Sunday Gravy with… The Philippines-Haiti-Ridgecrest-San Diego

Quick, first life changing moment from your childhood?

Mine, fairly easy, I was 10 years old when my 2 year old brother died. That dead face still haunts my memory, not like it used to 50 years ago but it’s still there waiting for me to have 2 too many beers and then it pounces right on my essential nature. Or

 When I was around 12. I met a girl, she was a year or so older than I was, so to say I was terrified of her would be an understatement.

One day after school she talked me into going to her house, but why did I go?

Upon arrival I look around only to discover that we are all alone, she looks at me with big blood filled eyes and says let’s kiss, the horror that filled my fragile little mind was practically elemental.

Being older than I, she was also bigger, so when she put her hands on my back and pulled me into her embrace? Her face grew like a giantess as she floats right into my own personal space.

I was needing just a moment for a chance to escape. As she closed in all slobbery, puckered and scary, I managed to wiggle loose, screaming in triumph as I broke free, then running like a pussy right out that front door.

YOU’LL NEED YOUR VEGGIES – Hey you’ve been there before.

 Next day at school when I saw her she, well.

I don’t think we ever spoke again and I am positive I never kissed her. I got better, I have since kissed several (liar, when?) women.

So let’s see, first memory, horrible tragedy. Second memory, the fear of sex, well what hell could be next?


Jumping back into brain, still around 12 years old when I met a set of unusual twins who lived up the street from me. We hit it off immediately and for the next( I saw “Joe” at a high school reunion years later and it was delightful) 2 years we were inseparable. The parents were, American dad and a super cool mom from Haiti. She was a blast. On weekends and holidays I’d stay over at their house or they would stay over at mine. Now on occasion we like to get up to some hijinks, nothing too serious but we did get into  a couple of jams that were wrought to work out of.

Here is just one example.

Decisions Decisions

Bill and Joe (they liked being called Billy and Joey but I never liked the Y at the end of names) had plans for this weekend oh yes they did. We started making those plans at school during lunch on Wednesday. I was staying the night with them this weekend and we had just gotten a whole box of extra large, mixed fruit flavored, prophylactics.

 I wonder what your mind thought upon the reading of that line? 

There was to be no need for such an item in my life for another 6 years.

Seems to memory that Bill had the ideas but Joe was the carrier out of said insane deeds. This deed?  Was to be a condom filled with pee, put onto a neighbors front door knob, and did it ever work swell.

Not That Kind, That Kind

I guess he needed to take a big whizz, for Joe filled that whole damn rubber right up, so much so it was flopping this way and that, it looked alive. Being the evil genius he turned out to be he didn’t tie it closed, had a better plan. 

He snuck quickly and quietly up to the front door of the poor sap in the neighborhood that was selected for this nefariousness.

Ever so gently he took the untied pee balloon and slid it over the door knob so that it was impossible to remove the blueberry flavored French tickler from the knob without the urine going everywhere, what a dastardly, evil yet workable plan he did conceive of.

Next of course is ringing the doorbell, running and hiding close by to take in all of the mayhem, What delight was yet to come.

When the angry man who lived there came out spewing curse words that I’m not sure I had heard at that point in my life, then saw the 10 inch golden pee dong hanging from his door?

Well he was powerless to stop what his next action was going to be. 

His anger was so overwhelming that he just used his hand to back slap the offense right off of the knob and then of course was immediately showered with the yellow rain that now filled the air.

It doesn’t matter if it’s funny if it makes no sense. 

Well we ran all the way back to the twins house and hid in their bedroom without light, whispering in fear, certain that we would be caught.

 Next morning we awoke alive and unscathed. We had gotten away with it.

 Following the yellow rain day, their mom served us lunch that included something that in all of my worldly days had never heard of, a dish called lumpia.

Oh blessed be thy name of heaven’s favorite tasty treat.

Crispy, spicy, magic filled my simple 12 year old’s palate. What is this creation? For the next two years I had that miracle dish many times. Sadly when we got into high school as people do, we drifted apart and I lost those friends but more important that brown crispy yum yum stick also went away forever, or not.

It was that crunchy, savory, meaty, deliciousness that sent me on a lifelong journey to taste something, anything, even close to that flavor that filled my blow hole back in 72.

I was told there would be fruit cocktail in heaven, fuck that. I want lumpia!

Hey, you said she was Haitian but this is a Filipino dish. What gives? 

Shut up over there you! Always has to be one in the crowd.

Luckily sex jumped to the rescue once again and changed the future.

15 years later my brother married a beautiful Filipino lady.

