Your “A Very Special Valentine’s Day” Friday Evening Open Thread

Last week I promised you fine folks a funny story about Valentine's Day.  But the more I thought about it the more I realized it wasn't so much a funny story as it was a rather sad and depressing story.  And if you read my dumbass series on relationships this

Your “Singing The Blues” Friday Evening Open Thread

If you'll recall, last week we did a theme on "Red" in honour of the Superb Owl participants, and also hate week. This week, everyone seems to still be sad and hungover with no moar fitbawl to look forward to.  So this week we're doing "Blue". And since I don't have much

Your “Revving It Into The Red” Friday Evening Open Thread

Just A Little Moar Hate According to multiple sports news outlets, Superb Owl LIV (Tyler) is the first Superb Owl in which both teams' primary color is red.  Now, I don't know if this is actually true.  I presume they have a crack team of assholes to research this.  And it

Your “Was I Snoring Too Loud?” Friday Evening Open Thread

This week's theme is a suggestion by some person who may or may not be known by the moniker of Rikki-Tikki-Deadly. You can't prove anything!!!!!!! Frankly, when the suggestion was made, I was ashamed of myself that I hadn't already thought of it myself.  Honestly. IMHO there are very few things that are

Your “Stand Tall” Friday Evening Open Thread

Normally I am more attracted to petite girls.  But every now and again I find myself looking slightly upwards and thinking... yeah ok, fine by me.  Let's do this. Never happens, though.  Most tall girls don't like it when they're taller than their date.  Trust me. Meh, you can't have everything.  Climbing

Your “Second Verse…” Friday Evening Open Thread

...Same as the first. Perhaps I'm getting old and predictable.  But with less than a month left in the NFL post-season we gotta get it in while we still can. I had considered waxing philosophic tonight about that orange guy at 1600 who is about to get us into a major "conflict"

Your “The Playoffs Are Near” Friday Evening Open Thread

Yup.  Wildcard Weekend is upon us. Easy there.  I know it's exciting, but be careful.  Don't hurt yourself or you'll end up in the blue tent. My Ratbirds finished in a big way, so they don't even have to play this weekend. 14-2 Baybeeeeee!!!!! Sorry, gotta get it in before they get upset at

Your “Get It In While You Still Can…TWSS” Friday Evening Open Thread

Only a few days left until we get to our "Year of Hindsight". 2020. Get it? OH COME ON THAT WAS CLEVER OF ME!!!!!!! (ok fine...never mind) Anywhoooooo.... Thank youse to BrewChuggingDonnie  and Señor Weaselo  for sitting in for me the past two Fridays.  The timing was good.  Serendipity is a good thing sometimes. But not always.... But

Your “Politeness is the flower of humanity” Friday Evening Open Thread

OK.  Not to sound too maudlin, but this will be my father's fifth dead Christmas.  He went out in the spring of '15. Shit happens. I like flowers. (I'm not gay, you're gay) ((not that there's anything wrong with that)) But every year we go and visit his (and other dead folks') graves and put

Your “You Get What You Pay For” Friday Evening Open Thread

I don't have anything meaningful to say today.  I'd like to think of something to write about.  But here we are less than an hour before post time and I got absolutely nothing. I ate too much yesterday. I plan to drink too much tonight. Christmas tree and other assorted decorational shit has

Your “Colours Make Things Interesting – Part Three” Friday Evening Open Thread

I bet you thought I'd forgotten about this little series.  Well, "series" might be pushing it considering that this is only the third installment and it's been nearly a year since the first and second installments.  And considering it's been that long you, dear reader, have probably forgotten anyway. But it's