Your Post-NHL All-Star Game Open Thread

It’s a Sunday without real football for the first time since forever. How are you going to cope? I might go see my nephew play hockey in the rockin’ metropolis of Blind River! (mentioned in at least one Neil Young song and in a few novels I’ve read) Unless I decide not to, which is always a possibility.

Let’s scan some stuff and say stupid things about them.

Duke vs. UNC: Once go-to TV watching even for neutrals, now I’m once again disappointed that meth-addled wolves weren’t let loose in the facility. (I hope the heroes that eventually do this don’t forget to lock all the exits)

Bilepool hopes to maintain its five point lead on Man City with a win vs Arsehole today. Tomorrow Man City will pile on Brentford and it won’t be pretty.

Mbappe is going to The Real Madrid according to ‘sources’-don’t really know what this means.

Kliff Kingsbury, author of Kliffball: You Know You Can is now talking with the Commies after his hire by the Raiders fell apart during contract negotiations. Did he ask for an office or something equally outrageous? I was looking to make a comment about his further debasement and operating out of a distant corner of the Raiders facility but it just didn’t come together.

Getsy is the Raiders OC they really wanted so he’s headed to Vegas. He’s already played the scapegoat once so he’ll be comfy there.

The Giants continue to be without a DC. Usually this would just fall in line with the org’s moribund-ic (hey look, a new word!) nature but I think they’re going to yank someone off the branch of the nascent Steve Spagnuolo coaching tree and that’s why there’s a delay. There’s going to be a familiarity there because he was around for the upset glory years. Apparently the Seahawks wanted to kick the tires on Kafka as OC but the Giants, like a chess player with a small device in his rectum, blocked that lateral move.

Is there still a wide disparity in various women’s college basketball programs? The Gonzagettes beat Pacific 104-39 last night.

Curry scored 60 last night. “Are players scoring too much these days?” is a question that was posed on one of the yackety-yack sports shows that I tend to listen to on Sirius-I turned that one off immediately. What else are they supposed to do?

Well, that’s some of the items I came across. If there’s something that caught your eye (sports or otherwise) please share it with us.




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Brick Meathook

This is the original “fiber-weed” prop van from Cheech & Chong’s movie Up In Smoke.

It’s always parked in front of a pot dispensary down the street from me.

comment image

Mr. Ayo

That’s a lot of dead people


-Typhoid Mary, nodding satisfactorily


Himmler scoffs.

Senor Weaselo

FREE KILLER MIKE! (Even if we have no idea why he got arrested.)

King Hippo

ah mean IT IS IN TEH NAME smh


Ugh pretty sure I slightly pinched a nerve in my left arm leaning on my forearms playing with sharkbait 2.0. the on and off tingling in my fingertips can stop any time now.

Game Time Decision

You know will help that?
Like 3 hours of goaltending


I’ll update on Wednesday


What is this watery stuff coming from my eyes?

Tracy Chapman and Luke Combs at the Grammys.

Last edited 1 year ago by litre_cola

Just watched it on rerun and yeah. She looks/sounds amazing. But damn, that song.


So what kommercials will we be tormented with for the next 6 months?


Also…when the FUCK did commercials get trailers?

King Hippo


(as such, I will have the Owl on mute)


State farm is already on deck for hate Sir. Fire all broadsides?

King Hippo



I am headed to the mountains! Banff at my buddy’s hotel. I will be black out by game time

King Hippo

Last time I was that drunk for an Owl, it was…28-3.

yeah right

That changed.

King Hippo

Fortunately, my memories got quite hazy.

Col. Duke LaCross

Koaché Kliff Kingsbury Konnectción Kon Kommies?



King Hippo

Da, Komrade. Just as the dialectic predicted.


Horatio, is that Lowratio as the Dwarf whipping the naked catholic high school girls, in Catholic High School Girls In Trouble?

Horatio Cornblower

He better not be. I’m supposed to get 4% of any outside income!


I mean, those were some hotties he was whipping, maybe he was not paid in money. Butt, you may be being paid your 4 % in kind now.

King Hippo

I think you got mixed up. Lowratio is saggin’ – not in SAG. Easy mistake.


Which Lego set does Eli get for winning?

Senor Weaselo

Despite the feeling of everything in my existence (okay, car and its insurance, thanks to my wonderful 2022) being way too expensive to the point of oppression…

Holy shit, the hot ginger tea from Wang Lao Ji.


Ray Lewis is pissed at an NFL Flag BLEERGH. This has the potential to get stabbingly interesting.

Senor Weaselo

“Thank you.”-Referee Mary Elephant


Am I the only one here for the Pro Bowl Games?

Mr. Ayo

I’m on my way to a nap, so yes.

King Hippo

a nap is always the best idea, even if it adds a shit layer to the insomnia cake later


You forgot quotation marks around games.

