[DFO] Hate Week Presents: Owners Who Suck – Stan Kroenke & Dean Spanos

Today’s final installment of [DFO] Hate Week is brought to you by marrying rich, prenuptial agreements, and the Mayflower Moving Company.

Now, normally the fourth day & final day of [DFO] Hate Week is set aside for attacking pet peeves I’ve had with the league over the year:

  • GOODELL, Roger
    • DISGRACE, National
    • DISGRACE, International
    • RACIST
    • CHEAP
    • SEXIST

And there are two in particular that I’ve had my eye on – Mark Davis & Jed York. I’ve taken a few runs at Mark Davis before – one of my first ever posts was about Mark, Dean & Stan, and “World War G” is still what I consider my finest effort on this-here site (non-History contribution). Jed York is the kind of dillweed that has thin-enough skin that I’d like to hope he’d find our site during his daily googlesearch for his name. But they are in the midst of running their respective franchises into the ground and/or out of town, so why waste my energy piling on.

There are more attractive opponents out there…

So, I’ve decided to forgo my usual ranting and will instead turn over the spotlight of hate to two people who have good reason to espouse vitriol at the state of NFL ownership, Internet Dad and Low Commander.

Internet Dad:

Stan Kroenke: Horrible Human Being

So, I’ve been asked by the good folks here at Door Flies Open to pen a short post about how much I hate one Enos Stanley Kroenke.  Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh boy.

I hate this man with the passion of a white-hot supernova.  Stan Kroenke took the Rams to Los Angeles, a move that’s, ok fine, he will make money from it.  However, owning a professional sports franchise isn’t like owning any other business.

You have a duty to the public trust when owning a team.  You instead spent the years that you owned the team shoving metaphorical shit in the faces of the people of St. Louis by saddling us with “Mr. 7 and 9” Jeff Fisher.  This is a man who doesn’t believe in passing.

You then took the opportunity to leave that the city afforded to you by the lease St. Louis totally botched back in 1994 bringing the Rams here.  A classic “sure, our kids can pay it off” baby boomer move by the city guaranteed that the stadium would be in the top tier of stadiums in perpetuity, an impossible task that the city’s leaders blithely signed up for, knowing it was unfulfillable.  (Is that a word?  Eh, who cares.)

However, a clause in a lease isn’t a license to pack up the moving vans.  Stan Kroenke had opportunities to work with the city for a solution, and it was radio silence from them.  They issued a proclamation that they needed, hell, I can’t remember, 700 trillion wigwams from St. Louis to upgrade the perfectly usable stadium into something that would pass Stan’s hairpiece’s muster.  In other words, an intentional non-starter.

St. Louis responded by sending a former Anheuser Busch executive out with a bunch of our money to put together a clearly doomed stadium proposal. We were supposed to feel comforted that we were trying.  It was a cold comfort when Dave Peacock, who is by all accounts a very nice guy, spent $16 million bucks on a stadium effort.  Throwing good after bad, we wasted that money that could have been used for legitimate purposes.

Stan Kroenke wasn’t done.  He then released their report on St. Louis as a football market, completely destroying any chances that the city would become the home of a future NFL tenant.  Some of the money quotes included:

  • St. Louis lags, and will continue to lag, far behind in the economic drivers that are necessary for sustained success of an NFL franchise.”
  • “Any NFL Club that signs on to this proposal in St. Louis will be well on the road to financial ruin, and the League will be harmed.”
  • “Even the most cursory analysis of the St. Louis financial proposal makes no economic sense for an NFL team.”
  • “No NFL Club Would Be Interested In The … New St. Louis Stadium.”

Stan Kroenke burned every bridge in town on his way out the door and was just getting started.

His piece of garbage COO/professional liar Kevin Demoff had been lying to the city of St. Louis for years about how the team was dedicated to staying.  When Stan Kroenke bought that parcel of Inglewood land in 2014, the die was cast, but they didn’t want to end the team’s support in St. Louis, so they kept up the façade of negotiations, sending Demoff to lie repeatedly on local St. Louis radio stations.

That’s right, Stan Kroenke didn’t even have the guts to lie to our faces.

He sent in a toady.  Kevin Demoff, a clown who got his job because he was the son of an NFL agent, was the liar used.  He told St. Louis sports personalities and fan to their faces that the Rams were committed to staying so we would continue to support the team.

