Request Line: Makin’ Movies

INT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE - DAY. A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers are deep in conversation with an NFL tight end. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: ...and I'll be honest, this is a much better offer than you'll get from, say, Old School Zero over at Sony. DARKEST TIMELINE ZACK MORRIS: Ha ha ha! They can't even

DFO Radio: Divine Intervention

So when I was a little kid, I had very blond hair.  Like, platinum blond.  My brother and sister were the same.  As we got older, our hair got darker, eventually settling into its final color by my mid-twenties.  It was around that time of my life that I was

Hue Jackson Considers Hiring a Subordinate

INT. CLEVELAND BROWNS TEAM HEADQUARTERS - DAY --- HUE JACKSON: Welcome!  Thanks for coming in for this interview. BEN McADOO: [shakes hand] It's a pleasure, Hue. HUE: Please, call me Coach Jackson. BEN: Um, sure.  Thanks very much for this opportunity, Coach Jackson. HUE: Head Coach Jackson. BEN: Right. HUE: Now Ben, you're aware of my works in