Prem Week el Segundo – Open Thread

Did everybody enjoy week one?  I mean, a home loss ain’t never a great start…but at least Everton tried to play football.  A bit Brentford-ish a vibe, perhaps?

Anyway, we had Friday Night Footy again, and the peoples say amen.  Poor Team Knifey, looked like their HT adjustments would earn them (and their confidence) a vital away point, perhaps more…until the Robins Hood got the dagger in the 89th minute.  They now get City of Men and Chelski before an international break that will see them hiding under their collective bed.  A cruel league, this.

We do NOT get an early kickoff AGAIN, which is most annoying.  And Luton Town/Boo-urnley got postponed for some reason (still upgrading the bandbox stadium, perhaps?), so we only get three in the 10:00 window.  One – and USA’s broadcast choice – is the Redshite Filth hosting yeah right’s Cherries.  So…we won’t be turning on the teevee box in the morning hours.  Mighty Whitey host Praise Beesus on Peacock, a much better choice for the neutral.  Or the Litre of Cola.  Trashbirds are also away to Wolves.  I guess that’s not too bad.

Spurs host Men Untied (12:30, NBC), in a right proper Spotlight Dance.  I’m tipping Richarlison to play a blinder here, this one could easily have 5+ goals in it.  You even get a 3p late nighter, Peacock-only.  City of Men hosting the Bonesaws, hopefully worth a watch.  I am so sick of all the Geordie blowing in the futbol media.  Pep has some injury concerns to navigate, though.

Double-headed dildo action for Sunday Funday on USA, with Everton away to Villa (9:00), followed by Fronk’s Hammers hosting Chelski (11:30).  The biggest storyline is obviously WHERE is rockingdog??

There is also the insomniac special WWC finale (Sunday at 6a EST, Fox), with Spain taking on the Scissor LioUns Sponsored by VAR.  There are some cute and talented midfielders on Espana, worth your time as long as Inglen no win.  Silver medal is up for grabs on Saturday, but kicks off at 4a.  My perverted dedication has limits, Sverge.

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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yeah right

To address the title of the post, El Segundo is in the little league world series, first time ever, and won their first game! Let’s go Gundo!


Next post is up and ready to be exploited.


M. Gaetz has entered the chat


Gotta love that young Lions fan that put duct tape over some previous player’s name on his jersey and scrawled “Branch” on it.

/oddly, I can’t find anyone on the roster with the last name of Branch
//maybe it’s a personal jersey and he just found out who his real dad is


Is it a tribute to Adrian Peterson?


Closed Captioning Logic:

“gay” and “damn” can’t be shown but the f-slur for a homosexual person is kosher.


Perhaps they were talking about a cigarette?

Oh wait, you’re watching the Young Republicans convention. Never mind.


Uh, no. Law & Order: SVU actually. Besides, half of those people are in the closet, you’d have to move the Christmas decorations to get to them.


So deep in the closet they can see Narnia


Also, this happened at said convention


When did Republicans start electing semi-retired strippers?


Listen, having grown up in Connecticut I’m perfectly familiar with the practice of berating your housekeeper because she didn’t iron the sheets properly. But ironing them yourself? Sometimes I just don’t understand the Dr. Mrs. at all.


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Hang in there, man. It’s alright.


It’s been 15 whole minutes and Man City hasn’t ripped Newcastle’s still-beating heart out of their chest yet.

Mr. Ayo

And now it’s started


Lions Jaguars is putting me to sleep


Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush, McCain, Romney, Trump, Trump…conservatives really have devolved to the point that even having more than one syllable in their last name makes a candidate too “elite” to wholeheartedly support.


Kari Lake/Marge Greene 2028!


The fetid, digusting, algae blooming Greene/ Lake ticket.


I do like the algae bloom analogy.

Gumby’s not sure what algebra has do with the 2028 elevator season, though.


Why must you do that to me?


“Jimmy Graham took DMT” is the new “Jimmy Graham played basketball”?


Teddy Bridgewater needs to keep #50 if he makes the team. He just needs to be declared an eligible receiver every play.


Beat Hard is starting for the Jags!


What is this? Hot hot Bundesliga action. Nein!

Horatio Cornblower

Also on the phone with the vet about our 11-year-old cat who has a history of heart disease and has basically stopped eating for the last few days.

So that’s awesome.


My Henry is 15. I refuse to accept it, and I tell him all the time he is a kitten and will stay a kitten forever.

Horatio Cornblower

My daughter will absolutely lose her shit when this cat passes. I’m looking forward to that less than I am the cat’s demise, and I like this cat.


…rubber room…


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My family’s previous two cats lasted to 20 and 13, and the 13 had kidney problems. The vet said she wouldn’t have made it past 10.


My MIL had one that made it to 22. My longest lived one was 16.

Horatio Cornblower

Happy to report that no one carries parts for dryers anywhere near me. But Sears can order one for me!


Sears is still a thing?


It’s not that time forgot it so much as that time stopped progressing in 1957.


That’s Duluth, MN.

Horatio Cornblower

“Near” being the operative word.

We had a Sears nearby until a couple of years ago, but when they consolidated that went away. Driving 45 minutes each way for a friggin’ belt is not helping my mood any.


Driving 45 minutes each way for a friggin’ belt is not helping my mood any.

“Shit, man, you should have said something! I’d have loaned you mine!” – fellow disciplinarian Adrian Peterson


Amazon is surprisingly your friend for appliance parts.


Fuuuuuccckkkk. Just brutal.

Brick Meathook

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Beat dem BEEEEEEZ.


No idea. They are just a bustop in Hounslow is a popular one.


I would love to be independently wealthy or a kept man. I would cook, clean, garden. I would be a great house husband.


If Mrs. Cola gets another promotion in the next 3 years, I will be going to work in a wine store for my 50s.


Are you still friends at least?


I saw my ex wife a year ago for the 1st time in 10 years downtown. She said “Hi”, I looked her dead in the eye and said “Not today Devil woman” and walked on by


Waiting for the Napoli opener this evening to see if they have Marika back on. Meanwhile I am watching a nice Selena Grande movie. Includes a quality wet to shirt scene. I just love Italian tellies.


Is anyone actually up?

Brick Meathook

I am!


I’m at a pretty sweet bar in Sydney for my last night. I may or may not have been here several times already this trip.

Brick Meathook

Sydney? I thought you went to Copenhagen.

Don T

Since 4. Been an all-work dull boy the last coupla weeks and my sleep is a mess. Too wired, by all accounts, but fuck if Imma waste this visit by the Manic Faerie.
Hit it!