Monkey! Tuesday Open Thread

What is up, party persons? Reverend Mayhem here for Budweiser beer. When I sit down in my recliner after a long day at work, the last thing I want is an alcoholic beverage filled with nuance and complexity to stimulate my tastebuds and brain. After all, why am I drinking if not to kill those braincells before they can haunt my dreams and nightmares with the shallow emptiness of Western suburban masculinity? That’s why I reach for Budweiser. Ice cold or tepidly warm; fresh from the womb of horrors where it is birthed or discovered after six years in a poorly insulated garage; you can always count on Bud to “taste” exactly the same. Budweiser: Comfortingly Shitty.

Hello all. After weeks of increasingly shrill stories about the Great Bud Light Trans Ad Disaster, AB InBev’s panicked St. Louis marketing executives began a nationwide search for the greatest living example of Concentrated American Testosterone to shill for their mainline brand of pisswater. You know, maintain its image. Reassure their core demographic of self-medicating White Males Age 25-50 that they still have immense market share that should be pandered to.

Hence: me.

Yes, I am mocking Bud (and it’s shitty Stephen Belichick failson Bud Light). But not because AB InBev’s marketing drones took a brave but stupid chance to try to pander to a new and different niche.

No, I mock them because their products genuinely fucking suck. No number of good deeds cynically done can erase that fact, and I will not be bullied into buying a case of skunked pisswater just because they angered the right people. Especially because their Executariat immediately retreated with a half-hearted “our beer is for EVERYONE, as long as they don’t have a sense of taste” apology. Fuck you, your beer should have died out when the modern craft beer movement took hold in 1991.

Speaking of alcoholic drinks that shouldn’t exist:

It’s Jeppson’s Malört, but in whiskey form!

I managed to grab a bottle of this and waited until my wife and kids were in bed to open it, in case things went…poorly…

Having fortified myself with arcane runes to ward off evil and commended my soul to any god that could find it, I cracked the seal and drank straight from the bottle, lest my courage fail me.

It was…boring. So incredibly milquetoast that I had to check the label. Jeppson’s- check. 100 proof- check. Yes, it was bitter, but more in that vaguely irritating “too much corn and rye, not enough barley” way than something that shares any relation to Malört.

Because it turns out it shares almost nothing with it’s more infamous “cousin”. Diving in, it turns out CH Distillery (makers of Malört) had no hand in actually distilling this. Instead, they did what the majority of “craft” whiskey “makers” do: they bought a bunch of barrels from MGP (a megadistiller in Indiana) and a couple from a smaller distiller (OZ Tyler, whose stuff is also shit) and made their own blend. What a crock of shit.

This is not to belittle the importance or difficulty of whiskey blending. I got to tail a master blender for an afternoon once, and the skill and judgment involved was mindblowing. She took the same couple barrels and showed me how different the taste can be just by tweaking the ratios. Dark magic.

But if CH starts with the same couple of mainline ingredients as everyone else, it’s not surprising that they ended up with a soulless, empty brute of a whiskey. I hate Malört. It disgusts me. But at least it has Character.


-Davante Adams has apparently joined the vast majority of NFL players and fans in hating Josh McDaniels. The all-World wideout was interviewed about his first season with the Raiders, remarking that between himself, McDaniels and inevitable Ex-Patriot Flop GM Dave Ziegler:  “we don’t see eye to eye on what we think is best for us right now.”  That is a pretty hard slam from Adams, who does not have a reputation for casual shit-stirring.


Los Angeles Lakers of Anaheim vs. Denver Nuggets (ESPN, 7:30 DFO Time): Fuck the Lakers. Like their Idiot Fan Bandwagonmates (the Cowboys, the Yankees and Duke basketball) they deserve nothing but failure and scorn.

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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem
Feared conqueror; scholar; poet; revered holy man; professional raconteur; soldier of fortune; aloof yet thorough lover; bandit; blazing gypsy speedboat. I have been called some of these things.
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Goes great with the set of truck nuts they have.


Budget, or spending plan submission for FY 24 is today. I’m going in, wish me luck.


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Just add 10% to last years budget. Make it 20, see what you get!

Mr. Ayo

Charmslinger alert! Watching the hard wood DONKS WOO blow this game.

Horatio Cornblower

We need Luton Town in the Premier next season. Just look at this matchbox set up they’d be playing games in. it looks like team will literally have to climb through people’s yards to get to the stadium.

And Arsenal will somehow lose here 2-0 late in the season.


I have a friend from Luton. If they get up, I will root for them.


So you’re saying you’re not #Up4Whatever?


(Not to be confused with Balls’s idea for a new reality dating show where everyone stays blindfolded but still fucks each other, couples rotated based on a spin of a wheel, #Up4Twatever)


This exists. I saw it on Pornhub!


Well then I’m scaring myself because I thought I was making it up!

Horatio Cornblower

“Oh, I saw it somewhere else!” “Oh, I thought I was making it up” “No officer I don’t know how this dead hooker wound up in my trunk.”

Neither of you are fooling anyone.

Senor Weaselo

I was gonna say, isn’t that a thing in Japan?




I absolutely love this thread, and want it entered into the official DFO logs.


Pronounced like ‘hat’, no doubt.


The shallow emptiness of Western suburban masculinity is the suggestion for the next Monday Morning Draft.

Motion to the floor…


Truck Nutz is my first round pick.

/called it!


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You say that, but have you seen my many many guns?



