Sexy Friday – 20240301

TGIF! Everyone enjoy their day of leaping? Well, we're on to March now! The Madness is just around the corner. Survival - Personal Edition Ever make the terrible choice to have children? And then have that wonderful sensation of them getting sarcastic with you? Let's deal with that. When that behaviour starts,

Sexy Friday – 20240126

TGIF! We have our Saturdays back! We also have only three (3) games remaining in the season. I'm sure they won't be at all disappointing. Survival - Personal Edition I just remembered that last month I did an abbreviated post about lost luggage due to being under the weather. Well, today I'm

Sexy Friday – 2024019

TGIF! Folks, we are on the doorstep of the greatest weekend of footy. Make sure you're properly hydrated and rested. Survival - Personal Edition Pets are great. But pets also die. Let's go through the logistics of dealing with a pet dying. Make sure the pet is actually, you know, dead. Cats

Sexy Friday – 20240112

TGIF! Hope you all survived African American Monday and are ready for the playoff weekend. Make sure you have access to Peacock for tomorrow's night freezer tilt. Survival - Personal Edition Here's the scenario: You're engaged and getting ready to be married. The only issue, your relationship with the future in-laws is

Sexy Friday – 20231229

TGIF! Congrats, you made it to the last Friday of 2023. Hope everyone is enjoying Bowl season. Survival - Personal Edition Today we're going to learn how to control a car that's careening down a mountainside. Let's get to it! Apply firm, steady braking pressure. You want to achieve what is known

Sexy Friday – 20231222

TGIF! Hope everyone enjoyed the last serious work week of the year. And I doubly hope everyone enjoys this upcoming weekend. Survival - Personal Edition Today's totally relevant situation involves the desert! Let's say you were smart enough to bring a bunch of beverages with you, but not so much that you