Monday Morning Mock Draft; Father of the, Oh Let’s Say Year For Starters

Happy day after Father's Day, folks.  To celebrate, let's make like Internet Dad, go out of the office for cigarettes and never come back. Or, in the interests of preserving our family ties and/or ability to pay our bills, (in whichever order or the exclusions of whichever item you prefer), we

Monday Morning Mock Draft: Sue Me, I Like Baseball

I watched a lot of baseball this weekend.  The College World Series was good, mostly because Virginia wiped the floor with Duke.  I think that means they advance to Omaha for a 4-team final play-off, but I'm not really sure. I also watched some professional games.  Turns out Bryce Harper is

Monday Morning Mock Draft: Wait, What?

I was watching 'Heat' last night.  Great movie, until you start to think about what's going on and that not much of it makes sense.  Take Waingro, for instance.  After he kills that hooker the forensics specialist tells Pacino's character that she'll bet when they get the semen sample the

Screw You, Gary

THIS SOUTHERN STRATEGY I CALL IT PICKETT'S CHARGE, BECAUSE HOO BOY DID THAT NOT WORK OUT!! In news you may have missed, and probably did unless your one of the estimated 6 dedicated Arizona Coyote fans, the voters of Tempe have rejected a plan for an entertainment district that would have

Monday Morning Mock Draft: Mother’s Day Edition

Once again I find myself remembering that Monday comes after Sunday and that Monday means mock drafts, but I only remember after 11 when I'm trying for once to get to bed at a reasonable hour because some idiot, (me), scheduled three depositions for Monday. I will not be around much

Horatio Does The 2023 Draft, V It’s Like 3.0 Now

I'm writing this Sunday, April 23rd, and of course by that I mean that I'm re-writing it on Tuesday, April 25th, because the Jets and Packers decided that three days before the draft was the perfect time to pull the trigger on the Rodgers deal and fuck me over.  So

Monday Morning Mock Draft: Action!

Hey, it's 11:34 pm and while pouring the last beer of the weekend I realized that I'd forgotten the mock draft.  I didn't feel too bad, since I spent literally hours putting together the mock draft for Thursday's night's open thread and live-blog of the NFL Draft extravaganza, doing so

Monday Morning Mock Drafts: Let’s Team Up

Today we're going for a bit of a niche topic, but a niche topic with passionate fans.  Some of you are wrestling fans and will know whereof I speak.  Myself, I got way into wrestling in 7th or 8th grade.  Not the real wrestling mind you; that would have involved