Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Punching out of 2023

So we’ve made it, the end of the year. Hopefully 2023 was generally good for you, and 2024 continues the good times for you. This week I’m bringing a last minute punch you can serve at any kind of weekend festivities you may be planning. It’s comes from this Instagram post my wife got sent to her by my (hopefully soon to be) sister in law. They definitely go over the top with the garnishes but those aren’t needed for a New Year’s Eve celebration. Though we did it for a Christmas day punch and they were a hit with everyone so go for it if you want.

So the recipe didn’t have specific proportions of the juices but here’s what we did:

Layer ice, cranberries, like wedges and orange slices in a large carafe or a punch bowl. Add equal parts orange juice, cranberry juice, and pomegranate juice. Fill large ice molds halfway with cranberry juice. Add a lime wedge and a wrapped candy cane and freeze. When ready to serve, hang the candy canes inside the carafe and let guests take a candy cane and hang it in their glass. Have Prosecco, gin and vodka at hand to add to any glass

Photo taken of remains of punch from the next day.

There is a generic fruit punch type aroma. Nothing particularly strong jumps out at me right away. Jumping back in for another sniff, I can start to pick out some hints of cranberry juice sneaking it’s way out to be known. Overall though, not much going on, which I guess is a good thing for a punch.

The drink itself is very refreshing. It’s a great mix of orange, cranberry, and pomegranate juices. The original recipe called for more splashes of vodka, but with young kids sampling this, we left out the hard stuff so the adults could add it later. I chose to add champagne to top mine this time. I didn’t make a bad choice. I think the carbonation from the champagne is an excellent addition here. Aside from the bubbles, it adds a little dryness that works well here too.

The finish is a touch on the sour side surprisingly. I never really got much in that flavor direction until I got to the end. Nothing too bad, but just something to be aware of.

This was an excellent punch for sure. Definitely a bit over the top with the theatrics and the garnishes, but it’s the holidays, you’ve gotta have some fun with it right? Also it’s a great option for kids too. The ones at my father in laws certainly liked it, especially the candy canes they got to eat after the fact. Plus, the option to add your own booze is a good option to mind your intake in the event you need to drive home after the festivities.

(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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clint greasewood

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Brick Meathook

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DJ TAJ should be alright though.


Iowa State getting run over by a thresher.

King Hippo

Driven by Mr. Pickle!!


Ray Rice will be honored by the Ravens at halftime of their game.

Should be a hit.


Ravens Man of the Decade Award for the 2010s, presented by previous winner Man of the 2000s, Ray Lewis!

Last edited 1 year ago by WCS

Appropriate for this cocktail since he likes a strong punch.


Stupid Blair Witch…

Last edited 1 year ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

Is anybody else weirdly proud of us for finishing both threads last night evenly? Way to go, DFO!


I AM!!


“Thumbs down, everyone knows what a punch bowl is for-car keys!”

-Swingin’ Larry Henderson

Game Time Decision

Only once you’ve drank it dry
-Britt Reid


Good lord these babies in Memphis. They’re all in winter jackets and toques as though it was cold. It’s the exact same temperature here-37 degrees-and I went out in a spring jacket.

/maybe Canadian men are more manly


Maybe you’re just more hairy,Sasquatch!



download (44).jpeg

To be fair, you’ve been working up a sweat hobo-slicing.


“Maine voters should decide who wins the election – not a Secretary of State chosen by the Legislature… The Secretary of State’s decision would deny thousands of Mainers the opportunity to vote for the candidate of their choice, and it should be overturned.” – Susan Collins (R)

Well, by that logic B. Obama should be on the ticket. After all, there are MILLIONS of Americans who would just love to vote again for Barry, and if we’re shitcanning the LITERAL WORDS OF THE US CONSTITUTION, why the fuck not?


Susan Collins just needs to die so we can move on to a post-Susan Collins world.


Susan Collins concern level: Elevated


And what if their choice is, say, Deadpool, a fictional character played by a Canadian actor. Should *his* name be on the ballot?


This 4th quarter is nuts.


Positive doinkage for Clemson on a 52 yard field goal.

Horatio Cornblower

Prison Girlfriend siting at the Taxslayer Gator Bowl!


A sophisticated punch for the New Year: a 2 liter bottle of Sprite and a half-gallon carton of rainbow sherbet, mixed in a punch bowl.

Mr. Ayo

Plus one handle of Everclear


I love that shit, not gonna lie!


Was pretty much mandatory for a bridal or baby shower.


Yup. Pairs nicely with the cookie table.


Must be a pretty nice drink for celebrating an ALAMO BOWL CHAMPIONSHIP WOOOOO!!!!


Chicken, tatters and some punch = a holiday feast!

Horatio Cornblower

As long as that’s the only thing she’s watching me do we’ll be OK.


A repost, but appropriate due to the subject matter, IMHO.

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Punch was never the same after Jim’s batch.

Brick Meathook

True fans know that it was actually grape Flavor Ade (not Kool-Aid) used in the delightful punch served at the Jonestown revolutionary celebration on that lovely evening in November 1978.


Gumby has a friend who was a member of the Guyanan armed forces at the time, and had to go in there afterward. He said it was nightmare fuel, and the reason he left Guyana for the States as soon as he could.


Pomegranate juice is supposed to be really good for you too. The idea of adding your own alcohol is genius.

King Hippo

pomegranate and blood orange are the best flavoUrs in nature

Horatio Cornblower

I mix pomegranate juice with orange juice every morning. It’s delicious.

yeah right

I might have to try some in my breakfast smoothie. Currently orange juice, fresh strawberries, frozen Blueberries and a banana.


Use the whole seeds, nibs, whatever they call them. Delish!