Your “I Learned It By Watching You!” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

NFL News:

  • Martavis Bryant has publicly said he wants out of Pittsburgh.
    • The once-suspended WR says that if Pittsburgh won’t use him, then they should trade him – or else he will play out his contract and move on.
      • His rookie deal pays him $600,000 this year & $700,000 in 2018, so he’s not going anywhere for a while.
      • The NFL trade deadline is October 31.
  • Marshawn Lynch’s suspension has been upheld.
    • He will miss their next game in Buffalo
  • The Eagles victory last night cost them Jason Peters & Jordan Hicks
    • Peters’ knees bent in two directions at once, blowing his ACL & MCL, ending his season & possibly his 14-year career. (You could feel everyone wince in the Open Thread.) Hicks blew an Achilles & is also done for the year.

Finally, former Colt WR & current Colt assistant coach Robert Mathis was arrested on a DUI Tuesday morning.

  • according to the Indianapolis Star, he blew 0.052, below the state limit of 0.08.
  • His driving behaviour, which included driving the wrong way on a one-way street and not signalling a turn, combined with the amount of alcohol in his system, is what led to the impaired driving charge.
    • Likely, a good lawyer will get that knocked down to community service & no criminal record.
  • “We are aware of the incident involving Robert Mathis last night,” the Colts said in a statement. “We are in the process of gathering more information and have no further comment at this time.”
    • When reached for comment, team owner Jim Irsay said, “Welcome to the club, son.”

With that in mind, let’s all enjoy a little War On Drugs.

Tonight’s sports:

  • MLB: World Series:
    • Game 1: Astros at Dodgers – 8:00PM | FOX / Sportsnet
  •  NHL:
    • Oilers at Penguins – 7:00PM | Sportsnet1
    • Red Wings at Sabres – 7:30PM | NBCSN
  • NBA:
    • Bulls at Cavs – 7:00PM | TSN
  • WWE:
    • Smackdown – 8:00PM | USA / Sportsnet360

I haven’t got a rooting interest in this year’s World Series. All I wanted: NO DAMN YANKEES!

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Oh, fuck. It’s only Tuesday.


Okay, I scheduled my post for tomorrow at 3, if that doesn’t work, whoever has the power, go ahead and change it. I probably won’t be able to respond to anything after I log off in 15 minutes. I’m not joking, I’m too lazy to go to the public library


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I mean, I’m not going to do anything with it, but I think I have the power.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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You’re good on that slot. Well done.
Also, check your email.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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One of you (I can’t remember which) will be delighted to learn that Sister Christian (and its music video) are playing here. Passengers are singing along. Send help.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Evening. Finally settled in at the LAX rock and brew in time to watch Jansen do his thing.

King Hippo

has been a delightfully fast game bereft of replay reviews or histrionics


Still could have done without the dodgers fans clapping here

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Snoop Dogg’s “Joker’s Wild” is actually pretty good. Worth a look.


Twas, even if I didn’t completely understand the Bonus Round.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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“Sorry, sir. Nobody could’ve seen this coming.” — Secret Service agents, trying not to laugh.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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“C Force” – the C stands for Cuckolded bastards


Crosby vs McDavid. 2 generational talents going head to head. And yet NBC isn’t showing the game on National TV. Thanks a lot, Obama. Way to grow the game, Bettmen


It was a hell of a game, too. Lots of great saves, rink-to-rink action. Of course, Bettman is probably thinking to himself it was the right move not to air it, since the final was 2-1.


Aren’t you in Canadia?


But then you’d have to watch a game on nbc; checkmate atheists.


Reggie Bush will retire this year if not signed by the end of the year. Well no shit Sherlock, pretty tough to continue working with no job offers.

King Hippo

as an aside, I am officially retired as an elite heterosexual male courtesan


The Flacco of gigolos…nice.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Take away the heter and you be gettin’ PAID!


Yesterday I learned about a U.S. military war game called the Millennium Exercise and holy shit if the military monster ever gets its way and starts a war with Iran, we’re going to get so fucked up.


Every country that ever gets into a war is like every overenthusiastic sports fan homer faced with an important game. They think they are going to win instantly, casually, and cheaply.


Desert Storm “proved” that line of thinking, and enabled a generation of assdicks to believe it.

King Hippo

and such a fun, telegenic war! Better ratings than the hockey playoffs!!

