Your “The RNC Convention Hits Full-On Drinking Game” Thirsty Thursday Open Thread

NFL News:

  • Ray Rice has gone to Plan Omega – if he’s allowed to play, he’ll donate his paycheque in support of ending domestic violence. A key part of that plan: getting a team to take a chance on him.
  • Josh Gordon met Roger Goodell Wednesday, in hopes of figuring out if and when he’ll be able to return. He’d best get comfortable – Rog just took down Brady, so he’s got no reason to help Josh Gordon.
  • the Packers have applied to host the Draft in 2019, 2020 or 2021. Since the League terroristic demand of sacrificing a home date for an international game in exchange for potentially hosting a Super Bowl doesn’t work in Packerland, this might be the one way Goodell gets the Packers over to London or Paris.

Finally, Eugene Monroe has chosen retirement over another team in light of his release by the Ravens. He cites concussions & long-term health as the primary reasons for walking away after 7 seasons and 93 games.

In case you missed it, they found someone to take the blame for Melania Trump’s plagiarism. Her name is Meredith McIver, and we’ll never hear about her again. Buzzfeed – which makes Uproxx look like The Economist – did the research to prove she actually exists. Judge for yourself here.

The best analysis of the Convention so far (outside the Open Threads) came from Lewis Black on Colbert last night.

That’s some solid, pro-level ranting. It’s what I’ve been waiting to see all week.

The final night of the Convention should bring the best of the worst. Here’s the agenda; the speakers list is an “OH GOD; NO!!!” collection of people we’ll never meet:

  • Reince Priebus, RNC Chairman
  • Jerry Falwell, Jr., President of Liberty University and evangelical leader
  • Peter Thiel, Venture Capitalist (and guy who broke Gawker)
  • Tom Barrack, CEO of Colony Capital
  • Ivanka Trump

And then comes the man himself, probably  about 10:00 EDT. If you thought the previous nights were bad, this promises to teach you new ways to euphemize the word “bitch”. Only half of those will be about Ted Cruz – say what you will about the Zodiac Killer, but it took some amount of guts to stand up and give his speech rather than the one they wanted him to give.

See you in 2020!

Food & Wine has the best, simplest drinking game for tonight’s speeches:

Rules: If Trump…

  • Is wearing a red tie: Everyone must go around in a circle and name something that is red in the room. The person who either repeats an answer or stalls must take a shot to kick off the night.
  • Says the word “huge”: Chug your beer for the length of the applause that follows. You must do this every time.
  • Says the word “ISIS”: Take two sips of beer.
  • Uses the adjective “beautiful“ to describe anyone in his family: Hold a modeling pose like Melania. The first person to laugh must sip his or her mixed drink for five seconds.
  • Calls Hillary a criminal: Put your hands behind your back as if they are cuffed. Then take a shot by only using your mouth. The last person to finish his or her shot must also chug their beer for five seconds.
  • Discusses Mexico, China or Russia: Take a sip of your mixed drink.
  • Mentions Ted Cruz: Everyone has to shout “lyin’ Ted.” The last person to do so must chug his or her mixed drink for five seconds.
  • Brings up guns for the first time: Everyone must immediately place a finger on their nose. The last one to do so has to shotgun a beer.
  • Ends his speech with a signature thumbs up: Initiate thumb war with the person sitting next to you. Losers must chug their mixed drink for ten seconds.
  • Already declares himself as November’s winner: Shake your head in bewilderment and cry because this is our new normal.

Tonight’s Alternative Programming:

  • Battlebots – 8:00 (ABC)
  • Premier Boxing Champions: Derevyanchenko-Soliman – 8:00 (ESPN)
  • CFL – Calgary @ Winnipeg – 8:30 (TSN; Canada only)
  • FXX – “Treehouse of Horror” marathon – 8:00
    • In order, Episodes 3, 5, 6, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20

Get ready to do all this again next week, LIVE! from Philly. PICTURE THE CHEESESTEAKS!

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Doktor Zymm

If Trump gets elected, how many notches will the USA’s credit rating drop?

Sill Bimmons

Is there a rating below ZZZ?


We won’t even be able to get a fucking Discover card.

Sill Bimmons

Capital One is on line three…


She has a good cosmetic surgeon, I’ll give her that.

Horatio Cornblower

Hell of a dentist too.


“All of your wildest dreams will come true!”



Doktor Zymm

“I’ll fight four of you”


Sill Bimmons

Riley Cooper is unimpressed.


OH fuck you. You don’t get to talk about college debts.


I think it was Ashley over at Gawker that said Donald would be introduced by the daughter he’d most like to fuck.

Sill Bimmons



#3 rank on Pornhub in West Virginia


I’m terrified to think of what #1-2 are

Col. Duke LaCross

Love that these people applaud all of those equal pay for equal work lines in a speech and then vote against them almost every time.


