TGIF! The last Sexy Friday of the year. I was going to do a top 10 pictures of the year post, but that’s a lot of work, especially since the DFO dividends and year end bonus were a little short of expectations this year. Easier to just put up 10 new pictures.
Survival – Personal Edition
Here’s something we all have quite a bit of experience with: Sobering up! Once the new year starts, we’ll all have to do this to varying degrees. Here’s some tips and reminders.
- No pills. Ibuprofen can cause stomach irritation which can exacerbate feelings of nausea. Acetaminophen can cause liver damage, which only adds to the damage from all that alcohol. Aspirin famously thins out blood which will only slow down sobering up.
- Fluids. We all know this one. Make sure to have at least a glass of water before bed. Best practice is to have a few glasses of water while drinking. In the morning, focus on sports drinks with sugar. Gatorade, Powerade, Pedialyte, those kinds of drinks. Also consider tomato juice or orange juice as they contain potassium which helps with the symptoms of a hangover. And yes, that’s why Screwdrivers and Bloody Marys are popular brunch drinks. Kill one hangover while creating a new one.
- Take vitamins. A good multivitamin will do, A Vitamin B complex helps with vitamin depletion.
- Eat. Starchy foods are best as they break down into sugar which speeds the absorption of alcohol. And listen to your body’s cravings: if it sounds good it will be and it will help. Just eat slowly and in small portions.
- Get plenty of sleep and rest. Tired after eating breakfast? Take that nap, you’ve earned it.
- Once you wake up, get more fluids and food.
Go ahead and share what works best for you in the comments. It’s better to have as many options as possible when trying to sober up.
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Survival – Species Edition
Time to put the sexy in Friday!
Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!
Holy crow, what a night. Be safe, and never underestimate the power of the human desire to do something incredibly stupid.
Started doing drugs when I was 15
High as fuck and alive
Definitely the right vibe.
Thanks for letting me make this where my brain can release the excrement that builds up.
I needed to post this.
I’ll be right back.
yeah right morphed into my insanity and inanity so gradually, I hardly noticed…
That shit was premeditated, Partner.
The Dr. Mrs. is making a “minor” alteration to something her mother crocheted and all I can think of is…
It’s lady number 3 to finish off the year. That arm bra doesn’t fool me. That’s Ayo.
It’s Friday night people!
I just worked that motherfucker!
Hang on.
I’ll be back in 5.
We’ve got a live band down the street
Nothing crazy. Very relaxed and they’re hosting a Christmas quinceneara type thing and everyone is bringing food and now I want some carne asada and tequila.
I have a niece that was born on December 29th and she always got short shrift on her birthday because everyone kind of glommed it together with Christmas.
“Look, I got you one BIG present!”
Óh Jesus.
They called the man.
Binge watching Lower Decks, so good
I assume that’s the documentary about Lowratio’s legendary run at the World Series of Poker?
Here I was thinking it’s an unauthorized The Brick Experience biography.
The Hard Knocks AFC North may be one of the best football pieces I’ve ever seen.
I like the standard Hard Knocks because it gets you pumped up for the season but the standard structure is kind of worn out.
This shit is in late season. All four coaches, all 4 teams. Game prep, unedited and at a time of year when it counts the most.
Plus NFL films coverage?
Fucking perfection.
We’re rolling tonight… I thought fires were a summer thing..
I know that movie
I’d take No. 6 surfing with me.
Don’t forget the necessities:
I once had a girlfriend bashfully ask me what that stuff was for because she thought it was some kind of sexual aid.
Well…. It could be!
“I understand it prevents something from getting too slippery when it gets wet…but I just don’t see such a far-fetched hypothetical scenario ever happening in real life.” – Ben Shapiro
Ask Mr. Feeney about it, Ben
*dials 912*
I’m low on gin and it’s giving me anxiety for tomorrow’s triple header.
Hey Baby.
Governor Abbot can’t stand seeing Texas Tech getting beat.
He needs to quit sitting around and start standing up for something.
He really does seem to just be spinning his wheels and going nowhere.
If he doesn’t like it he can make like a tree and fall on a guy and paralyze him.
