Your “What’s Lying Around” Contentmine and Liver Filling Cocktail of Right Meow

It is HOT AS BALLS in DC right meow (and as a general rule). And like a genius, I biked back from getting a haircut, which makes me a sweaty mess. HOWEVA, it also means I earned a drink. And wouldn’t you know it, I have a fully stocked bar just lying around.

Which got me to thinking, you know what sucks?  When through no fault of anyone’s, we end up with a desert of a day, with no spare post lying around. So in the spirit of both an ounce of profession and paying homage/blatantly ripping off Sharky, here’s a cocktail of the afternoon that can be shoved in wherever a hole arises.

I wanted something tropical to make me feel a little more ok with the oppressive heat and the humidity, and as it so happens, I have a shit ton of pineapple juice due to Costco selling it by the pallet. And I have that All Spice Dram I bought on Sharky’s recommendation, so those are our anchor ingredients. Which means let’s throw some rum and squeeze half a lime in and see what’s up.

Don’t Mind the Random Baby Clothes Lady BFC is Stockpiling as Gifts

That’s pretty much all there is to it.  I poured some ice into a glass, then pineapple juice, dark rum, fresh lime juice, light rum, more pineapple, and then the All Spice Dram.  First sip was juice and rum forward, but felt like it needed to be a little sweeter.  So I splashed a little simple syrup in there, some orange juice, and a little more all spice dram.

If you’re looking for measurements, call Sir Mix-a-Lot. I splished and splashed here until I felt like it worked. What resulted probably could have done without the orange juice, but it was damn tasty. Maybe a little grenadine instead of the simple syrup next time, and then this would be good to pass out in a pool chair with.

I guess the real question is if this already exists.  If so, I swear I came to it independently, but I wouldn’t be surprised. If not, well….what do we name it? The Piña Spice Girl? Tropical Tuesday Afternoon? What do ya got?  And anything else y’all have been mixing up in your home bars? Holler down in the comments.



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BFC is a Chicago native transplanted to our nation's capital and transplanted again to the mountain West, then to SoCal, then back to the mountain West, and then again back to our nation's capital. He enjoys football, whisky, and the oxford comma.
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32 comments and nothing about the large amount of Pineapple juice. You guys have changed, I would say matured but that isn’t it.


So are you saying the name of this drink should be the:

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Well, obviously it’s “to taste”.

Doktor Zymm

Never got around to watching Kids until today, not even half way through the movie and holy shit do I want to clock that fucker, if he wasn’t fictional I would happily break my hand pulverizing his face


Telly? Yeah, he’s kind of like Joffrey. It’s just so easy to hate him so much that it’s hard to separate the character from the actor.

Doktor Zymm

Oh shit, reading backstory now and Harvey Weinstein purchased and distributed it and talked about how special of a film it was

King Hippo

At least he gets AIDS at the end?

Doktor Zymm

Telly apparently had it from the beginning, that piece of gerbil piss. Casper may or may not get it when he rapes Jennie at the end, but since it’s fiction I’m going with yeah, he totally gets infected and doesn’t get treatment and there’s probably flesh eating bacteria involved later on

King Hippo

yeah, it was a long time ago and I kinda forgets the order of all the awfulness

Doktor Zymm

Oh dude, he hung himself in the Bellagio in 2000

Doktor Zymm

The kid who played Casper that is


“He was bad, but he’s dead, so I like it”

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I have a drinking problem (artist’s depiction below).

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Doktor Zymm

When I was in late high school/early college I enjoyed a drink that was basically half gin and juice, half gin and tonic, with a healthy squeeze of lime. I still think a healthy squeeze of lime makes almost any drink better


I was thinking of making a grapefruit-tequila drink this evening but probably won’t bother if I can’t get my hands on some limes.

Doktor Zymm

Lemons are just limes with jaundice


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I guess my daughter had to buy an emergency birthday present for me the other day, so she went to World Market and got some of these:

Hmm, Swedish cider. I was expecting something dry and tart, but it was as sweet as the fru-fru Smirnoff Tropical Cooler alcopop that I buy once in a while to satisfy my inner teenage alcoholic. It might be handy to fool your friends into thinking you’re into Swedish craft beer, instead of Arctic Circle Bartles & James.