You are really funny. What a joy.





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worn with speedo obvs


2. Vacations to swingers resorts in the Caribbean.

Horatio Cornblower

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I’ll have to figure out a way to do this, though. I have a recollection that we already did ‘Americana’, and this would essentially be a repeat of that, just for dudes with small dicks.


So by ‘Western’ do we mean west of, say, Poland? Or west of the Mississippi?

Doktor Zymm

So, a pumpkin spice latte is just cultural appropriation of chai, yes?


Yeah but they call themselves Indians which is so disrespectful to our Apache and whatnot.


“”I wonder how Native Americans feel seeing whitey sling Indian on another immigrant group (even if correctly). Are they like, “hey, fuck you. you called us that. that’s ours. It’s our n-word.” or do they go, “See? That’s what we’ve been telling you fuckers! THOSE are Indians! Their skin is not red. Their hair is not a mohawk. Do you see how they dress??? How do you insist that WE are fucking Indians?”

I’d dare never ask the Indian at the corner store…but that’s only because there’s usually a Native American in line there with me.”

-Sill Bimmons

Doktor Zymm

I am so confused. Wut?


Bans equals Lightbulb, it makes perfect sense.


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Doktor Zymm

I’ve maybe had too many shots of salad dressing


If it’s high end basalmic vinaigrette that could be.


Serving size.

Doktor Zymm

99 and Jeannie still look pretty good!
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As good as Martha Stewart in a bathing suit? Why the hell not!


I guess the plastic surgeon didn’t fuck up her face too badly.

Mr. Ayo

San Antonio? NBA definitely not rigged.

Doktor Zymm

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Edit: Albuquerque and San Antonio are the same place probably

Last edited 1 year ago by Doktor Zymm

Stetson Bennett spent six years at Georgia, and has yet to graduate.

Last edited 1 year ago by WCS



Well he ain’t go there to play school


Hey, it takes a while to teach those Georgia boys to read!


You’d think that a “Whittlin’ a Stick on the Porch in a Rocking Chair” degree could be done in four years at least.

Doktor Zymm

Napa Valley Distillery’s Chai syrup is fucking delicious with gin

Doktor Zymm

Today I learned that ‘kaos’ is the Indonesian word for shirt!
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King Hippo

DUUUUVVVVAAAAALLLLL has elected a Demmycratic mayor tonight. I ain’t saying it’s because her flowing blond locks reminded the electorate of Prison Girlfriend, I’m just not NOT saying it…


Does that make Prison Girlfriend a drag artist?

King Hippo

well damn son, you just done got him traded out of Murrika’s Wang!

Doktor Zymm

I would 100% cheer for him if he played for Team Public Library


Sure hope the gutty little Lakers can beat that Ivan Drago guy Denver has.


(even the crickets shut up)


Stan Kroenke does NOT deserve three consecutive championships.

It’s not like we all haven’t already accepted BAWSTAHN-LA again.

Horatio Cornblower

Well, at least he’s not getting one with Arsenal this year.

/flag flaps forlornly in the wind


Could be worse, your Dad could support Boehly owned Chelsea.

Doktor Zymm

It’s true, it’s awfully brave to play for a team that’s only tied for the most number of championships ever


Narrator: One Quarter Later

Doktor Zymm

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China has fucked over Hong Kong pretty well with the pandemic as an excuse. Very sad

Doktor Zymm

They even have to carry their own cordon for this small, preapproved protest – those lanyards they’re wearing are numbered to ensure they don’t exceed 100 protesters.

Last edited 1 year ago by Doktor Zymm
Horatio Cornblower

Great Zymm, now we’re definitely getting hacked, and I use my Social Security # for my password!!

/I don’t really do that, and actually am not sure what my password is.


I bet you just use as your luggage password.

/wonders if the future youngins will understand this joke in a generation or three

Last edited 1 year ago by WCS

“That’s the kind of combination that an idiot would have on his luggage!”

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Doktor Zymm

It’s probably nawt a bad thing for China to have your SSN, I bet they’ll get you the maximum refund when they file your taxes for you to try and reduce the USA’s revenue


I would think they would actually claim back too much, either they reduce revenue *even more* or an overstretched IRS has to expend resources auditing you.

Doktor Zymm

This assumes a basic level of competence for IRS agents, which in my personal experience does not exist. I have received 3 ‘suggested correction’ letters all of which have been blatantly wrong. When most of the IRS’s income comes from bullying people who file correctly or slightly overpay, it’s super safe to underpay


I’m pretty sure mine is door flies open 1. I am verra tricksy.

Mr. Ayo

Hmm, that didn’t work.

King Hippo

China is very grateful for how YUUUUUGGGGE an asshole Russia is being. Ain’t nobody lookin’ at China!

Doktor Zymm

And they can continue with their EV battery monopoly!

Doktor Zymm

Jeppson’s Malort is a shitty take on bäsk, so NAWT surprising they’ve also done a shitty take on bourbon. Having tried some of the more recent, microdistillery takes on bäsk, and comparing to Malort, I’m actually surprised they managed ‘boring’.

And while there is a certain value to a beer that is good at being cold, there are way cheaper grandpa beers that are better at that than newer American mainstream beers. BUT I always relish a chance to tell the following cheesy joke:
What’s the difference between American beer and sex in a canoe?
Nothing! They’re both fucking close to water! 


I love umlauts.


Definitely the Germanist of letter decorations.

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We all dü