THIS Governor Greg Abbot?
Oldie but goodie:
Going to buy this guy a beer and right soon, I hope.
Post #85, Arlington VA
If the schedule works out, I’ll be at Post 1634, Billings MT tomorrow.
My Uncle Gene was a long time Commander at that one.
Come to L.A. or Washington DC and I’ll take you to a Post. Very diverse crowds and the nicest people in the world. Plus incredibly cheap bar tabs.
But…suckers and losers?
Of course, but you’re invited too.
How are your bone spurs these days?
Too painful to not let someone die in my place, sadly.
Washington St doesn’t realize they’re 18 point underdogs.
Or maybe they’re just saving stupid for the 2nd half?
They’re still high from escaping Pullman.
Yeah leaving Pullman and arriving in San Diego must be quite the rush
Beef Double-Dip w/ chili & lemonade
Philippe The Original
Chinatown, Los Angeles
My first thought was “that thing must snap like a mousetrap.” Then I remembered I know who Cory Chase is.
Wait. I wanna know the context of this comment
This is a cam rip screenshot of Nicole Kidman.
Cory Chase is a porn star snubbed from the AVN fetish categories despite that being her and her husband’s whole bag. She is also a blond with better abs that Nicole has in this photo. She does not have a snapper.
*taboo relations, not fetish.
Sir, I am insulted that you think I do not know who Cory Chase is!
BTW, she was nominated for MILF of the year!
On a more serious note, I think that the AVN doesn’t recognize her work because she’s not tied in to the major studios. She’s done some stuff for Brazzers, but for the most part produces her own material.
Since they can’t get a piece of her money, they don’t want to promote her.
Also, yes, she has tremendous abs.
(It’s funny how many porn stars are MAGA)
It is definitely interesting. There is something to that…
Come to think of it, it’s not funny. It’s that Trump is the last port in the storm. He’s ostensibly iconoclastic and maddening to the people who want to put them out of business, damn them for some religious or similarly made up morality, or just don’t like them or the business. I’m pretty sure the ones I know of are those Obama-Trump voters who keep holding out that one of those men meant what they said about changing the whole rotten system, but Lucy keeps yanking away the football.
Sounds right
That has to be it. Brazzers is celebrating 20 years, but their videos prior to like 2012 all had hard SA storylines because, let’s be honest, a lot of those girls were being straight-up SAed on camera. Cory and Luke have made some silly and outright taboo shit, but they never drove anyone out of the biz or worse.
I was sharing for the rest of the class.
And touché. I must have blacked out by that part of the list.
It’s important to remember that Ted Cruz is also a fan of Cory Chase.
He’s also the Zodiac Killer, people forget that.
Don’t make Ted Cruz relatable. Please don’t.
It depends. She probably pegged him literally like Trump pegged him figuratively.
Release the tape, Ms. Chase!
To be fair, they’re both about 90% interchangeable parts.
Red Raiders > Regular Raiders
Red Raiders are the ones who came back
Sexy Public Service Announcement?
Z. Wilson has entered the chat
Damn it. We should’ve put it into the Military-Industrial-Media Complex, not Dok’s fancy weather machines!
I did say I wasn’t going to market them commercially and just use them to fuck with people and make in snow for the occasional Bills game
Reason Why Galaxy Quest is Awesome #4,701:
After one particularly dramatic scene, director Dean Parisot recalled, “I turned back and Tim is just completely emotional… he says, ‘Yeah, I don’t like these feelings I’m having, I’d like to go back to the trailer.’ … And Alan Rickman… said, ‘Oh my God, I think he just experienced acting.’”
Or the cocaine wore off
1, 5, and 6. YOWZA
Thanks for showing a lot of us how this dumb sports we love works, Greg Gumbel. You were a staple for American youths watching from 1990-2020. Thanks and RIP.
Shit, it’s the good one. Why not the obnoxious brother? Cancer sucks!
I like Miami. They have very nice topless beaches there.
Is there such a thing as a topless beach that *isn’t* nice?
Have you seen Eurotrip?
That’s a nude beach that’s different.
For a man, every beach is a topless beach