About this whole Gawker mess . . .

No one sucks their own collective dicks quite like Gawker Media and their own self-made caste system. Gawker begat Deadspin, which begat KSK, which begat this here site, but Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ, they are martyring the shit out of themselves over a guy quitting. My favorite part is that all of the critical comments are “gray” and some of the un-gray commenters are on a mission to “gray” any criticism. What the fuck happened to dick jokes?

Just look at this shit.

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Nah, you don’t.


I can’t recall ever going to read Gawker on purpose, but I agree with Cuntler; there are no sympathetic parties in this whole mess.

Denton was put in an impossible position, but one of his own creation. He laid out what Gawker is supposed to be and then it bit him in the ass. He was probably right to pull the story, but he doesn’t realize how much he’s responsible for it being there in the first place.

Craggs and Read never should have published that story, and are lucky that they were allowed to resign and appear principled instead of being fired. The guy the story was about is certainly not a public figure, even by Gawker’s liberal definition. They also chose a really, really stupid hill to die on.


If I get to choose the hill I die on I’m going to go with Faith Hill.

Old School Zero

Well, we all know what Hill Balls is gonna choose.

/plays Yakety Sax


People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. So you really have to beat them over the head with how fucking smart you are.


I missed this whole flawa…and am very glad.


That’s a great article. Totally true.


The problem that I have with his final thoughts (about potentially recommending a reader go to Ashley Madison to have her needs fulfilled) is that Ashley Madison doesn’t just facilitate cheating, it glamorizes it. And profits from it, too! I’m not down with that.


FWIW, I agree with you, but I also absolutely hate how violence is glamourized in this country. Sadly, I don’t see that changing anytime soon and I think it has deeper psychological ramifications.

Old School Zero

It is skeezy to make money on infidelity, but it’s legal, and there are far worse legal things that people make (probably way more) money on. To that last point, in a way, if people can pay for a service that provides discretion, security, and access to those who are of the same mind, and if infidelity is going to happen whether we like it or not, then maybe there’s a place for it. It’s not for everyone, but if it’s legal and available, hey, those that can benefit from it should be able to use it–regardless of what it is.


I totally agree. Now, can we get prostitution legalized?

Old School Zero

I’m all for it. I think there are a lot of valuable uses for legalized sex work, and it could really help a lot of people, both from a psychological/surrogate service standpoint, and from a public health/social work standpoint.

Also, I’m sick of the dichotomy that is this: if I pay for two women to have sex with me, it’s illegal. However, if I buy a camera and get a couple of documents form, pay two women crap wages to have sex with me, call myself a performer and a producer, and then profit off of the resulting movie, it’s legal and I’m a pornographer. That’s some bullshit patriarchy hypocrisy right there.


Don’t get me started on the tolerance for explicit violence in media vs the HORRORS of a nipple being seen.

Old School Zero

Too true. Starting to get heavy in here. It’s time to think happy thoughts.

comment image


Apropos of something-

Is anyone who knows nothing whatsoever about cycling completely fascinated with The Tour De France?


I love watching it for the vistas, the random weird bystanders, and, like NASCAR, the chance of a big crash.

Horatio Cornblower

I can’t swear to it but I’m pretty sure I have never read Gawker. Doesn’t sound like I’m missing a lot.

King Hippo

agreed on all fronts


I had a shit ton of fun on that site between 2010-2012 but it’s never been the same since I left…


I fondly remember the glory days of WWTDD.

Covalent Blonde

Tawmy Craggs didn’t have to give me a kidney, but he gave me three. I never really asked where his surplus kidneys came from. Oh, and did I mention he was super smart. RIP Tawmy in heaven, or wherever the unemployment office is.
Just replace”Craggs” with “Brady” and “helped” with “threw a wicked spiral” and you pretty much have every Pats jagoff comment in about 3 years.


I’m glad you posted this, Cuntler, because I have some scorching hot takes on the subject:

comment image


But in all seriousness:

From what everyone is saying, it sounds like Craggs was a hell of a guy. It’s a shame that he’s jobless. What’s more of a shame, though, is that he and Max Reed and Jordan Sargent wrecked a family for no defensible reason whatsoever. It’s just as well that two of them resigned; I personally thought they should have been fired immediately for such a shocking failure of editorial judgment.