In their defense, part of the job description is “…..and complete the task as a man.”


LOFTY goals!

But what kinds of nuggets will his White House leak?

Doktor Zymm

I didn’t know that ‘iconic’ and ‘tacky’ were synonyms


What ever do you mean?

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Doktor Zymm

I’m just imagining that the speechwriter was thinking in a sarcastic voice while writing all this.


And you smell like an elephant’s butt!


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Goddam. #Wouldpen Ivanka but this slobbering about Trump running a construction site — come on.


Anyone involved in construction knows all of this is complete bs.


The only way I could see Donald Trump being in my corner if I was down would be if he’d sucker punched me and was now standing over me to taunt me.

Doktor Zymm

Though maybe punk will make a comeback! I would be okay with that.




Sure, it would be good to make America great again, but it would be GREAT to make America GRAPE again.


The erector set is out tonight.


Did they just add Viagra to the convention center water supply?

Horatio Cornblower

I think the GOP wants to make America great again like it was in the 1850’s.


Trump will sell crack to the inner cities.

Doktor Zymm

What did I miss? I just played an hour of heat advisory tennis. I don’t know how I managed to be outside and active all damn summer in worse weather than this when I was a kid. I didn’t even have the motivation of being able to grab icy cold beers on the way home! Damn.

In honor of the RNC I’m drinking 5 Rabbits Gringolandia Super Pils, the most anti-Trump brewery I know of.


We’re fairly sure Thiel made a speech coked up.

Doktor Zymm

Sounds legit.


Sill has a tin foil hat on right now and is talking to himself.

Sill Bimmons


Gotta go with corrugated steel if you want to keep out the John Birch Society’s gamma flux probes.


Who wants to see Mark McGwire hit some dingers?


I should do coke sometime and just scream, “DISRUPTION! GAME CHANGE! INNOVATE!” over and over again. I’ll bet an angel investor will give me some cash.

Doktor Zymm

That sounds pretty 1980s, I say go for it.




You should be grateful he’s running you bastards.


“Give me a U! Give me an S! Give me a U! Give me a U! Give me an S! Give me a U!”
-Ronald Reagan, cheerleader


Are they going to ask me to buy a timeshare after this video?


Okay Trump has become Phil Ken Sebben.

Horatio Cornblower

Christ, let’s not get too far in to what sort of notes Donald has sent his daughter.


Don’t forget Donald killed the USFL!!

Horatio Cornblower

I will bet $200 million that they don’t mention Donald inheriting $200 million for his father.


They mentioned the tax abatement that his father, not he, negotiated, so I expect no one will get $200 million tonight.


I am become Death, destroyer of worlds


The shots of people white dancing is awesome.


Is it time for The Donald’s entrance yet?


uh… How long is the music section?


Wonder how Sill is taking all of this. Is anyone his emergency contact?

Sill Bimmons

Ahaha. A Hillary Clinton ad during the RNC. Awesome.


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This fucker is just stalling


Pretty sure the lion only needs to run faster than the slowest gazelle.


You some kinda scientist? We don’t like your kind round here.


Camera cuts to a guy in the Texas delegation currently considering what RentBoy he wants to pay for tonight.

Horatio Cornblower

Tom Barrack seems like a very nice guy but he is so exciting that I’ve switched over to the Tigers-White Sox game and I could give half a shit about either of those teams.


This dude definitely hires hookers


Tom Barrack does not hire hookers, he employs them, thus creating jobs….

Horatio Cornblower

Tom Barrack: “I have a Great Uncle in Beirut…”

Crowd: “HE’S A MOOSLEM, GET ‘IM!!!”


“His dad is a Lesbian?” – GOP Convention Crowd


I don’t even live in most of you folks country but this is absolutely enraging me. This is the worst thing I have absolutely the worst thing I have ever seen. I am a bottle and a half of wine deep and want to throw my tv through the window of my hotel room.

Horatio Cornblower

“I am proud to be gay, and I am proud to be a Republican”

Crowd roars, Thiel leaves the podium and enters the crowd, crowd parts faster than the Red Sea.

The Maestro

Calgary Stampeders up 17-3 over the Winnipeg Blue Bombers 5 mins into the second quarter.

Why yes, I am wine drunk on a Thursday, how did you know?


I am torn, watch this car crash, or that car crash.


Theil: “Who cares what bathroom we use?”
GOP Convention: “That’d be us.”


Yeah, Peter, you’re not gonna win over this crowd with your “America sucks” tone.


Peter Thiel is to Elon Musk what Steve Ballmer is to Bill Gates.


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Watching Rey tap into WCW Cruiserweight Division Rey at Ultima Lucha 2, I remember how sad Questionably Jacked Mid-Oughts Rey used to make me.