They had a “meet the family” party at their home. The lay out was an enchanting spread of food. Covering entire tables with so many delights, but wait there in the middle is it possible? There they were, a stack of golden lumpia, with banana sauce on the side, what? Wait for it. Just like that yum yum sticks were back in my life. Turns out my brother’s wife’s mother was a killer in the mess hall and I had a chance before she moved onto the next world to cook with her a couple of times and damn did I learn a lot, should have taken notes.

This comes from the internet but is based on what I learned in a very Filipino kitchen.

As always when I fill in I am going to assume you know your way around the cookhouse.

2 pounds of 

Crap, let me start again. My niece said (and she is not a drunken stoner idiot like her uncle) it’s half pork and half beef, I went pork. Do what you want but next time I am adding the ground beef.

Pork or beef or both damn it

½ cup of finely chopped onions

2 whole cloves of garlic minced fine

½ cup grated carrots

¾ thinly sliced NAPA cabbage

 Note: you can probably get away with whatever cabbage as long as it’s finely shredded, but the lady I worked with would stir fry your ass if you used anything else.

Salt: pinch to taste

Pepper: pinch to taste

Garlic powder 1/4 Tsp

1 tsp Soy Sauce

30 lumpia wrappers

2 cups of oil to fry up dem sum bitches, let’s get to cookin.

Brown the meat (don’t get me started) in a damn pan. Drain 90% of the oil and remove the meat to a size appropriate dish for later.

Grab the onions and throw in the leftover pork fat. Cook until tender about 5 or 6 minutes, throw in the carrots for 5 minutes and cook slowly together. Add salt, pepper, garlic Powder and soy sauce and stir together. Throw in the garlic and cabbage, cook for another 2 minutes and turn off the heat. Grab your meat (hey what are you doing? put that back in your pants) and fold all together and set aside. Cover with a dinner plate and let sit for at least 30 minutes.

Break an egg and scramble in a teaspoon of water for an egg wash.

Now comes the fun part. Put a wrapper down on a cutting board and lay it in a way that it looks like a diamond shape. Put in a fat tablespoon of filling and roll right up. Think of it as a burrito, you need to tuck your ends and roll tight. The more rolls the more layers of crispiness so don’t over fill.

Use the egg wash to seal the wrappers. Look, it takes practice, the first couple will look like a dead baby.

Keep trying, in 25 years you may still need practice.

I actually did this 2 days in advance and froze them. Large glass dish, parchment paper. Do not let them touch, more parchment. Cover with plastic wrap and off to kill box 51.

Dump 2 cups of oil in a large deep frying vessel. Preheat to 350 and drop in FROZEN lumpia cook for 3 minutes flip and 2 more minutes. Remove and let drain on a cooling rack or paper towels. Go in your room, smoke some good weed and prepare to touch the faces of all your dear lost gods.


The last two are serving suggestions. When I was a kid there was no such thing as banana sauce I discovered from the Filipino family my brother married into and damn is it tasty, sweet or spicy you choose, we did both.

The ride is always bumpier than the finish.

Look we did this 50 years ago and if you do it now that makes you a dick, so for Christ sake DON”T DO THIS!!

Deepest apologies to those I have insulted on the way. Do not blame “Yeah right” he tried to talk me out of it.

I am solely responsible for these shenanigan’s. I drew it, shot it and wrote it.

I don’t know why she was Haitian but she was.

Chris Paul is a crappy bowler and I can prove it.

Thanks for reading.

ne pouvons-nous pas etre amis

Formally know as D J Taj, 02/2023 Lar.

The market is Sea Food City in Carson California, parking sucks.

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Thrash metal forever, Let's go Cubbies!! Card carrying member of the "Who Dat" nation. And a silly ass Memphis grad go Tigers, still being forced to defend Linda Ronstadt.
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Brick Meathook

Hot set of latest Joker movie, on Broadway in DTLA this morning:

Brick Meathook

Let’s go to Target:

yeah right

This dish is the best of all possible worlds. These are absolutley delicious and I don’t have to make them.

Try with the spicy banana sauce.


I’m sure I am Blair Witching it with this story, but I feel it may be of interest to certain Kommentists.

Colombia plans to send 70 ‘cocaine hippos’ to India and Mexico, governor says (

Horatio Cornblower

The technically correct term for UConn Lady Huskies is UConn Bitches, but of course when I point that out I’m a misogynistic asshole and asked to leave the arena.


Horatio being escorted from the game by security, artist’s conception:

comment image

Brick Meathook

Have you ever been to Montebello? I have, this morning:




Looks more like Vernon, but still nice.

