Wednesday Motivational: Xmas Music Special

Hello hello. Happy Holidays, which I wish earnestly. Not everybody celebrates Christmas, but nobody is clear from its tornado of consumerism and reliculous traditions. Stores get crowded, traffic gets worse and everywhere you go, there it is, again: Xmas music, melodious browbeating of JESUS, BUY, CHRIST, PAY, LORD and so on. My promise to you: this is the first and last LDB reference. And last religious reference, which is totally appropriate. Xmas music can get very, very secular and there’s really some dynamite numbers out there. Let’s get to them.

But first, one last religious reference:

The LDB promise remains. [Raises right hand, puts left hand over stapler] I swer.

Folks I respect, including summa youse and my hipper than a coccyx brother-in-law, rave about Fairytale of New York

Uf. It’s a gut punch. And beautiful. The nostalgia gets thick for me, but I love any song with recriminations and very personal insults.

Keeping it melancholy, and adding guilt-trippin’, it’s Band Aid’s “Do They Know It’s Xmas”

I like the melody and it’s an 80s Exhibit still with star power. Bono’s scream was a go-to Bill Simmons joke, which kept the song in my head during the early 00s. Simmons, like the 80s, will never go away.

Getting to guilt-free, totally harmless territory, “White Christmas”:

Although, personally, I may not want all my Christmases to be white on account of whaaaaa?!

Listen, I cannot, and will not, commit to white Christmases exclusively. Pfft, green and red baybeh! Those are Xmas colors smfh.

A song that I like, A LOT, it’s Wham!’s “Last Chr—”

[gets smacked by mitre]

Sorry Holiness, that was a righteous smackdown last night.

I will say this though: save some tears, give It to someone special.

There’s plenty of melancholy and nostalgia in Xmas music, another reminder that seasonal affective disorder is real. And that emotional manipulation is hella profitable, duh. On that line, I like a song that is just about the gifts part of Christmas. This is my favorite version:


Incidentally, I had the McKenzie’s Great White Album on cassette. That was a brag-brag, ok? I like being old. Age gives the best vantage point to look down on the expanding universe of dumbfucks. And AND, society expects olds to be ornery—win win!

Anyway, Feliz Navidad.

I mean the song, I ain’t going nowhere. Yet.

Down here in Puerto Rico, Feliz Navidad is my version of The Challenge song:

Feliz Navidad is a song I used to hate from the bottom, of my heeeeaaaaart, because it consists of about 20 words repeated over and over. But as a recovering impatient, I have learned to encapsulate pet peeves and not let them fester into full neuroses that send one into a days-long brooding hole. Like this, except substitute No Guns to Lotta Feliz Navidad:

The Spanish part wishes you, literally: Happy Christmas fa fa faaaa Happy Christmas fa fa faaaa Happy Christmas, prosperous New Year and happiness fa fa fa fafafa fa. You gotta admit, for earworms, that’s a lotta mirth–with “prosperous” doing heavy lifting in Protestant markets. Plus, it’s sung by José Feliciano, just a wonderful guy and great musician. Bears repeating: Feliciano performed AND was a plot point in Fargo (1996).

Puerto Rican Xmas music focuses on what makes the season happy. Sure, nostalgia, melancholy and [grits teeth] Catholic propaganda are part of it. But the most popular December-January seasonal music focuses on: drink, food, dancing, and partying. First example, Héctor Lavoe and Willie Colón

Si se quema el monte, déjalo quemar. Que ya estamos en tragos, y nos falta na’. Basically, farmers singing if the hill is burning let it burn; we’ve been drinking and we have everything. The guitar-like sound you hear is the cuatro, our twelve-strings national instrument. (Second national instrument: the amped subwoofer.) Here is Edwin Colón Zayas, playing the Beer Barrel Polka on cuatro, using as a slide a handle full of clandestine Crismas rum.

It’s pretty overt, the alcohol stuff for Xmas. “If you don’t give me a drink, I’ll cry”, that’s the chorus. If I’m not sick this Xmas, I will be like the monkey, from drink to drink—goes another chorus. That last one might need some explaining. Yes, that is a merengue number, which is outside the Boricua musical tradition. And that, down here, “palo” means “stick”, “tree”, and “stiff drink”. So when a monkey goes from palo to palo well, you know…

Double entendre is big down here for Xmas music. Here, a farmer sings about a recently widowed old lady whose, uh, little farm has fallen into disrepair and he spends day–and night–keeping it spic and span.


This next number has a timeless message:

Live your life happily, that way you’ll live well. If you hurry, you die; if you don’t hurry as well. That’s the chorus.

And that is mostly our Xmas music: party, eat, tell sneaky dirty jokes, appreciate the simple life. And when it gets too much in your house, kick all them freeloaders out. Here’s the salsa Rolling Stones, El Gran Combo

Roast pork is the Christmas dish and this song has my favorite culinary lyrics: they fill their hands with pork, and then wipe with the curtains.

So while nostalgic and melancholy Xmas music is pervasive, I prefer that which is light, fun, and has sneaky dirty jokes. But that is not the whole universe of Xmas music. Here’s a dynamite song, by a band I love

That is punk as fuck. Have a wonderful day.

Banner via @SoLasepten, videos from YouTube.

