This week was just so very…very.
It snowed here, I finally got my dishwasher replaced (fuck me, does going 2 weeks without a dishwasher reveal just how soft I am, even by WASP standards), did my annual “justify your existence” review, etc.
And today…fuck shit to look forward to. At least with Dyche out, I can watch Toffees/Trashbirds, while I curse how fat and creaky I am trying to get in some exercise bike time (footy is perfect for that, no ads but your attention can drift a bit when needed). Then…nothing.
Two games tomorrow, one solely on mute. I think Birds/Bills would be kind of fun (those two fan bases put the “fun” back into “functional alcoholic” – turn ’em loose in the French Quarter!), so we’ll get the opposite. Ugh.
Beyond that, really not much to be said. Just waiting for the day that the Black Maria shows up at Hippo’s door.
The Sens beat Toronto 2-1 tonight. This adversely affects the Leafs playoff chances.
It’s raining!
In LA!!!
Just because so much of L.A. drifted up into the atmosphere.
It’s really raining like real rain!
We got some showers up here this morning and early afternoon, my car is nice and clean now!
Looks like maybe some more on Friday
Address to a Haggis
Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face,
Great Chieftan o’ the Puddin-race!
Aboon them a’ ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe or thairm:
Weel are ye wordy o’ a grace
As lang’s my arm.
The groaning trencher there ye fill,
Your hurdies like a distant hill,
Your pin wad help to mend a mill
In time o’ need,
While thro’ your pores the dews distil
Like amber mead.
His knife see Rustic-labour dight,
An’ cut you up wi’ ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reekin, rich!
Then, horn for horn, they stretch an’ strive:
Deil tak the hindmost, on they drive,
Till a’ their weel-swall’d kytes belyve
Are bent like drums;
Then auld Guidman, maist like to rive,
Bethankit hums.
Is there that owere his French ragout,
Or olio that wad staw a sow,
Or fricassee wad mak her spew
Wi’ perfect scunner,
Looks down wi’ sneering, scornfu’ view
On sic a dinner?
Poor devil! see him owre his trash,
As feckless as a wither’d rash,
His spindle shank a guid whip-lash,
His nieve a nit;
Thro’ bluidy flood or field to dash,
O how unfit!
But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,
The trembling earth resounds his tread,
Clap in his walie nieve a blade,
He’ll make it whissle;
An’ legs, an’ arms, an’ heads will sned,
Like taps o’ thrissle.
Ye Pow’rs wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o’ fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies;
But, if ye wish her gratfu’ prayer,
Gie her a Haggis!
Well done, laddie.
Love your work.
And now I want haggis.
I’m glad all those IGs got fired.
Now food costs are down.
Lies! That Arby’s Double Beef and Cheddar is still $11!! Highway robbery!
He said “food costs”; he didn’t say anything about Arby’s.
Soylent Green supply getting ready to go WAY up!
Looking forward to all teachers in blue states getting fired via a “truth”. This country would drive me to drink if I didn’t already have one in my hand.
Happy Burns day!!!
Go birds
Go Burns!
Self portrait:
Family Portrait:
Wow, you look just like UConn’s 3-pt shooting tonight.
I see that Chelski supporters are Reacting Proper Reasonably
Did you know that their stadium isn’t in Chelsea?
Some are saying that.
I finally reached out to my buddy in Dallas about the Cowboys.
Let’s just say that last night’s post about the Cowboys fan response was 1000% accurate.
I always bet on “raining frogs” and it never hits smh
Easy, Krusty.
Too bad it’s not Washington DC
That’s from 2024.
Biden’s fault. Sorry libtards.
I think the protocol is CRY MOAR smgdh
There’s a “Morrigan” in the Christopher Moore book I am reading, and it reminded me of A&H’s excellent Warhammer series.
Which book?
A Dirty Job
Next up are Fluke and Lamb, in undetermined order.
Have not read Fluke but Lamb was highly enjoyable.
I’m about to start the vampires in SF series.
There’s a fair amount of sex in those.
You’ll hate it.
Lamb is an absolute masterpiece.
There is a sequel to ‘A Dirty Job’, ‘Secondhand Souls’ which is also good and which also feature a Morrigan or three.
The Bible?
Saints are the only HC job still open, yeah?
They are fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked
McCarthy incoming
I’ll send up the Satan signal.
