Whelp, that was…almost entirely expected.
The Big Damn NFL News that broke last night was that Jon Gruden, prototypical Tape Eater and Patron Saint of Grinders hit the Eject button on his 10 year, $100 million contract after 3.25 years. Something about e-mails that demonstrate that he’s a racist, sexist homophobic shithole excuse for a human being. I dunno, I didn’t really read the details.
Yes, these e-mails were from a period spanning 10 to 4 years ago. And yes, it’s a much different world now. Wait, no, it’s not a much different world. This shit wouldn’t have flown in 2001, much less 2011.
Now, for the “BUT BUT FREE SPEECH!!!” Argument. No, it does not apply to a private entity like the NFL. But even if we talk about it as a social value instead of a legal right, it still Doesn’t Wash. It’s uncool to like Starship Troopers (the book) right now because of perceived fascist tones and because Proud Boy types think it’s cool without understanding it. But Heinlein’s explorations of political theory and certain (Western) behavioral norms are brilliant and still largely valid:
To permit irresponsible authority is to sow disaster; to hold a man responsible for anything he does not control is to behave with blind idiocy.
Power, wealth, influence and authority have largely placed those who wield them above mundane concepts like responsibility. Unlimited freedom of speech without even the minimal check of social disapprobation is not only undesirable but absurd. I know I keep hammering this point, but pro sports are Not Essential. It is an industry that produces nothing of intrinsic use or value, built entirely on the irrational feelings of the masses, and is therefore particularly sensitive to shifts in societal norms. If you lost your fortune in the Great Beanie Baby Crash of 1999, you weren’t “cancelled”– you bought the ticket, took the ride and were visited by the foreseeable consequences when public sentiment changed.
Unfortunately, it overshadowed a great weekend of games, including the Most Glorious Football Bills trouncing the suddenly-mortal Kansas City Chiefs. There were also some Big Giant Injuries of note:
-Clyde Edwards-Helaire will miss at least 3 weeks with an MCL sprain
-JuJu Smith-Schuster will likely miss the rest of the season after undergoing shoulder surgery
-Lone O-Line bright spot Frank Ragnow escaped the Lions’ deathmarch by having toe surgery that will keep him out for the rest of the year
-Trey Lance sprained his knee, which may keep him out for several weeks
-The Giants lost what little they had in the way of offense: Kenny Golladay will miss at least a week, Kadarius Toney and Saquon Barkley have Mystery Injuries that are Still Being Evaluated, and Daniel Jones is in the concussion protocol .
Fucking Red Sox. Fucking (as of this writing) Astros. The American League deserves this matchup.
Well, it WAS going to be “The FP” and its sequel “FP2: Beats of Rage”.
The premise is simple, as summarized by the AV Club:
[In] a dystopian wasteland that combines Mad Max’s aridness with Idiocracy’s mouth-breathing debasement, JTRO and his crew square off against gang leader L Dubbe E (Lee Valmassy) in to-the-death (or to-exhaustion) sessions of Beat Beat Revelation. (It’s basically the same as Dance Dance Revolution, except with less likelihood of prompting a lawsuit against The FP’s filmmakers.)
It’s a beautiful bit of dumbass indie filmmaking. It also makes gratuitous use of the N-Word in contexts where it is Not Appropriate. This isn’t Blazing Saddles, where the use of the word is a direct commentary on the racism it embodies. It’s the humor of characters (primarily white guys and a Korean-American guy) who should not be talking like Gangsta Rappers talking like Gangsta Rappers. And that sucks, because the actors fucking COMMIT. The best line of the movie, regarding the villain depriving the town of alcohol:
The darkness has come. Goddamn drunks going straight edge on the streets. Resortin’ to meth an’ shit. And now with no drunks there ain’t no bums. And without no bums there ain’t no motherfuckers to feed the ducks at the park. What’s a fucking town with no ducks, J-Tro? It’s nothin’! It ain’t nothin’! How’s a [redacted] supposed to sort his shit out with no ducks?!
This is delivered with a pathos and conviction that rivals any Oscar performance of the last twenty years. You FEEL KC/DC’s anguish. But I can’t recommend it, because the N-Word sticks out like a rusty nail in the cotton candy. I’m not for bowdlerizing or TV Edits, but I wish they’d re-edit and re-release this classic.