Mr. Ayo



Gregggggg Williams in the XFL is Steven Segal-made-for-DVD-villain lazy.


Segal just received some kind of medal from Putin – he’s become the made-for-DVD-villain himself.


We need Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Busey, and Colm Meaney.


And the lady from the cake. You know which one.


There were so many cakes in that movie though…


No, you’re thinking of the movie set, where the caterer provided many cakes of which Segal was known to partake.

comment image

Mr. Ayo

Did someone say cake?

comment image

Horatio Cornblower

I remember when Joe Rogan started to get noticed, probably when he was on News Radio, and he mentioned that he could pretty much destroy Steven Segal in a fight and everyone thought he was insane.

It turns out that Rogan is insane, but he was absolutely correct about being able to beat wholesale ass out of Segal.


Maybe everyone says this exactly at 40 BUT I’m definitely noticing some transition in my life right now.

Most of-moment, I really like Smashing Pumpkins. Always thought I liked them in my youth but my brother listened to them a bit but not around me. And then some weirdo kids who wore band shirts wore one so I just stepped away over there. I much more easily dissuaded than persuaded to listen to different music. No boo-hoo for me thing; if I got to learn anyone’s name to be a fan of a band, then the band needs to be Crosby, Stills, and Nash. Or Van Halen.

As has been proven in time, Simpsons picked only the best for cameos in the prominent years.


We listened to Siamese Dream in high school until the CD pretty much wore out. And there’s some great stuff on Gish – most notably the guitar solo on “Bury Me” which I will play loud enough to make my ears bleed. I can pretty much take or leave all their other stuff, though.


And if you want to go down an “inspired by” rabbit hole, Silversun Pickups are a good place to start:


Or if you’re in a more shoegaze-y mood:

Brick Meathook

Outstanding photography


Taj, I love you! Lumpia are sooooo good. For those who don’t have an Asian market close to you, most grocery stores sell egg roll wrappers, they will work in a pinch. And while it’s not as good as banana sauce, sweet and sour sauce is good with lumpia. I have only ever made them with 50/ 50 beef and pork. There is a Pinoy resto in either Banning or Beaumont- I always get them mixed up- that is supposed to be good. We’re going to make a pilgrimage there soon. Adobo, si!


Oh, I forgot to add: I made them the first time with a Filipina lady who’s American husband was on the boat with Gumby- she said some people add a little chopped cilantro to the filling, but she didn’t like it, so she never did. I never did either, I always made them for parties, and since 20% of the populace think cilantro tastes like soap, I didn’t want to take a chance on grossing people out. But if you and yourn like cilantro, feel free to put it in.


A good 20% of the populace needs more soap.

Horatio Cornblower

Seems low.

/hasn’t showered yet today


I hope to hell everyone is watching the mighty Campbell Fightin’ Camels playing in the final of the Big South Champeenship.

/my fave soup growing up was cream of camel
//is it dusty in here?

Mr. Ayo

/my fave soup growing up was cream of camel

You know we don’t kink shame around here.


Beastiality is a bridge too far.


You’d do the same if you saw how she was dressed. Plus, she had huge nostrils.

Horatio Cornblower

Years ago KSK did a kink/fetish tournament. Beastiality was one of the tamer ones. I saw shit, literally, in that tournament that I will never unsee.


One hump or two?


Watching the PAC-12 die while these truck stop conferences flourish really makes me excited to see how ENRON the books down there are….

King Hippo

ACC and the PAC-x are in a race to see who dies first.


The whole thing is a bust.

Game Time Decision

My work is doing a “Nailed it” challenge and I’ve signed up. However, I’m Not a decorating kinda person so trying to find ways to do the Challenge but badly. we find out the object on Tuesday.
So far I was thinking to make cookies in letter shapes and spell out the thing to make.
As we’re all remote, we’re to take pictures of the process and final product, if that helps. I’m also known as a bit of a smart ass. So, not following the true intent won’t be a surprise to everyone, and really just trying to get a laugh at my attempt.
So, any ideas from y’all?

Last edited 1 year ago by Game Time Decision
Horatio Cornblower

A big poster of Blair Walsh.

Game Time Decision

Not sure enough will get that joke


I’d go with a Forest Gump explanation of whatever it is, video clip from a park bench. Break it down Barney style as we like to say.


It’d be smartass to do it as a nail sculpture for NAIL IT.


Something involving stigmata would be my suggestion.

Horatio Cornblower

Jesus, ManUre are really living up to our slur for them.
6-0. I initially thought it was a Twitter joke.

Last edited 1 year ago by Horatio Cornblower
Mr. Ayo

And the XP!