Senor Weaselo

“I think I’m blind.” -Homer S., Springfield, ?

King Hippo

The Brasilian Pizza Boi and the Belgian? GET IN, King’s Afrikan Water Pistols!!!

Cecil Rhodes

A truly just result!!! Outstanding performance from all outfield players! Time for a sherry!

King Hippo

Rhodesians in Rhapture!

Doktor Zymm

Need to check out this gelato place

Game Time Decision

Today’s plan is to get the Christmas lights off the roof and tree and put away for next year/later this year. It’s a nice day here*, so feels like a good day to do it
*sunny, 0C** and not much wind
**your idea of nice maybe different
***oh and most of the snow has melted from the lawn so not too wet today

Doktor Zymm

I’ve never understood why take them down at all when you can just not turn them on? Or put up color changing LED lights and do different colors for each holiday. Not sure what Groundhog Day colors would be though

Game Time Decision

They are not meant to be left up all year and just have multi colour lights so only works with Christmas.

Senor Weaselo

Red for the blood of the groundhogs lost in meteorological pursuits!

King Hippo

I mean, it will be Christmas again in like 10 months. Might as well leave it be now.

Game Time Decision

Didnae fall off ruff or ladder and all lights are down and put away

Doktor Zymm

New Zealand is great from a jet lag perpective. It’s 21 hours ahead of PST right now, or 3 hour behind but tomorrow, so the sleep schedule equivalent of traveling from the east coast to the west.

Cecil Rhodes

Well, after an outstanding first 40 minutes, our haphazard Spanish keeper turned into Plaxico Burress and provided the Redshite with a gift of an equalizer. Can the David Raya experiment end already? It seems like he makes one backbreaking error a match, yet Arteta seems to love him because they share the same homeland. Rhodesians for Ramsdale!

Game Time Decision

I’ve been to Blind River, but not this weekend

Game Time Decision

Yep. Even slowed down to like 90 through town

Game Time Decision

And there is a good chance that we ate at the A&W there.

Don T

-He Kliff! How about… Working on your NFL comeback by coaching for us at discount after that fleecing in Arizona. What is it, $5 miL a year? Ha ha, that was slammin’!

-Uh, no [rotates snifter of Monster Cosmic Peach].


#wackoffforwykoff should be the name of their NIL Club.


Our gurl is happy with the win.

Horatio Cornblower

We’ve got flares on the pitch!

Horatio Cornblower

I finished The Brothers Sun last night. I second RTD’s recommendation. Very entertaining, with an obvious set-up for a second season.


I liked the fact that characters that I thought sacrosanct, were not.


Wakes up. Chelsea losing. Seems like a good start today.

Horatio Cornblower

And they just fucked up a beautiful breakaway chance with about two passes too many.

Dad went to the ski jumps early so that he didn’t have to watch the game.

Horatio Cornblower

Today I’ll be attending he annual ski jumping contest in Salisbury, CT. Teenagers flinging themselves down a 60 m. hill and launching themselves dozens of yards into the air for my amusement. It’s enough to make Jared Fogle smile!

In addition to the ski jumping Salisbury is the town where late actor Rip Torn lived. Once Rip got so hammered that he walked home, couldn’t get his front door unlocked, so he kicked in the door, sat down in his living room and passed out. He was very surprised when the cops showed up and asked what the hell he was doing in the bank.

Turns out Rip’s house looked a lot like the bank and he’d managed to mix the two up, breaking into the bank and passing out in a chair in the lobby. I believe he also had a pistol on his ankle, which didn’t help any.

Rip went to rehab after that, or so everyone was told.

Last edited 1 year ago by Horatio Cornblower

Is there any real risk of injury or are these kids on it enough to be displaying theae talents at full speed?

Horatio Cornblower

They have an ambulance on stand by. In my 20+ years of going I’ve never seen it move.

It’s not world class jumping by any stretch. For one thing the hill isn’t big enough for that kind of distance. Most of the kids don’t go very far. There’s usually 1-2 that are clearly going to win. Once in a while someone crashes and gets bruised up but that’s about it.

One year Eddie the Eagle showed up and jumped. He was terrible, absolutely awful. Like 12-year-old kids were jumping farther. I’m not completely sure I couldn’t have out-jumped him, (although surely his landing would have been better, and unlike me Eddie wouldn’t have needed the ambulance to get out of ‘park’), but no one had a better time at the event then Eddie. Great guy, knew exactly who and what he was and was just maxing it out.

Doktor Zymm

Yay Eddie the Eagle! He’s always been one of my favorite sport stories

Don T

Without risk of injury, why watch? It’s kids!


You forgot the “/spits on ground” in your Real Madrid item.


Saw American Fiction last weekend, I recommend it, was a good solid movie in, my book.


“I don’t care for books.”

-K Stafford


Not been our year, she’s skeptical…