Your Lazy-Assed Saturday Afternoon Open Thread

There’s so much tube happening today! Screw your obligations/friends/chores/duties/work. If that’s too much fornicating for you, just check in here as you feel and tell us what’s going on during your day. I for one, promise I won’t laugh unless I feel like it. OK, I’ll start-I’m taking in some women’s curling right now because as far as I’m concerned in the world of female sports you can’t do better than that if you’re looking for “The Girl Next Door” type. As an added bonus, this is the only safe space left for a man to yell at the top of his lungs,  “SWEEP! GODDAMN IT WOMAN, SWEEP!”



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Down goes Jeb!.

King Hippo

Dollars spent per delegate?

Lothar of the Hill People

Infinity, considering he got zero delegates.

I saw a tweet that implied his campaign spend only $83K (I’m assuming in South Carolina), but super PACs spent $13.7 million on his behalf. Either one of those numbers is wrong, or they’re talking about the week for his campaign spending, and the entire primary season for his super PACs.

Either way, holy shit.

Lothar of the Hill People

OK, that was TV spending in South Carolina. $13.7 fucking million by Jeb’s super PACs

As I read one wealthy GOP super PAC contributor saying, “better to just light a pile of money on fire than to give it to Jeb”


Why do I think the idea of giving the money to help the poor or lighting it on fire probably rank about the same to many of those fuckers.

King Hippo

that is being WAY too generous to their character

Lothar of the Hill People

Without an edit button, I have to add here that apparently that’s TV and radio ads in South Carolina for all of 2015. Jeb’s super PACs outspent all the rest of the GOP super PACs combined. Add in Trump’s campaign spending (he has no super PACs) and then it’s close, but Jeb still outspent them all, combined. Rubio’s and Cruz’s campaigns spent multi-millions, but still. Holy crap, Jeb takes the cake for futility.

And, seeing how his weight has ping-ponged during this campaign, I think after dropping out, Jeb is probably just going to take the cake and eat it.


I had to take a time out from the insanity to grab a Maybery IPA and a Cubano.

When done right the Cubano is the perfect sandwich.


Assuming that’s the same as a Tampa Cuban, then I agree wholeheartedly. Hell, good Cuban bread buttered and pressed is a thing of glory by itself.


It is. Slow roasted pork, ham, swiss, pickles pressed in a panini press.
Shit yes.


Mmmmmm. Down here they add genoa salami too, because the sandwich originated in Ybor where there was also a large Italian influence. A Cuban, some sweet plantains, and a cafe con leche is easily one of my favorite meals.


Our place calls that a “Miami” cubano and of course that is the one I chose.
The genoa gives it a little more salt and zing. Great stuff.
They also make the Cuban fries that have a little salt, pepper and sugar on them.

This place is in the regular rotation.


Yeah, that’s actually reversed of what it should be. Tampa has salami, Miami doesn’t. But who cares as long as they don’t try to put lettuce on it. That’s just a fucking travesty.


Goddamn right!
You have to have the juices from the pork soaking into the bread and the lettuce would just get in the way.

I’m not a fan of the cold wet produce on a hot sandwich.

Pickles excepted.


Hmm, how could I improve this pile of steaming hot pork, cheese, and crunchy, crusty bread? I know! I’ll put some leaves that taste like dirty green water on it.

Doktor Zymm

Why don’t more sandwiches have pickles?! I blame bastards.


We should do some sandwich porn.

Another favorite is the Jersey Shore Hoagie. A favorite from my time living in Belmar N.J.×405/local/-/media/2015/05/12/NJGroup/Bridgewater/635670294523693410-MRS-9836.JPG


Dammit embed you silly thing.
I’ll try this one.


From the same neighborhood.

Pork roll, egg and cheese! Holy shit I love this sandwich.


Right in downtown L.A. Walking distance from Olvera Street, Chinatown and a short jaunt to Dodger Stadium.
Philippe’s the home of the original French dip.

Their mustard is insanely good.

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That looks wonderful. Almost as good as the super-greens powder shake I just had.



This is a New Orleans Roast Beef Debris Po Boy. I had one at Dickie Brennans in the Quarter.
Holy good jumpin Jesus.