— B. Walsh


7-zip final… nice mauling you got there…

Mr. Ayo

Pool boys are having their way with that cow dung.


[tunes in] – Jerry Falwell Jr.

King Hippo

And y’all wonder why I hate life so much.


I’d like to remind everyone that in addition to the constant vacuuming by hand (why yes, it’s happening right now), we also have roombas both upstairs and downstairs that run every day.


I’m vacuuming AND steam cleaning carpets today!

(Forecast calls for a good chance of drinking later.)




Fernando Alonzo can still drive pretty well.

Mr. Ayo

Even survived his teammate trying to wreck him. Good on him.


Baked when he should’ve shaked?


[watches jealously from his prison cell] – Britt Reid

Horatio Cornblower

I don’t smoke pot anymore, but reading DJ Taj’s post makes me feel like I just did.

That’s a compliment.


How did you break the addiction of the Devil’s Grass?!

King Hippo



King Hippo (Pictured Below)

Horatio Cornblower

Probably by smoking bad weed that never did that much for me, so the demon rum became more my thing.


Why would you? That’s the real question.


…gets to the part about someone attempting to kiss a twelve year-old boy…


comment image


David Lindley passed away. You might know him from his work with Jackson Browne but listen to this great spin on “Copperhead Road”. (ignore the at-times shaky camera or phone or whatever)


Also did some work with Warren Zevon, which means that the Lawyers, Guns & Money blog was contractually obligated to post about him:

David Lindley – Lawyers, Guns & Money (


I have an attitude about Jackson Browne. Some may say it’s a bad attitude, I say it is the correct, proper attitude. He sux, I hate him. But it’s too bad about David Lindley, despite his questionable choices.

Horatio Cornblower

I’ve said this before and I’ll surely say it again, but Nottingham Forest not wearing green kits is really fucking annoying.


“A girl I went to high school with now has a son WAY on the spectrum. Name is Forest. So Nottingham Forest being straight up RED makes sense to them then?”

-Sill Bimmons

Horatio Cornblower

Jesus I can see him typing this out and hitting “post comment” as hard as he can.


“Smash that Subscribe button to keep up with my latest TAEKS!”

Horatio Cornblower

That’s disappointing even by Everton standards. Jesus.


“Pfft. Like you losers have any idea what true disappointment feels like.” – Jack Harbaugh, thinking of his progeny

Horatio Cornblower

We would also have accepted Andy Reid, not talking about his progeny, of course, but about the Old Country Buffet running out of steamed hams before he’d had his fill.


Originally it was Deanna Favre reminiscing about her wedding night, but I made that joke too recently. I try to keep things fresh.


(Simpsons .gif)

Horatio Cornblower

Thought about, then thought

comment image


I try to keep things fresh.

– the owner of a bakery located along Andy Reid’s commute route

Horatio Cornblower

“Fresh, hell; I just try to keep things on the shelves”

-the owner of a butcher shop located along Andy Reid’s commute route.


Much like a certain denizen of Northern Ontario, Andy Reid is quite proficient in quick filleting techniques.


“Oh! And these butchers think meat is available just lying on the side of the road waiting to be picked up!”

-Jalen Carter

Last edited 1 year ago by blaxabbath

“Especially the stuff that needs to be prepared — like charred street meat!”

-Henry Ruggs III


“I’m just enjoying finally having a day off. Might even take my family on our first vacation in years.” – the owner of an auto body shop located along Britt Reid’s commute route

King Hippo

“Everton, that”

/didn’t watch

Horatio Cornblower

Everton is not being particularly disappointing today. But there’s still time.

Mr. Ayo



Taj was right to run in terror. When a girl kisses so badly she’s bruising her fucking eyeballs, you run screaming from that girl.

Also, should I use peanut oil to cook these? I may need to get the wraps and sauce on Amazon, but it’s worth it. Bezos schmezos, I’m hungry.


I didn’t read the byline and was VERY confused for a while.

But I enjoyed the read/ride as always, and I freaking love lumpia.


I always love the trips that DJ Taj takes us on.


The ride is always bumpier than the finish

I mean, “lumpier” was sitting right there. smh…


First day of nice Sunday bike weather this year. Nothing can stop me. Except for the 1332 (not from Tucumcari) heading down the line.





I brought some of these frozen once and they were disappointing. Thanks for the redirect… And reminder that fresh is always the way to go. These look spectacular.


Or, best of both worlds, buy them freshly made. The only problem is I don’t think there are too many Filipino markets in Italy.


Not up north here. I bet they have some in the larger cities. Those always have a bit of everything.