Oh we on that!
Taj and I were just reminiscing about concerts past.
July 4th 1979 we went to a festival in Rockford Illinois and it was a packed 1979 lineup.
The Baby’s
AC/DC with Bon Scott
The Outlaws
REO Speedwagon
Cheap Trick.
Cheap Trick is from Rockford you see. Mayor gave them the keys to the city on stage.
During AC/DC Angus left the stage with his wireless guitar. You could see the crowd going crazy as he wandered through.
Couple of minutes later the crowd parted and Angus is on Bon Scott’s shoulders just shredding the shit out of his guitar and they’re directly in front of us. No shit, like standing a foot away.
They were close enough that you could see that Angus had broken his high E string. He got sweat on us.
That really happened.
They were playing “Let there be Rock.”
Fuck yeah, rock n roll
You should listen to this song.
(it is not a cover, more of a tribute)
I saw them play that live in Boston a few years back. Holy shit what a show.
I saw Cheap Trick in Rockford in 95. My dad was from there so i actually spent some time there. Any town that produced Cheap Trick, Natasha Legerro, and my dad can’t be all that bad
In May 1978 my platoon was at French Commando School in Bresach Germany on the Rhine just across the border where the French still had an occupation zone. Saw Powerage in a local shop, bought it and jumped it in my rucksack out of a C-130 back into Italy. Prayed for a soft landing and got it. The album is still in the collection.
Don’t think I ever quite put this together in my feeble brain before – but Jerry Jones is STILL trying to show up Jimmy Johnson, ain’t he?
Seriously? That’s all he’s done since the 90s.
If that were true, wouldn’t he be doing boner pill commercials, but, uh, doing them better somehow?
really trying to extenze his legacy
Watching MST3K Moon Zero Two and ‘relaxing’.
I don’t know if I could get it up to MST3K, but you do you.
maybe I should say I am getting stoned not relaxed, but you know, thinking about it Weird World of Bat Women might be doable.
They are wearing Othello pieces on their head!
I’m officially off my football watching ass and straight killing it in the Sunday Gravy kitchen.
Oh boy is this gonna be great!
Tis the season, looking forward to it.
I have been laughing randomly ever since I heard who JJ hired to coach his stars.
Being in tech keeps me in touch with the youngs
love creative comments in boring code bases at least they sorta care in some way. Had some good one in an app of hours like “dont blame me the idiots up in NY made me do this” from a junior programmer at the time. Now hes been like a lead at netflix and amex since then.
My sophistimakedcated theory? This band never broke through because she was chubby.
That was one of the first songs I ever heard on KROQ back in the early eighties.
The other one was…
Probably true
Karen C. beams proudly
Probably true, and it’s a goddamn shame, because she could absolutely wail.
Straight into the community’s veins:
Oh yeah, that’s the good stuff
Somehow, he keeps finding ways for me to loathe him.
It isn’t easy, Danny Boy. Fuck you very much for actually making this personal on a level.
thanks was just about to put that in case people missed it. I can now even more accurately dream of his Rumplestitskin inspired rage death straight to hell.
It has feelings? Really?
I always enjoy hearing about how people have invested their $6 billion.
If I ever get my hands on $6 billion I will not invest it. I will simply put it all in some bank or banks and then spend it in the dumbest way possible. The fuck do I need to increase a 6 billion pile of money for anyway?
Um…you understand what banks do with money that you deposit in them, right?
[invests heavily in New York Giants futures]
-Carl Banks
6 billion in a checking account that earns 0.25% interest would still earn 15 million a year.
And I think somehow you’d pay less tax on that than on a salary.
/orders 12-pack of guillotines from Costco
[gets 15% discount because of volume purchase/irony/Capitalism]
When you get to the top 1%, you’ll understand.
But you’d rather have avocado toast.
Avocado toast is the perfect example of why this country is going down the shitter.
avocados do have quite a bit of fiber
Becoming a billionaire turns the people who weren’t already (i.e. the ones who are evil enough to do the crimes necessary to become one) into psychopaths.
I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t become a psychopath, but no one will give me a billion dollars to test my theory
This is so great. I hope the reporters make this an annual tradition.
There’s no void once I RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!
No void… none…
At some point I need to watch whatever this movie is.
For reasons.
