Hello there fellow DFO’er. Hope you’re well today. And thanks for coming back to see last weeks tl;dr of last week as decided by my brain. There’s no reason as to why some comments make it and others don’t. Seriously. There isn’t.
A big thanks to Don T and BRC[BFC] for filling in for my dumb ass the last few weeks. Hopefully you were both bribed well to include folks in the rundown.
This weeks cheesy motivational quote is:
Deep vengeance is the daughter of deep silence [in bed].
Vittorio Alfieri
Well, no vengeance in my bed as I snore like crazy. Sorry Mrs GTD.
As a reminder, Sunday comments stand alone and Monday comments will go on the next week’s post.
Note that during the offseason, I’ll probably look at the Sunday posts.
Without further ado, here are the comments of the week.
My second pick [ in the changes draft], the errant pass that allowed the Buffalo bills to draft OJ simpson
Tighten your chinstrap because we’re going for a wild ride:
For those of you who don’t know, there’s this urban legend that if a butterfly effect, that if the 1968 buffalo bills had not narrowly lost a game late in their season, they would not have been able to draft OJ simpson first overall
The logic goes that if OJ goes to a different team, his movie career is different, then the murders don’t happen, Robert kardashian never gets involved, then presumably Kim kardashian never becomes famous yadda yadda…
It’s mostly nonsense though, Robert Kardashian and OJ were friends from their days together at USC, and by the tile the trial happen, Robert hadn’t practiced law for years (he reactivated his license to take the case, but ultimately he was not a big part of OJ’s legal team)
And on top of that, Robert was independently wealthy of his relationship with OJ, he would have found a way to make Kim famous regardless of who her godfather was.
And on top of that……
OJ met Nicole at a club he frequented in California while still playing for the bills, he had been to the nightclub when he was in college, so it doesn’t matter where he played, he would have met her eventually
Still, if there is a non zerp percent chance I can prevent the Kardashians from happening with this pick, I’m taking it
1) I’ll take the invention of the forward pass in American football [in the changes draft]. Basically, it created a new religion that displaced Christianity.
Ah, the “Buddy Cole” chant.
Are we sure that the Bears even know that you’re allowed to make forward passes?
Cincinnati is so desperate for football to return that it may have manifested an actual tiger who is prowling the streets as I type.
Tomorrow’s headline: “Newly drafted O-lineman unable to protect Burrow from mauling by actual Bengal Tiger”
Doktor Zymm
You and Horatio are having some reading issues lately….
I stopped in at this one while down in Alabama and was stunned to find no used books.
50 years ago today.
Raise a glass of the cheapest beer you can find, then punch a stranger in the face.
Horatio Cornblower
I’m Dopey
I’m grumpy
Game Time Decision
I’m boozy
Mr. Ayo
I’m horny
King Hippo
Lowratio is so happy to have so many friends in the clubhouse.
So nice to see him sitting on the kitchen counter, just smiling and swinging his little legs 3′ above the floor.
Horatio Cornblower
Y’all all there living your life and I’m just here posting memes…
Where did you find that wonderful picture?
I want you to know you’re the first person I thought of when I saw it
The last time I saw this many white people feel validated, cam Newton refused to jump on a fumble
So fresh off us coming from one of her friends getting married, one of Senorita Weaselo’s friends just got engaged, and it was one of the trio she hung out with in college. Her other friend from that group (her best friend) texted her “WHAT THE FUCK YOU BETTER NOT LEAVE ME ALONG BY ENGAGING”
We have a chance to do something hilarious. I mean we’re not going to anytime soon, but it would be hilarious.
Senor Weaselo
A Very Special DFO Wedding!
/concept vetoed by Senorita W.
King Hippo
Put a ring on it!
(a spiky one, on your wang…may have nothing to do with being married, but your night will be enlivened)
You can always get engaged for the humor value and then just not get married for however many years
Doktor Zymm
Had a bunch of different recruiters contact me about contract jobs today. If I’m lucky I’ll become one of those fabled people you hear about who works 3 remote jobs simultaneously somehow in 30 hours/week
Doktor Zymm
Willing to work as a henchperson if there’s a position available
Game Time Decision
The DFO Minion application pool, artist’s depiction:
Horatio Cornblower
June 6, 2024 7:33 pm
For a few years in my childhood, my dad ran a side hustle where he packaged bulk french fries for chip stands and other restaurants. I think he ended up selling it because it was at the point where he would have had to quit his day job to do it properly; I think he made a modest profit on the whole thing, but not enough for me to become a Potato Prince like I deserved!
Doktor Zymm
BC Dick has arrived. We will be drinking Malort later.