Sill Bimmons
Sill Bimmons

All three 24-hour “news” networks have Big Orange winning South Cackalacky.

King Hippo

HillyBob adjusts her strap-on, murmurs “I’m really gonna enjoy this one…”

King Hippo

that game was much less enjoyable viewing than I had hoped

King Hippo

HillyBob wins NV. All your Presidency belongs to us, GOP!!


I did my laundry. I vacuumed my room. I dusted my room. DUSTED!

I’m not going to survive February!!!!

Sill Bimmons

Pitt WOO

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Go buy your Powerball tix peepuhl.
NC State won a game.

King Hippo

FSU getting ready to join Clemson in ending its NCAAT hopes, it seems.


Couldn’t happen to a better twosome….other than any combination of UNC/Duke/UMd.
But that shit ain’t happening. So fuck off FSU.


28-26 Sooners at half

WVU played worse than stale cat piss, but, Oklahoma wasn’t a whole lot better. I’ll take it.


I’m rewatching Arrested Development and holy shi, I had forgotten how really good it is.



Playing like liquid ass.

Doktor Zymm

The phrase ‘liquid ass’ raises all sorts of questions…


Not to mention medical concerns.

King Hippo

oh, I been there


What are you talkin’ ’bout. We’re there basically twice a week.


I can’t help but wonder if liquid ass is better or worst than gaseous ass.
Admittedly, neither seems ideal.

Doktor Zymm

Had a nice fivish mile walk to one of my favorite divey sportsbars downtown. Now eating guac, drinking vodka soda, watching all the sports and reading when nothing interesting is happening.
Life is good.


I too did a fairly long walk downtown today. It’s really about the perfect day for one.


Whomever had 57 seconds in their pool for when WVU-OU causes me to curse at loud for the first time wins.

King Hippo

you should try blowing a hobo


Who do you think I am? Horatio?

King Hippo

NC State can basically end Clemson’s season today. That would make me super Hines smire!


Tuna sandwich and lime soda (made from my own limes). Tasty lunch.

Horatio Cornblower

No scurvy for THIS guy!


We’ve got our own limes, lemons, and blood oranges, and a neighbor’s orange tree overhangs the yard. We do not lack for citrus options.

Porky Prime

Enjoy your…

…lime Rikki.




My orange tree dying was truly a sad, sad event. Used to produce unbelievably sweet navels the size of grapefruit. It was like having a tree that grew orange candy. Goddamn citrus canker.


And listening to this.

Horatio Cornblower

Just found out my son ate the last Klondike Bar before leaving for Grandma’s.

I am debating driving down there and beating his ass. It’s probably be quicker to just go to the store but, as a parent, you let shit like this slide and next thing you know your kid’s blowing hobos for heroin money.

Porky Prime

“What would YOU do…?”


Horatio could act like the loving parent and law abiding citizen that he purports to be. Or…he could keep it REAL.

Horatio Cornblower

Just found out my son ate the last Klondike Bar before leaving for Grandma’s.

I am debating driving down there and beating his ass. It’s probably be quicker to just go to the store but, as a parent, you let shit like this slide and next thing you know your kids blowing hobos for heroin money.


65 in the northern Yinzer suburbs. Think a post-winter hermit stroll is in order.




52F over here. I love El Nino.


When I’m sitting at a red light in the straight lane, and the light for the left turn lane turns green but my light stays red, I feel bad for flinching.


Too bad the light doesn’t turn yellow each time you do.


You ever feel like this?

I had that kind of moment a couple of days ago, except in my case I spilled a little bourbon on the counter and instead of a sponge I wiped it up with a piece of bread and ate the bread.


When I spill booze on the counter I usually just lick it up.
I’m not joking.


Yeah, I usually do that too but this felt more clever somehow.

King Hippo

I do that with Tussionex.

/also not joking, you can’t just go buy more of that shit.


Preaching to the choir.
I once dismantled an A/C vent and part of a duct because a Vicodin fell in and went tumbling down.

Lothar of the Hill People

I dropped a Panera cinnamon crunch bagel (they’re like crack to my tribe) on the floor and my kids saw me pick it up, dust it off, and eat it.