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Don T
Poor choices, mixed results. ¡Viva Puerto Rico Libre! Titans4Eva
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Yhis might not be specifically a Christmas song, but I love it

Brick Meathook

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And after conuming enough of them your wife will will start to look like Christina Hendricks too.


Fuck, still no edit function, “And after consuming enough, you wife too, will start looking like a young Christina Hendricks”

Brick Meathook

wife+(will+will) = wife+2(will) = wife too will



yeah right

So it’s a few days before Christmas. It’s cold and shitty and raining and I intentionally took the day off to not drive the LA freeways in the rain.


I’m going to watch Barbie and you can’t talk me out of it because I won’t post again until it’s over.

May god forgive me for this.

yeah right

Someone could have warned me.

Actually it was fine. Not best picture fine but I liked the idea.

Now I feel compelled to watch Full Metal Jacket or House of 1000 Corpses to balance out.

Doktor Zymm

I haven’t had lunch so I could totally eat some figgy pudding right now


I had some figgy cheese earlier today!


Wait, what the figgy fuck is figgy pudding, actually?


Delicious with hard sauce.

King Hippo

Some folks also be celebratin’ dis, mind:


Happy Chaka Kwanzaa?

King Hippo

Eiffel Towered Irsay’s side piece?


Found his emergency coke and sold it for hookers, which they also did not share with Irsay.


They were suspended yesterday, so I think you can safely say their time with the Clots organization has come to an end.

Horatio Cornblower

I don’t think it’s serious until they take away their personalized gravy boats.

Doktor Zymm

You would think they could just reassign the locker rather than removing them


Can’t a chance the infection might spread.

Horatio Cornblower

Power company’s here. Decided today’s the day to replace the transformer that’s been rusting on a pole outside our house for 20+ years, today being December 20 and the temperatures should be in the 30s but the time they can get started.

I know they have the crews and trucks available right now, but this seems like something that could be noted and scheduled for, say, May.


They do most of the road work out here in July and August. Good way to get people killed, but hey, can’t disturb the snowbirds.


That “climbing up poles to mess with high voltage” job seems like one that would truly suck, and would offer numerous ways to get dead.

Horatio Cornblower

And it’s really cold, too!

Horatio Cornblower

(artist’s depiction of the aftermath of Horatio trying to change a transformer under the absolute best conditions possible)


My uncle was a lineman, he was a meticulous person, He did have some stories though.


No he as not from Wichita, nor did he work for the county.


No se preocupe, yo le limpio la finquita… 😂🤣

Last edited 1 year ago by ballsofsteelandfury

& here’s one for the kids:

Brick Meathook

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No “Deluxe Fuxley”?

Brick Meathook

This is still Cris Shapan, it’s just older. He noted that they’re The Quarter Monkees now.


I want this Now!

Game Time Decision
King Hippo

it’s all about the quantity of opium on offer ,, ppl forget that!


what the hell?

embed, damn you…


Is the Blair Witch a Christmas movie?


Yours didn’t embed (for me) either. Please hear my cries for mercy, O Witch!


My parents DESPISE this song. Thanks for reminding me what to put on the playlist for Sunday night!


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I know the song, but I’ve never seen the Pretenders video for it. That seems odd to me.


Well, now you have.


And I’m a better person for it!

Game Time Decision

/about being out of the LDBC


My fault. Played with fire on the radio once too many.

Game Time Decision

I feel that way getting into the car after the kids have been in it. It’s not “if” but “when” they have had holiday music on the radio and it’s that damn song


Gotta be my favourite Christmas song ever


This suffers from Chik-Fil-A Syndrome to me.

It’s fine, it’s okay, yeah whatever. But, it doesn’t blow my nips off like its reputation suggests.


But it doesn’t hate the gays like Chik-Fil-A.

Horatio Cornblower

If this song were any more 80’s it would be hanging naked in a closet while INXS blared in the background.


Definite top 3 of my Christmas songs:

Game Time Decision
Doktor Zymm

I’ve never gotten the antipathy towards ‘happy holidays’. Do they want people to be unhappy on holidays they don’t personally celebrate? Is it like “Merry Christmas but I hope you feel like crap all through Kwanzaa and your dog pukes on your carpet for each day of Chanukah”?

Because that’s a pretty un-Christian sentiment. I’m pretty sure ol’ Jesus didn’t run around telling everyone to have a horrible Zarathosht Diso

Senor Weaselo

They don’t want us to have a tip-top Tet.


They need another thing for them to hate, how else would you have enough righteous anger to get through Christmas without succumbing to the true meaning of the holiday.


Don T: [Claims to not be American]

Don T: [Also celebrates CHRISTmas]

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Oh yeah you better believe my mom gave the postman a scowling “Merry Christmas” as the postman kid dropped off a “Happy Holidays” along with her box of crap from china for my soft son who is supposed to be securing the border.

Last edited 1 year ago by blaxabbath
Horatio Cornblower

My current favorite Xmas song no one’s ever heard of.

Brick Meathook

Dang this is the greatest! (second being the amped subwoofer)

(Note: I have a photo of Don T being electrocuted by Dok Zymm)


Don T mashin up the line up…


The Ramones, you say?

Senor Weaselo

Oh son of a—we’re even now.