A list of the greatest comedy influences in my lifetime (to date). They are not ranked in any order, they are all equally in the Hall of Fame:
Monty Python
National Lampoon Magazine (Doug Kenney era)
National Lampoon Radio Hour
Firesign Theater
Mr. Show
Chappelle’s Show
Freak Brothers comics (especially the artwork)
Mad Magazine (Harvey Kurtzman and Al Feldstein eras, particularly the artwork)
Cris Shapan’s parody illustrations (I post a lot of them here)
NBC era of Late Night with David Letterman
The Simpsons (seasons 1 to maybe 10)
George Carlin 1970’s albums
I’m probably leaving some out . . .
Brick Meathook
I’ve been taking entry level Italian on my language app for about 6 months now. Nothing serious just 15 minutes a day.
Trying to immerse myself and shit.
Did one today.
Turns out we’re going to Ireland and not Italy.
I already know how to speak Irish.
yeah right
Doktor Zymm
Does one need to play CIV I through CIV VI to get CIV VII?
Mr. Ayo
Yes, and you must nuke that bastard Ghandi in each one.
Here’s one from Gumby
So youngest skull fracture boy took another job and just finished his first week. The paycheque was bigger and he’s happy with that because he wants to buy all the nice new things. (boat, car, ATV, etc.) Thing is, I divided his pay by the number of hours he worked and it’s $3.45 less per hour than what he would get at our business. Welp.
Every teenage boy likes to spread his wings and prove he can stand on his own.
Plus, you know. He fucked his brain up. And maths makes you gay obvs.
King Hippo
/wife is on a major health kick
Wifey: “Come taste this-it’s a loaf I made from a recipe. It’s made from lentils and cottage cheese.”
Me: [takes small bite]
Wifey: “It’s dry, I know, but it was worth a try.”
Me: [slowly lowers hand with piece of loaf in it to the open mouth of Ruby]
Wifey: “Awww. It’s that bad?”
Me: “Uh huh.”
Much respect to the experts here. Let the games begin.
It was a pain in the ass road but we got the Hawaii place closed last week. Under 1,000 SF, 2/2 and middle space plus carport. It’s in kinda an agriculture pocket thing and, long-story short, pretty restrictive building restrictions. I’m up for the build-out project because, goddamn, there’s no other opportunity available that meets any version of my needs for the eventual place — with eventual doing a lot of work here.
So pretty excited. I mean, like the way you get excited for years of work ahead. But you think it’s a labor of love thing so you lie to yourself long enough to make sure you can’t get out when reality sets in. At least that’s my system for these big projects; glad to getting moving on it now.
The Big Sur place smokes mine by a long shot. A LONG shot.
ok, it’s official now. We all wish to be adopted by blax.
King Hippo
You ready to work?
My agent now has a trauma bond with me. Everyone who does anything worth doing with me shares one.
ia m rucking IN
Media: “Why Are Millennials Killing Movies!?!?”
Me: (not a millennial) (watching an ad for the 3rd Quiet Place movie). Gee, good question. I dunno.
Horatio Cornblower
Quiet Place IV: The Shutting The Fuck Upenning!
Horatio Cornblower
Quite Place 5: The Quiet Search For Spock
Quiet Place VI: Too Fast, Too Furious, But Only Internally
Horatio Cornblower
Quiet Place 7: Hell’s Library
Brick Meathook
Quiet Place: The Ocho
Quiet Place 9: Shut The Fuck Up For Chrissakes!
Quiet Place 10: Shhhh Boogaloo
Doktor Zymm
Quiet Place 11: I Swear to Fucking God I Am Going To Turn This Car Around…
Afternoon Reds game with Dad. Yeah, this’ll do
Is it just me or is that Jabba the Hutt’s face in there?
If you have having trouble “loggin in”, once logged in it may say that you are not logged in, at that point, refresh the page. If that does not work, then clear your cache and “loggin in” again.
Thanks for all the comments and funny and everything else.
Stay busy and safe out there.
NOTE banner image from here
Currently rocking out to this:
I think Hunter Biden and Trump should share a cell and they should make a sit-com out of it.
Honestly, at this point, I think getting Donald Trump addicted to crack would actually improve his character and success as President.
I wanna see the teeny weeny he leads the cult with!
Orange Is The New Crack
I like when geek maths lines up with my gut read:
I think they’re vastly understating the Trump fuckups that will be more visible between now and November, Still think the Biden chances are closer to 80%. Trump has a much lower ceiling.
My gut stays worried (never more than 60% positive) because I think Trump’s vote is baked in. They’re not persuadable in any sense, even in terms of “not voting” – barring an absolutely absurd public event (like he LITERALLY shits his pants and throws the poo onto the assembled crowd – all on camera).
That’s why the “dark web” campaign has been solely focused on “both sides suck” and “Genocide Joe” disinformation. Keep non-Trump turnout down, because that’s their only path.