My son dropped his pudding cup on the floor, bent down to scoop spilled pudding into his mouth with his fingers, and got a look of confusion and anger on his face when I yelled “no!”



It’s like you read my mind – it WAS a bread heel.

Horatio Cornblower

60 here in CT on 2/20. Took advantage to start sawing through all the branches that fell over the last couple of weeks. Took a break to go to the store, grab a tuna streak which I fucking nailed on the grill, (we’re not doing phrasing anymore? seriously?). and now I’m kicking back and eating that shit right up.

And Duke lost! Yay!

But Pitino won. Boo!


That tuna is on quite a streak.


“Nailed on the grill? No, the whole ‘phrasing’ thing would be inappropriate here.”

– Montee Ball


Good God….DaU in Chapel Hill and looking like….well, looking like NC State. Poor bastards.


Today turned out gorgeous! I’m gonna take my wonderfully clean and nice smelling dog down to the river so she can get completely covered in the grossest, most disgusting mud that she can find. She loves doing that. She will turn circles, laying in the mud, as fast as possible, roll over, start circling the other direction to ensure maximum mud coverage. It’s so damned adorable that I can’t be mad at all.

It’s the little things in life that make it great.


Awesome pic other than the fact that UMd was the victor in that one. LOL

Doktor Zymm

Shower completed, and my lunches for the week came in the mail. Realized I haven’t eaten and that plus gym isn’t good, so quick tasty drink/shake thing before walk. With the exception of the wine and linzertorte last night, I’ve actually managed to have a really microbiome friendly diet this week. I’ve got a 5-site kit I’ll probably use some time this week, though it’s tempting to wait until after I get back from Vietnam so I can see my travel biome….oh the problems of being a nerd


Who’s got 2 thumbs, a hangover, some bite marks, and just saw Deadpool last night?

This guy.

/shoots finger guns
//receives cease and desist letter from BeastmodeAteMyBaby
///not sure who’s thumbs these are




Christ I had so much fun watching that movie. And I too, have upped my cursing game since last night.

And my crush on Morena is reaching stalker level.

Horatio Cornblower

My 15 year old daughter wants me to take her to see Deadpool.

How awkward is this gonna be?


Mildly awkward for the most part. There’s some sexy time, gratuitous Ryan Reynolds butt, Gina Carano looking good.


Until you explain the pegging.


Opposing team is up 18, finally get a walk called after doing it the entire game…. every parent stands up and screams, “WHAT?!”

I feel like I’m watching a patriots game.


Dammit…Everton now up 2 and I missed that one too.
Fuck you, Futbol!!!!!!!

King Hippo

Yup, tis not a sport conducive to flipping around.

Everton are through to the round of 8!!


Awww, Duke not getting their customary officiating. And they ain’t happy.
Buh bye Grayson.
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Duke’s normal calls are being given to my nephew’s opponent


Grayson Allen fouls out. Fuck and YES


Coach K can eat a double serving of radioactive pigshit.


Oh Hell….’Ville now up 4 with 5 to play. Maybe not pointless comeback after all.


And now K gets himself T’d up….this is great.


Nephew’s coach spent the entire half-time checking his god damn phone rather than, y’know, coaching. Everyone is getting fuckin screamed at after this shit show.

King Hippo

Fluke goal WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I must have barely missed it while clicking over and watching the (likely) pointless ‘Ville comeback attempt. Clicked back and it was 0-1. See, this is why Futbol pisses me off.


That King dude for Bournemouth looks like he’d be right at home in Chapel Hill. I want to punch him.


Opponent just tripped over his own two feet, a full arm’s length away from ANYONE else. Refs award him two free throws.


Duke and/or UNC playing there today. Cool.

Doktor Zymm

It is insanely beautiful outside. I’ve already done my gym thing for the day, so once I check my Internet Things (that’s what IT stands for) Imma shower and go for a walk, which may or may not culminate in sitting on a patio with guacamole and a margarita.


Gorgeous here today too. I got my outside time in early though. Too much basketball (which will require my yelling at my TV) to be missed this afternoon.
And baseball too, believe it or not.