I think that may be The Adventures of Baron Von Munchausen and that may be Uma Thurman.
It’s actually Clash of the Titans
I just checked ESPN+ to see if any of this pro womenfolk volleyball was on today. NOPE.
For some reason the word order there makes me think of women in pant suits and sensible pumps playing volleyball
That would be even better!!
Was watching Return of the Jedi when Luke is totally taken off guard when Palp starts blasting him with lightning & thought:
“Ya know, Yoda should have probably mentioned that during his training. Bit of an oversight, that…”
“Bad, my oops.”
I think the only consistent thing throughout Star Wars is: the Jedi are really fucking dumb.
“Force abilities run in the family. Let’s strongly discourage our members from forming attachments and having children.”
“We’re a little worried about this angsty powerful teenager with anger issues. Let’s forbid him from having a girlfriend.”
“Starting to think that maybe there’s a Sith around the government somewhere, but who could possibly figure that out?”
“Ok, things are pretty badly fucked. We need to protect these infant twins, who may become the last hope of the Jedi, from Anakin Skywalker. I’ll take Luke to his home planet, call him Luke Skywalker, and put him with his aunt and uncle. Nobody will ever suspect anything.”
“Let’s not give Luke or Leia any Jedi training until they’re well into their teens. . . . Ok, look, I can’t train him now, he’s too old.”
“Fine, I’ve started training him, but he’s not ready to face Vader yet. He’ll lose and probably get turned to the dark side. If Vader kills Leia, well, no big whoop.”
“Shit, he’s determined to leave and face Vader. Let’s not tell him that Vader is his father, I’m sure Vader will be chill and not mention it to try to turn him or anything.”
“Well, damn, he left and is going to get himself turned. It’s ok, there is another. I mean, she’s being held captive by Vader, who will probably kill her now that she’s served her purpose as bait. And she’s the same age as Luke but doesn’t even have the beginnings of training, but I’m hopeful.”
“Oh, you’re back from facing Vader, which I said you weren’t ready for and I was right! Huh, he told you about the father thing, who could have known? Well, you’re a Jedi now, except for one thing — you have to face Vader! Yes, I know I just told you that you weren’t ready, but now you totally are.”
“Yeah, you’ve got to kill your dad. Sorry, but once you start down the dark side, there’s no coming back. It’s simply impossible.”
And remember that a lot of this is coming from the guy who is supposedly the wisest of Jedi. Shit.
The one thing the Jedi have going for them is that their enemies are even dumber. “Our philosophy is so fucked up that we’re incapable of working together to defeat the Jedi without backstabbing each other. So we will voluntarily limit our numbers to two, which is great odds against many many Jedi. Oh, and those two will be constantly scheming to kill and replace each other.”
I still enjoyed the franchise.
Now, the way people have made it a Thing — well, like I always say, you can’t get in the 1% if you’re part of the bottom quintile.
Some of the justifications that hardcore fans have come up with are actually pretty interesting – such as the Storm Troopers being unable to hit anything because the contract for manufacturing their blasters was done as a corrupt kickback deal and the product suffered accordingly. Of course that can’t account for the good guys being able to shoot the pips out of a playing card from 200m in high winds, but you’ve always got “The Force” to fall back on.
There’s at least 2(?) instances where you can rationalize that the Stormtroopers have been ordered not to hit the heroes, because Vader’s plan is for them to get away.
But yeah, it’s kind of weird.
I know it comes off as trollish, but I just think it’s funny that people will jump through all kinds of hoops out of a compulsive need to justify narrative choices by writers that happen in a setting where half of the characters have magic space powers.
Oh god, they can’t compare to comic book fans!
Oh sure, I like some of it as well. My point is just that the problems with some of the later works aren’t that they have plot holes, because the original trilogy is full of them.
“Evil will always win because Good is dumb.”
Napoli won. Now let’s see what else is on… Oh there’s Jack… and Squat.
Not interested in Empoli v Bologna?
If I wanted to see some bologna get wrecked I’d have lunch at one of the delis along Coach Reid’s drive home from the Chiefs facility.
“If I wanted to see some bologna get wrecked I’d just watch some Rocco Siffredi videos.”
-Balls, probably
Not really.
Give Squat a chance.
It’s up for best cinematography.
