Another long day in the books and more than likely two more losses in fantasy. It’s been great.
To The Game!
-Detroit looks like they can beat anyone, including this up-and-coming squad full of young talent.
-You knew Stroud couldn’t possibly play as well as he did last year but the regression hasn’t been that bad. Plus, the offense seems like a different sort of animal when Nico is on the field. He should be back soon.
-As for now, Tank is the #1 wr and I think he can handle that well over the short term. Too bad neither Metchie or Hutchinson has stepped up.
-Let’s hope for a high-scoring tilt to end off the day’s festivities.
I’m out.
This game is neither plaid nor bananacakes. It wouldn’t be appropriate to classify it that way.
This is an experience.
Definitely one for you and the Texans
In other words, this game is the Houston Texans
Extra Joe Flacco ELITE?
how was that not a DOINK
It was. Just barely.
SHAN’KLOR continues to patiently wait for an appropriate offering.
That’s what she said
Well it’s officially no longer running in shorts weather over here.
Battle Red Blog
I felt something pop in my forehead after that play. That’s not bad, right?
I call the Lions NCIS, because that run was a nice Gibbs slap.
And then he gets slapped.
Does the Offensive Linemen get credit for a Forced Fumble?
i do not fully blame him, cj has looked like doodoo in the 2nd half
He just wanted a hug
Kids watching the Houston Texans uniforms.
Redroom redroom, over there!
Texan uniforms inspiration, red rum
How in all the fucks that has ever fucked both literal and theoretical are the Detroit Lions still in this game?!
Texan hospitality is letting their guests feel real nice
Shouldn’t that be …all the fucks that have ever fucked…
I’m obviously not a fucking expert.
Me neither, never could get enough practice in.
they have to accumulated countless years of karma
Amon Ra the Everliving
Man, if the 500s were actually real this would be a bummer of a loss.
Trico doesn’t sound very amped to be talking this broadcast to a 4th qtr.
I know I’m setting my sleep timer.
It hasn’t been a well-played overall, but it’s been entertaining.
In his defense, the longer this goes on, the longer he has to hear Collingsworth’s word vomit.
Houston’s jerseys and helmet that they’re wearing tonight are hideous
Literally half everyone here loves them, the other loathes them.
9-1-1 is a land of contrasts?
9-1-1? 9/11!
Houston is responsible for 9/11
I didn’t realize Goff played basketball. That was a really nice bounce pass.
It’s like Jared Goff woke up this morning and finally remembered he is Jared Goff.
Has anyone seen Primetime Andy Dalton and Jared Goff at the same time? I have a theory…
2nd and 30? NFL Blitz!
The Browns need to apply the same candying of their helmets as the Texans have to theirs.
Nailed It!
/Todd Haley convulsively comes
We’ve secretly replaced 2024 Jared Goff with 2018 Jared Goff.
Let’s see if anyone notices…
He certainly seems to be going full Dellehome.
Just wow.
No sound on but I hope they just referred to 58 blocking as A Big Boy!
sex cannon vs famous jameis does not belong on sunday night football
Detroit is having the second half Kamala was hoping for.
I see Goff has gone to plaid.
“This game was tailor made for Petr”i.
-van Leeuwenhoek jacking off half as much as Collinsworth
Still at the gate… At least I get to talk to y’all and watch tiny ‘football’
Wait, Lowratio plays ‘football?’
He’s the ringer on the local pee-wee and/or Pop Warner league team.
Loogit’em go!
Greetings and haldos.
Goff is having himself a game, isn’t he?
If the game is how quickly can you shit the bed.
when goff HAS to play the quarterback position, he is dogshit
RFK JR brain worms already starting to infect Dan Campbell’s voice like the Strain
I think the unis are just giant health potions with a bit of mana in the number outlines
That shiny color red color on the Texans helmets would look awesome on a 50’s vetted, it is close to candy apple red.
quite a bitch camaro
Cameros either need to be black or that weird 70s green or gold color.
I kinda dig burgundy
I do not recognize that as a camaro.
That’s an 80s classic!! Yes and only douches drove them but my God is that a beautiful car
There is nothing classic about any 80’s Chevy, except the abysmal quality.
Time will tell….
Boy. As a Browns fan, it’s fantastic seeing all of these Cleveland Browns draft picks look so good on Sunday Night Football.
Anyone else notice that trumps tweets are spelled and punctuated correctly all of a sudden? Did he die already and they’re just gonna weekend at bernies it until the inauguration?
Pretty sure that’s RFK’s brain worm…
Is that brain worm a trill or a Venom?
They had a video recently showing his behind the scenes where now he just narrates to some younger blond Fox drone type to type them out for him now
That’s actually smart. Hot blondes need jobs too.
That’s how he won this thing. He came more like an acceptable risk and less like a mental patient playing with his feces.
Uh, I’ve got some bad news for the folks at the Stand Up To Hate foundation.
We are delayed at the gate because maintainance is ‘researching an item found during walkthrough’
Not ominous at all
Collinsworth is completely untrainable. Didn’t he piss people off before saying that the ” average fan” wouldn’t understand something? He just did it again. Asshole
I mean, the average fan probably DID vote for trump, so he might be on to something. Doesn’t explain why he keeps peeing on the rug though.
It really held the room together!
It adds to the ambiance
I just turned on the game and WTF?
The Texans look radioactive.
Andy Dalton has taken up fashion design
I hate these uniforms. Especially the numbers.
Moar like Jared Goof.
4 (four) INTs with a lot of time left! What a clown!
Damn, up to 5 (five) for Goof. And 7 (seven) combined. That is a (technical term) shitload of INTs.
Is this the Texans special uniforms or is their energy low and Detroit is about to defeat the boss?
Rikki, upon successfully activating SAP on this broadcast (artist’s conception):
Well, Mike, let me tell you about this nepotism thing, heh. It only works for us whiteys.
(one unsuspecting day)
Rikki: (activates SAP)
Cris: “Ahora aquí hay un chico..”
As an added bonus to the shittiest week in site history, the Dr. Mrs. has an oblique fracture in the pinky bone in her hand. She got it when hitting a hard bump while biking.
Do you at least get to watch her “biking?”
Isn’t it fun getting old
/has broken every finger on both hands over the years
//hope her finger heals quickly
What’s this mean for her vacuuming, and more importantly, the Leafs playoff chances?
Funny you should ask, because you’ll never guess who has to fill in for daily mopping/vacuuming/steaming duties!
Lowratio on contract?
Lowratio’s west coast non-union equivalent?
Baja Proporción
What exactly is going on here?
Just roasting some chestnuts over an open fire
How did you find out about my Xmas decorations?
Is that where Diddy got his party decorations from?
The Texans uniforms remind me of something…
I must say…
Both Jon & Martin were so great on SNL…
Ed Grimley unis would be fan-fucking-tastic
I wish we could banner this
Aw, thanks Balls.. I’d like GumbyGirl’s banner up for a while longer, tho.
I mean, to come up with such a hilarious observation with what she’s been going through?
You guys are awesome. I am lucky to have found you.
Happy retirement RayGun
That’s awesome!
Omg this is amazing
Now an AFL’er needs to strike a Heisman pose.
I believe I am playing you in Freezer Vodka and currently behind by 67 (so close!) points.
U really think you’re going to lose??