Many of you voiced whole-hearted- dare I say fervent?- support for my Modest Proposal regarding summary roadside executions of rubberneckers.
“What is next, wise Reverend? What further Grand Plans for Cultural Improvement can you offer?” I hear you say.
I realized today that the American justice system- indeed, all Western juridical traditions, save perhaps that of the hardy and enlightened Laplanders- is essentially broken. I mean, this is not a recent revelation, of course- I bet even Trent Green knows that the playing field is not even when parties step into the courtroom.
But I realized that our systems are broken in a very specific way. It cannot- willfully REFUSES- to take a holistic view of reality when evaluating socially-acceptable versus socially-condemned behavior. Sure, we nod in the direction of “intent” and pay lip service to “mitigating factors.” But sometimes a ‘crime’ is a public service if it serves the greater good
and it’s about time we acknowledge that.
By way of illustration: if I were to walk down the hall right now, turn into the office of the guy who has been playing “Wonderful Christmastime,” and various covers of Wham!’s “Last Christmas” on repeat for the last two days, and beat him to death with his stupid fucking Starbucks Christmas mug, I would got to JAIL.
Ain’t that a motherfuck?
What a wacky fucking way to run a society. I will have SAVED dozens of people from having their sanity scoured away by this clownfucker. All the negative energy that ripples out through the world from acts of aggression like this? Stopped at the source. By my estimate, killing this man now would prevent at least two car accidents, three divorces and one late night purchase of a timeshare.
And isn’t that worth it? Our current conceptions of “justifiable” homicide are so narrow, so blinkered. A defendant should be able to present evidence that on balance, the world is a better place without fucking Mike from Marketing, his Bluetooth speaker and his shitty fucking Playlist of Christmas Horror.
Then you get a medal.
-He’s Called “Tommy Cutlets” Not “Tommy Slice of Floppy Pizza”: Jersey golden boy Tommy DeVito had some of the shine taken off his image today, with news that he would not be making a scheduled appearance at Coniglio’s Old Fashioned pizzeria in Morristown. Originally, I assumed it was because the restaurant had neither “Authentic” nor “Original” in the name. However, it turns out that it was because DeVito’s agent Sean Stellato doubled his appearance fee after the Giants beat the Packers on Monday Night Football, and the pizzeria wouldn’t pay.

Listen, I’m not anyone’s idea of a fashion plate. My two modes are “utterly conventional middle-aged white worker” and complete comfy-clothes-over-looks. But when you put on that turtleneck, you make a choice. And when you put on that Gangster-Wannabe black pinstripe suit and hat, you make another choice.

But then, if you look closely, you see that he’s actually wearing a pinstripe vest under there too. And that is a choice you cannot make.
ANYWAY- Mr. Al Capone Cosplay denied nothing, merely stating that he didn’t change the deal because there had been no signed contract for the original amount.
Listen: I get it. Your boy has a shelf-life measured in quarters, not years. You feel like you have to get the money while the money is there.
But Tommy Cutlets isn’t for-now-famous because he’s lighting the football world on fire. His appeal depends on being The Underdog and appealing to people’s emotions. And when people have (apparently) bought tickets to get an autograph signed at a pizza joint and you don’t show up because of a contract dispute…well, that’s going to appeal to a different set of emotions. At least Mike Florio is angry, so that’s something.
UPDATE: Apparently the Rage of North Jersey has triumphed. DeVito made his appearance as scheduled, albeit for free. So in trying to squeeze a restaurant for an extra $10k, DeVito’s agent ended up costing him the $10k he would have gotten originally. Quality representation.
-Aaron Rodgers: Not walking through that door. Rodgers gave up his grandstanding charade of trying to come back from Achilles surgery within 3 months, immediately after the Jets were eliminated from playoff contention. Fuck that dude.
-Clots Drama: The Indianapolis Colts announced that wide receiver Isaiah McKenzie and shitty depth player Tony Brown are suspended for the rest of the regular season due to undisclosed “conduct detrimental to the team.” This is a significant loss for the technically-playoff-positioned Colts, as McKenzie is their primary punt and kick returner. One wonders what could be so detrimental that Jim Irsay would sign off on this move.
[…] Sorry Holiness, that was a righteous smackdown last night. […]
I had pizza with unagi on it tonight.
What a world.
Gross. But that what happens when you sneeze without covering your nose.
Marsha’s chances of bowl victory (artist’s rendering)
My wife had only known about cayotes and roadrunners from the WB cartoons of her youth. So when we got stationed at Ft. Bliss with my unit actually located 45 minutes north at McGregor range in NM, she had multiple opportunities to see real ones during the drive. They disappointed her. Nawt at all colorful or clever.
I love roadrunners. Coyotes can fuck right off though.
The Letterkenny opening about all the tweets between the women and the Icelanders and whatever is fucking perfect.
(Season 5, episode 3 if you, like me, are only now working through the series)
If you’re gonna come at Iceland you better have your fucking facts straight.
Surely this is part of my oldness but the idea of just offering my signature for money seems strange, I mean, I do get it, It’s just an interesting form of prostitution.
I don’t want your autograph, man
Hey that could be worth a couple bucks 20 years from now.
Guido Monkeyspank
Investment Broker esq.