I donno… Kung Fu Panda or a Barbara Bouche and Edwige Fenece 1979 titty flick.
Syracuse losing to Pitt 43-43.
Go meteor indeed…
Half the division is playing for an Owl berth.
Credit to Jerry-he’s created the NFL’s most valuable franchise and the worst coaching destination at the same time.
Absolutely stunned the sad Cowboys fan was wearing pants when he walked out into the snow.
Yeah, that doesn’t sound like any Cowboys fan that *I* know…
/the only Cowboys fans I know hang around here and are well aware of clubhouse policy
Congratulations to Madison Keys (who I believe is a second cousin of Ashley Madison) for winning her very first grand slam tournament over HGH Natalie Portman!
Speaking of Ashley Madison, what percentage of the incoming cabinet do you think could be traced back to that database leak. 75%?
/ looks around sheepishly
My usual rule in women’s tennis is “cheer for the hottie,” but I’m ok with Keys winning here.
Despite my jokes, I quite like Sabalenka and this is one only a few times that I have rooted very strongly for her opponent.
Get the fuck out-Madison Keys is the name of the girl detective that solved “The Missing Brown Bunny” case.
It’s funny you should mention The Brown Bunny because I could have sworn that Vincent Gallo owned a house in Malibu or Pacific Palisades and I was gonna pop some champagne if it had burned down. Can’t find any mention of it online though.
Conan explains the Civil War to the TikTok generation-come for the funny, stay for Sona’s boobs.
Sona’s boobs make any subject interesting.
Regarding Man City: This is the “re-set” year, correct?
/hot taek-Rodri’s injury has impacted the team more than The Broom’s
TSN is advertising their NHL trade deadline show. (the trade deadline is March 7th)
We need to keep everyone abreast of what the Leafs might do.
“BREAKING NEWS — The Leafs made a massive deal, acquiring a seventh defenseman! Coming up, our panel will discuss: What will he do on his day with the Stanley Cup this summer?”
TIL (courtesy of the CBC) that in warmer climes in the 1800’s large blocks of ice with fans behind them were placed in music theatres and the like to cool audiences down. If a play or whatever was very popular the ice would reduce quickly. These popular shows with large audiences were called “block busters”.
Happy Robert Burns Day, everyone! Be sure to drink lots of scotch with your haggis!
to his friends its Bobby but to you it;s MISTER BURNS!
What’s his first name?
“I don’t know.”
oh my cats, that is the 2nd-closest to dying I have ever been laughing at a Simpsons line.
/1st? Grandpa’s recitation of love…nope, it’s a stroke
I have a Scottish dinner planned. Haggis w whisky sce, neeps, tatties, black pudding, potato scones.
I tried black pudding once. ONCE.
I’ve tried it….
About 6 times and can’t wait for more.
Fucking delightful with a runny egg and some fresh bread and butter.
I’m nawt gonna bother, as I’ve never liked any form of blood sausage. One of the few things I just can’t stomach
Yeah, in the list of foods born of hardship/poverty/desperation, ‘blood anything’ is F tier for me.
I’m doing cockaleekie soup, haggis with neeps and tatties, cheese, and sticky toffee pudding with whisky sauce.
The Boxty House in Dublin had a stupid delicious sticky toffee pudding that was so good with a shot of Jameson and a dark ale.
Napoli taking on Juve. Real Marika excitement here folks.
oooh, that’s a spicy meatball. Might have to check CBS/Paramount for that.
At Deci’s swimming with that fixture on my phone.
Why, that’s not disappointing at all, Everton.
Gotta credit Patton Oswalt.
A couple of years back I was seriously planning a trip there and it was taking shape.
Then I visited Belfast first.
Not sure I’m ever going to visit England now.
Why not? If we aren’t going to be anywhere that has screwed over someone else we would all have to move to Antarctica
And I’ve got my eyes on those shifty-ass Emperor penguins.
7 minutes of extra time in Bournemouth and it’s already 5-0.
/ Ties red and black bandana around wing wang while sprinting in circles.
// trips over Hippo while setting off fireworks
/// lights clubhouse roof on fire
/v clubhouse barely notices
Not like it’s a Great White concert or anything.
hey, everyone likes a nice fire. Cleansing fire. HOLY fire.
Like Larry from Regina, but way less cool.
Larry retired!!!!
Is he Larry from Florida now?