Mrs. Cola loves those!


Pop Quiz!!

Given that: “A federal jury found Anton “Tony” Lazzaro, 32, guilty of six counts involving “commercial sex acts” with five girls ages 15 and 16 in 2020, when he was 30 years old.”

Would you say that Tony, in addition to being a sexual predator, was also a:

A) Satanic Democrat
B) Drag Queen Reading Books to Kids
C) Prominent GOP Activist and Donor

Just guess which one is correct!

(Hint: It’s a bit of a trick question, because, it’s not the one you’ve been constantly hearing about recently in the media and many state legislatures)


I woulda said 2nd baseman for the 1920s Yankees.


His name is Anton Lazzaro and he’s a pedophile and the best they could come up for a nickname was “Tony”? Come on! How about “Tony the Tickler” or “Cannoli Van Tony”?


I’d be more excited if that wasn’t from before March Madness started, unless there’s a follow-up article where he was shivved in prison.


Oops. Linked the earlier article about the conviction. The article I originally saw was from today, stating that he had been sentenced to 21 years in prison. (so, hopefully, we will be seeing the “was gruesomely and painfully murdered” article soon)


This summers gonna end some day.
And those girls will put away the Daisy Duke shorts and halter tops.
They will wear pants and jackets.
Driving around will become dull again.


Dull, but probably safer for all involved… (one of the many trade offs of modern life)

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For the Left Coasters who are revelling in Larry Scott’s utter Hashtag The Paul’s-level mismanagement of the Pac-12


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Damnit that one is better


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I don’t mind the ladies swim suit adds. No idea how those ended up on my feed but… Like I said don’t mind ’em…


“Yeah, I don’t know why I’m getting girls swimsuit and pajama ads either!”
-M. Gaetz


I opened Chrome today to get the alert that they’re going to offer new features to let me help personalize the advertisements I see.

I’m like, DFO ain’t got no ads!


… Ads? Y U NO ADBLOCK?! Seriously, though, consider running an adblocker (and circumstances permitting a PiHole) since outside of ads becoming more of a nuisance at best and an active threat at worst (even on normie websites and platforms).


Second for the PiHole. Its fantastic


Yarp. I’d also suggest getting Revanced (for Android) and SmartTube Next (for Android TV) to get rid of the increasing number of ads on Youtube as well.
Also lol, it’d appear that WordPress is as wonky as I remember. I’ve been trying to edit my original post, because for some reason half didn’t get posted lol. Getting “You’re posting too quickly”.. then a fuck yo.. I mean as soon as the post got replied to, it’s no longer editable lol.

(was trying to say)

… Ads? Y U NO ADBLOCK?! Seriously, though, consider running an adblocker (and circumstances permitting a PiHole) since outside of ads becoming more of a nuisance at best and an active threat at worst (even on normie websites and platforms), they’re a serious drain on your gear’s resources (both in terms of wasting raw cpu/memory oomph and because auto-playing video ads/videos are the work of the devil).


I’ve been clinging to OG Vanced, since it sometimes works, but I think its finally dead. Smarttube next is interesting, Defintely gonna check that out


I was in the same boat, but decided to give it a try and it’s been smooth sailing so far for both normal YT and YTMusic. There’s even a fork that allows running it on older (think Marshmallow) devices that aren’t supported by the mainline appp anymore.
Same goes for STN – I’ve been running it on all my TVs and outside of the occasional minor hiccup with beta updates (yes, I’m one of those masochists), it’s been fantastic there too (especially with SponsorBlock enabled) 🙂


Hadn’t heard of Revanced and need one for my phone!


Maybe next rainy day I’ll set it up.


That’s what I told the Dr. Mrs. about my promise to clean the ceiling corners.

[lives in Los Angeles]


The cobwebs give the room character!


Fuck! It’s raining now!