neck out for him then and got away with it won’t be doing it again.

Horatio Cornblower

I’d like to think that’s true. I’d also like to live in a country not run by people with no vested interests beyond the next 5 years, but clearly that isn’t happening.



Just finished 8.5 miles on the stationary bike, so hydrating with a bourbon.

That’s why I put ice in it for a change.


Body is a machine. Must fuel it with stuff that burns, i guess?

King Hippo

Antifa done set Canadia on FAHR as a signal to the Deep State that it couldn’t wait any longer ,, TRUMP WAS 2 CLOSE to unmasking the paedo ring!!!1111


Canadia smoke = Papal smoke?

Either way, a rapist is involved.




Feel like i should be able to get this on hulu or something.




King Hippo

I heard this on the (satellite) radio while driving cat to the vet today. Premonition!


I haven’t seen a Stone pass like that since… well, never.


Look, he’ll never, ever be behind bars, ever, but for a brief shining moment Americans can pretend The Rule of Law might just still exist.


Only way he avoids imprisonment is by dying first. Which is possible!

But if he lives long enough, he is definitely goin away.


You’re way drunker than I am, and I salute you for that. USA! USA! USA! won’t be incarceratin’ their ex-Presidents. Suspended sentence is the worst he’ll get.


Nope nope nope

This isn’t “suspended sentence” charges. The sentence will be years, not months.

And sadly, I am still sober.


I maintain that your country isn’t capable of sending an Ex-President to jail.


Well, this whole thing is unprecedented.

So we’ll see. Fun!


With all of my heart, I hope I’m wrong but I think I’m right.


one of these guys is probably in jail by now
comment image


Having peaches for dinner.


Millions of them? From a can? Put there by a man?

King Hippo

Disqualification from public office holding is what I want. I get that rich fuckers don’t go to jail.

Best case scenario for me is that he renounces his citizenship and waddles off to Saudi or Daddy Vladdy’s Russia. That would be WAY BETTER than jail, even a non-Club Fed one.


Not being able to hold public office is where it’s at. This yakking about him being behind bars is hard wish-fulfillment that has no basis in reality.

King Hippo

And grist for the mill of “Biden is a corporatist who didn’t REALLY want to put Trump and jail so vote for whoever 2024’s Jill Stein is” hucksterism. Which I have no doubt Putin’s friends have already started.


It’s RFK Jr.

Failing that, the “No Labels” astroturf bullshit.

King Hippo

ah, yes. RFK Jr. should be pictured in the Wikipedia entry for “horseshoe theory”

Doktor Zymm

He’s certainly nawt getting a DC stadium named after him!

King Hippo

Too bad, he’s earned a poop-water shower


Look, he’ll never, ever be behind bars, ever…

Money where your mouth is. What will you put on the line if you are wrong? Run naked through a restaurant?


I’ll take that bet!

No way he ever goes to jail. Bank on it.


I’ll take that bet.(Again, unless he croaks first)

Winner gets anal with his choice of senator.


No, that’s just a squirrel on fire.


Colour me intrigued…

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Last edited 1 year ago by ballsofsteelandfury

If you pay me enough, I’ll do that without any Trump prison time.


Speaking of lines, if I lose I’ll do at least a dozen lines of coke. (purchased by you) At my age my heart might explode. I’m all in.

King Hippo

Today is my twins’ 22nd birthday. No word on this being a specifically-requested gift.

Don’t side-eye ME, I always just send moneys.


Which one gets the Trump indictment and which one gets the Pat Robertson death?


Talking head just made a good point; a week ago, we had no idea Florida GJ was doing anything, yet that’s where the indictment is.

Jack Smith don’t leak.


Jack Smith don’t leak.

– a very concerned urologist


This tourniquet of events gives me hope for Canada’s nasty bottom.


Get your diaourrhea outta our clean perfect country


Don’t worry about slacking, I’m going to lean on you heavily over the summer.



Last edited 1 year ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly



I only celebrate Happy Sentencing Day and Incarceration Day.


I look forward to him arguing he can’t get a fair trial because the deep state has rigged the jury against him.

I’d look forward MORE to him getting convicted but I’m still not convinced we’re capable of doing the right thing here.


Maybe if we’re lucky, he can share a cell with Stew Rhodes.


Stop throwing cold water on this shit. Every time something happens, someone’s always moving the goalposts and saying “yeah, but he’ll never actually get put in prison…” These developments should make you happy, and fill you with hope, not dread.


We’ve met.


And I *am* celebrating. But I’m not gonna stop being a whiny bitch about justice deferred and justice denied.


That’s the downside of being conditioned. Even in the 2022 AFC Championship Game when the Bengals picked off the Chiefs and were driving toward a field goal and a Super Bowl trip, all I could think was “how are we gonna screw this up “.

Doktor Zymm

Is it moving the goalposts? The US has a pretty solid history of bringing indictments that lead to expensive trials that go nowhere. I mean, it’s better than declining to indict, but still doesn’t hit my optimism point


During the week it was RIBFEST!!!! They line Lisa Sparxx street with yuge bbq rigs. 

Straight out of Andy Reid’s fetish novels.


What notable songs did The Cure play?

A Forest?



King Hippo

ah mean, especially FOAR teh poor, unsuspecting Arab…


“I wasn’t booing, I was saying Camuuuuuuuus”