Good Christ, this coach sucks. He doesn’t have named plays, he is actually calling out what to do. “Screen to Willie! Gage will be open in the corner!”

Just tell the other team what you’re doing, coach. Nice job.


Two kids just rolled on the floor after a loose ball for ten seconds until a second from the opposing team straight DOVE on top of the pile…. refs never called jump ball, and instead called a foul on nephew’s team.

Doktor Zymm



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Harper Lee AND Umberto Eco in the same weekend? What the fuck, 2016? January attacks musicians, now February decides it’s the writer’s turn?

Lothar of the Hill People

Just as long as Dylan Thomas is safe.


First game ended, final score 31-14, some unholy number of fouls, three crying children, one monster of a headache, and I was informed the last time these two teams played, one of the opponent’s parents stood and screamed at my sister and her fellow parents, ending with, “get you and your ghetto fucking kids the fuck out of here.” Apparently my sister’s group took exception to the blatant, uncalled fouls and were vocal about it.

I’m sort of hoping for something similar today, because I feel like shutting some entitled assholes down today.


Yay for inter-parental violence.
No witnesses!!!!


What is there to debate?
They are distracting and also suck.


I forgot….Canadia.
Bob and Doug need to debate the merits of Zamboni speed limit.

King Hippo

Watching Everton/Bournemouth, FA Cup Round of 16, FS2 (fucking SD), questioning my life choices (yet again).


FS2…searching unsuccessfully.


Never mind…found it up in the 600s.
Haha…HD on DirecTV.
/SUCK IT!!!!


I gotta tell ya’s, Everton looks like a team missing their proverbial Terry Henderson today.

Don T

/peeing pants

Shogun Marcus

Going to Deadpool again tonight. Was the wife’s suggestion. She loves the character. I’m dragging her down the comics rabbit hole MUAHAHAHAHA!!!


I watched that myself last night (through the magic of the interwebs, I watched it around 3 AM). Dear lord it was a lot more fun than I’d hopes, and I had high hopes.

Shogun Marcus

As did I and thank jebus it’s good. Scratched many itches.


I just got to my nephew’s middle school basketball game. He starts at 1 PM, and the younger kids are playing now. Every possession has ended in a double dribble, carry, walk, or stupid, stupid foul. If I hear that fucking whistle one more time I’m gonna shove it down the ref’s throat.

The score is, no shit 19-2, with 7 minutes to go in the second half. I’ve made a huge mistake.


23-3, 5 minutes to go. Whistles are plentiful still.


Sounds like that game needs a streaker.
You are hereby nominated.


Nephew’s coach, and the team, were told to be here at 12:30. Coach and half the team are now 25 minutes late.


My cursing abilities have been off the chart since seeing Deadpool last night. No better target for such language than that turdchugging basketball team from Durham. Go Louisville!


Vitale compared Grayson Allen to John Havlicek a few minutes ago, which pissed me off probably more than it should have. I hate that little fuck.
Grayson Allen that is.
And Vitale too, actually.

King Hippo

FUCK that bastard child of Ted Cruz AND the creepy one-eyed old assdick with his cock in his mouth,


LMAO….now tell what you REALLY think.


Today’s to do list:

Grocery store
Total fucking insanity

That’s about it.


In that order?



Although I may drink during the insanity and the sushi also.


What does “total fucking insanity” entail, exactly? Because I may be joining you in that soon enough.


If you have to ask, you may already have arrived….


I was wondering more what it meant to yeah right…. my definition is probably more violent and dangerous in a “legal repercussions” way.


Stay tuned. I promise to share the insanity in its own post.
Holy Jesus what did I get myself into?

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Curling: the sport of kings and bandits alike. Where man (or woman!) tames the primal forces of ice and stone, not with sheer overwhelming power, but with the subtle shuffling of the humble broom.

Porky Prime

Also how Harry Potter LARPers describe Quidditch.


I must concur.
During the Olympics I’ve been know’d to watch curling for hours, in spite of curling itself being just this side of watching paint dry….which would be much better as well if those lovely lasses were doing the painting.


Russkie, as a team, is hard to top.

But this British lass was my favorite due to her resemblance of Emily Blunt, and her willingness to yell at the stone with reckless abandon…

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