We've got so much freaking football going forward, oh my god! Gird Your Lions! And your Bills, Ravens, Eagles and...maybe even your Vikes? Maybe these few loss teams are legit? I've no clue. Minutiae: -Welcome Pat Taylor Jr. of the Niners to the starting running back role of the Niners. He must
Your Barely Staggered MNF Doubleheader Open Thread
Saturday Opening Thread!
Sexy Friday – 20241213
Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Cranberry Concoction
Your Thursday Night NFL Football Open Thread
Your NFL Monday Night Football Open Thread
Smoke ‘Em If Ya Got ‘Em-Your Last NFL Open Thread
Well, not ever, just today. To The Game! Chargers/Chiefs: -I've the notion that these teams may very well meet up in the postseason, given the momentum that Los Angeles has. Their play has improved on a near weekly basis. That asshole Harbaugh sure can coach, gotta give him that. -Are they the most dangerous