I hope everyone is not feeling too bloated from the feast of basketball games this past weekend and may all your brackets be winners (somehow). I myself was able to only enjoy a few games due to my HOA. And my role as HOA President. And a resident member of
Tag: ArmedandHammered
Monday Evening Thread – There has to be a morning after
Monday Evening Open Thread – NFL Musical Chairs
Monday Night Open Thread – Bunny Take Over Edition
Monday Evening Open Thread – Trench Crusade the War of Heaven and Hell on Earth
Chefs and Ricky’s Raiders – 3pm game open thread
Last off season Monday Night Open Thread
Featured image from: South Okanagan Events Centre (please don't rat me out BC Dick) For your listening pleasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMK4cfXj5c0 Tonight is the first and only entry in my new RATE MY BONG series. Probably because the PoPo will break down my door and take me away. So, like many people my age, my