The Biden team is smart to try to keep him tilted, though. Just in case. And it makes sure that the “coalition for the sane” turns out, and doesn’t get complacent.
Am I wrong for hoping the BOTH shit their pants, live on camera, during one of their debates?
Local GOP Talk Radio theorized that the Democrats agreed to early debate so Diamond Joe could shit the bed in public, convince Biden to step down so the party can have several months to regroup around Newsom and maybe Whitmer if they can also get Harris to step aside.
My predictions are worse than…[insert simile here]…but I’m convinced Trump will back out of the first debate using a combination of RFK’s absence and the gag order that remains in place until he’s sentenced for his felony conviction.
Agreed. He will find a reason to puss out.
Given the dearth of campaign signs and flags I saw in my latest foray to rural/exurban CA, I’m not convinced this is true. It’s like that old saying that the best way to make sure you run a marathon is to tell a bunch of people that you’re going to do it. I’m seeing the lack of enthusiasm among the redhats the same way – by not loudly proclaiming their intentions, they’re leaving the door open to being “too busy” to turn out.
It doesn’t help/hurt that all the campaign money is being spent on grifting and/or legal bills as opposed to building a GOTV operation.
There’s a stand (like the ones that sell Lakers gear when they’re in championship contention) about a block from my house selling Trump 2024 stuff.
I’m not going to say they’re doing a brisk business, but they’ve been there for at least a week, so they must be selling something…
I’m sure all those bottles of “Ivanka’s Bath Water” are totes legit.
Doesn’t hurt when that grift goes to you.
I think you’re right, but I’m still terrified.
No pressure.
Spawn of Biden just got convicted. Always take the plea and the minimum security sentence. Worst case, you get bailed out on Dad’s last day in office. Best case, you get a multi-year stint in Club Fed.
This brings up an interesting thing: Does Biden pardon him?
Or more to the point, WHEN does he pardon him?
Which leads to a bigger question: If your parent is President, is that essentially a License to Kill or do whatever you want?
It is. Who wouldn’t pardon their kid? After a stern talking to in private, I mean.
His last day in office, either next January or four Januarys after.
First day after the election in Nov.
If he’s given a prison sentence in an actual penitentiary, he’ll probably wait until the day before he goes in to pull the trigger.
Absolutely not. Even if he loses in November. Not in his DNA.
(and he TRIED to do a plea agreement before it got politically blown up)
Shame bet at Capital Cabaret?
He already said he wouldn’t.
But, will he remember he said that in the morning?
These are our two choices for President: passive dementia and aggressive dementia.
Even if Biden has dementia, and I really don’t think he does, he has surrounded himself with competent, hardworking, and decent people. Trump is surrounded by yes men, grifters, and complete fucking Nazi lunatics. I can’t believe anyone can seriously “both sides” that.
> yes men, grifters, and complete fucking Nazi lunatics
You forgot “convicted criminals”.
Politicians say things. A parent with that kind of power?
Let me say this: I would pardon all of you.
I might let Horatio serve a few days, just for that disgraceful Yankees/Cowboys thing . One atrocity can be forgiven, especially if it’s a birth defect, but he’s not even from Texass.
See I’m of the same mind regarding Horatio but my reasoning is more that it would be nice for Lowratio to get a few days off.
Yup, I wouldn’t be surprised if he sticks to it. He seems to have this weakness for trying to appease all the Trump assholes that will never vote for him anyway
He took the plea, and the judge rejected it for reasons. The internet lawyers say that it was Trump Lawyer Reasoning, and because of this it will get thrown out on appeal.
Isn’t learning Italian just like ASL in that it’s all hand gestures?
Gumby and I took Italian classes at Samford, before we went on our 25th anniversary trip. We mostly just confused ourselves. We both took French in Jr high and high school, and I took three Spanish classes in college. Lots of Italfranglish happening! We did pick up some useful vocab and phrases though, and the classes were fun.
Just got a spam call from
ItalyIreland, same thing, right?Right.
/ Tries to decide if he wants to hear The Cure or The Cult.
searches youtube for Cure and Cult mashups, but comes up empty. WTF internet, get on this for my random “why not both at once” joke.
She Sells Sanctuary to Love Cats
Friday I’m in Love Removal Machine.
Hollow Man Inside My Mouth
Gumby sez yinz are all fuckheads!
Never forget…
Who the hell is BRC?
sorry, fixed. I blame my editor
He’s your non-Union Mexican Replacement.
Bretts Revisited Colonoscopy?
Brett’s Relapsed Colon
Billary Rodman Clinton. Either Hillary’s desperate attempt to replace Biden or Bill’s cross dressing persona when drunk.
I wonder how many peggings she gave him for the Lewinsky thing. I bet it was LOTS