Now Stan is building a state-of-the-art facility in Inglewood that will host his Rams and look great on TV.  It will also host the Chargers, another vagabond franchise.  Now the Rams are on the Super Bowl stage again, playing the Patriots, who beat the Rams in front of me in Super Bowl XXXVI in New Orleans like a billion years ago.  I hated the Patriots for that (and for mugging the Rams’ receivers on every down, and later for Spygate) but now I’m torn.  The Rams can’t win, because that gives Stan Kroenke a Super Bowl and a great narrative, and the Patriots can’t win because I still hate them, and my hatred burns DEEP.

The NFL has gotten the last nickel they ever will get from me.  I won’t be watching the Super Bowl.  It is entirely the fault of one Enos Stanley Kroenke, the St. Louis native named after two Cardinal legends who told his hometown to get fucked and walked off with our team.

Low Commander:

It is sick. I absolutely hate how much I miss the NFL. It was a vehicle that brought me so much joy over the years, even in spite of my team’s often lack of on field success. It brought me closer to my family as something to commiserate on over the holidays. It was a vehicle I could use to talk to nearly any coworker to break the ice with. Hell, I made some of my absolute best friends because of it, imaginary on this here site or otherwise. It gave me a chance to find some kind of common ground with just about anybody, locally or throughout my travels across the US. My passion and love of the game stemmed from one underlying principle: I always had a dog in the race.

I LOVED the Chargers, unconditionally. I knew the paint was peeling on the walls, that the toilet was backed up and that the landlord didn’t care to do anything to fix it, but it didn’t matter because it was mine. I know the general consensus around San Diego sports is apathy mixed with mild fair weather success, and that’s going to be there when your hometown is a destination city, but the locals and those that have been here long enough shared a lot of that passion. And boy did that come to an abrupt end just over two years ago.


Dean Spanos is a “business man” in the loosest sense of that word combination possible and the poster child for nepotistic trust fund baby. Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but his father, Alex Spanos, bought the team in 1984 and proceeded to try and run it like the only business that he’s ever known: real estate. If you’re wondering how an industry predicated on buying low, optionally improving your purchase and then trying to sell high and screw over your customer translates to owning a sports team, it flatly doesn’t. At best, it was an investment he could flip, but never did. It became personal for him when fans vehemently booed him on the field when retiring Dan Fouts number in 1988, and that was the moment he started to have one foot out the door. “How could they not love ME when I own what they are here to see?!” As real estate taught him, he went into full risk aversion mode, and started trying to get the city to pay for the stadium upkeep. The deal he signed with the city made it such that if home games didn’t sell out, that the city WOULD HAVE TO BUY THEM. So there was never an incentive to improve anything. He became the landlord and the city became the renter who was just happy to have a place to stay. Boil down this business acumen and distill it into a human without any actual talent, drive or semblance of empathy and you have Dean.

Dean Spanos never cared or showed interest in the culture or wellbeing of San Diego. Being from Stockton, CA, his drive was to enjoy the finest things in life. He almost exclusively stayed in La Jolla, which to those of you unfamiliar with the area, all you need to know is this:

La Jolla had the highest home prices in the nation in 2008 and 2009, according to a survey by Coldwell Banker. The survey compares the cost of a standardized four-bedroom home in communities across the country. The average price for such a home in La Jolla was reported as US$1.842 million in 2008 and US$2.125 million in 2009.

That hasn’t changed much. It’s the Malibu of San Diego, and I avoid it like the plague. But it is here that Dean made his friends and spent his time. He never had to work, other than “managing” the Chargers, which basically means “making someone else do it.” The family was already milking the team without doing anything extra, so why change?

Well, enter Enos, with his eyes set on LA. With the solidest business model of “25% of our season ticket holders are in Orange County or LA!” and years upon years of threats, Dean sprung into action saying he needed to “defend his investment.” I know people in Orange County and LA that were Chargers fans. Most of them lived in San Diego and still consider it home. Having season tickets was an excuse to come home, see family and get away for a bit. You really think those people are going to hang around because you move the team “geographically” closer? The only feasible reason to make the move was to increase the franchises dollar amount, so he could flip it like his Dad flipped low income housing.

With one final shot in the dark to get a new stadium San Diego, that would require 0 up front investment from the family, a downtown location with land owned by the city, poor transit systems and tax payers on the hook for any overages, Dean failed. He failed hard. He ran into the same selfish and single minded roadblock that Alex did. Nothing but the bottom line.

So now what? Enos has already started playing in LA, enjoying the success of being the only game in town and having long time fans find their team again. Is it time to start to realize the error of your ways, maybe put a little capital up and try to come back to the city with a show of some kind of good faith? NOPE.

