Horatio Went To A Beer Festival And All You Got Was This Lousy Open Thread

As you may now, I turned 47 today. My Dad has the same birthday and turned 74. It’s Flip Birthday! (I have no idea what that means) Anyhoo, off to the Willimantic Beer fest we went. They had 70 brewers present, not the “more than 30” they advertised, although technically 70 is more than 30 so I guess they weren’t wrong, but still, 70 is way more than 30, especially when you’re determined to hit them all and you have four hours to do it. It’s totally cool though, because everyone gets a small glass and they’ll only serve you 3 oz. at a time, so that’s only 210 oz. which means in four hours you’ve only had 13 pints and…

Oh dear God.

That math is fucking terrifying.

Here are some highlights from the Beer festival:

1) The Food
Oh, yes they had food, and it’s extremely important to fill up on the right kind of food at a beer festival, lest you be passed out in a pool of your own vomit 2 hours in. Our favoirite was the pork belly steam roll with kimchi from Cafemantic, followed closedly by the sheperd’s pie puff pastry from some cafe whoese name I understandably forget. Both were delicious, both were loaded with alcohol absorbing carbs, both could be consumed with one hand while we drank with the other.

2) The Weather.
The weather sucked. Might have cracked 48 and on and off rain the whole time. Someone dumped a chest of ice out a couple of hours in and none of it had melted before we left. But the people who keep on drinking in those conditions are the true heroes and the world needs heroes am I right, or am I right? Anyway, I’m your hero; I kept drinking. While wearing rain gear.

3) The Beer
Best beer I had was one from the local brewery, Willibrew’s Pre-Prohibition Porter. I lack the ability to translate what I think tastes good to words like Make It Snow, so take my word for it, this is a really good beer and you should all road trip to Willimantic to get it. Plus,

  • opiates!

    OK, I have no idea what happened with that link, and I care even less. The point is, if you want heroin, come to Willimantic. But stay for the beer!

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    That movie was so true of 90’s Los Angeles, it’s not even funny.


    I loved that movie but I don’t think I’ve liked a thing Vaughan has done since.


    True story: the golf course in that movie is right down the street from where I live. I actually plan to play it today if I get my chores done in time.


    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

    I always thought it was an off athletic endeavor, but if it is running from the cops or a cop chasing someone, it looks damn useful. …. and a rush.



    What’s the worst that could happen?


    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

    There seems to be a …. what is it….. a….. oh yeah, talent, practice, and the right place, yeah, that’s it.


    I hope he enjoys the wheelchair life


    Fuck yeah!


    It begins the last Wednesday of July, so I can start pounding beers as soon as I finish the second day of the bar exam. Though given current economics, I’m going to need a Kickstarter to finance a proper and thorough survey of the beverages offered.


    The more the merrier.

    Hopefully, OSZ the other Portland commentists and I can all get in some good trouble.


    If y’all are doing a get-together, let us know. I might just fly up and join you.


    That would be awesome.

    Senor Weaselo

    It’s gonna be a loooong summer…


    Finally, I can make someone else lick my asshole.


    If I had a nickel….


    You could pay someone else to take your place?


    Went to a beer fest back in Morganhole, that had something like 40 breweries from all over the east coast. So many delicious choices. Of course, the 70% of the cockwads there spent their time pounding Bud Light at that vendor. Fucking frat bro douches.


    I’d like to visit Morganhole, but Alex still has that damn restraining order in effect.


    Yeah, but at least that kept the swine from forming lines to get the good beer.


    Hey, team, I walked 39 miles the last two days, met an inspiring group of women (and men) dedicated to supporting each other and finding a cure for breast cancer, and we raised a shitload of money. I pushed my limits and was able to finish the damn thing, as were three (3!) breast cancer survivors on our team. I’m exhausted, my feet are fucked, and my right knee feels 10% as bad as yeahright’s, so I’m heading to bed, but I wanted to say thanks to you all for being there for me and each other, and fuck cancer.


    Congrats on doing your part to beat up cancer! You deserve your beer (or whatever you’re drinking).


    Fuck cancer!


    I fucking love beer festivals. Especially ones with 70 brewers. I commend your bravery in enduring the elements to get your drink on. Sounds like they had good food, too. Surprisingly enough, the best thing I’ve ever had to eat was a tofu banh mi at the LA Vegan Beer Fest. That shit was tasty.

    Also…peppermint beer? UGH.


    Oh, and happy birthday!

    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

    I have to say the GABF in Denver has gone down in the fun factor the last several years. They overreact to the drunk idiots, but such is life in a litigious society.


    Cigar City’s big Hunahpu’s Day Festival got pretty fucked ups. They almost did away with it completely after 2014 turned into a serious disaster bordering on riot.

    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

    I think I’ve found the problem:



    I’m exactly 11 days older than Horatio. No wonder I keep shoving him in the locker, stupid little kid.

    Also, congrats on the heroin?


    Wait, 30 days hath April. So I’m 10 days older than Horatio. Whatever, he’s a little baby.

    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

    How many is that in internet days?