/I just don’t get the Canadian obsession with that place
He seemed a hearty Prairie man. Probably vacation near the Gulf of America.
It’s warm. They show up everywhere warm in the winter and Florida just has massive tourist infrastructure and is nearby so it gets a lot of them and then they retire there because they’re familiar with it
Within my extended family it’s a status signifier [rolls eyes] that goes back to the late 70’s. I’ve been and the place doesn’t have a soul. (not talking about the political aspect) When I say that I prefer Arizona and New Mexico there’s a cocking of heads
Cousin: “Why do you prefer the desert?”
Me: “Why do you prefer the ocean? Do you swim in it every day?”
Cousin: “Well, no…”
Ocean 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 to one. Even if I never ever EVAH go swimming again.
Better view, smells good, cooling breezes, and humid enough that your sinuses don’t bleed.
Have to go to the Keys if you want to find any sort of soul in Florida.
It sure as fuck isn’t anywhere near Orlando.
News you can use: Shoresy S4 drop 2/26 in the US.
Earlier in Canada, assuming the US hasn’t invaded by then.
We’ll try to invade, but Hegseth will be passed out after mistakenly propositioning Justin Beiber so we’ll lose the element of surprise
I was just trying to express my dominance!!!111
Oh I’m quite sure Hegseth will be full of surprises.
Fully invading in April.
They won’t even see it coming.
Bournemouth going abolutely bonkers right now.
Meh. Offsides.
Still looked good.
OK, that one wasn’t.
What the hell? Three goals, (2 allowed), in about 6 minutes.
/Again remember Warhead was also by Team Razer
Snoop should buy the Trashbirds, rename them B-Hizzle Albizzle (Albizzo?)
Spirit of teh Blues
He’s back baby!
(only for our matches, the Shite fluffing footy media will get zero views from me this weekend)
Oh wow, Michael Oliver fucked over Arsenal.
So the bad news is that Senorita Weaselo put wayyyy too much vanilla extract in her matcha.
The good news is MORNING DRANKIN’ because of how much vanilla extract is in the matcha.
/Okay, it’s not enough alcohol for a buzz but it tastes boozy which counts for something!
If it weren’t for the dread of the upcoming offseason, I’d be more ready for some fitbaw.
I’m very excited for tomorrow’s games, but I’m also assuming the Owl will be essentially unwatchable by having KC in it so expecting it to be The End
They should rename the Rooney Roole for Leslie Frazier. That guy is ALWAYS interviewed and never gets the HC gig.
(yes I’m aware he was the Vikes head coach but he is the first guy interviewed for like 80% of vacancies)
I was gonna say we tried that once.
I’m just here so Whitey don’t get fined…
I got an ad that started with
“If your crunchy, holistic friends have been raving about liver”
Extraterrestrial copywriter fo sho.
Holy fuck the next election is going to hilarious. Trump is going to engineer some fuckawful thing where we all have guns at our heads and he gets 99% or some fucking thing. He might do it next year! Why wait? This is going to be fantastic.
Yes! I’ve just decided I’m right. I was right that he was INSTANTLY going to start playing up Russia as our harmless, old army-buddies from WWII (did NAWT anticipate he’d inflate their dead from 26 million to 60 MILLION), so my next correct prediction is that he wants FDR’s record for most prez. election victories, but will lack the patience to wait all those years. Because he was cheated, you see.
Mrs Cola and I spoke about this last night. Trump will be there til he dies.
I’ve known better and younger people than him that already had a heart attack this year, so he best get on with it.
Maybe something decent will come from destroying all the research in progress at NIH after all, although it’ll probably just be lots of premature deaths and the loss of America’s place as a leader in medical research.
Whatever it takes for moe-rons to learn. Let the bodies stack like firewood.
Hmmmm, maybe boring competence ain’t so bad after all
Trump is going to be 81 at the end of this term, assuming his all-fast-food-all-the-time diet doesn’t step in and help us all out before then. He’d need a Constitutional amendment to run again and if he does engineer that, hello Barack Obama.
That’s why the guy tried to specifically make it a nonconsecutive terms can have a third term amendment! They’re terrified of Obama stepping in.
I didn’t realize that. That’s hilarious.
