Your Thursday Night Football Open Thread

Welcome back! Let’s get Week 2 off to a slambang start! [looks at teams playing] Eh, you know, gut reaction tells me this tilt should be buried among a heavy slate of games on a Sunday afternoon but there’s enough here to slake my football thirst.



-I said last week that the Browns should score a bunch but they ran head-first into a high quality opponent in the Ravens and were dominated on both sides of the ball. I get it, but the game-watcher in me says, “there’s so much freakin talent on this team“. I mean, they’ll put it together. Or is the goose* of Freddie Kitchens waddling the hallways of their practice facility?

-This thorough ineptitude has led to speculation, some warranted, some not. Chucklefarts at ESPN have said that Baker might get benched. For Case Keenum? After two games? (if he doesn’t play well tonight) C’mon, that’s tantamount to giving up on the season, isn’t it? The rumour that might have some legitimacy is OBJ being shopped around. He’s not shy about shooting his mouth off/throwing bizarre tantrums and who knows what’s happening in the locker room?

-Three starters on the Browns O-line are banged up as well and two cb’s are done for. On the Cincy side, Geno Atkins and his backup are out tonight. There might be some early, sloppy play to start the game.

-Burrow was a respectable (given the circumstances) 23/36 and ran one in. I heard a nay-sayer cluck that he missed on all 5 of the deep balls he threw which is ‘not a good sign’. If memory serves, two of those balls went through the pinkies of John Brown, one being a sure td. It looks as though A.J. Green is all the way back so that’s nice-he and Boyd and Mixon should be able to do some damage.

-I guess Cleveland really needs this one, or their fans do, otherwise the refrains of ‘same old Browns’ will rain down on the heads of all that young talent. The Bengals? 0-2 is kinda expected right now so not a big deal. I’m cheering for chaos so GO CINCY!

Have at it in the comments.

*Kitchens tried to be a ghost and messed it up, as is his way.

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PAWG Pound is a significant upgrade


It’s amazing how these teams both go from not being able to do shit on defense, to not able to do shit on offense.


OBJ can do lots of shit on offense

Viva La Tabula Raza

Feature not bug.



Horatio Cornblower

Stars, they’re just like us!

Horatio Cornblower

Burrows may be SPECIAL, but Sam Darnold is “special” ifuknowwhatimean


Joe Burrow is whiter than sugar over rice over Cool Whip


He looks like someone who likes to use certain choice words when playing his Xbox live.


Consarn it!
Ding Dang It


But I don’t want to feel like I am at this game….is Best Buy gonna cough on me?

Horatio Cornblower

What are the odds Buck stumbles and compliments Mixon for “hitting the hole hard”?



Viva La Tabula Raza

C’Mon, go for it. Give to Chubb.

Horatio Cornblower

Go for it; you’re the Brown’s for Christ’s sake! What do you have to lose?


I’m wondering if they disinfected the ball after Beckham’s TD

King Hippo

Was it grounding, or did it just slip from his tiny fingers?

clint greasewood

comment image?itok=jLbY41NW

Viva La Tabula Raza

Nice overlap with MAGA rally.

Horatio Cornblower

150 lbs., 102 w/o dat ass.

Horatio Cornblower

I assume OBJ is gonna show up later in this ad to deal with what happens after all the other players gorge themselves on Doritos and sauces.


well cheese sauce is very binding…


@joliet jake – your hard work is appreciated. if Mrs. Fozz see it, I’m giving her your contact info


Nice touchdown, but our defense can’t stop a leaf blowing in the wind tonight.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Man, I miss the old Wyche/Bum Philips rivalry days. Not least because I was half my current age.

King Hippo

Burrow, bitches!!!

Viva La Tabula Raza

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Viva La Tabula Raza

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King Hippo

Indeed I did. Really tight spiral on that score. Great vision and calmness.

Mr. Ayo

Yeah, he’s good. Can’t wait to see how Cincinnati ruins him.


Jason Tatum gotta take over this Celtics game
shoot it more

Doktor Zymm

Doordash is approaching, time to watch and see if the dasher reads the directions to my apartment that are in the delivery instructions, or if they decide to wander randomly around my apartment complex for ages


Our door dash guys are great, but we live in a one family house so we’re easy to find. But then again, after my kids ordered from that place the first time, I blew my fucking stack at the cost.

Seems like I am my dad. Except I was wearing underwear underneath my robe

Doktor Zymm

They made some sort of deal with Chase, so I get a free Dashpass with my card and that cuts out ~$10 in fees each order. I probably wouldn’t order from them otherwise.

Recovery Whiskey

So how did they decide the lucky few in the stands. I’m guessing hunger game combat but could have also been just this was a normal Cleveland crowd.


Beers and Brats World Championship

Doktor Zymm

Cleveland’s version of putting the homeless in hotel rooms?


Yeah they just sold the to the general public at full price so yeah….only about 6k bothered to show.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I also read somewhere that Mad Max was to have taken place in 2021.comment image

Last edited 4 years ago by Viva La Tabula Raza

Attending a mass gathering during a pandemic….anything to get out of Cleveland I guess.


The Browns fan cam is a regular rogue’s gallery.

King Hippo

Hippo’s favoUrite so far


My god baker mayfield is a shit filled douche


He should be playing for the San Diego (LA doesn’t claim that franchise) Team to carry on that torch.


Evening Folks


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Somewhere in LA, BallsOfSteel got a stiffy and doesn’t know why.


I want to murder that Tik Tok commercial.

Viva La Tabula Raza

And Trump just plain wants to murder TikTok.

King Hippo

To the tune of James Taylor’s “Fire and Rain” sing (in your head unless you want a loony bin invite) “Pumpkin and Poop”


Well, that’s some shit.

Doktor Zymm

Did someone just say ‘fuck’ on the fan cam?


Alright….2020 is starting to get REALLY weird and scarey….

clint greasewood

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Nah I’m gonna let someone else take that bullet


*puts on blindfold and lights cigarette

Let’s do this.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Plenty of flair!

Last edited 4 years ago by Viva La Tabula Raza

At least I’m not playing against ODB in the DFO league


Well shit

Recovery Whiskey

Poop-down ODB

Mr. Ayo

Trade him!


I’ve noticed that as I get older, I give a movie about 5-7 minutes to get my attention. When it comes to those “other movies”, I give them about 2.5 minutes of my attention


throw it 2 AJ Green


What he said


Sounds good to me.


Is that one of the Backstreet Boys?


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America might be in the shitter, but goddamn do we have thousands of ways to quench our thirst.

Game Time Decision

I see the Orange (helmet) bowl is early this year. And probably the only one played


No woman in Ohio looks that good.


Well, at least I’m not playing against Chubb in Hippo’s league.


Well shit.


Welp, time to get shitfaced.


Evergreen comment.


We;ve replaced teh Bengals with the Browns, lets see if anyone notices


So the Bengals are the Bengals eh?

Mr. Ayo

Bungles gonna Bungle.


Don’t count out my clowns.

Recovery Whiskey

The battle of the two teams that wear Pumpkin and Poop.

King Hippo

this is an excellent coloUr description

Senor Weaselo

Dirt Giants hit 5 home runs in the span of 6 batters. That escalated quickly.


Aaron Hicks should feel shame.


If Baker Mayfield never touches a footall, he’s the dipshit who hangs out in the gas station parking lot whistling at girls and challenging people to fight.

Then he gets the shit kicked out of him.

Then OBJ runs in and grabs said shit.