King Hippo

There’s about as much cause to go to war with Iran now as there is with Canadia…not that the current bunch of yahoos needs or cares for logic or reason.


Oh, it’s pointless except to those who build their identity on America kicking anyone’s ass anywhere, something Iran has reminded us we can not do.

The good thing is that I don’t think Americans have the appetite for war and I don’t think our rotund geriatric president has the attention span to advocate for one.


Government will tell media not to report it and most of the populous won’t even know. See: Syrian intervention or the fact US is bombing 7 different countries


The body count that a war with Iran would generate would be known by everybody.

In the exercise I mentioned, the estimated casualties from *one* attack was more than 20,000 including a sunk aircraft carrier.


How many people knew we’ve had soldiers in Niger for more than a decade before last week? The GWOT has allowed us to wage a Forever War across 3/4 of the globe waged by mercenaries and a shrinking group of military and related personnel that has effectively created a warrior class in this country that exists outside of the minds of the public except for shit like the NFL protest reaction.

King Hippo

depends who is in his ear last


On one hand, the government is being controlled by a military junta; but on the other, generals can be just as aggressively warlike as chickenhawks.


Fellow Grey Wolf!


I also recall something about them flying kamikaze planes as well as the boats. And that was 15 years ago, before Iran had one of our damn stealth drones fall into their laps along with the general evolution of drone tech.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook



the cubs aren’t plaing


Don’t you mean Yankees or Red Sox?


God Bless America is such a shitty song. It was written by 5th grade class from Iowa, I refuse to believe any other fact about this.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Yeah, I’d rather watch ads than listen to that.

Col. Duke LaCross

If they’re gonna put a bullet in “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” in favor of patriotic wankery, it’d be nice if a team subbed in “This Land Is Your Land” instead just to see heads assplode.


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Brick Meathook

That guy’s got some big tits.


Your mom looks good for her age. Good for her.


Jesus Christ. We’re a year away from the Illinois Gubernatorial Election and I’ve been eyeball deep in ads for the past couple months.

Somehow, that shithead Rauner thinks putting Scott Walker in an ad will make me want to reelect him.

King Hippo

Turner the Small Bear Slayer WOO!!!


So we’re rooting against each other by proxy now?

King Hippo

YES. I am very, very bitter.


YES. I am very, very bitter.

– Any beer that Low Commander likes


This is basically how my playoff viewing was during every year the Cardinals won the division.

King Hippo

I can see how annoying that must have been, with the shoe now on the other foot/eyeball.

King Hippo

/also in a tiebreak when I like both teams equally (as is the case here), I root for the NL


I’m decidedly anti-Dodgers in this series so that Turner homerun irks me so much.


I haven’t seen someone so upset about a Turner getting a hit since Aretha Franklin got beat out for the Grammy.



– Tina


Yeah, I was fiddling around with something to do with Ike but decided against it.


I laughed heartily at Adam Scott’s line.


Dressing up for Halloween? You? Your family?

i went as Zeke Business Casual last year. i turned an oxford shirt in a tied belly shirt. HR was not amused. So a “no” for me.


Did they ding you for cultural appropriation?


We’ll probably do something to our poor dog.


Animal sacrifice? Seems fitting for All Hallow’s Eve.

Shogun Marcus

Shouldn’t a grabbed her tit.

King Hippo

of course not. I’m a grown-assed man.

/also no fun

//I make the kids watch the door now, too. Once you’ns in high school, you don’t trick or treat no more (in my book).

Senor Weaselo

If I am indeed going to a party, I might take Unsurprised’s advice, pull out my yellow tee-shirt, acquire an eye patch, and be Evil Morty. If dressing up as Morty netted my first kiss, what’ll Evil Morty get me?

The answer, of course, is absolutely nothing, probably.


Olives. Black or Green?




Green with Gin or Vodka.






What color do you ascribe to kalamata olives? I always thought of them as a dull maroon.


I believe those are black.

King Hippo


Spanky Datass

Californian, Italian, Greek or Spanish?
(It’s Spanish) TAPAS WOOOO!!!11!!


Also red.


Unless it’s in the postseason, announcer guy.


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A Christmas Story Live? Fuck you Fox.


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King Hippo

why not Bad Santa?


“Fuck you, fox.”

– Andy Reid, when it was explained to him why chicken nuggets are not available this evening.