So there he went, groveling to Enos and now wanting to be in the position he fucked so many over by putting them in as: the tenant. Now, finally having to try for the first time in his life to do anything has been met with hilarious ineptitude. Who would have thought that not having a stadium in your name would largely diminish the value of your team so much so that moving to the second largest market in the US would barely move the needle on your franchises worth? Everyone. Everyone but Dean.

There is so much that I have already said about this man, even before the move. The way in which a billionare held something that I loved hostage for so long, and then completely disrespected and insulted my city is something that is so deeply personal to me that I cannot let go. The Chargers were something that embodied my sense of home, flaws and all. The woman that you love so much and then ends up leaving you because you can’t give her the ridiculously lavish lifestyle she wants, and would rather be treated as an object by her new, wealthier husband. Just hearing the name is like a punch in the stomach of rage.

So, as much as I hate the Rams for what they have done to DTZM above, my hope is that the Rams win. The Chargers plan is so long term and hilarious that it will be abandoned in 5 years time. They want to build fans from the ground up in LA over generations, and that’s how they will stay afloat! I didn’t even have to say anything myself about how foolish this is! If the Rams win, it will cement the failure of Dean and this team as LA will be in the Rams pocket for decades.

If I ever have the displeasure of meeting the man, I have only one thing I will say: How does it feel to know that millions more people will be happy when you die than be sad?

Thanks to Internet Dad & Low Commander for contributing to the Hate, and thanks to everyone for reading. I’ll see you Saturday night for some videos & final hate thoughts on “The Big Game”™®© , so until then enjoy getting ready to Hate Watch on Sunday.

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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[…] for the hate-listen, indulge in hate-reads from rival teams, and are virtuosic purveyors of hate clicks. Bleakness is the skin of a sportsfan, so I’m confident that last Friday will not break […]

[…] blog that have particular feelings about the gentleman. Why, just three years ago, Internet Dad contributed to Day Four of the 2019 Hate Week with a loving tribute to Enos Kroenke […]

[…] Getting blown out Bills-style in would be a welcome comeuppance to the move to LA. To pile on DTZM’s takedown, Bastard Stan eludes any feeling of empathy, as he is composed of the worst qualities of a […]

Brick Meathook

John Ritter and Bernie Mac in Bad Santa.

A great comedy performance. And great editing.



Goddamn I miss both of these two actors.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I agree with you on this movie. Plus drunk santa sex.


Late to the game as usual, but this was beautifully done and sums up my experience with football far better than I could. It’s the first love that left, but once the passion died, I realized how dumb I was and how wasted my love had been. I still keep track, but haven’t actually watched a game in years. I kinda miss that, but I also know it’s not coming back. Though, if the Dolphins actually win a playoff game, I know I’ll be smiling for a day or two. Still, I appreciate what the stupid sport has given me – mostly fun times with good people – like this place.

To;dr Capitalism ruins shit.


That’s vague enough to make me ask weather you liked the show or not


700 trillion wigwams is too many wigwams


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Out F’n Standing!!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I’ve seen that somewhere before recently….

yeah right

“Monica snuggled next to me and said ‘I never knew that LA could be so cold.'”

She was a young girl. Starry eyed by the glamour and the glitz. She knew nothing about the real Los Angeles but she was going to find out.

Real quick.


I’ve been feeling much better the last couple of days. I feel like kicking ass and kicking some more ass.
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I’ve also noticed an interest effect on my thoughts of sex and changes in libido, personal play time, etc. It totally makes sense in context and I don’t ever want to go back.

yeah right

Kick some ass my brother.

Kick Some Ass!


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America really needed KC vs LAR, and the NFL let America down.


Just betting dopey props and daily fantasy this supe. Feels like being at six flags. In February. And my anti-depressants ran out six days ago.

King Hippo

without my Zoloft, I’d deffo be painting my bedroom wall a nice new coat of red…


Mr. Ayo

Man I hated Zoloft.

King Hippo

apparently it takes JUST enough edge off of life to keep one sane-ish (me), or it completely makes you doubleplus ungood

King Hippo

I cannot save you. I can’t even save mahself…


yeah right

we’ve travailed the same plains my brother.


Can cities own teams? I’d like that.

yeah right

It’s been done.
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Cleveland owned the Browns pretty well with the 0-16 parade.

Ian Scott McCormick

Rough loss in San Antonio. Turns out giving up a million turnovers and missing 10 free throws isn’t some great recipe for success.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

“I mean, I’d at least give it a try…”

— Andy Reid

mmmmmmmmmmm turn overs……. cherry and apple, peach if you can get ’em.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Where did you find this photo of me?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Cartoon cars do exist.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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found a funny:

In many ways, Snapple facts raised me.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Smarter than a child who has gone through the Kansas education system

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Habanero Gouda………. jussssayin.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Great song.

