Saturday Night Open Thread – okay seriously, this needs to stop Edition


It happened again. I’m sitting here enjoying a nice little Saturday, perusing Hippo’s Morning Thread and I AGAIN think, “I wonder what our wonderful writers have cooked up for tonight’s Open Thread.”

Then I realize AGAIN, “Oh fuck. I’M supposed to be writing it!”

To my credit, I’ve been busy today. I woke up at 7 and I’ve been doing stuff around the house all day.

What can we talk about?


I went to Home Depot early this morning to get a water hose, a fancy nozzle, and a rainbow sprinkler. Eventually I’ll have to do a repipe of my sprinkler system but this year is not the year for it. In the meantime, I need to replace the dead grass.

I also removed a bunch of leaves and crap that was under the trees and trimmed a bunch of the bushes. YOU KNOW I LIKE A CLEAN BUSH!

I started a cleanup of the garage too. There is a LOT of crap in there. I killed two birds with one stone by painting some drawers with leftover spray paint. Now I have no more spray paint and two brand-new-looking drawers.

I still have more yardwork to do but the green container is full and we only get one. The rest will have to wait until next weekend.

I have also gotten the car washed, polished some of my golf clubs, and eaten Taco Bell Breakfast. I also bought some picnic games for our Employee Appreciation Day celebration. I wanted axe-throwing and By God we’re having axe-throwing!

Overall, I’d say it’s been a productive day!


I STILL have not played golf in a while so there is nothing to report on that end.


I have no idea what is going on with my AFL tips this week. This is, by far, my worst picking week ever! I’m concerned about Geelong’s chances of getting into The Eight. If they couldn’t beat Fremantle at home, they ain’t beating anyone.


The Women’s World Cup continues tonight with Switzerland taking on New Zealand at midnight Best Coast time and Norway taking on The Philippines. The Group standings are below and, as you can see, any of the four teams can move on.


For some weird reason, the last game of the Second Round is scheduled AFTER the Group A Third Round games. Germany takes on Colombia at 2:30 AM.


Allow me to remind you about DFOCon in Vegas this November. The details are first weekend in November, staying in Downtown, and good times to be had.


I want to share another song with you that I had not heard it in a LONG time and I’d forgotten how much I love it:

Enjoy your Saturday night!

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Goodnight whippersnappers!


An abomination unto the sight of the Lord!


And where was this? Ohio State Fair.

Deviled Eggs – Ohio Poultry Association.
This traditional side dish is back at the fair with a new twist. Try all of their new flavors rotating daily: cotton candy, lemon meringue, chocolate, s’mores, Mexican street corn, everything bagel, honey fig blackberry, maple bacon jalapeño, sweet Korean, crunchy chili, tomato bacon ranch, and Greek deviled eggs.


kill it will all the fire


I’ll pass


I’d rather pass a kidney stone.


Anyone else ever always goes to McDonalds and ask for honey and receive honey mustard?


McDonalds never sends out coupons, so…no.


Rikki-Tikki-Savely over here…..


That reminds me I have a class action lawsuit I need to sign up for.


Tell the Dr. Mrs. to look up Sweet Home Cleaning and Yoha Home Cleaning on Youtube. Entertaining and weirdly hypnotic.


Merry Sweet Home is good too.


Blax speaks the Tao of tWBS.


Remember to pin a photo of the boss on the hatchet throw target. Always a hoot.


How the hell is that unsafe?


There’s a shark inside the dunk tank.


I thought that was Shark Tank?


No you’re thinking of the Dallas Mavericks.


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Looks like you are on top of it Bro. You do know that if you get a dunk tank it will be 61 degrees that day, right?


Yeah but with a dunk tank involved, the weather inevitably turns out cool and windy. It has been foretold. Because we can not have nice things.


I’m not sure that Balls will appreciate your implication that him sporting pokies would not be a nice thing.


Pictures or it didn’t happen

Brick Meathook

My poor powerless neighborhood.

Unless I get 20 likes for this photo I’m comin out and fuckin everybody up.

I mean that metaphorically of course. God Bless.

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Go outside and start screaming that if the lights aren’t on in ten minutes, you’re launching nukes. You know people.

yeah right

I think we’ve got a solid tentative from TAJ for DFOCON!

Ever been to Vegas?

Without pants?

I have!

And I’ll make you breakfast.

You know you want to go.

Brick Meathook

Arlington VA

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yeah right
Senor Weaselo

And now, moments from the 2nd violins:

“Hey [stand partner/assistant principal], I’m just letting you know I’m in on [3rd chair]’s musical.” (She had a jukebox musical idea during covid and I think it’s hilarious and brilliant.)
Assistant, looking back: What?
3rd chair: It’s supposed to be a secret.
Me: Oh come on, he knows state secrets. Hell, he even knows who’s going to win the coup in Niger! (On account of having worked for groups that may rhyme with the Moonited Mations.)


Ny Mets’ strategy to sign absurd contracts then trade them to sabotage other teams, is working.


That axe throwing thing looks like fun!

yeah right

Every thing is fun until someone gets their arm chopped off!

I would watch that.

Last edited 9 months ago by yeah right

I killed two birds with one stone by painting some drawers with leftover spray paint.

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yeah right

That’s our first album


I’m glad you’re not doing AFL graphs this year so nobody can see what Essendon’s line looks like.

yeah right

Flat line mostly.


Three weeks ago they were in 5th place, if I’m not mistaken. Now they’re in 13th.


Ceviche marinating, steaks coming to room temp, chimmichurri made, plantains chopped for dessert, paired wines chilling. It’s joint time.

King Hippo

plantains may be the best thing on earth (done correctly)


I have done nothing all day except watch Japanese cleaning videos, it’s joint time!

yeah right

This guy knows about room temperature.

King Hippo

Where’s Brick? I could use some booger sugar to stay up for tonight’s WWC.

Just think how this tourney brings together such different groups of people – lesbians, hard-core perverts, methamphetamine users, etc.


Degenerate gamblers.

King Hippo

ooooh yeah, I like an alignment of my degeneracies

King Hippo

hey if the Shoplifters of the World can do it…

Brick Meathook

I was right here all along