INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY A human and a sizable slab of electronic equipment sit comfortably outside an empty recording booth. PRODUCER: So I don't know if you knew, but today is something of a special day. DJ3000: ZERO-EIGHT-ZERO-THREE-TWO-ZERO-ONE-EIGHT...[rapidly performs a series of mathematical calculations]...THE SUM OF THE DIGITS IN THE MONTH AND
Author: Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
The Dak Prescott Summer of Maturity: Chapter 3
EXT. OSTENTATIOUS SUBURBAN MANSION - DAY NARRATOR [voiceover]: ...about that time, Ray and Aqib had just finished a game of mailbox baseball. RAY:'s really not a good idea for you to be waving your piece around like that. AQIB: [tucks a handgun back into his waistband] Yeah, well who ever heard of using
DFO Radio: The Future
Request Line: The Future
Hey. Hey. Stinger. ... Hey. HEY! ...what? Stinger? I...? Yeah, cool, I thought that was you. ...where? You're in orbit, man. You remember how you got there? I remember being on fire. I'm not on fire now. Why am I not on fire? Ain't no oxygen in space, buddy! How... You got flipped out of the gravity well by Bronco. You remember now? I...yes. I'm
DFO Radio: Rock and/or Roll PLUS bonus Book Flies Open
Your Open Saturday Morning Open Championship Open Thread Open
Request Line: Rock and/or Roll
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER sits behind his desk, while a harried-looking DJ3000 escorts a pale-faced and shaking ROOMBA to the exit. DJ3000: ...AND I PROMISE YOU THAT WE WILL NEVER ASK YOU TO DO ANYTHING LIKE THIS AGAIN. ROOMBA: [makes sad chiming noise, leaves] PRODUCER: Man, I'm surprised he didn't just
Blaxabbath Jr. Naming Thread
--- [maternity ward door flies open] --- ANDY REID: I heard the news! Congratulations! BLAXABBATH: Thanks! ANDY REID: Have you thought of a pseudonym for referring to him on DFO yet? BLAXABBATH: No, actually, I thought maybe the commentist party could make suggestions and I could pick the best one. ANDY REID: [hands him a
DFO Radio: Crippling Alcoholism
Request Line: Crippling Alcoholism
EXT. ARIZONA STATE HIGHWAY 87 – DAY A car appears to be stalled in the breakdown lane of the northbound lane. A pair of state troopers, identified here only by their handles MLK_NO_WAY and ARPAIO4EVR, emerge from their vehicle and walk forward. The younger-looking of the two - MLK_NO_WAY - unbuckles