/is old

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That one too.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Horatio Cornblower

Good news folks, Ben got a new vroom-vroom!
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Yes, there are way worse things Americans can do to Israel than BDS

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

I am very curious to hear THE BEN speak some Yiddish.

Horatio Cornblower

I’d be surprised to hear him speak in complete sentences in anything other than “football cliche”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I have heard he is fairly eloquent when describing the chocolate as chocolate tasting in Choco Tacos.


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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

These guys went to a worker’s wedding once and gave the $290 in dirty wrinkled bills.

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For the missus when Nick Foles is on the road.


Nice callback

Brick Meathook

I remember the glory days of L.A. when there was no NFL team at all, downtown was deserted on weekends, and the beach was full of junkies and drive-by shootings. Those were the days, my friend, we thought they’d never end.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Horatio Cornblower

Dude, that was Wednesday.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

comment image


Tunison seems to be doing … okay.


Anyone else have windows 10 at work? I literally lost about 8 years of professional work because windows 10 did an updated. It wiped my hard drives. I had setup a 24 hour schedule for a hard drive backup…except on our servers, the backup was corrupted. So by reinstalling the image of my computer…I wiped out any chance to recover.

I nearly started crying in the IT room. I lost everything.

What is the difference between Microsoft and Russia hackers…the Russian hackers don’t have the balls to charge you up front for their malware…


Rule #1 of backups: Until you’ve successfully restored a backup, you don’t have one.


Ain’t that the fucking truth. The best part was the IT guys trying to imply I did something wrong.

I’m not kidding, like 30 minutes after I showed up with my problem, the company rolled out OneDrive implementation 4 months ahead of schedule.


T̶͇̬̟̮̘̟̩̞̋̒h̷̦̀̋̇̀ȩ̸͍̰̈́̔͑ ̷̛̮̙̟̦̃̃̀͌͂̔̒͜͠C̶͕͙̮̐̉̆̌̏̽͒̊̾̕l̷͖̫̯͔͐ö̷̡̟̖̪̖͇͍́̂̃͂͑̕͠ȕ̷̫͎͆̄̈́͠ͅd̶̺̼̪̻̉̔́̂̆̀̎͜͠ strikes again

Horatio Cornblower

Funny, I have to go into work tomorrow for a third try at an update to Windows 10, the first two having failed.

Good thing I don’t keep anything but work stuff on my work computer. “Hey, you’re the assholes who lost it; YOU find it!!”


I do SCCM administration and despise Windows 10 updates on a visceral level, but most of that stems from dual scan and the cocksuckers basically treating administrators like they’re too inept to keep their systems secure.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

My work will take my Windows 7 FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS.


Windows 7 is End of Life January 2020.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

My IT Department has made that very clear.

[Resumes sharpening ruler into a shiv]


I can image a machine from my desk. It’s a handy tool for such occasions.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

You have too much power.


I read that as resumé at first and point is that you need to add that to your resume’s list of skills.


DeepSpar and DriveSavers are the two hardcore drive recovery companies I’ve heard of. Never actually used them though.


The problem is that as soon as we tried to reinstall the prior drive image, we started writing over the blank drive. Once that starts, the damage is done.

Horatio Cornblower

Fuck it. I’m rooting for the Patriots. I cannot have someone like Kroenke succeed, I can’t have the NFL happy that their LA strategy, and I can’t have Spanos happy at the idea that he’ll get some of the front-running spillover from the Rams.


I think I am only going to bet the under as I can’t fathom cheering for Kroenke or the P*ts. I can cheer for them both not to score though!

Horatio Cornblower

I am considering putting $100 on the Patriots to make myself feel better when they win.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I can only rate CKraft slightly higher than that asshole, so I can’t do it.

Horatio Cornblower

When it comes to NFL owners “slightly higher” means everything. “Oh, Bob Kraft is slightly higher than worm shit? Welp, still better than Jerry Jones!”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Nanometers v. microns.


At this point a Patriots win is not going to change the world’s perception of Bill or Tom or anyone else involved with the organization, so it doesn’t really make the world worse if they win, whereas it WILL make the world worse if LA wins.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Ah, the old Rikki jinx, eh? Good idea.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I don’t care about perceptions anyway. The world is a worse place when the P*triots win, period.


Flyers with the annual long winning streak to build false hopes.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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It’s way past my snoozy time. Take care, Night Owls. Don’t regurgitate too much mice while feeding your owlets.


