AFL Beat 2024 – Round 11

We got some cool ass guernseys again this round! Yes, Doug Nichols Round spans two weeks! That’s why you see different logos on the ground and names in the Ladder and the Highlight videos. Let’s see what happened.


The Ladder


The Results


The Highlights


Next Round’s Schedule


Footy Tipping Contest


Notes and Comments

Rikki’s Bombers are still in second place and looking good. They took care of business this week and look primed to make finals.

The Sydney Swans are still running away with the competition. They won easily again. They definitely will not lose next week and may not lose again Shoresy style.

The GWS-Geelong game was quite good and ended up being close after Geelong came back from four goals down. That is four losses in a row for the Cats after their unbeaten start. They are still in the Eight, but barely.

West Coast plummeted down to the ground after last week’s upset of Melbourne. A 99 point loss is not exactly positive.

The byes start again this week. Brisbane, North Melbourne, and the Sydney teams all get a break.

No one stood out again this week in the tipping but it’s a super tight competition. Litre is still barely a point ahead of Spammy. Great job, everyone!

If you haven’t become a member of a club or signed up for the Watch AFL app, you can still watch the games in the USA on either FS1 or FS2 and in Canada on TSN. Showtimes can be found here on the Australian Football Association of North America website.

Don’t forget to put the Footy Tips in!

See you next week!

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Yesterday was minor annoyance day. Part one – The family and I (plus dog, minus MIL) were planning to stay right on the ocean at the Outer Banks in a couple of weeks. The house we were staying at was next door to a house we stayed at in 2019. The 2019 had it’s own fishing pier, which was awesome. Mother Nature + Global Warming washed away the house in 2022. A couple of days ago another house got washed away, and the debris means no staying at the house for a while. Bummer.

A single photo to catch it all. This was the pier house getting washed away in 2022, the house with the yellow siding was where we were planning to stay, and house at the top right was washed away yesterday. We were only partly joking when we’d say, “I hope this house doesn’t collapse with us in it.”


Part 2: watching TV. “What is that on my head?”


comment image

Brick Meathook

Itinerary today: Arlington to DCA, DCAto Union Station DC, Union Station to BWI Baltimore, BWI to MSP Minneapolis, MSP TO LAX Los Angeles, LAX to Playa del Rey.

Here’s a root beer at Sbarro #298 at Union Station:


So I take it Sidney is truely the Yankees here.
Spa time here. Nice but populated with way too many old German people. I trust the warm oil massage tomorrow morning will help obscure some of the sights.
/ will probably get some 300 lb hairy dude from Sicily.
// Spa is not as nice as the beach, but mudding through it. Pray for 2Pack.


Just noticed on the appointment sheet that the massage will be with Cristina. Now I just need to hope she’s not 60… and German…


Narrator’s Voice: “The role of Cristina will be played by Klaus Von Sausagefingers, but don’t worry, he’s actually Sicilian*!”

*Is not actually Sicilian


“He’s got legs,

And he knows how to use them.”

-ZZ Top, playing at The Fire Island Music Festival


“He’s got legs…
He knows how to ‘choose’ ’em…”

— parody legendary folk song sung by the drifters of Ontario


Now I do owe you all a Cristina update tomorrow.


Its now to the Jury. Anyone who believes, time to start praying.

Futurama – Buddha, Zeus, God, one of you guys do something! Help! Satan, you owe me! (

King Hippo

If a verdict comes in tomorrow, I very strongly believe it will be a conviction. If nothing by Friday afternoon, Hippo will start to think hung jury.

Don T

I’ve been trying since yesterday to make a prediction. Nope! I really think anything can happen. I’ll just let this one happen.

King Hippo

It should be noted, as a reminder – DonT is a master litigator while Hippo won’t even argue his own speeding tickets.

The only court appearances I have made since my swearing in have been to watch HippoSpawn-related criminal proceedings (which thankfully have been few and relatively minor in nature).

King Hippo

Hippo’s percentages:

70% – conviction
25% – an 11-to-1 hung jury
5% – sommet less than that (which would qualify as a huge win for the fascie side)


“I need to hear more about this ‘hung’ jury.”

-Deanna Favre


Mines closer to 45/45/10. If this was a boxing match, it’d be a Majority Draw.

Brick Meathook

My nickname as a defendant is “Scott” because I always get off scott-free. I charm em, that’s my secret.

/laughs maniacally


I gotta hit the road so I don’t have time to think of a THIS GUY joke about Essendon having four greens and a yellow – maybe something about what a series of stoplights looks like to Henry Ruggs after he’s had a few too many?


I shouldn’t laugh, but here we are…


The Geelong – GWS match was like four games in one. Opening: Geelong looked like the far superior team. 3rd quarter: GWS dominated and looked like they’d win by 50. 4th quarter: Geelong looked faster and more disciplined, everyone’s buttholes tightened.

Why is everything a land of contrasts?


Coniglio’s shoulder popping in and out was a difference maker, too. A little concerned about the health of this team for the next few weeks….


I’m not paying as much attention this year as I’d like, but SWEET MOTHER OF SHIT NORTH MELBOURNE.

Trying to be The Pauls is NOT a solid stratagem for positive success.