Donks In The Year of Our Plague LAWD 2021!

Praise Jeebus, proper FITBAW is just around the corner.  And though GAMBLOR is open for many Central European futbol leagues…my soul is turning to MOAR violent matters.

Injuries and woeful quartered backing have basically killed the last two Donks seasons in the crib.  As such, Don Fangio has (rightfully, in my view) been given a third bite at the apple.  I mean, fuck’s sake, why be super aggressive in “win now” mode when the Chefs are on Mahomesy’s rookie contract?  Be patient, see if you can build something.

And I think that’s what we did in the 2021 Draft, despite *not* going QB at #9, even with Fields and that douchebro from Alabama still available.  When in doubt, grab a defensive skill player from the SEC West.  Patrick Surtain likely tops out as the #3/4 CB this season, but that’s good.  You really can’t have too much defensive backfield depth in the modern NFL, especially in the AFC West.

Plus…dude looks GOOD in camp.  Like, another cornerstone player for the next decade.  Hippo likey.

Then, Denver did what I had long wanted them to do with the QB room.  Enter Teddy Ballgame!  He was quite good (or at least cromulent) last season, until he got hurt and then rushed back.  Proper competition AND mentor type for Horse Cock Lock.  You have two guys who will compete hard for the job, and push one another…without being total dickasses (cough, cough, Joe Flacco).  You get the best of all worlds.

Maybe Lock comes good.  Maybe not, and you get the Bridge Over Troubled Waters.  That’s also fine, you can compete for the playoffs with Teddy’s “floor” and a dominant defense.  Assuming Von “Black Hipster” Miller can be 80-90% of his peak, badass self?  Then Hippo will proudly have his Chubb on all autumn long.

I am still a tad concerned about linebacker play.  Certainly linebacker depth.  Right tackle is also a mystery box, and one doesn’t like those at OL.  But I’mma trust Munchak, he fixed our retSpecial Young Man at left tackle, so that trust be earned.  The kickers are good, and supposedly improving special teams play is a key area of emphasis in camp.  Cautious optimism reigns that this is a 9 or 10 win team, which would represent significant progress.

But even if it all falls to shit, it’s still proper goddamned mathematical violence, and I will be damned glad to have it back.

There is talk of a fantasy roundtable for next Saturday, followed by a two-part Premiership preview.  So keep yo’ asses tuned.

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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[…] Broncos (KingHippo) […]

Mr. Ayo

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Last edited 3 years ago by Mr. Ayo

Why isn’t that a “Trump Won” mask?


Buffalo just picked William Von Barnekow Lofberg in the sixth round, but most people know it’s only to appease his father, the Baron, and he’ll never actually see the ice.

Anthony In TX

The Donks badly need a uniform overhaul. Those alts they wore a while back looked great (but maybe with white pants, as the all-orange isn’t a great look).
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This is true. DEN has some real uniform misses.


Olympic surfing is on in a little over 2 hours!

yeah right

Didn’t know they had surfing in Japan. It’s all fucking beach break.


These kids have been training on tsunamis since they were born. I expect much from any surfer who can manage to avoid the Godzilla infestation in those waters.

Don T

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“You people who don’t play the game don’t understand what it’s like to be part of a team. The guys in that locker room, we would run through a brick wall for each other.”

“Would you get a safe vaccine to avoid derailing your team’s season, and to protect the health of each other and your families?”

“Ha ha, no, not that of course.”

yeah right

My response to the bonehead Vikings O- line coach would be “condolences to your family. Not to you, though. Good fucking riddance.”


This is banner quality, though too long to actually use as such.


Since when does this place care?


Oh, I don’t want to watch the U.S. women play basketball against Mongolia. It’s going to be like watching Kevin Durant play basketball against one of us.


I kinda like this 3X3 hoopdidoo! Fast and fun.

Anthony In TX

It is fun! I’m watching it at work with someone who doesn’t like basketball, and she’s enjoying it!


I’m really glad they added it to the Olympics. It’s honestly the most widely-played form of basketball in the world. All the pickup games are half court.

