Boy, that was a long title, wasn’t it? Anyhoo, our good buddy Upstate Underdog set up a Group for DFO over at the ESPN site for all of us to join and show our shortcomings. The information is below:
Group name: DOOR FLIES OPEN!
Password: dfo2016
Everyone join the party and we may, JUST MAY, have prizes for the winner just like we did for the DFO Prediction Contests earlier this year. Tell you what, since Moose traded in his booze winnings for a nice original drawing by entropy (a wise choice indeed), I will put that up for the winner of this contest. Whoever wins will get a fine bottle of their choice of fine liquor shipped to them by me. Good luck, y’all!
And now, feel free to discuss the shortcomings of the Selection Committee:
The Trump newsfeeds on facebook make me hate things. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I subject myself to awful, possibly human commenters on these articles saying a bunch of racist shit and then defending themselves with “Nuh-uh! YOU’RE the racist!” like that’s how racism works? Why are so many of my fellow countrymen willing to put the country in the hands of someone most of them couldn’t stand until he got a reality show? They wouldn’t trust him with their children, but they’ll trust him with their country. It’s insanity.
Has anyone here seen the movie My Fellow Americans? I’m making the ladyfriend watch it, and it still cracks me up.
Do I dare watch the 30 for 30 on the Duke Lacrosse case?
Does it have Nancy Grace’s despair in it? That would really make it must-watch.
Not only does Shinola still exist, they can apparently charge $225 for a wallet and $800 for a watch and people will pay that price for them.
See, people really don’t know shit
The Datsyuk deke is just murder in shoot outs. I’ve only seen a handful of other players pull it off successfully.
Avs fan… sort of…
Thanks, all better now.
I feel like these threads don’t have enough Patrice O’Neal.

A lot of places don’t have enough Patrice O’Neal.
OK…t-minus 15 ’til new Walking Dead.
DTZM said last week he was rivebrogging it this week, but I think that is kinda not happening (damn new homeowners with their lawns and their flower gardens).
Soooo…if any of you DON’T want spoilers of tonight’s episode on the main blog…speak now or forever hold your piece….errr peace.
Otherwise, it’s going up at 9pm.
Less depressing:
God, I loved the 80s!
More old school:
/realizes it is not still Friday.
Pavel Datsyuk is hurt. RIP Wings playoff streak, 1991-2016.
He’s had a rough go last two years. Possibly my favorite player to watch ever.
I just had a fight with a cat.
I think I won, because she ran away hissing.
But I’m bleeding and she’s not, so I guess it’s open to interpretation.
Way to beat that pussy!
She started it.
And I may or may not have yelled “Fuck You Cat” as she ran away.
I would like to notify congress that there should be an immediate cease and desist order on the term “Score the basketball.”
Stop with this shit you assholes!
I can’t believe it’s already 8 pm and it’s just now getting dark outside.
Few things in life are as enjoyable as the few hours between when the kids go to bed, and you finally pass out on the couch at 2 am because you weren’t gonna waste that precious alone time actually sleeping.
Oh, CNN. Its just “The Ohio State University”.
Not “Ohio State University”. Not “THE Ohio State University.” Just “The Ohio State University.”
We don’t call ourselves “The Ohio State”.
It is THEE….just look at my screen name.
I hesitate to ask this publicly, but has anyone heard anything from Porky the past few days?
Honestly, I don’t know him well enough to approach him, and I don’t know if any of you do. But speaking from experience, he’s approaching the time frame where the numbness can turn to depression. I’m very concerned for him.
Riki reached out to him and he’s doing about as well as could be expected, but he’s hanging in.
He has posted a few times, here and there. Mostly late night.
In fact, he posted something on Thursday(?), but it was quite late, and I didn’t see it for probably 20 minutes.
Yeah I saw those, and was pleased. Then didn’t see anything and I guess I went into mother hen mode.
I’m such a pussy.
Just got an email from the people showing up for training this week. The guy from Chile can only speak Spanish. The guys from Canada are from Quebec and requested to have a French speaker in the training.
The person in charge of our training department on our end responded back that I am able to speak all three languages and there should be no issues.