WOO-HOO! They just announced the US is opening the land border in November. No tests, but proof of vaccination required.

Anyone else really wish they were in Scotland right now?
Every day.
This tweet has a lot of pros and cons but pretty much breaks even
But seriously I like to rag on Jeff Fisher as much as anybody else but it was classy of him to put this out there.
Given ol’ 50/50’s history, I expect his emails with the league where he accepts a bribe to take Sam will surface by Friday.
Who ya got?
I thought this was ICE footy, not lesser footy.
Shit. I’m drunk.
Congrats! I’m on my way there.
Well it’s been half of one period but I think it’s safe to say, the Kraken are a disgrace of a team and franchise and should just go back to not existing.
They’re fitting right in with Seattle sports. So proud of them!
Only right that they should lose against an established team with a long history like… Vegas?
I was really hoping for an Ashli Babbitt reference.
I wouldn’t want to step on Blax’s toes when he’s been doing such a great job, the same way that Lieutenant Michael Byrd did a great job when he put a bullet through that traitor’s throat.
Bolts somehow gave up 3 empty net goals, and lost 6-2.
I assume the theme of this movie is:
Am I in the penalty box?
No, but I can only check in from time to time. I am trapped in my Zoom meeting.
This is why I had to surrender my preferred voluntary duties – because of my voluntary professional obligations.
Got it. Sorry about the Zoom. Sounds like torture.
I hope you are in someone’s box. Makes life more fun that way.
Btw, love that dog. Still pooping on the bed?
It didn’t work out. She got too aggressive with the kids. Growling and snapping. Bad shit. Damn near killed the cat too. Had to take her back to the shelter. Fucking bummer, man. But couldn’t risk a face bite on the 2 year old.
i need to look into good kid dogs.
Sorry to hear. Some dogs just need rehab before going to a family.
I had a dog like that years ago, when my son was 2 or 3. She bonded with me, but no one else. She bit a guy Gumby worked with really hard, and that was that. We stuck to cats only for many years after that.
I won’t miss Gruden as a coach. He never got past his mentality that sitting on a one-score lead was a perfectly safe way to win a football game.
Anyone have a strong feeling about the Raiders motivation this week @ Donks? I’m streaming Teddy Bridgewater against them in Denver, but could also go with Heinecke vs Chefs or Darnold to bounce back vs MIN. I don’t see how Vegas can have a competent game plan in the situation they’re in, but sometimes that “Us Against The World” garbage can be some powerful shit. Especially on the road.
Also, after Carolina, Minny has a bye. Anyone think Zimmer will play it extra safe and give Dalvin Cook the next 2 weeks off, especially since Founding Fathers has been RUMBLING in his absence? I have a waiver claim for him, but it’s behind claims for D. Booker and Darrell Williams.
I think the Raiders win. If anything, Gruden was holding them back.
Shootout or defensive struggle? Looks like 72 and sunny in Denver on Sunday.
Actually, neither. I see it playing out like the Denver-Pittsburgh game from last week. Final score in the mid 20s for both teams.
Work cell phone rings. That’s odd it is way after hours. Old lady on the other end YELLING at me for one of my companies agents not wearing a mask.
Where did you get this number?
Uhh, how is that possible. I googled Covid and the company. SHe continued to unload on me for 2 or 3 minutes. I promptly told her the policy and she wanted to report something to me. I then told her to call the complaint line. She screamed she would and she would report me too.
Under further investigation someone has released or has internal documents on wordpress on the internet for anyone to search for. This needs to go away now.
Should have told her to call Car Ramrod.
I called my peer in the other side of the country and told her. Oh we laughed. I can’t wait to hear the report!
“Yes. No I… Uh huh. Let me get a pen. I understa–no, I was sighing because… ’cause I understand your frustration…”

I was very confused.
Pro-life party
More workplace advice:
NEVER date anyone that works in your company’s HR or IT departments.
Easy for you to say. What if you work for the Dutch Ladies Volleyball team?????
I’m not gonna lie-the first three months were great. After that, nothing but talk of volleyball, volleyball, volleyball.
