Sunday Gravy with yeah right: The Sultan’s Plate

Good morning folks! It's that time again. Hope everyone is experiencing a lightening of stress, maybe finding an extra bounce in your step and holy fucking shit, this spring feels a little different than last years. The local health experts are saying LA County can reach herd immunity this summer.  I know last year

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Chana Masala!

Good morning everyone! Good to have you back with us. Thanks to DJ TAJ for hosting last week. Always good to recharge the creative batteries now and then. Milestone passed! I just finished the 2 week agonizing goddamn eternity after my second vaccine and according to SCIENCE! I am now fully inoculated. WOOO!

Sunday Gravy with DJ TAJ! I am going to predict your future.

Ah sleep, is there anything better? Don't have to hear your partner nag you or your boss say something stupid, again. Warm cozy snoozing and the dreams are amazing, what did  "The Stranglers" say? "Walking on the beaches looking at the peaches" Suddenly your eyes fly open searing pain slams

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Again with the sandwiches? Again with the sandwiches!

Well hello! Mighty fine seeing you here this morning! Welp. I done did it! I got my second dose of the Moderna and I'm vaxxed the fuck up! It was even easier this time than before. I know some of you are curious as to the side effects and when/if you can expect

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: We Return to the Sandwich Extravaganza!

Hey everybody! Damn glad to see you! How's your spring going so far?  I'm just a few short days away from getting vaccine shot #2 and now I've gotten really paranoid. With only the few days followed by 2 weeks to reach full immunization it feels like I'm walking through a fucking mine

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Hey Ma! What’s for Dinner?

Good morning everyone! Welcome back to Gravy time! Hope you all enjoyed last weeks post where I showed off my hometown. Thought it would be nice to vary things up a bit. We'll get back to the old style gravy train today though. Specifically, we're going to have another entry in our "Sunday