I can barely converse in Spanish and French…like I can get from point A to point B without shitting myself in public. I cannot do 10 days worth of high end technical training, jumping between multiple languages.
This should be an interesting week…
I already told you…blame the Asians.
Speaking of Asians, it should be fun (it always is), when I bring in our expert on this product. He is a Canadian national, but spent most of his life in China. I can understand him fine…but his accent is difficult for people not used to him.
A few years back I went to a training seminar where they were teaching advanced imposition software for print applications. The instructor was French/Canadian and when we got into the C++ aspect of the course I got up and started teaching the class myself.
Could barely understand the M-F-er.
Welcome to the dance Bakersfield. Say hi to Oklahoma.
CNN Reporter: “What were you thinking?”
Trump Stage Rusher: “I was thinking that if I could take Trump’s podium and mic and I could take away his voice and show others it can be done.”
CNN Reporter: “Did you know you could’ve been shot by the Secret Service?”
Trump Stage Rusher: “… … … yes.”
Would that have counted as Darwin Award?
protest culture…holy shit
You know I’m not the type who is his own personal fluffer but holy good goddamn dinner was delicious.
Y’all are in for a really tasty Sunday Gravy next week.
That being said, I’m out of the kitchen and with the time change it’s later than normal so I say it’s time to start drinking excessively.
Starting with a Racer 5 IPA. Get after it!
“his own personal fluffer”
If I was that flexible I’d never leave the house.
Pot roast was also tres yummy, fwiw.
Did you make a gravy?
Yep…but very bland.
Damn kids.
He would have made more gravy, but he already said he couldn’t reach.
I’m rooting for Toronto. Hope is dead.
This is reason #244 why I stopped watching local TV channels other than sports…
After selection show ended, there were a flurry of political ads. Some from each party, all fairly predictable in their content. Which was bad enough. But there is a total dickbag running for NC Attorney general (Jim O’Neill) and what was his message?
How hard he’d fight against Obama if he is elected….
Item 1: the general hard on the right has for Obama and throwing his name around for campaigning purposes.
Item 2: If this total fuckwit manages to win….YOU WON’T TAKE OFFICE WITH OBAMA AS POTUS.
Item 3: All the shoeless fuckwits who will vote for him aren’t even smart enough to realize this.
/end rant
//switches over to AMC…when dooz the zombeez start?
“FOR SEVEN YEARS…” – The start of every Ted Cruz debate response.
He’s running to be the main legal advisor for one out of 50 states. How does he have the power to retroactive fight Obama? Does he access to a time machine?
Item 4!!!!!
Thank you!!!!
Time for semi-random guessing!
About the NCAA Tournament or is anything fair game?
I’m not sure what alarms me more, the fact that SNL is completely right about Hillary or the fact that I’m still turned on by Kate McKinnon whose playing Hillary Clinton dressed as Bernie Sanders.
I *really* want a #16 over #1 to happen and I don’t care if it destroys my bracket. I want the ultimate madness to happen.
Everyone feels the same way. Unless it happens to their team.
and that’s how it WILL happen, if/when NC State is ever a #1 seed.
I haven’t checked the weather, but with global warming I don’t foresee hell freezing over anytime soon.
If it happens, it will be all #16 seeds to beating the #1s. Pure chaos.
I wish I could somehow get the job of “bracketologist.” I just make up a tournament field, adjust it from week to week, and cook up some bullshit reasoning to justify it. Then when the actual committee makes choices–which are just as arbitrary–you can say how wrong the actual choices are even though it was all a matter of opinion to begin with.
Isn’t that Kiper’s role on ESPN, re: NFL Draft.
Same turd, different flavor.
Finished my bracket. I tried to pick NC State but couldn’t find them.
Better luck next year.
/probably not
Twas a joke for our wolven friends
Recognized. I am one of those pathetic Wolvens.
A Bracket Full of Nuggets is filled out and ready to completely disappoint me after the first round! Hooray for gambling!
Seth Davis picks WVU as a final four team.
WCS’s emotions torn in half instantly.
“It has to be a double digit seed?”
Yeah Charles, that was the whole point of the hypothetical question.
Steph Curry is the man.