Anthony In TX

I didn’t even know they were doing it because I pay approximately 0% attention to the Olympics when they’re not a actively happening. But it’s a cool little sport that hopefully will prove to be popular enough that NBC will dedicate more screen time to.

yeah right

Shit, as old and busted up as I am I can still play 3 on 3.

Col. Duke LaCross

Beyond thrilled to see they’ve added Kumite as an Olympic event. About time we get an event where you either knock out, get your opponent to say “Mité” or kill him to win. Finally some stakes!


I’d like to see them add an event that is basically brick breaking, but with the twist that these bricks do hit back!


“In mother Russia, bricks pile up lifeless YOU!”


The only time anyone watches equestrian is during the Olympics.


*Mitt Romney glares at TheRevanchist*

Don T

AFC West is a pretty stackT division. Granted, I may be overvaluing Vegas, just like any ordinary ‘Murrikan.


I think the current Raiders team is actually capable of beating just about anybody. However, being That’s My Raiders! means they’re capable of losing to just about anybody, too.


KC will be on top again, unless Mahomes gets hurt. Then it is anyone’s division


I drove by their training center multiple times a week.

There isn’t an aura of success coming off there, if you put stock in any of that.


“Korea is good in archery” is a phrase that has words in it that make sense but seems to be quite random.


When you buy a lot of wine, you tend to drink a lot of wine, then your head hurts a lot the next day. What the hell was that 3 on 3 abomination I just saw in Tokyo?


[fires up Buddy Cole signal]


That old saw about Japanese women being submissive sure does apply to water polo-The US women are up 10-3.


Senators are on the cIock! I wonder which player that I know dick-all about will get picked.

/I reserve the right to complain about said pick, btw

Last edited 3 years ago by scotchnaut

Oooooh! A 6’3″, 205 fella that plays center and has speed. I like!


No way this guy will be a penalty machine!


re Von “Black Hipster” Miller:

What happened to all the hipsters during the pandemic? For years all I heard about was how these new renaissance types were able to do everything from batch Kombucha to small appliance repair to stitching their own clothes and making herbal medicine out of herbs from their home garden. Then it’s put up or shut up time and where were the hipsters? They weren’t riding their bikes out to develop masks made of discarded rain water or whatever. They didn’t lift the nation on their backs and remind us why it’s so important that we listen to them when they say it’s important to manage household consumables, a la Lisa Simpson’s new bar of soap consisting of squeezed-together slivers, at house parties because ‘Look how it came in useful in 2020!”. No — they went and BLM attacked the Capitol and tried to frame Ashlii Babbit, who is now just some dead bitch who’ll serve as a perpetual reminder of the consequences of having bad parents.

In short, like everything else, I feel confident pointing out that the entire hipster philosophy is about as deep and disciplined as the Tea Party. In terms of Style vs Substance, I always assumed the gimmick was 95% style but, in my heart, I’d wished that I would be proven wrong. As the eternal pessimist, I’m always down for a pleasant surprise. Hipsters have no delivered on that.

Just like Von Miller can’t deliver a title without Peyton Manning and/or Brock Osweiler doing all the work.


Dope, eh? He should just cut out the middle man, or middle chicken, in this case..
(he is in Colorado, after all)
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Last edited 3 years ago by BeefReeferLives

Sigh. I wish *I* was a Von Miller.

Wait, no. I meant “Vonn Filler”.
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“Hands something something….Shoot!”


And then of course there’s this gate, which tried to be a Vonn Killer.
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JJ Watt has entered the chat

Doktor Zymm

I’m pretty sure the hipsters all had kids and spent the pandemic complaining that they were forced to spend time with them


And since they had to actually spend time with them, they are now reconciling the fact that they are turning into their parents.


When in doubt, grab a defensive skill player from the SEC West

“That was always MY favorite part of the Conference Championship game! Woo!”

Michael Sam

– Carl Nassib, [DFO] Kommenter


Munchak does have a way with O-lines. He can make chicken salad out of, uh, sub-par ingredients. Wish he was still in da ‘Burgh


Or the Landford Lunchbox.


Where the heck did I put that Hippo to English translator??


Oh is that what we call HippoBlud pre-oversaturation?


It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.
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