AFL Beat 2024 – Round 14

We got a nice return to normalcy as I didn’t do so badly on the Footy Tips. Let’s see what happened.


The Ladder


The Results


The Highlights


Next Round’s Schedule


Footy Tipping Contest


Notes and Comments

Late Saturday night, I tuned in to the North Melbourne-Collingwood game and I was surprised to see that North had a 48 point lead around the middle of the third quarter. I then turned it off thinking it was over. Not so much.

It’s nice to see the Giants back in the win column. I do think they will be a contender once Finals arrive. Very tough test this week though, against Sydney.

Hawthorn spoiled Dustin Martin’s 300th game with a convincing win. Hawthorn looks to be back while Richmond may not be good for awhile. Also, I expect Dusty to retire after the season is over.

The byes are still happening with only six games being played again. I can’t wait for them to be over.

Spam, BFC, and I got perfect weeks in the Tipping as we all got 6 out of 6 picks correct! This has allowed Spammy to take the overall lead over Litre.

If you haven’t become a member of a club or signed up for the Watch AFL app, you can still watch the games in the USA on either FS1 or FS2 and in Canada on TSN. Showtimes can be found here on the Australian Football Association of North America website.

Don’t forget to put the Footy Tips in!

See you next week!


And now let’s watch some hot Albanian on Croatian action!

Remember Dua Lipa is Albanian and her name may or may not mean Two Lips

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Game 6 isn’t until *Friday*? What the fuck, NHL?

King Hippo

They’ll eventually award the Cup in fookin’ July. That’s Bettman for ya.


TSN SportsCenter this evening, folks

1st Story: The Flames goalie Jacob Markstrom was traded to the Devils.

Analysis: The Leafs missed out on getting him. He could have solved their goaltending problems.

2nd Story: Oh yeah I forgot, Connor McDavid is good.


I hope tomorrow’s Euro games are as fun as today’s were.

Don T

Another very interesting game. Agree on the Euros rockin’

King Hippo

They show that 3-year old in the Scottish section and Hippo thinks “designated driver”


Will a drunk Scotsman and a sheep fit on the back of a Big Wheel?


I loved how they had a kid wearing ear protection, then panned two seats over to a similarly aged kid without any. It’s like “guess whose parents love them more?”

Don T

Swiss defense playing with 4 Popemobiles at the back. Uf.

King Hippo

automated offside is what will save VAR from itself. Really, really effective and useful.

Don T

Sierro’s not himself after being kicked in the shoulder. Whatta drama king.

King Hippo

he could just rub sum dirt on it smh

Don T

-Gilmour’s going off for dehydration concerns.

-Huh. I thought Gilmour could do without Waters.

/bows, trips


Some Scotsmen are playing a wee bit of hockey out there.

King Hippo

John McGinn is such a shithouse. I hate watching him play.

Don T

ay Escocia

King Hippo

I would pay good moneys for rum-laden DonT commentario (instead of Fox audio)

Don T

Scotland has more bookings than Riker’s Is—*clink *clink—my one-hitter! FACK


Scotland-Switzerland is ROCKING.


Those male Scot fans in the crowd have some nice tits on them.

King Hippo

for a people (i) who very much sunburn easily; and (ii) equally very much lack “beach bods”…they surely do like showing their milkshake off.


“Ach! Me milkshakes bring all the lassies to the turf!”


comment image

Horatio Cornblower

The problem is that they haven’t been properly greased up.

comment image

Don T

Live CCTV from Chez coUla

King Hippo

What about the clock? Always. Cracks. Hippo. Up.




This German attack is really fast and coordinated, I wonder if they have a word for that?


scheisse blitzen


I think that’s the Chicago defense.


grumble grumble mutterpunder grumble grumble


Now that my time to line up has grown closer am I supposed to sniff or kiss the devils arsehole?


Is this a philosophical musing on death or getting lunch at Taco Bell?


Man am I glad I put off walking the dog to watch this one until the end.


That was pretty wild.


I picked Turkey, but this is great. I had my eye on teams that have huge migrant populations that get shit on in Germany. This is like that bullshit NFL announcers try to pull with Steeler fans. “Boy, they sure do travel! They show up in huge numbers in every stadium we go to!”
Actually, doofus, all the steel mills closed down and they left Pittsburgh for better economic opportunities elsewhere. They live here, but still love the Steelers. Same with all these happy maniacs screaming for Albania. Pretty sure most of them live and work in Germany.

King Hippo

a reminder that one of your humble footy scribes picked ALBANIA as his surprise package (and PHRASING).


They are punching above their weight class.

King Hippo

We need Albania to advance and face NED in the knockout stages. Just so Hippo can say:

Tulips! Two Lips!! WHO YA GOT???


Albania is starting to look like a revisit place. Was last there 29 years ago so… might be time…
Going to Zagreb in September on bidnezz so I should plan a quick side trip while I’m that close.