Screw you spanos. comment image


Huh. I had no idea Steve Buscemi felt so strongly about the Chargers-thought he was a New York guy…

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Low Commander (Present): The Padres are in the running for Bryce Harper? Man, fuck that Beiber-haired asshole and his GLOREE-BOY antics!



Ummmm this is awesome!!!!!
They also going after Machado!!!! Hell Yea!!!!!

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Machado makes so much more sense in that they actually, you know, NEED a 3B. And… he’s not a Beiber-haired asshole…

The Padres recently opened some of their books to the public, and when locals got PISSED that they were making so much money and not spending on team payroll (even in books they cooked themselves) so they’re feeling super presured into doing something this off-season.


I for one would like to see Harper there. I also would like the Dodgers to finish last.

Horatio Cornblower


Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

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Ian Scott McCormick

And here come the bats.
That’s right folks, there are a bunch of motherfucking bats flying around the Spurs/Nets game.
Richard Jefferson said bats and black people don’t really go together. So much stuff is happening.


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Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

I just rewatched this movie on Saturday after the beer fest for the first time in forever. That was the best decision.

Ian Scott McCormick

Mad that nobody has used “Tell me about the fucking golf shoes” after a big three


“True. However, batons and black people are a great combination!”

-Stacey Koon


Hey Look! More Hate:

I hates it when there are several consecutive days of -35 degree cold weather. It makes trucks break down and the reefers* in those trucks malfunction. When the refridgeration units go kablooey all the fruits and veggies go all freezy.

*getting irrationally angry at these inanimate objects is a condition called Reefer’s Madness


You know what I hate? The fact that egg salad tastes way better after 12 hours in the fridge. Here’s the thing-you make it because you want some now. So you gorge on it today and can’t appreciate it fully the next day because you ate so much of it earlier.

/tonight’s recently-made concoction is piled so high on a Calabrese bun that it’s listing to one side as badly as the Costa Concordia

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Sal is the worst one of the Monella


This applies to a ridiculously long list of foods and it’s a goddamn travesty.


Reading all of these…Randy Learner…

You have an owner that managed to tank TWO teams across the pond. If you never worked with British folks, one of the things that footie fans in England hope for is a rich ass American or Arab to purchase the team.

Oh how happy were the Aston Villa faithful when Randy bought the team.

He took a founding member of the EPL and they were lucky not to be relegated in back to back years. They nearly made it to third tier footie because of his inept moves. Blow up dolls were thrown onto the pitch.

Yes..the Browns never went win less under him, but my god…it was amazing how easily he hire coaches and GM’s with little or no chance to actually make any meaningful decisions…and then threw them under the bus.

The bar is so fucking low for owners…and he found new and exciting lows…

Ian Scott McCormick

The bar for owners is you can fail for decades, make billions, and then threaten to leave the municipality that should rightfully hate you, and end up having them inexplicably build you a stadium.
The key to being an American is to have a few billion dollars.

Ian Scott McCormick

No Nets made the All Star Game, so it’s official, nobody has to watch that garbage.


Let’s hope they at least have some baskets then. Or chains?


A guy walks into an obvious joke. Two other guys follow close behind…



A least two nets made the All-Star Game. The Wilkes-Barre Rims are represented as well…


This article is why I don’t hate Mike Brown. He may be a shitty GM/Owner/President, but I read he’s a nice guy who gives money to charity and is loyal to his employees to a fault. His only failings, except for the teams he puts together, is that he doesn’t do enough to honor the Bengals history (we have a few good moments and players, I swear!), the gameday experience could be better, and he could do so much more for the community. He might already do the latter, but unlike the Reds, he doesn’t show it off because maybe that’s how he was raised.

Check back in 9 years when the Bengals are playing in St. Louis for my updated opinions about the son of a bitch.


RAGE RAGE RAGEcomment image


Looking forward to Haight-Ashbury Week…


King Hippo
Low Commander of the Super Soldiers
King Hippo

HATE, so very true and purifying


Let me make a contribution of my own:


yeah right

This can also double for a Valentines Day Song.


King Hippo

oh, how I love HATE!!


The thing about La Jolla is that it is “nice”, but it is also mouth-frothingly boring. It reminds me a lot of Westwood in Los Angeles in that home prices are astronomical, but it feels super crowded (but not in a way that makes it feel vibrant) and there is nothing distinctive about it in any way whatsoever aside from the fact that it is expensive.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

I’ll have to update my comparison index accordingly. But I fully agree with your assessment.

yeah right

It’s more Bel Aire. Without a history.