One of the things I really enjoyed about Max Brooks' novel World War Z was that it took a fictional premise (zombies), set up the ground rules (slow moving unintelligent zombies, virus transmitted by direct contact, killed by headshot) and then tried to extrapolate how society would be affected in
Author: Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
Request Line: Do Your Job
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY We join our regularly scheduled program in progress... PRODUCER: ...but I think it's great that the team kept you on the payroll. JIM MCNALLY: Yeah, well, those ticket stubs aren't going to sort themselves. PRODUCER: No, I suppose that's true. Unless everything were done electronically, you know, using barcodes
DFO Radio: Ain’t No Party Like A Boat Party Because A Boat Party Floats On
INT. CYBERSPACE - DAY. A sleazy producer opens up a private slack channel. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: Hey man, thanks for taking over Request Line this week. BRETT FAVRE'S COLONOSCOPY: No problem, it's my pleasure. RTD: So, about publication. I'll handle DFO Radio, of course, unless you insanely want to do that part yourself too. BFC: Yeah, I'm not
The NFL Solves the Anthem “Problem”
INT. CORPORATE BOARDROOM - DAY ROGER GOODELL: ...and with the anthem becoming such a huge distraction, they told me you might be able to help. Distract from the distraction, as it were... DARREN ROVELL: Oh, I've got your solution. Take a look. DARREN ROVELL fires up a projector, as a generic rendition of the
DFO Radio: Milestones
Request Line: Milestones
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY A human and a sizable slab of electronic equipment sit comfortably outside an empty recording booth. PRODUCER: So I don't know if you knew, but today is something of a special day. DJ3000: ZERO-EIGHT-ZERO-THREE-TWO-ZERO-ONE-EIGHT...[rapidly performs a series of mathematical calculations]...THE SUM OF THE DIGITS IN THE MONTH AND
The Dak Prescott Summer of Maturity: Chapter 3
EXT. OSTENTATIOUS SUBURBAN MANSION - DAY NARRATOR [voiceover]: ...about that time, Ray and Aqib had just finished a game of mailbox baseball. RAY:'s really not a good idea for you to be waving your piece around like that. AQIB: [tucks a handgun back into his waistband] Yeah, well who ever heard of using
DFO Radio: The Future
Request Line: The Future
Hey. Hey. Stinger. ... Hey. HEY! ...what? Stinger? I...? Yeah, cool, I thought that was you. ...where? You're in orbit, man. You remember how you got there? I remember being on fire. I'm not on fire now. Why am I not on fire? Ain't no oxygen in space, buddy! How... You got flipped out of the gravity well by Bronco. You remember now? I...yes. I'm
DFO Radio: Rock and/or Roll PLUS bonus Book Flies Open
Your Open Saturday Morning Open Championship Open Thread Open
Request Line: Rock and/or Roll
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER sits behind his desk, while a harried-looking DJ3000 escorts a pale-faced and shaking ROOMBA to the exit. DJ3000: ...AND I PROMISE YOU THAT WE WILL NEVER ASK YOU TO DO ANYTHING LIKE THIS AGAIN. ROOMBA: [makes sad chiming noise, leaves] PRODUCER: Man, I'm surprised he didn't just