Does PFT Commenter even write for KSK anymore? I sure hope so, because I’d really love to drop this image into the komments the next time somebody roll tides.

I hope he still does, I forgot where the door is.

King Hippo

I mean, we’uns right on the precipice of White history month and it would be a shame if ppl forget that ,, smgdh

King Hippo

Yay! Somebody used the Social Kommentary tag I created!! I feel so validated.

/low thresholds are the key to happiness in life

//also opiates, do I ever mention those??

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

As the Nick Denton of this site, I promise that we will never pull your dick (and ball, Covalent) jokes over ads.


And I promise you’re going to have so many better reasons to pull my jokes that it doesn’t even matter.


The only joke that’s going to get pulled around here is your wiener.


DTZM, can we have a meeting about this joke please?


It will have to be short.

Horatio Cornblower

We have ads!? Where’s my cut. Keep in mind that, unlike OSZ, I work for peanuts.

Old School Zero

Why? Did they finally disbar you?



Because unlike Trent Green, he’s an elephant.

Horatio Cornblower

Hey now, we only love women’s basketball when they’re winning championships. As soon as they string together 2-3 losing seasons we’ll get right back to not caring about women’s sports like the rest of us.

/writes 5,000 words on why the failure to appreciate women’s basketball/tennis/soccer symbolizes the failure of Western Civilization.


I read that as “Where’s my cunt?”

Old School Zero

I get their editorial objection and why they wouldn’t want the advertising sales people killing their stories, but this is really some self-serious east coast histrionics going on–they seem to believe themselves to be characters in The Secret History or something. Still, the comments section of a lot of Gawker sites have been festering pus-filled cysts of toxicity for a while, and this certainly isn’t helping. Fucking #GamerGate and reddit and MRA/bodybuilding/Alpha Male Shit trolls have invaded there quite fully. It’s a shame, too, because there are a lot of pages and features there that have some good value. Denton’s plea for brand and advertising dollars and whatnot just seemed ugly. This whole thing has been sponsored by Bad Idea Jeans from even before they posted that dumb article.


“I thought about it, and even though it’s over, I’m going to tell my wife about the affair.”

– Every customer of Ashley Madison, upon reading the news this morning

Sill Bimmons

east coast histrionics lol wtf

Sill Bimmons

Oh, and now that I have kids I feel a lot better about having a gun in the house.


This about sums it up. My own sense of Gawker is that a small portion of it is exceedingly good writing of inarguable value (much of it comes from Hamilton Nolan, with whose perspective I don’t always agree but who often covers issues of real gravity with great technical skill), much of it is good writing on subjects of ambiguous value (which is at least entertaining), and the majority of it is stone-cold rubbish.

As for the Albert Burneko piece linked above, he’s one of a stable of great writers (truly, Burneko would not have been out of place during the heyday of KSK; he’s at least as funny as Drew on a decent day) that it looks like Craggs brought in, and for that, we have cause to be grateful. I get that Burneko is grieving for the departure of someone who means an enormous amount to him personally. But you’re essentially right – this is parochial histrionics at its worst. Even people whose opinions I have found useful in the past appear to have taken utter leave of their goddamn senses as they weigh in on this. It’s a vortex of idiocy that sucks everything in its orbit toward some ultra-dense core of utter stupidity. Jesus Fuck, is my point.

Strong pull on The Secret History.


I only go to Deadspin to see if there are any news I should know about. I never read the comments anymore.

Gawker? Fuck that! I don’t even bother going to that site.


I go to Deadspin on average, zero times a week.


I go to this new site now, called DFO. You probably haven’t heard of it, it’s from Canada.


It’s totally awesome. Really gets me!


I read a funny comment on DS a few days ago and thought to myself, holy shit, I forgot most of the reason I went here was to read funny jokes. Most of the people I interact with were funny guys on DS and/or KSK.

Hell, have ever seen anything like this in the past 2-3 years?

I still consider that thread one of the funniest I’ve ever read


Link doesn’t work. THANKS A LOT KINJA


So, yeah, just click on the link below