Fox is now on the menu.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I guess good Bat Speed is what happens when Batman sets up a meth lab in the Bat Cave.


Bravo sir.
How does that compare to Cop Speed?


Holy tweekers, Batman! This is dopest shit yet!


My sister bought a cabin in Cedar City, Utah. i have to go this weekend and help move. I’m going to miss Ohio State vs. Pedo-Enabler U.




Polygamy Porter by Wasatch Brewing is phenomenal when in Utah.


That’s IT, fuck you nbc you fucking fucks, that’s the last Peyton commercial I’m gonna watch.
/No big loss, Wings suck anyway.


He’s shilling for wings now? That cyborg/robot is gonna give SkyNet a run for it’s money.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Maybe Papa John’s added wings to the menu.


Mmm. Sugar-blasted fried wings. He’ll be a billionaire.


Evening commentists. Fuck the Dodgers.


It’s called the Fall Classic, why are these guys sweating so much? How bright are those lights?


We secretly slipped a massive dose of laxatives into the gatorade in both dugouts, then took all the shit tickets from the bathroom stalls…let’s see what happens.

Col. Duke LaCross

The Earth is broken and it’s 100 degrees with 90% humidity in LA on October 24th?


so, i’m too lazy to check, isn’t there saved drafts on the dashboard? my post was half done, gonna try to finish it tonight…


never mind. found it….

at least something went right today…


/God nudges Buddha, “Watch this.”


almost as I read that, a desktop notification for my wifi went off…


Justice League or Thor: Ragnarok, you can only choose one to watch, which is it?

King Hippo

can, or have to?


For this exercise; have to.

King Hippo

the shortest one


In that case we’re gonna need running times before delivering a verdict. But at least with Thor you can pass the time by pointing out all of the mythological inaccuracies.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I don’t remember Thor having anything but long golden locks in the comics. What’s with the haircut?


Thor, he’s so dreamy. The Valkyrie aint to bad as well.


“Chris Hemsworth is my hero.”

– LeRon Landry, tapping an air bubble out of a syringe


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I’ve seen every marvel release in thearters, don’t see a reason to stop now.


Same here. Thor:Ragnarok looks fun. Much more so than DC’s goth teenager with PMS take on their heroes at any rate.


The problem with the DC movies is that they’re too dark. Like so dark i can’t tell what’s happening on the screen.


Hey, who has a birthday in the next two weeks or so and wants to make a cameo on DFO Insider?


Brick Meathook with the inside track based on his “LA cool” comment below…

Brick Meathook


Senor Weaselo

Well, it’s not me, my birthday’s in three weeks.


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I’m watching hockey to get away from football, you fucks, SO WHY DO I SEE PEYTON EVERY SINGLE COMMERVIAL BREAK!


It might be a tumor.


*Toomer. But that would be the wrong Manning.


….so i just had this weird thought that the series supposed lack of ratings will be accreddited to the cubs not playing, therefor the cubs will become the team that the league favors.


Brick Meathook

There’s still empty seats in the lower deck in the top of the third.


(“Yeah I was busy down at my record label putting out another hit how’s the game so far pass me a mineral water”)

King Hippo

ain’t nobody cool out their today ,, smh

King Hippo

I find myself rooting for LA as the NL side, though HOU is really an NL side to a grumpy old man who rejects change like me, and I should have more gratitude for their beating both BOS and NY.

But LA stopped teh Maddoning


I enjoy that both teams haven’t been in the WS for a while/ever.

King Hippo

agreed, and that they were the bestest in each league, like in the olden days when winning the pennant meant something.


me watching the trailer for dad’s home 2

You know, I could buy John Lithgow as Will Ferrel’s dad

…….and I can totally buy Mel Gibson as Mark Walhberg’s dad….


I only wish Mel Gibson was to know for sure that he’d have beaten the shit out of Marky Mark when he was a kid.

Brick Meathook

Is that Larry King’s corpse behind home plate?


Ha. You’re all stuck watching baseball.

Shogun Marcus

Noap. Handmaids Tale! More uplifting.


Joke’s on you, I’m watching wrestling. Much more highbrow


Oh is Peyton Manning making a cameo?


not yet, give it time…




I thought it was sudden death – first one to score wins? Why isn’t the series over now?

King Hippo

they could play sum pickup FOOTBAW


With the game out of reach now, will the Los Angelenos start heading for home?