/Googles “Netherlands women’s volleyball”
//Oh my god
///Takes off pants
////Wait, not wearing pants, carries on
Turn up the volume on this.
That’s wonderful.
My guess is egg salad.
So do i blow ALL of my waiver budget on Williams and Booker or just all on Williams?
No teams north of the border playing on opening night? I’ll have you know that hockey invented Canada!
If the NHL waited a day for every year since a Canadian team has won the Stanley Cup for Canadian teams to start their seasons, those teams would have to wait almost a month!
Would you want to live up here with the weather and Edmonton?
I could do Vancouver. The rest is too damn cold and desolate and I live in Chicago.
Your calendar-centric riposte has been noted and filed.
/Go Sens!
Aren’t most of the Canadian teams south of the (majority of the) border anyway?
That’s such a burn that California utility companies are shutting power off to homeowners to prevent any future burns like it.
No no – people don’t assume the permanence or propriety of anything that gets their blood boiling.
On a more serious note, we had to send a reminder to all teachers today to not use their school board email address for whatever “advocacy” they participate in. Because, today, we found out some anti-vaxx teachers were writing letters/screeds to the elected trustees about vaccine mandates from their Board addresses using fireable language.
In essence, to protect them from themselves.
Dumbasses gonna dumbass.
OR, and hear me out here, just fucking fire them.
Oh Christ – I am sitting in on one of these meetings right now, and the guy is fucking losing his mind about “WHY WON’T YOU DEFEND ME AND MY RIGHTS1!1!1!11!”, but if he gets fired we are still obligated to defend his bitch ass.
For clear-cut cases, hire the most sarcastic advocate. The client will be pissed, but at THE SYSTEM MAN! The termination stands, everybody wins.
“We now go live to a workout session with Deuce Gruden.”
“The hell we do, you want to get sued?”
It’s supposedly the opening night of the NHL season but the only games I see on the schedule involve the Penguins, who have assuredly been disbanded as a franchise for 13 years or so, and the Kraken, which is obviously not a team since no one’s ever heard of them.
The biggest takeaway for me in the Gruden deal is that he was stupid enough to put that:
1- IN WRITING, that’s stupid enough but yet he doubled down with:
If there is one thing I’ve learned in my working life is that you watch like a fucking hawk what you write on company emails and what you do on company computers.
For those two mistakes alone, his judgment is highly questionable.
I honestly don’t give a fuck if he’s racist or homophobic. Sadly, too many people like that exist in the world and there are certainly worse people in the NFL. No one gives a shit about the rapist as long as he throws 3 TDs a game.
Should he have gotten fired? I’m not in control of that, so I don’t have an opinion.
However, I think the thing that got him fired was what he said about Goodell.
And that’s fucked up because that’s the least objectionable thing he said.
I’ll wager he didn’t have a clue as to how these emails could possibly have come back and ‘ambushed’ him. If their permanence was ever explained to him he was probably making a wanking motion at the time.
You have to think that any person who’s willing to fire off emails like that — and these were not emails he had any particular reason to send, as he was a broadcaster at the time — says a LOT worse (or at least, a lot more of the same) in person or on the phone.
Even something as simple as using your work email to communicate with a potential future employer is bad form. Is it fireable? Depends on your company’s use policy. Is it stupid? Considering that email is free and available via literally thousands of outlets, yes.
Oh, excuse me. YES!
Either way, Gruden should have known that a) he shouldn’t have committed what he said to “paper,” b) he shouldn’t have used a work email address–either sender OR receiver–to say what he said, and c) he should never have expressed those sentiments at all!
I have worked with real degenerates, some of whom went to jail. None of ’em ever sent objectionable shit through a work email account.
Their @excite.com accounts, however, could span several hulu softcores and a whole season of “Intervention”.
“And do a good job, use some heavy-duty Lysol or something like that.”
-J. Jones, instructing an aide to scrub his email history
Jerry doesn’t use e-mail. His text messages tho…
He gets in enough trouble posing for pictures…
You know what? Just rub a shitload of penicillin on it. That cleared plenty of thing up for ol’ Double-J back in the 70s and 80s!
I first thought you were referring to Julio Jones.