May as well put an asterisk in the title line and then at the bottom there’s another asterisk and it says “does not apply to
nigPresidents who served consecutive terms.”Now, be fair, that wording would also exclude George W. Bush from getting a third term.
/sees blank looks from Republicans
You see, George W. Bush used to be President. He was a Republican. Started the war in Iraq.
No, really, he did, that wasn’t Obama. 9/11 happened early in Bush’s term, and …
No, again, that was not Obama’s fault. True, Obama was not in the Oval Office that day, but that’s because he was a relatively unknown law professor then.
Anyway, Bush also fucked up the Hurricane Katrina situation, and tried to privatize Social Security, and….
When the Tea Party got started my boss came back from a rally. “Did you know that the Federal budget had put the US deep into debt? We have to do something!” Where the fuck was this level of concern in the years 2000-2008?
Both parties do that one, though. The National Debt is the most important thing in the world and demands immediate attention when a party is not in power, but when they’re in power it’s no big deal and can be addressed in the long run, and as Keynes said “in the long run we’re all dead.”
Obama just ended his third term.
Trump ain’t engineering shit. His minions might. If your dad talked like Trump you’d be getting power of attorney over his affairs right now. Yesterday he said tumbleweeds won’t tumble if you keeps them watered, and California is at fault for the fires because they won’t turn the faucet on to get the fresh water to fight the fires. He was rambling in 2020, and he ain’t getting smarter.
Like Mencken said, we’re gonna get it, good and hard.
The key to all this is Trump. Say what you will about him, (and I will, at great length and with a truly impressive amount of vulgarity), but he has a charisma to him tho appeals to his slack-jawed, mouth-breathing base, and the people he’s surrounded himself with lack that charisma. Trump voters won’t crawl out of their holes for someone like Tom Cotton or Ted Cruz. This will, (I say, crossing my fingers so hard I pop three knuckles), be something like Huey Long: Trump will die, his movement will peter out. Hopefully the long-term damage will be minimized, and Greenland and Panama haven’t somehow become the 51 and 52nd states.
You’re not wrong, but he’s getting pretty close to drooling idiot territory. Ex: his 40-minute, “Let’s just listen to some music,” rally. It’ll be like Reagan, and they’ll have to keep him squirreled away.
Good grief.
oh my, just saw the Cowpersons hiring news. YEEEEEHHHHAAAAAWWWWW
I had forgotten Schotty II had been a career assistant. Could be sneaky competent, but I dunno if he can command respect* from the players. Familiarity could help, unless he becomes popular shy and yell-y all of the sudden. That’s all the copium I have for PersoN fans.
* Respect outside the locker room? 🤣🤣🤣 He still works for Jerrah. That’s hard to respect
I love Jerry Jones so much.
He really takes the pressure off of football fandom.
I’m not sure which kind of out of touch geriatric type owner I’d prefer, Mara or Jones. Probably neither.
Can I interest you in a gently used McCaskey?
He is a gift
Much like herpes, he keeps on giving.
I’m now wondering, was the Deion thing ever serious, or was it just a sham so that (1) Cowboys could say they complied with the Rooney Rule; and (2) Deion gets to say he was considered for an NFL job?
When Dan Snyder buys a premiership team, you’ll only need one game per week.
Wait, are premiership owners actually a worse group of humans than NFL owners??
To my knowledge none of the NFL owners have had a journalist strangled and then dismembered with a bone saw, so yes.
That sheik was just kidding around, jesus-can’t anyone take a joke?
Why not both? Khaaaaaaaaannnnnn!!!!
Good morning, your Majesty. Imma get some chicken entrails and eye of newt to conjure a very special Valentine’s Day on Upper Cakalaky

Fell asleep early then woke up at 1:30 am to news that Trump’s DUI hire got confirmed and decided to doomscroll for a bit. Nawt time well spent!
What a world we live in, where that drunken, violent lump is only the 4th-most dangerous nominee.
When Mitch McConnell thinks you’re unqualified as a Republican….you really are a piece of shit. Like recognizes like.
McConnell’s comments were actually pretty brutal, he’s paying some solid lip service to trying to appear on the right side of history and pretend he was there the whole time
I am also equally certain that he made sure there was no chance of a 4th “no” first
Too bad Vance’s motorcade to cast the tiebreaker didn’t crash
I am somehow more certain of that than him trying to appear on the right side of history.