Monmouth is what Aaron Rodgers had his fill of when he took that vacation to Jamaica.
He was RasstaFairyin’
There are few people who oppose Trump’s racist, bigoted views, CNN? The hell you say!
Jesus, are networks getting in on the contrarian clickbait gravy train now, too?
A pending response to the article on Deadspin about the bracket features a woman trying to push a bowling pin in her twat.
I kinda hope Hulk Hogan sues it into oblivion.
Wasn’t Jim Boeheim absent because Jim Boeheim was cheating? I fail to see why him being punished for coaching-fuckery should be an excuse for poor play.
In conclusion, fuck Syracuse.
He wasn’t cheating-he just didn’t bother to oversee his program in any way whatsoever. Get your facts straight, Horatio.
I see Cincy got the #9, which is the Selection Committee’s way of saying “you barely made it in so not only are you an underdog in the first game, if you make it past that, you have a #1 staring you in the face.”
“I will say again that Monmouth was RIGHT there, just because I love twisting the knife we just stuck in their back.”
Can he just say they picked middling power conference teams because they have larger fanbases?
That doesn’t explain Tulsa.
Alright an oil baron alum made a “contribution” to the committee.
He sounds so smug over how the jobbed Monmouth and St. Mary’s. I think he really enjoyed finding an excuse to leave them out.
That BWW ad does nothing to persuade me that Kentucky fans are not a bunch of mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging retards.
I prefer to read this as a typo for BBW rather than BMW
Could anything?
If Big Coal paid me enough, perhaps.
I decided against going to the Trump rally. Mainly because they moved it from the Convention Center downtown where there was a lot of room, to a small place in the Northern suburbs that only seats 1100 people so I didn’t want to drive 30 minutes waiting an hour without a guarantee I’ll make it in.
That and I didn’t want to get an arrest record and be accused by Trump of being part of ISIS, Bernie’s Army, the 2nd Gunman on the Grassy Knoll, the guy who talked Benedick Arnold into betraying the Continental Army and of stealing 40 cakes and framing Lex Luthor for it. Also I didn’t want to be dragged out and have the shit kicked out of me for not taking the required blood oath at the beginning of each rally swearing allegiance to our next President and God-King, Donald I.
You did the right thing. Plus, if you wanted to listen to lots of retarded talk, you could just binge-watch “Life Goes On” instead.
It’s not as funny out-of-context but this still deserves some banner comment consideration.
Jim Nantz is starting to show his age. Someone better cover up that self-portrait in his attic.
Bummer Monmouth didn’t make it.
St. Mary’s got burned more IMO.
I wanted them to beat Gonzaga so bad. Wanted someone else to finally win that conference.
Three Iowan teams in the tournament. That’s really awesome (especially for a state whose population is barely above 3,000,000).
This whole time, I thought Iowa was some pretend shithole they made up for Field of Dreams.
If I was on the Tourney Committee, I’d make one random shitty team a 12 seed just to fuck with the yahoos on the CBS show. “Western Kentucky went 18-16 and finished 8th in Conference USA, yet you chose them over teams like Ohio St. How can you justify this selection?” “Well, Doug, you’re an asshole.”
Only if they make the correct motion while saying it.
You can’t get santorum that way. It’s gotta be in the butt.
NFL Network is showing a replay of RedZone Week 1 if anyone needs a fix.
That’s a fucking addiction right there.
The sad thing is that I’d probably watch if they were broadcasting a week the Raiders played well.
Don’t watch this one. The Raiders played so bad, my friends and I were not sure if the Bengals were that good or if the Raiders were that bad.
Yeah, but too bad he couldn’t keep his Power Glove off the kids.
From some fucker in the epsn website/twiiter who the hell knows:
“Michigan may not have deserved to get in, but they’ve got a great chance to beat Notre Dame if they get by Tulsa”
If they didn’t deserve to get in how the hell do they have a chance to win 2 games?! If they’re so much better than Tulsa and ND then BY DEFINITION they deserved to get in!
Pitt could EASILY make the Sweet 16.
This free — form studio thing is just insanity.
I…. I really want that to be a real TinTin story.