I took a look at one of my pensions today and they have me marked for death at 82! [looks up 'Average Canadian Male Lifespan'] Well, Statistics Canada says that the average guy drops dead at 81.3 years so it seems like I'll be spending my last few monies going
The Next Thread Is Right Here!
Welcome, welcome good friends-let's keep the ball rolling. To The Game! Chiefs/Bills: -Room To Roam: Pacheco and his hard-hitting running style should be difficult to deal with given the serious injury issues Buffalo has at interior linebacker. Bernard and Spector didn't practice on Thursday and Dodson was limited. -More Owchies: With wr Davis out
More Playoff Football? You Got It! An Open Thread
Here we go again... To The Game! Bucs/Lions: -Fill In The Blank: Yeah, we get it, Detroit haven't been successful in the playoffs many a year or decade. So you'll be hearing crap like "A Lions qb hasn't picked his nose in consecutive weekends in January since Eisenhower signed into legislation the Interstate
Your NFC Divisional Round Tilt, Part One
Your Early Divisional Round Game Intro and Open Thread
Sexy Friday – 2024019
Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Back to the Grind
That Distracted Thursday Open Thread
I Got Your Wild Card Weekend Denouement Right Here-Your Monday Night Open Thread
Scoregasm Alert! Your Rams/Lions Wildcard Game Open Thread
Wild Card Weekend Boogaloo: Packers/Cowboys Edition
Fetch Your Parkas! Are You Ready For Some Frozen Football?
The Weather Channel tells me that the windchill-aided temperature is going to be -18 in your fairinheight. So bust out your dumb-looking balloon coats and your warmest pantaloons-she's going to be chilly. To The Game! Fins/Chiefs: -TYREEK REVENGE GAME ALERT: You'll hardly hear anything about this. -Frickin' K.C. is playing their 15th straight home