    69. The answer is always 69.


    Happy Belated birthday to you! I can’t do math, so are you the 19th or 20th? Either way, we’re just about birthday buddies, so yay.


    Thanks! the 21st, because I’m equally bad at math.

    Plus, I’m drinking, which excuses everything.

    Senor Weaselo

    I feel obligated to once again ask this with the Basketball Argos advancing: Why is Drake a thing?

    King Hippo



    Because girl ducks would get lonely otherwise?

    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

    Oh fuckin’A! That’s good.


    By the way Moose, that beer I couldn’t remember the other night was called Samichlaus. I was wrong about it being Belgian. It’s an aged Austrian doppel apparently. I may try it again soon. I mixed it up with a Belgian that has a similar black bottle and label.

    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

    14%! JerBeeeeear just got taller AND funnier.

    Sammich laws…. sammi clause. ….. shit, where’s the head?

    Covalent Blonde

    And that’s what you get with an empty net!

    King Hippo


    Mr. Ayo

    Next on Hard Ride to Nowhere…


    JJ Fozz, always so, so angry.

    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


    Covalent Blonde

    I fucking hope so!

    Covalent Blonde

    That’s more like it!

    Covalent Blonde

    Dammit. Damn. It.


    Is that Sonny Chiba?

    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


    Toshirô Mifune (1920–1997)

    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



    comment image

    Senor Weaselo

    You know what they say, don’t fux with the mighty Dux.


    Spoiler free Game of Thrones comment,
    As someone who read the books I was afraid the Kings moot would raise it’s ugly head and it did.
    I have a massive crush on Brienne of Tarth. She can behead my enemies anytime.


    At least.
    This thing is a juggernaut and I don’t see HBO killing the bell cow just yet.

    Covalent Blonde

    And carry you around while you recover from your knees!


    I was hoping you could do that kitty cat.

    It’s alright I’ll be mostly weight bearing.

    Doktor Zymm


    Doktor Zymm

    Does her brother still have, you know, skin and stuff in the series?


    The whole thing with the brother and sister Reed family thing is so disconnected I don’t know what to make of it.

    Jojen is still alive in the books, you bastards!

    Covalent Blonde

    Oh god. Vlasic is dead. Fuck.

    Senor Weaselo

    What the shit?

    Covalent Blonde

    I’m guessing an underground layer with electricity and a Lazy-Boy chair would have a LOT more porn than Carfax does

    Senor Weaselo

    Obligatory “Can’t let you drive that, Car Fox.”

    Doktor Zymm

    “Somewhat worn interior” just doesn’t cover it sometimes.


    Retired porn star dating profile?

    Covalent Blonde

    Always a sharp stab to the ego when referring “36” for a hockey player implies wizened geriatrics

    Doktor Zymm

    It’s all good until you’re older than George Foreman when he put out his grill.

    Covalent Blonde

    Happy Birthday, Horatio!


    Good news, everyone! This is also now this week’s Beer Barrel.


    Don’t be! It was this or nothing!

    King Hippo

    HAPPY MAY DAY, Glorious Commentist Party!!

    I went into the outside world (stupid goddamned Nats blackout territory going into NC, though NOBODY here likes the Nats) to see the Cards game (sad trombone), had two Abita Wrought Iron IPA (6.9% hee hee), then came home and had a nice blackout nap.

    Turned on the teevee box just in time FOAR the left Shark to score.

    YOU’RE WELCOME, Covalent.



    Covalent Blonde

    YAY! Thank you for my left Shark PP point!

    Senor Weaselo

    Hey DTZM, check yo messages. It’s been three days.

    Unrelated, the Yankees have scored five whole runs. I don’t know what to do with this gluttony.


    That’s fucking incredible. Where is that at?



    Turkey…you just need the right combination of drugs and a crosswind to get there.

    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

    Yes, Dude is correct. The label just said Turkey, not sure where, but it is an old quarry turned into a swimming pool.



    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

    That is fucking funny. I wonder how long Horatio had to wait naked for the Google car to drive by.


    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

    and five orgasms! Boy, arm my arms tired!

    The Maestro

    This Sharks-Predators game is like an Ambien. I am disappoint.


    I watched the premiere of Veep tonight. I know Peter King likes that show, but I won’t let that fucker ruin my enjoyment of it.

    Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

    Pretty sure he thinks he is supposed to like it, so he professes his love of the show while getting about 10% of the jokes because his brain lakes any sense of context.



    Was the Ballast Point one the peppermint Victory At Sea? I’ve been tempted to try a bomber because I fucking love the regular VAS (might be my favorite coffee porter), but I’m put off by the idea of peppermint in beer.


    Well, then thank you for saving me $12. Happy reverse birthday?


    I love the intro to Game of Thrones but still only hear this.

    Mr. Ayo

    So your parents boned on the same day your grandparents boned 27 yrs apart?


    I love random links that go nowhere. Much like my love life.


    Lagunitas Lucky 13 is fantastic.

    It’s a seasonal or random release and when available I buy as much as possible.

    Great work, Horatio. You really are a goddamn American hero!



    Enzo Amore just barely didn’t die, so this night is off to a good start