Well, that was certainly a way to start.

King Hippo

hey I seen your Cousinfucker fixture did get picked up by ABC after all. Huzzah


That’s right, it’s over 100 degrees in Los Angeles in late October. It’s never even been CLOSE to this hot for a World Series game. But global warming is a Chinese hoax, folks.


It’s all a hoax perpetrated by the Deep State and George Soros to turn frogs gay, and disrespect the flag.

Brick Meathook

A good nuclear winter will fix this shit right quick you betcha.


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I was going to post something from Threads, but the results were just too depressing.


Does Clayton Kershaw qualify as “gritty”?


Nah, he’s too tall.


He most certainly has a MAGA sticker on his Toyota Tundra.


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You mean his Ford F-250 King Ranch, of course. Made in ‘Merica, gobbless.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Hey, Tundras are built in San Antonio! To be fair, though, mostly by brown folks.

Brick Meathook

It’s 100° in Los Angeles right now. That’s normal degrees not centimeters.


“Alexa, what is the conversion rate from inches to degrees Farenheit?”

– Brett Favre


I would kind of like to see how cheap Chris Christie look-a-like Bartolo Colon pitch in that weather.


I like to think of Bartolo Colon as the “more dignified” out of those two.


“I never did understand the metroid system.”
-E. Smiff


Interesting fact about tonight’s game in LA – standing room tickets are going for $667. During the NLCS against the Cubs last year they cost $2k.


Lots of Chicago fans in LA the reason for that?


I would guess, yeah. Plus the novelty and the possibility of seeing the curse play out in real time. Kind of like watching someone mess around with a ouija board hoping they will go into cardiac arrest or something similarly morbid.

Shogun Marcus

Opinions? I feel I will have to try this on Thursday FOAR SCIENCE! The taco joint where I do trivia every week has an experiment. This weeks…
PBB & J. Pork belly, peanut butter and banana emulsion, pasilla grape jelly and peanut crumble.


I am intrigued by this combination. Let us know how it goes.


I find bar trivia to be an interesting thing.


Imaginary Internet Friends, I bid you all a good evening!

Attended a wedding this weekend in the middle of no-fucking-where Tennessee, and had the “pleasure” of driving through enough rain to make me want a gott-dammed U-Boat instead of a Chevy to get OrangeJello back to school and traverse all of North Cackalacky in a single day. At least I had today to recover and catch up on my reading of DFO posts.

So, are we watching this [checks notes] Basedbalk Wurld Species tonight?

King Hippo

might as well. I feel like I should reward the mild sense of benevolence I have towards both participants. Tis the WS that I wanted, despite it being stupid el beisbol.

Don T

Wait: an alleged DUI with no reported victims or property damage AND under the limit BAC, gets a no-bail detention*? That’s a goddamn injustice!

* Assuming that’s a correctional suit. Otherwise, bold fashion statement.

King Hippo

guess that cop was REALLY pissed off when he blew under the limit (and/or he said something naughty)


Officer Geronimo Janez, Special Suspects Unit


Oh, no, he’s actually wearing a polo shirt; we added a plugin to the site that makes all black men appear in Breitbart-o-Vision™.


Who the fuck picked Det-Buf for the NBC game when they couldve had Edmonton at Pittsburgh? Is the MNF algorithm picking hockey games now? Not to worry though, I’m sure penis-head mcgee will spend most of the game talking about crosby anyway.


Gonna have to be more specific re:penis-head mcgee. There are so many that fit that description.


I was thinking of Pierre. He was a GM dontchaknow and HE would’ve drafted crosby if given the chance.


How the fuck you doing boys?

As i’m sure many of you were devastated at the lack of a fantasy gods post this afternoon, and any subsequent lack of slack responses, i’m sure you’re delighted to know that my phone inexplicably died today!

as i had alluded to earlier, with my lap top biting the dust last week, I am now relying on a desktop that isn’t my typical computer, so this will have to do in the mean time.

TL,DR: phone and laptop both died within a week, couldn’t edit post, not gonna download slack on a borrowed computer. SHould have a new phone by tomorrow, but who knows.


So your NOT slacking off?


Man, the All-Father really wants to fuck with your FF lineup.


….you have no fucking idea….

Don T

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Senor Weaselo

More importantly, do you still have the Mewtwo?