28-17 Beep-Beeps end of third
shit on a shingle JV BLEERGH
Hello Clubhouse
I’ve powered through to what I think is the series finale.
At the least, it’s the series finale for me.
There’s going to be a third season.
I just hope everyone has fun making it.
Trevor Matich is shrinking and flattening out.
The winning quarterback gets to be the backup for 19 different pro franchises as their bowl MVP award.
/earns 19 mil over a ten year career
Frisco Bowl is a fun vibe.
The Frisco Bowl features QBs Pennington vs McCown (sons of Chad and Josh) and hoo boy I am old.
Pennington has 17 yards and is somehow winning, so that comforts me in nostalgia.
Maybe you are the DadOfSpam?
I’m currently reading a book where the protagonist works at SpamCo as a recycled spam meat salesman. Maybe sell your future spam meat rights as a retirement plan?
I spent an inordinate amount of time the last 2 days trying to get my parents old late 1970s era turntable up and running. Now that it is, I went looking for some good albums from their collection and found this. Does this make me an hono(u)rary Canadian?
Perfect time of year to play “Song for a Winter’s Night”
Currently in Chicago watching the Ice Bears take on the Ice Donks. Connor Bedard is something special, folks.
Also, deep dish is gonna give me the shits tomorrow.
When did you get there? I just left a few hours ago, looks like we might have missed out on croosed paths
This diva needs to be sent to the bench. I’ve seen Hines Ward (I think) literally put two of my players in the hospital blocking (not dirty, just hard hit) just so his team could win the game.
This is an Old Man Yells At Crystallized Water Vapor effort I can support.
Counterpoint:. Lookit what happened to Tank Dell
Western Minnesota
Unless his agent literally has ties to the mafia or saved his family’s life, DeVito has to let him go. He’s gonna make at least 200 times that in his next contract; lest you need to rock the boat.
Take my team’s QB’s backup. Browning is playing like a mad scientist put Ken Anderson and Carson Palmer and Boomer Esiason and Joe Burrow talent, leadership and swagger in a blender, yet he still acts like he takes a lunch pail to work.
Take Drew Lock. Of all the times we’ve laughed at him, you could help but feel for him as he cried happy tears from him having a moment in the sun after so long.
Is this what this season will be remembered for? Comparing and contrasting backup QBs thrust into Acting Franchise?
If someone asked me what my greatest weaknesses were I would say that, in addition to caring too much, not letting go of a project until I know it’s perfect, and women with long legs and pony tails, my greatest weakness is an inability to stop watching a terrible TV series even after it’s clearly become terrible. I simply must finish it. The only time I successfully tore myself away from a series was S4 of ‘Westworld,’ the series having gotten so bad that even the promise of see RTD’s (no doubt extremely clean) house was enough to drag me back.
Anyway, in a not-at-all related note, I’m pretty tired after the power failure and subsequent up most of the night dealing with stuff, so I’m going to try to finish S2 of Apple’s ‘Invasion’
If they make a S3 I would prefer that no one told me.
I bailed within 2 episodes of Aaron Paul’s story arc (and I generally like him as an actor). Damned shame, season 1 of that show was absolute fire.
S1 was great, S2 was…not-so-great, but still interesting.
S3 was just a burning train full of garbage barreling towards an orphanage.
I’m like that with books. I think I’ve abandoned two, lifetime.
I don’t think I’ve ever not finished a book. Even ‘The Gunslinger’ series, which let me tell you…
/just fucking buried under an avalanche of rotting fruit and empty beer cans before being bumrushed out of the clubhouse and dumped on his doorstep.
I hated the whole slow release thing and then the 30 years delay that I won’t knowingly read another of his books or watch any of the movies based on his books
Plus long legs and a pony tail for full disclosure.
I give books 50 to 100 pages to like or will put down
Can take or leave most series.
/I *may* have issues
If we tell Qaaron that his family applauds and supports his decision not to play will that get him out onto the field so we can watch his invermectin filled leg asplode in a meaningless game?
My thoughts on Tommy DeVito are that he seems like an amiable dolt in way over his head and just frantically riding that wave as long as he can, and that he’s hired a self-absorbed idiot to represent him along the way.
DeVito doesn’t seem like a remotely calculating guy but has a high school/college buddy that he hired as an agent. That buddy is a hustler that got way in over his head and said, “Hey Cutlets, I got you a gig for 10k and I’ll take my usual commish.*
*Scumbag Personified doubles the appearance fee with the plan of pocketing the extra 10k and got caught out.
I think this may be a situation where we’re both right.
We’re just recovering from losing power for about 25 hours, in mid-December, in New England. Why, the outside temperature plunged to near 40 F last night!
I would make it about 6 seconds in the Ice Ages.
I don’t know when this was, but it was somewhere in Alaska
I actually love cold weather, just not inside my own house.
I refuse to turn my heat on. I live in the desert, for fuck’s sake. I will occasionally turn the gas fireplace on, because the cat loves it. Gumby is always freezing. I got him an electric blanket for Christmas, mostly because I’m tired of his whining! Ha, that was really festive, huh? “Merry Christmas honey, now shut the fuck up!”
What screws some people up in the desert is the daily temperature variation. 70’s during the day is wonderful but when it dips into the high 30’s at night the mind fuck makes you think you’re on a polar expedition.
They didn’t share their latest “purchase” with Jimmy.