TGIF! What a great weekend ahead. F1, British Open, TdF, and women's footy! All happening while most of us sleep. Thanks, time zones! Survival - Personal Edition Let's say you have a few friends around, some oars, a shell (that's a rowing boat for those the don't know), and a calm and
Sexy Friday
Sexy Friday – 20230714
TGIF! Hope everyone had a productive week of blackmailing their colleagues with slide deck presentations. Survival - Personal Edition Let's learn how to jump from a moving car! This is useful in emergency situations like being kidnapped, car jacked, brake failure, or argument with a partner. (No offense, Chris Henry) Seriously, this
Sexy Friday – 20230707
Sexy Friday – 20230630
Sexy Friday – 20230623
TGIF! And welcome one and all to summer! Hardwood draft is done and dusted, but next week is the ice draft! Scout your favoUrite berg to get prepared. Survival - Personal Edition I didn't think this needed mentioning, but don't climb into any submersible that isn't certified. Can't really get enough copy
Sexy Friday – 20230616
Sexy Friday – 20230609
Sexy Friday – 20230601
Sexy Friday – 20230526
Sexy Friday – 20230519
Sexy Friday – 20230512
TGIF! Hope everyone has taken the time to peruse your team's schedule and count those wins and losses. Just kidding, there's still real playoffs happening right now. Survival - Personal Edition Well now you've done it. Done what exactly? Who knows? Ok, well your partner does and they're not happy. Let's work