Point of Parliamentary Procedure

Now that our little rebellious community of forsaken kommenters has grown exponentially, (pours one out for Black Friday)(ruins sneakers), we should probably set some ground rules.  And since unlike 2% of you I’m an attorney, I figured I’d get us started.

Back when things started to jump around here we had some discussion about posting etiquette.  Since nearly everyone has posting privileges it’s pretty easy for someone’s post to be overwhelmed by new posts before people have had a chance to enjoy the earlier one.  sort of like I’m doing to poor fmwarner right now.  That, however, is his fault because I don’t want to look at that hipster douchebag he used as a feature image any longer than I have to.

Before you post, take a minute to see if someone has recently put up a post.  If there’s a new one, or one with only a couple of comments, save yours as a draft.  You can also check the dashboard and see all the posts, (Hint:  click “All Posts”), which will tell you not only when someone published the post you’re about to run over, but also show you posts that aren’t yet posted but have been automatically set to publish at a future date and time.  We have some very eager beavers around here when it comes to getting their team previews out.  Said the guy who published his two days early because he couldn’t figure out how to set the post for a later date.

In short, just give everyone a chance to have their post see a little time on its own.


Also if people are going to start wars in the comments about who’s more right about whatever topic I am going to edit your comments to “penis” and leave it at that.



Sep Double Edit: Isn’t there an Ambulance you should be chasing?

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I got all the way down here and no one made a HARRUMPH?

Man, you guys are slipping.

/questions own mortality

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Seriously tho; we should let anybody post whenever they fucking want; just like Tweetbook, whatever inane fucking idea that pops into anybody’s head should get a fucking post. We need this to make sure the bandwidth is well used. “Hey! I got a pimple on my ass but can’t quite see it; how about I take a picture and we make a post. You guys let me know if you think it’s infected.”


If that old man sarcastic enough?


I have followed the trail of breadcrumbs here. Is it safe to be myself here? I loved our old home of ill-repute and self-policing. Will this be like that but newer?

Also where’s my owl image?


Hear hear. No one is allowed to post unless they’re holding the conch. This is going to be a lovely civilized society like in that movie Lord of the Flies.

/fell asleep half-way through

Lothar of the Hill People

Why is it after Horatio posts, I feel compelled to write a check for $400?

“Free consultation? No, money down!”

The Maestro

Penis penis penis penis penis penis. Just some pre-emptive editing, really.

Sill Bimmons

Who made you pope of this dump?


Sill Bimmons

Seriously though I went back and trashed the Genesis albums.


Probably just my issue, but I can’t seem to find where to submit a post to KSK 2.o. Every time I go and take a look at the dashboard, I only have the activity window. Now, don’t get me wrong, just kommenting is highly entertaining by itself. However, I think it would be fun to contribute to the overall site as well. My appeal has ended. Sorry for wasting your time setting up this giant dick joke.


Oh fuck you formatting.

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

With the big influx, I’ve been making everyone “read/komment only” until I hear they want to contribute posts. Give it a shot now.

The Maestro

I’ve got ideas for True Detective comparisons I’d like to give a shot. Can I get posting access, pretty please? Gracias.

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

You’re in, boss.

The Maestro

Thank you, kind sir.

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

Never let it be said that I am not a benevolent dictator.


It works. Mostly that was just rambling to try and stick a dick joke in there but noooo word press had to fuck it all up


How does this not all become a shitshow once the season starts? Take the Monday when Goodell announces an additional 2 weeks for Tommy B after the Pats’ Week 4 loss. There’s gonna be 50 submissions to headline that event. It’ll be chaos!

King Hippo

We’ll all be dead from dehydration, due to all the masturbation (RIP, Pierce Hawthorne)

Brick Meathook

Yeah, I gotta’ kind of agree here. There should some kind of air traffic control at the post level. I dunno, maybe slot em’ in once an hour at the minimum? (just a suggestion)

Also, is it possible to list the comments in descending order (oldest comments on top)? Right now, the comments list in ascending order but the replies list in descending order. It’s like reading a worm-hole; kind of breaks up the flow.

Do you mean that even I can make a post? Do I understand this correctly?

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

At some point, I’ll put in some rules. I think that Horatio’s suggestion is solid though – for now, let’s just do our darndest not to step on each other.

King Hippo

We haven’t even had the circumcision debate yet. I’m expecting to break the 300 Komment cherry for that one.

/glad my ex and I only had girls, because one of us was going to end up dead over that “disagreement”

//also, I always figured us more for a Duma/Politburo/Supreme Soviet setup, as opposed to a Parliament.


[bangs slipper on dais]

“Hear! Hear!”


I have all boys. All are circumcised. COME AT ME, BRO!


King Hippo

Ha! You took my side. There’s a conformist Cardinals fan deep inside you yet.

Sill Bimmons

“Foreskin Man’s alter ego is Miles Hastwick, a former corporate scientist now curator of the Museum of Genital Integrity.[1] He is adamantly against the practice of circumcision. In the first issue, Hastwick comes up with the alter ego of Foreskin Man to fight against practitioners of circumcision and “the pro-circumcision lobby,” whom he feels have gained too much power through “all of the well connected doctors and lawyers.”[2] In the third issue of the comic, he teams up with a female heroine, dubbed “Vulva Girl,” who fights to oppose female genital mutilation. Together, they travel to Kenya to stop tribal circumcisions. [3][4] In the fourth issue, he travels to Turkey to prevent the teenage son of a belly dancer from receiving an Islamic circumcision.[5][6] The fifth issue shows him battling against the head of a company that collects foreskins for use in cosmetics and, in the sixth issue, he goes to the Philippines to disrupt Operation Tuli. [7]”


Brick Meathook

I circumcised myself. Did a pretty good job too.


So your avatar is actually just your photo?

Lothar of the Hill People

I figure if my son wants to get circumcised, he can have it done when he’s old enough to make an informed decision.

Considering he’s not quite potty-trained yet, he’s got a long way to go before he needs to worry.

Senor Weaselo

Wait, we all have posting privileges? Stop giving me options!

/Takes 12 hours to write forced, unfunny post
//Tries to fix it, ends up summoning Cthulhu’s penis


[thinks back to that one night at basketball camp]

American penis is THE WORST!

Old School Zero

My honourable colleagues and miscreants, I come before you today to seek justice and entertainment. It is of the utmost importance to me to do things correctly and fairly, with the full faith and credit our offices entail. Therefore, I bring a motion to the floor that someone should crouch behind Horatio so that I may push him over as he tumbles into a locker.


As Peter King would say, “I eleventh, xvii, k your motion. Maybe.”


So you’re asking me to fail to be as creative and funny as you guys even more slowly? I love this place. http://blog.chron.com/whitehouse/files/legacy/archives/otter2.jpg

This does not apply to the House of Lords, right? Which I assume is myself and Electric Mayhem since we both gave ourselves titles?

Lords Temporal and Lords Spiritual…sounds about right.

So, droit du seigneur?


Sweet the House of Lords has all the Coke and Whore parties…

Sill Bimmons

You’ve gotta love the Sun. Specially Page 3.


FWIW, this non-lawyer agrees. There’s been a flurry of activity, and it wasn’t even a furry flurry. I know folks have more downtime on the weekends, but let’s space shit out and be judicious in terms of posts vs komments.

In conclusion, penis.


I thought you were pre-med.

Enrico Pallazzo

Tell me more about these “eager beavers”. I’m married so the eagerness left a long time ago.


The more penis the better.

